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1. That's What Friends Are For

Page 12

by Annette Broadrick

  Brad shifted, pulling her tighter against him, lifting her chin as he lowered his head to hers. She barely had time to notice that his eyes were closed before his lips touched hers and she forgot everything else.

  She could feel the heavy vibration of his heart pounding against her. His lungs seemed to be laboring for air but he continued to kiss her without pausing for breath.

  "Oh, Penny," he managed to say when he finally broke away. His breathing was so ragged she could scarcely hear him. "I want you so much," he murmured. "So much."

  She didn't need his explanation to know what was happening. Somehow everything that was occurring seemed so natural and right.

  Both of them were still more than half-asleep, uninhibitedly responding to their deep-seated, longstanding feelings for each other.

  Vaguely Brad knew that he intended to make love to Penny. He loved her, they were married, and he knew of no better way to convince her that he wanted nothing more than to be her passionately loving husband.

  Brad knew he could seduce her. From her reactions he realized she'd never been this aroused before. He knew she wouldn't stop him, if he took his time with her.

  The question was, how was she going to feel afterward? There was so much that needed to be said between them. Even though they were legally married, the wedding had been a farce.

  Did he really intend to use her sexual response to him to coax her into making a decision that would have lifelong ramifications for both of them?

  Brad relaxed his hold on her and lay there, unmoving for a moment.

  Penny felt swamped with all of the swirling, unfamiliar emotions she'd been experiencing since she'd awakened. Everything was happening so fast. Her lifelong friend had metamorphosed into a passionate, intriguing stranger whose very touch made her bones melt.

  Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, Penny felt Brad move away from her. She watched with bewilderment as Brad tossed the covers back and, clad only in a pair of briefs, disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 9

  When the bathroom door opened sometime later Brad walked out and casually commented. "I'm sorry I took so long. I guess we'll have to flip a coin each morning to see who gets the use of the bathroom first."

  This was the same Brad she'd always known, but Penny discovered she missed the passionate stranger who had shared her bed. She wondered what he would think if he knew how she felt. "That's all right," she said, following his example and entering the other room.

  Brad quickly found some clean clothes and, dropping the towel he'd draped modestly around him, got dressed. She won't have any problem with the hot water, he thought wryly. I certainly didn't use much of it.

  He was waiting for her when she came out, wrapped in a towel. "I'm sorry about what almost happened this morning," he said tersely. "I have no excuse for losing control like that. I hope you won't add this to the long list you seem to have kept over the years of my iniquities."

  Brad stood by the opened door to their balcony, waiting for her reaction. She could think of nothing to say.

  "We need to talk, Penny, the sooner the better. I've discovered I'm not nearly as noble as I thought I was."

  After what she had just experienced with him. Penny wasn't at all sure she wanted his nobility. She'd made an astounding discovery since he'd disappeared into the bathroom earlier.

  She very much wanted to make love to Brad Crawford. The thought shocked her right down to her toes. If that was what she was feeling for Brad, she'd had no business planning to marry Gregory Duncan.

  Another revelation.

  She was still reeling from these shocks when Brad greeted her with his apology in a no-nonsense tone of voice. Glancing down at her towel-draped body, she said, "I agree that we need to talk. I'd prefer to be dressed to do it, however."

  Brad seemed to find her remark amusing. "I suppose I can understand that. Why don't you go ahead and get ready and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast. Maybe later we can take a walk along the beach and enjoy some of the atmosphere around here."

  "All right." Penny still felt bewildered by her responses to him earlier and her illuminating discovery regarding her feelings for Brad.

  She wasted little time finding a sundress to put on, pleased that so much of what she had packed would be appropriate for a honeymoon in Acapulco.

  Her honeymoon with Brad.

  A conversation she'd had with her mother months ago suddenly flashed into her mind. She had told Helen that Gregory had proposed to her.

  Helen had been working in the kitchen at the time so Penny had perched on the step stool nearby.

  "Gregory wants to marry you!" Helen repeated in obvious surprise.

  "That's what he said," Penny agreed.

  "What did you tell him?"

  Penny was quiet for a moment. "I told him that I needed time to consider it."

  "I should think so!"

  "However, I'm fairly sure that I want to marry him, Mom."

  Helen turned around and faced her. "Are you, Penny?"

  Penny met her mother's look and nodded. "Yes. Gregory offers the type of life I want. He's stable, successful and I know I can always depend on him."

  "What about love?"

  "That goes without saying, of course."

  "Love should never go without being expressed, Penny. Don't mistake compatible and companionable with love. They're necessary to a good relationship, but love is what holds them together."

  "I think we're well-suited."

  Helen sighed. "I always thought you and Brad would end up together."

  "Brad? You must be joking. That man wouldn't know the first thing about making a commitment. He'd run in the opposite direction."

  The image of her mother's face dissolved and once again Penny realized where she was—on her honeymoon with Brad.

