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Meet Me at Oakham Mount

Page 3

by Melanie Schertz

  Bingley was behind his friend, becoming pale at the situation his sister had created. Stepping around Darcy, Bingley walked directly to the bed, pulling his sister, by the arm, from the bed. “Caroline, I know that Darcy did not ask you to meet him here, nor did he ask you to join him in bed. As I know Darcy was not in this room, prior to our entering together, I am well aware who has attempted to compromise whom.”

  “Charles, how can you speak so of your sister? Mr Darcy asked me to be with him. You know that we are perfect for each other and he told me he could wait no longer to be with me.”

  “Enough, Caroline! You will remain in your rooms for the rest of the night, and in the morning you will be making the trip to Scotland to live there. I have told you time and again, Darcy has no desire towards you and would rather marry the scullery maid than you.”

  “Bingley, how did your sister access my rooms? I keep the doors locked when I am in the same house as she.” Darcy was concerned.

  “Caroline, do you have a key to Darcy’s rooms?” Bingley was growing angrier by the moment. “How dare you accuse me of such behavior, Charles? What sort of brother are you to allow your friends to take advantage of me, promise me a future with them, and then you throw me out of your home while they refuse to honor their promises? I am ruined because you are not strong enough to stand up to Mr Darcy and make him marry me.”

  “You are ruined because you have made a fool of yourself. If you keep acting in this manner, I will think you should be laced in Bedlam instead of living with our aunt.” Bingley was angrier than he had ever been in his life.

  “You should be locked up in Bedlam, and I will speak with Louisa with my concerns.” Caroline attempted to move away from her brother.

  “I am here, Caroline.” Louisa Hurst was standing in the doorway, still tying her robe shut. “You have awakened the entire household with your behavior, Sister. And now you will receive just what I expected from our brother. You are mistaken if you believe I will stand with you, against Charles, for I agree with him. Mr Darcy has been quite clear in his feelings towards you. He despises you, totally and completely, for you are everything in a lady he hates.”

  “Louisa, do you know if our sister has a key to enter these rooms? Darcy stated that he had locked the doors, but Caroline made entry.”

  Louisa turned towards her sister. “Did you lift the master keys from Mrs Romans? She searched high and low for the set, and fortunately had a spare set. If she had not, the entire house would have had to be rekeyed. She fretted for days, trying to find the keys and all this time, you selfishly had them so you could sneak into Mr Darcy’s rooms? You are an idiot, Caroline, and thick skulled in not listening to the truth from anyone. Charles, I believe you might be correct in the belief in taking our sister to Bedlam, for it is the best place for someone like her.”

  Caroline lunged at her sister, attempting to wrap her fingers around her sister’s throat. Fortunately, Bingley grabbed hold of Caroline and stopped her. In her fury, Caroline turned her anger from her sister to her brother, beating on his chest and finally reached out her fingers and clawed the back of his neck. Crying out in pain, Bingley lost hold of his sister and she ran from the room. Arriving at her own rooms, she locked the doors and refused to open to any of them, even for her maid.

  Darcy called for the housekeeper to come quickly, as he assisted his friend to a nearby chair. Louisa went to fetch some water and a towel to clean the wounds Caroline had left on her brother’s neck. When Mrs Romans came quickly and was shocked at the sight before her.

  “Mrs Romans, bring your bag of medicines, and some bandaging. And have two footmen stand guard over Miss Bingley’s rooms. Tell the men they are not to allow her to leave her rooms, under any


  Frightened, but extremely capable of handling the emergency, the housekeeper was quick into action. Dictating orders to her underlings, it was not long before the footmen were in place and Bingley’s wounds were being tended.

  “Louisa, I see no alternative at this point. We will have to send Caroline to Bedlam. In the morning, we will need to send to Town for our family physician. He will be able to make the arrangements.”

  “I have never seen her so out of control, Charles.” Louisa said, a sob escaping her. “She is behaving more and more like Mamma. If she had not taken ill, I am sure that our father would have been required to make the same decision we now face. Poor Caroline, she has lost her mind.”

