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The Queen of Disks (Villainess Book 5)

Page 4

by Alana Melos

  “Play nice, Wolf,” I said as he bared his teeth at the vampire. She sniffed and looked away, but I knew how much it upset her. I was almost bothered by that. “We’re all friends here.”

  He huffed, but ceased taunting her. “Uhm, anyway,” Rebekah interjected, trying to change the subject.

  “Right, anyway… I will see the two of you back home,” I said to Wolf and Adira. “Whenever you get there. Rebekah, you doing anything tomorrow?”

  “Not really,” she said with a haphazard shrug. “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m going to go looking for something, and it’s going to be in a dark place which might be caved in,” I explained, thinking of the realization I’d had tonight. No time like the present, a rolling stone grew no moss and all that jazz. Plus, the idea which had bloomed had ignited a yearning in me. The possibility of a solution for my broken ‘pathy tantalized me and I wanted to move on it now. “I know with the shadowstepping you can get around obstacles.”

  “Sounds like fun!” she said with a wide grin. “Like treasure hunting!”

  “It should be interesting, to say the least,” I replied. “If we find it. I’m not a hundred percent certain on the location.” Thinking it over for a second, I made a comme ci comme ça gesture with my hand. “I should be close enough though that we should be able to find it without too much trouble.”

  “This is just making it more interesting!” she replied, then gave me a sloppy mock salute. “I will see you in the morning!”

  “Around ten or so,” I agreed.

  When she left, I sighed and was about to suggest to my roommates that we leave when Adira stepped forward. “You did not ask us to come with you?”

  I frowned at her. “It’s during the day, and it’s underground… I didn’t think vamps could shadowstep during the day?”

  She shook her head. “We can not, but you shouldn’t be alone,” she said, her voice insistent. I glanced to Wolf, and he nodded his big fuzzy head in agreement. That was the one thing they agreed upon: I should always be guarded, since I was their leader.

  “If you want to come, that’s fine,” I replied. “But I thought Huraiva had the body during the day?” I raised a brow at her. Once upon a time, Adira had always kept control even though even a lick of the sun’s light would burn, and maybe kill, her. During the fracas with Pangea, that had changed and they shared now: Adira had the nights, and Huraiva the days.

  She smiled slightly, “She has… a date tonight, so she owes me a day.”

  “Ah, OK, then,” I said. Huraiva didn’t consider herself part of my ‘pack’, and thus pretty much did what she wanted when she had control, and obeyed no orders unlike Adira. I told you the situation was confusing. It wasn’t getting any simpler as time dragged on.

  “I should go,” she said. “She wants to clean up and change.”

  With that, the vampire left me alone with the werewolf. “That just leaves you and me, big guy.”

  “Hmph,” he huffed, though he didn’t sound irritated. “Rrorry is filled with joy about that.” The wolf said it in such a deadpan voice I had no idea if he was kidding or not, but probably not. Rory liked being with me whenever he could. Maybe it had to do with saving him, even if he was changed, or maybe guilt since it was because of that saving that I lost my access to my ‘pathy. Whichever way it was, he took every chance he could to be alone with me. Though I wasn’t a woman who needed someone, it was nice to have his warm, comforting presence around me, even if we weren’t touching or talking. I knew I could always rely on him, without question. In a cut throat world like this, that was worth the moon.

  “Bandages, food, and relaxation, in that order,” I said, glancing at my shoulder. I had other cuts and bruises as well, but the rifle shot was the worst. Looking over the tall green unhurt werewolf, I wished for about the millionth time that I had regenerative powers. It just wasn’t in the cards for me.

  Though we made our way back to my posh apartment in our own ways, he waited for me to lift him telekinetically to the top. It strained my powers tired as I was, but he couldn’t scale the building without drawing attention. The werewolf side of him eschewed clothing, and so his big green cock was always out on display… and I suspected he willfully “accidentally forgot” to take clothes along so his human half could dress. A green skinned man in Imperial City didn’t draw attention. Big green naked werewolves did. Just one more of the idiosyncrasies I lived with.

  He shook himself from head to toe as I opened the door. As I walked in, he strode in behind me, the fur sinking into his skin and his bones popping back into place for his human form. When I stopped and turned, there was Rory in all of his naked green glory. I waved my hand and shut the door behind him as he approached and swept me up into his arms.

  “Not even going to let me shower?” I asked, trying to shrug out of my trench while he nuzzled my neck.