  He'd had every opportunity to run—from the time he'd learned that Gregory wasn't going to marry her— to the day of the wedding and afterward. But he was here. Despite the disruption a sudden marriage would cause in his life and career, Brad Crawford had chosen to commit himself to her and face whatever consequences his actions created.

  When Penny returned to the bathroom to put on her makeup she was arrested by the sight of the woman in the mirror. She glowed. There was no other word to describe the look of anticipation on her face. She was a woman in love, there was no denying that expression, the sparkle in her eyes, the slight flush to her cheeks.

  Penny couldn't remember the last time she'd faced that woman in a mirror. Gone was the sedate school teacher, the level-headed, sensible woman Gregory Duncan had met and asked to marry. Instead she saw the young girl she'd known years ago, her dreams and fantasies shining like an aura around her.

  "I had no idea you even existed," she whispered. Why had she brushed aside this vibrant person who had patiently waited to be recognized? Why had she felt the need to deny the spontaneity that seemed to bubble inside of her?

  Here was the woman who had loved Brad Crawford single-mindedly, had followed his lead throughout her childhood, and had played opposite him in most of the plays produced during their high school and college years.

  "Where have you been?'' she asked, amazed at the transformation.

  From the moment she had awakened in Brad's arms to the feel of his touch and the taste of his lips, Penny felt like an entirely different person. She was reminded of one of her favorite stories as a child—the one about Sleeping Beauty, who was awakened by the prince with a kiss.

  Her pulse accelerated at the thought that she could have married Gregory, convinced that she loved him, and never known the wonder of what Brad had already revealed to her. She had never been affected by Gregory in such a way. Penny had never known the difference... until now.

  She laughed out loud, hurriedly finished applying her lipstick and flicked a comb through her hair. How could she explain what had happened to her when she didn't understand it herself? She cringed with emb
arrassment at the memory of all that she had accused Brad of the day before. He could have reacted so differently. Gregory would never have tolerated such an outburst from her. Subconsciously she had known that her innermost personality must be kept submerged in order to be acceptable to him.

  With Brad, she'd always done and said exactly what she felt at the time. He was so much a part of her that she had never questioned that particular freedom. Nor had she fully appreciated it.

  Now he waited for her downstairs, no doubt expecting another childish outburst. His list of iniquities? How about hers? To think that he loved her, despite all her faults. It was up to her to let him know that, for the first time, she fully realized how much he meant to her.


  Penny rode the elevator down to the main floor of the hotel, unaware of the smile on her face. Brad noticed her expression as soon as she stepped into the lobby.

  "I've seen that particular smile before," he said in a low voice, taking her arm and guiding her into the restaurant. "It bodes ill to someone."

  She shook her head. "Not necessarily."

  After they were seated and their coffee was poured, he leaned forward slightly and said, "For someone whose life was ruined yesterday, you seem to have made an amazing recovery."

  She chuckled, amused by the wariness on his face, "What a difference a day makes, wouldn't you say?"

  "That isn't something I find myself muttering very often, as a matter of fact. Actually, you're beginning to make me nervous."

  "In what way?"

  "I can recall several instances where that particular look in your eye meant trouble for me."

  She shook her head with a grin.

  "I've got it. You're leaving right after breakfast, flying back home."


  "You've made arrangements to rendezvous with a local skin diver?"

  She laughed outright. "Don't be silly."

  He leaned back and studied her intently. "Oh. Now I understand. You've heard from Gregory."

  She sobered. "Why would you say that?"

  He shrugged. "Because you look so radiant. Somehow he must have let you know he's sorry and intends to make amends."

  "Brad, I haven't heard from Gregory. It wouldn't matter if I had."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  She glanced up as the waiter delivered their breakfast. "Hmm. Doesn't that look wonderful? I can't remember when I've been so hungry, can you?"


  For the rest of the meal Penny adroitly avoided anything resembling a serious conversation. She wanted to enjoy these new sensations she'd discovered and to come to terms with the insight she'd gained about herself.

  She wondered if this was how a butterfly felt when it first opened its wings—astounded at the myriad of bright colors unfolding. Suddenly she felt free of the restrictions that she'd unknowingly placed on herself.

  Today was a brand-new day for her to face the world and adjust to her new life and the person she'd just discovered.

  Thank God Brad was a part of her new existence. He was a major part.

  They had walked along the beach for some time in silence, watching the swimmers playing in the surf. Finally Brad said, "You're taking this much better than I expected."

  "I've had time to think it over."


  "And what?"

  "Have you come to any conclusions as to what you want to do?"

  "About what?"

  "Us. Our marriage."

  He'd been quiet during most of their walk on the beach and she'd known he was thinking. "Some. What about you?" she asked.

  "Well," he said after a moment, "I know that I really managed to mess up your life by trying to help out."


  "You might have gone through a few bad days, trying to face everyone when the wedding had to be called off, but then it would have been over, and you could have gone on with your life."

  "Yes, I've thought of that."

  "Instead, you're now going to have to..." He paused, as though unsure of what to say.

  "I'm going to have to... what?"

  "You're still going to have to explain why you ended your marriage so quickly."