  One of the footmen entered the room, breathless in his haste. “Mr Bingley, we heard glass breaking in your sister’s rooms, and when Fred and I went to check on Miss Bingley’s welfare, she would not open the door. Finally, we decided to break the door in, fearing she had hurt herself. We found several windows had been shattered and, when we rushed to look out the window, thinking Miss Bingley had done herself harm, your sister ran from her hiding spot and out of the house. We cannot find her anywhere, though one of the horses is missing.”

  Darcy was instantly alarmed. Would Caroline Bingley, in her deranged train of thought, go to Longbourn and attack Miss Elizabeth? Had his dancing with the young lady been the final straw to push Miss Bingley over the edge? Her comments to Darcy as they waited for the carriage to arrive flowed through his mind. “Bingley, we should send word to Longbourn, warning the family to be watching for your sister. I know it is the last thing you wish to do, to let the world know your sister has lost her mind, but for the safety of the Bennet family, it must be done.”

  “Why would Caroline wish to harm the Bennets?” Bingley asked. “When we were preparing to leave the assembly, Miss Bingley was not pleased with my having danced with Miss Elizabeth. In your sister’s current state of mind, I would not trust her to not attack Miss Elizabeth, or even Miss Bennet, for that matter.”

  “Good God, Darcy, you must ride over to

  Longbourn at once and inform Mr Bennet. I cannot go, and cannot send a note. It must be done in person.” Bingley was becoming more and more agitated.

  Darcy sent a footman to have a horse saddled and brought to the front of the house. “You must rest, Charles. Mrs Hurst, please see that he is given something to aid him in resting comfortably, once Mrs Romans is finished bandaging his wounds.”

  “Of course, Mr Darcy. And would you please inform Mr Bennet that we will do whatever we can to find my sister before she can bring any harm to his family?”

  With a nod of the head, Darcy stepped into his dressing room to obtain his great coat and hat. Once prepared, he left for Longbourn. ~~ ** ~~ When Darcy arrived at the front of Longbourn’s house, he noticed the only candle lit room he could see was that of an upstairs window near the north corner of the house. The only other light in the house appeared to be from the fires burning to warm the occupants. He realized the chances were that the Bennet family was all asleep, with the exception of the person in the candle lit room. As much as he hated to wake them with such news, he knew it was vital he do so.

  He had to knock several times before he heard footsteps leading to the door. Quietly, he was asked to enter, though he could not see the person holding the door open. All he could hear was the soft whisper of a young lady. It was when he smelled the scent of lavender he was certain that it was Elizabeth.

  “Mr Darcy, has something drastic happened tonight, since you left the assembly?” Elizabeth asked. “Yes, and I would not be disturbing your household if it were not vital to inform your family of the events.”

  They could hear a cough coming from the top of the stairs, as well as see the light of a candle descending towards them. “Papa, Mr Darcy has come with urgent news.” Elizabeth said, blushing as she realized the

  impropriety of standing alone with a young man, while she wore her night gown and robe.

  “Mr Darcy, would you prefer to step down the hall, to my study, to speak?” Mr Bennet motioned for the young man to follow him. “Lizzy, I believe you should return to your room, my dear.”

  “Actually, Mr Bennet, if you do
not mind, Miss Elizabeth is involved in the situation, though she is unaware of it.” Darcy said, hoping to have Elizabeth in the study with her father as he informed them of the events. Having little knowledge of Mr Bennet, Darcy was nervous as to how the elder man would react to the news.

  “Lizzy, do you wish to remain for the discussion?” Mr Bennet asked.

  “Y-Yes, Papa. If the news pertains to me, I should hear what Mr Darcy has to say.”

  “Very well, my dear girl. Mr Darcy, follow us to my study, please.” Mr Bennet offered his guest a glass of brandy, but Darcy turned him down. He wished to have a clear head for this meeting. Taking the seat next to Elizabeth in front of the desk, he began.

  “Mr Bennet, I ask for your discretion in what I am about to tell you. Tonight, we had a situation at Netherfield, which could come to cause your family difficulty. Miss Bingley has had a breakdown of sorts. She has been obsessed with marrying into the first circles of society for years. Because of this obsession, she has fixated upon marrying me since she first met me. I have made myself clear that we would never be more than acquainted due to her brother, though Miss Bingley has refused to believe anything anyone has told her.