  “You know how fighting gets me goin’,” he said, his voice lightly accented with what I thought was Irish. When he drew back, he gave me that cocky crooked grin of his. He’d been letting his facial hair grow in a bit, and so his strong jaw was covered with black and green scruff which wasn’t quite a beard yet. His eyes glowed green like he did when he was my Wolf, but now they were filled with lust for something other than bloodshed.

  Even though his body had changed, he was the same old Mauler. Blood and battle turned him on almost as much as it did me. He shifted to let me take my coat off, then strode over and dropped me on the couch in the middle of the room.

  From my vantage point, I saw his cock stood hard and ready to go. I didn’t have the luxury of running around naked in battle though, and so I struggled to get the kevlar off as he knelt and slid off my boots, one by one. He took his time with it, letting his warm, strong hands roam over my clothed calves and thighs.

  “I’m going to shower and bandage up first,” I said, wriggling my toes in the soft carpet.

  “Yeah, I thought you would,” he said, his hands roaming up, caressing my hips through the leather. He unbuckled my belt, then went to help with the armor. “I’ll have something ready for you when you’re out.”

  “I just bet you will,” I smirked. My head pounded, which soured the moment somewhat, and my body called out for food and rest. Yet, his big, warm hands sparked another desire in me as he helped to strip me naked. He always ran warm, whether as a wolf or a human, and my body craved his.

  When I stood as naked as he, he bent and kissed me, hard, leaving lingering lust behind. With a gentle squeeze to my ass, he grinned. “I’ll clean this up and have food ready,” he said. “Then, I’m going to fuck you hard until you’re begging for mercy.”

  “Promises, promises,” I said, rolling my eyes, but I softened it with a smile. He knew he couldn’t keep up with me, regeneration or not. My appetite for sex was just so much larger than his, but he was working on his stamina, and I looked forward to indulging myself in his warm, lush body.

  I turned and went into the bathroom without fear of him slapping my ass. He’d done that exactly once, and had caught hell for it. We might be fucking and I might be his leader, but I was not his girlfriend. I belonged to no one but myself, and that gesture had been all too proprietary. Ever since then, he’d fallen into line like the good wolf he was. In exchange, I didn’t abuse my complete authority over him.

  The bathroom was large, with a tub big enough to fit two to three people, depending on how large they were. There was a separate shower stall too, with a glass door. The coloration was whites and greys, with soft hints of color hither and thither. I’d stopped bleeding at this point, so I didn’t drip anything on the tiles as I started the water in the shower, then popped a few of my dwindling supply of painkillers. When I inspected the wound, it was a long graze, starting from the base of my neck and cutting across the shoulder. While not deep, if they had been perhaps an inch to the left, it would have been a killing shot. Luck played its part in every battle, but this reminded me to do my best to eradicate it. If you reli
ed on luck, eventually it’d turn on you.

  I cleaned out the wound and the surrounding area, then stepped in to the steamy shower. I kept my shoulder away from the hot stream of water, but even so, the few drops that splashed into the wound stung like a bitch until the painkillers kicked in. The ache in my head went down to a dull, occasional throb. Now clean, I turned everything off and dressed the wound with antibiotics before covering it with gauze and tape. When I moved, it ached, but it would heal and leave another scar in my growing collection. I really had to hit the Doctor up soon and get rid of some of these, but I didn’t want to indebt myself to him or Gerard any more. Ger would give me the money, but he also wasn’t above holding it over my head when he wanted something. Now that the big job for Jeneva was done and we were square, I could focus on gathering cash. My rep was at an all time high after being instrumental in defeating Pangea, so I could take my time to pick and choose the perfect jobs. Any work Adira and Mauler did also increased my payday since they paid me a percentage of their bounties. I didn’t require they pay me tribute, but I wasn’t about to turn down free cash either.

  That done, I tucked a towel around me and combed my hair out to let it air dry. When I exited, I smelled meat cooking. My mouth started to salivate right away, though my stomach did a lazy flop. Whatever that gas had been, I still wasn’t over it, but I had to have food. Mauler was good about cooking. I never did. I didn’t have time for such a menial chore, though I knew how. He’d taken the time to throw some shorts on, but that was it. As he cooked, I took the time to admire his chiseled, green body. The color would throw some off, but not me. The skin of his back was smooth and unblemished. Werewolves healed faster than most, and rarely got sick.

  “Here you go,” he said as he turned and set the plate down before me. He’d cooked a nice, big juicy steak, with a side of what was probably instant mashed potatoes. Protein and carbs, just what I wanted. I might have complained about losing my space here, but sometimes having roommates did have perks.