  "You do have a point there. How do we return home and tell everyone that we flunked our honeymoon?"

  His head snapped around and he stared at her in surprise. She had an amused expression that added lightness to her teasing comment.

  ''I think we have our roles reversed here, don't you?" he finally muttered. "Fm the one you're always accusing of never taking anything seriously."

  "Yes, that's true. I decided to see if I could become more like you. You've set such an example all these years."

  "This isn't exactly the subject I'd use to practice my sense of humor, Penny."

  "I don't see why not to use it. The fact is, we are married. To each other. I am very much aware that your vacation plans did not include acquiring a wife. But try to overlook that particular inconvenience and see if you can enjoy your time here," she said, waving her arms at the water, the palm trees and the carefully groomed sand.

  Brad had never seen Penny in quite this mood before. Maybe the strain had been too much for her and her nerves had finally snapped. He'd find it difficult to convince anyone of that, however. She looked radiantly healthy and happy. And in love.

  Whoa! Wait a minute. That line of thinking was going to get him in trouble. "Are you suggesting we postpone for a few days deciding what we're going to do when we return to the States?"

  "Is there anything wrong with that?" she asked.

  Brad thought of the long cold shower he'd endured that morning and almost shuddered. What she suggested wasn't unfair, just humanly impossible for him. Wasn't she affected by sharing a room with him, a bed with him? Hadn't their early morning kiss and caresses warned her of what could happen if they continued to ignore what was between them?

  "I don't suppose there is," he finally answered.

  "Good," she said, stopping and looking out at the water. "We've waited long enough after breakfast for a swim, don't you think?" she asked.

  He glanced at his watch. "Yes."

  "Then let's go change into our suits. I can hardly wait to find out what it's like to swim in sea water."


  For the next several hours they kept busy, first swimming, then exploring the area, and finally spending a romantic evening watching the divers go off the cliff into the sea below.

  Brad had forced himself not to dwell on the night ahead, but as the evening progressed, he had a hard time disciplining himself. He'd never seen Penny more beautiful, enticing, alluring, and yet so unobtainable.

  This was his punishment for his sin of coveting her. She was his wife, but he was honor bound not to presume anything regarding their relationship.

  By the time they returned to their room, he'd almost decided to fake another headache as an excuse to take more pain medication. At least he could seek oblivion for a few hours.

  Penny gathered up her nightclothes and went into the bathroom. She smiled and said, "I won't be long."

  "That's what I'm afraid of," he muttered to himself, wondering at his unusual ability to inflict pain upon himself. Wandering out on the balcony he studied the stars and tried to imagine where he would be if the wedding had gone as originally planned.

  He felt a gut-wrenching pain at the thought of Penny here with anyone else but him. How could he possibly have borne it, knowing he'd never share this delightful intimacy with her? If that's the case, he thought, then you'd better convince her that the two of you belong together.

  To his amazement Brad discovered a few minutes later that he needed to make very little effort.

  He turned when he heard the door open and saw her standing there in a thin gown that left very little to the imagination, particularly as she was silhouetted against the bathroom light.

  "Penny..." he said, trying to get his tongue unwrapped from around his teeth.

  She wa
lked over to him and casually put her hand on his chest. "Thank you for your patience."

  There was something in her tone of voice that made him believe she was referring to something other than her use of the bathroom.

  Brad could no more stand there and not touch her than he could leap from the balcony and fly. '"That's okay. I, uh, think maybe that I'll..."

  Penny went up on tiptoe and kissed him softly on the lips, her body relaxing fully against him. If his mind was attempting to resist what was happening, his body obviously did not suffer from similar scruples. It immediately responded to her closeness.

  Instead of being repelled. Penny cuddled even closer, if that were possible.

  The battle within Brad was intense but short-lived. He might hate himself in the morning, but there was no resisting what he felt tonight.

  Penny knew exactly when Brad stopped fighting and gave free rein to what they both wanted to happen. His arms came around her in a grip so fierce she had a fleeting thought as to the safety of her ribs. But it was only a fleeting thought, after all. Having Brad hold her so fiercely was well worth any damage she might accidentally suffer.

  The kiss he gave her held all the longing that she could possibly want from him and when he paused a moment for them to get their breath she whispered, "Love me, Brad. Please love me."

  "Oh, God, Penny. Don't you understand how much I love you?"

  "Then show me."

  He needed no further encouragement. Brad lifted her in his arms and strode over to the bed. Brushing the covers back, he lowered her onto the pillow.

  Brad impatiently stripped out of his clothes, then came down onto the bed beside her. "Oh, love," he muttered as he gathered her in his arms. "Do you have any idea what you've put me through?"

  "Not intentionally, Brad. I didn't know," she whispered. "How could I have known?"

  Eventually he removed the gown she wore for the express purpose of getting his attention. Penny was more than satisfied with the results.

  Brad took his time now that he had accepted the amazing fact that Penny wanted him and was willing to explore the physical side of their multi-faceted relationship.


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