  Tonight, at the assembly, I did something I rarely ever do. I danced with a young lady who was not related to me or the sister of a friend. Two years ago, I danced one time with Miss Bingley, and vowed never to do so again. So, to say that she was upset when she witnessed my dancing with Miss Elizabeth, would be a phenomenal understatement.”

  “Why should she be any threat so severe that you would come at such a time of night to tell us?” Mr Bennet asked, obviously confused.

  “cWhile I was in the study Mr Bingley has allowed me to use during my stay, Miss Bingley attempted to set up a situation in which to force me to marry her.” He stopped when he heard Elizabeth gasp.

  “She attempted to have herself compromised?” Elizabeth asked. “Unfortunately, yes. She had stolen the

  housekeeper’s master set of keys and let herself into my room, slipping into my bed. Fortunately, I had received an express from my mother earlier this evening and was replying to it during this time frame. When I was returning to my rooms, Bingley met me in the hall, claiming to have received a message from me to meet me in my rooms. We entered the room to find Miss Bingley, and I must tell you, the lady has completely lost her mind. Mrs Hurst became angry with her sister for her foolishness, and the two sisters quarreled. When Bingley attempted to protect Mrs Hurst, Miss Bingley savagely clawed his neck. We thought we had her secure in her bedchambers after the attack on her brother, but she fooled the staff and escaped the house. A horse is missing from the stables.”

  “As I said, Miss Bingley was displeased with my having danced with Miss Elizabeth tonight. She made her feelings known when we were preparing to leave for Netherfield, which is why I feel she became so desperate tonight and did what she did. What worries me now is if she would retaliate against Miss Elizabeth, for she knows I was impressed with your daughter tonight.”

  Elizabeth was overwhelmed. How had all of this come to be in one evening? I only just met Mr Darcy a few hours ago and am in danger due to his simply dancing with me. And what had they spoken about which would make Miss Bingley wish to harm me?

  Seeing his daughter’s distress, Mr Bennet walked to the sideboard and poured a glass with some wine and a little water. He carried the glass to Elizabeth and told her to drink. Still in a state of shock, Elizabeth took a sip as her father held the glass to her lips. Mr Darcy became concerned, praying that Elizabeth would be well. He knew it was not a pleasant conversation, but he was certain that Elizabeth was strong enough to handle the news. The reason he included her was to protect her, and here she was, disturbed and frightened by what she was told.

  “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth, I wish I could have kept the news from you, but I fear for your safety. You are the one Miss Bingley sees as standing in her way. I will do everything in my power to protect you and your family from Miss Bingley.”

  “Why would one dance be such cause for anger? We only met this evening, just before the dance.” Elizabeth asked, her eyes pleading with his.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I am embarrassed to have to admit this, in front of your father, but the moment I saw you, there was something about you which opened my heart. Never before have I seen a young lady such as you. Beyond your beauty, your ability to converse with all who were at the assembly made it easy to see that you are not only easy in speaking with others, but they also treated you with respect and kindness.”

  “Then I saw the look in your eyes, and I felt as if you had pierced my soul with one glance. Never in my life have I wished for an introduction to any lady, yet I wished Bingley to come immediately to do just that. But he was busy dancing, so I could not meet you. Miss Bingley knew I had never behaved in such a manner before, and she grew jealous of my attention towards you.”

  “Mr Darcy, I am amazed at your being so forthcoming with your words with regards to my daughter.” Mr Bennet said. “I find it amazing you would be so taken with someone of Lizzy’s status in life. I would have thought her to be far beneath your notice.”

  Darcy bowed his head as he thought of how to say the words which were in his heart. “I will speak honestly with you, for I despise deception of any sort. Mr Bennet, your daughter is a gentlewoman, I am a gentleman, and though your family is not of the upper circles of society, I am pleased that you are not. I am not fond of London society, nor of the matchmaking mammas and their daughters who have attempted to capture my hand. Forgive me if this sounds conceited, but my family’s wealth and connections make me quite eligible for every young lady of the ton. I despise being treated as a commodity rather than a person.”

  “I have always wished for a marriage of true worth, one with an abiding love and a shared future with a partner, not someone to adorn my arm only. So, if it is not too much to ask, on such an early introduction, I would wish to court Miss Elizabeth. In that way, she and I can come to know each other better.”

  “Courtship?” Elizabeth asked, her eyes were filling with tears. “This is all happening too fast, Mr Darcy. Yesterday at this time, I had never known you existed and now you ask for a courtship.”

  Mr Bennet could see that this was a young man who could treat Elizabeth with the respect she deserved. “I will agree to a courtship, though I insist it remain a secret from the rest of the neighborhood. You have a huge task before you, Mr Darcy. I will not announce a formal courtship until Elizabeth is comfortable with such an idea.” Turning around, Mr Bennet looked out the window. “Ah, Lizzy, the sun is preparing to rise. I am certain you will wish to take a walk to your favorite location.”

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  CHAPTER 4 “Mr Bennet, I do not think it wise for Miss Elizabeth to be walking out by herself. It would be the perfect chance for Miss Bingley to harm her. I would be happy to accompany her.”

  “That would be highly improper, Mr Darcy. I will not tolerate improper behavior, especially with regards to my Lizzy. She is my favorite child, and I will not see her harmed in any manner.”

  “Papa, Susan could accompany us. She will not be needed to attend my sisters until later.” Elizabeth suggested. “I would like to know more about Mr Darcy before I agree to any sort of courtship, secret or openly public.”

  “I am grateful, Miss Elizabeth. Shall I wait outside for you?” Elizabeth nodded slightly. “Susan will be in the kitchen, so I will fetch her and change my clothes. It would not be proper to be walking out in such a fashion.”

  Darcy suddenly realized Elizabeth was still in her night clothes. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth. In all that has happened, I forgot that I interrupted your sleep. Perhaps we should postpone the walk until later, after you are able to rest.”

  “No, I will not be able to rest now. It would be better for us to have some time to talk and walk.” “Very well. I will be waiting for you outside.” Darcy began to walk to the door of the study. “Mr Darcy, you are welcome to
remain here with me while my daughter changes her clothes. There is no need for you to stand outside in the cold.” Mr Bennet stated.

  “I thank you, Sir.” Darcy said as he watched Elizabeth leave the room. “I must say, Mr Bennet, you have quite a library. You must be fond of books.”

  “Indeed. It is also a passion my Lizzy shares with me. She is quite intelligent, and we have enjoyed many a debate in this room. Unlike most ladies, my daughter will be reluctant in allowing you to win an argument just for the sake of winning your favor. She will share her opinion openly, and stand by her opinion unless proven wrong.”

  “I look forward to that. I tire of young ladies who wish to please me, so they agree with anything I say. They must have ideas of their own, but they never dare speak them.” Darcy smiled.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Elizabeth was amazed at all the emotions coursing through her. At the assembly, she had noticed the handsome stranger while she was speaking with her best friend, Charlotte Lucas. Charlotte commented on the way the man had watched her carefully, his eyes following her through the crowd when she moved about the room. But, as they had not been introduced to the man, neither Charlotte nor Elizabeth could properly speak to him. They had debated on asking Charlotte’s father, Sir William Lucas, to make the introductions, but at the time, he was not in the room.

  Through the entire evening, she had felt as if someone was burning holes in her from staring intensely. Each time, when she looked up, Elizabeth found the man’s eyes locked on her.

  When she went to speak to her mother with regards to her youngest sister, Lydia, and how the girl was behaving, she lost track of where the stranger was. Seeing him standing with Mr Bingley, Elizabeth thought to speak to their new neighbor, since he had been dancing most of the night and she had not had the chance to welcome him. As she approached, she could not believe her ears. The man who had been watching her so intensely throughout the night had just exclaimed that she was not handsome enough to tempt him to dance. The nerve of him, obviously he had been watching her to find fault in her.


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