  “I think everything worked pretty well tonight,” I said as I cut into the perfect medium rare steak. Ah, trust a carnivore to cook meat right.

  Rory bobbed his head in agreement. “Maybe we can take a break now,” he said, his light accent pleasing to the ear. “We’ve been working pretty hard lately.”

  I gave him a flat look. “No, now we’re going to start building,” I said. “Debts are paid off and we’re square with Jeneva, so now we move forward.”

  He made a face. “You work too hard.”

  Scoffing as that, I swallowed and pointed my fork at him. “I wish I had more hours in the day to get shit done. You’re going to help me with that.”

  With a loud sigh, he leaned on the countertop across from me. “And what does my mistress want me to do?”

  I let the silence stretch in the air as I ate. My stomach still protested, but once the food actually hit the empty space in my middle, it settled down to minor grumbles.

  “First,” I said, “I want you to talk to… your… other half.”

  At that, he raised both his brows. “Can’t you talk to him directly?”

  I shook my head. “Not him… it.”

  Both of his brows came down in a soft, suspicious scowl. “About what?”

  “Espionage, mostly,” I said. “You’re… Wolf… both of you are my liaison to Pangea, who’s got spores everywhere… which means spies everywhere. I want to know what’s going on in the city and who’s doing it.”

  “It’s… she’s not like that,” he said, choosing his words with care. “It’s not seeing, really.”

  I scoffed. “Bullshit. How many mutant rats, cockroaches, and mice does she have around? They see while remaining unseen. And she’s intelligent. I just want to know the, you know, interesting stuff. Things which could be useful.”

  “She’ll want something in return,” he said, his voice still pleasant, though on the side of cool. He didn’t like to talk about Pangea while he was in his human form. I didn’t blame him. The plant had violated him worse than… well, anything I could think of, and I could think of a lot. He was a big boy though, and it was time to use that connection to some advantage.

  “Ask her,” I said. “She trusts Wolf, trusts you. If it’s something I can’t arrange, then that’s that.” I didn’t think so, though. If I understood Pangea and the drive which all living beings had, I knew what she already wanted: more space to grow and expand. The truce between the city and the psychic plant monster wasn’t uneasy--yet. It would be in time.

  “Alright,” he said, his tone dubious. “What else?”

  “Can you find other werewolves? Wolves who haven’t been through that ritual yet?” I asked, nearly finished with my meal.

  Rory put his tongue in his cheek as he thought about it, making it bulge out. “Hmm… I haven’t tried, but I think I can.” He looked back to me and shrugged his massive shoulders in a casual gesture. “You want more wolves?”

  I nodded. “Why not? If they’re willing, who wouldn’t want to be free, right?”

  At that, he grinned. Knowing how much he missed his pack, I’d saved the second request for last, to soften him up. “I know I did,” he said. “All my life before turning, I knew I was missing something. I just didn’t know what it was.”

  “There’s got to be a few here and there,” I said. “So why not turn them, if they wanna be? You can… by yourself, right?”

  At that, the werewolf shrugged once more. “Maybe. I think so,” he said. “We can find a way if I can’t.”

  Grinning at him, I shoved the empty plate aside. “That’s the spirit, Wolf.”

  He waggled his brows at me, and I laughed in response. There was just something about him which set me at ease. Maybe knowing I didn’t have to guard my back, that he would die before letting anything happen to me, was the thing which allowed me to lower my guard. Maybe because he was in my debt and, unlike everyone else, he had values which would honor that debt. It could have been those things, but I think I just liked him. He didn’t demand anything from me, and the things he did want were simple, his motives easily understood, quite unlike some of my other lovers.

  Rory moved around the counter and wedged himself in between my legs as I turned to him. When he kissed me, his mouth tasted of meat and cigarettes, which I didn’t particularly care for, but tolerated so long as he didn’t smoke in the apartment. The taste of him, the feel of him, was comforting all the same, even with the slightly off-putting taste… it was him. It was my Wolf. I wrapped my arms around him as he explored my mouth. He bit my lip and tugged, then rubbed his hardness against me. Desire flooded me, and I dug my nails into his bare shoulders, urging him on.

  The tall man swept me off the stool and carried me to the couch where he threw me down. I landed on the soft cushions with a half a laugh, my robe askew. He stripped down quick enough, and knelt down on the carpet by me, spreading my legs open. Without further ado, he lowered his head and licked me once, long and hard. I shuddered in anticipation. The big man kept his tongue flat and wide, covering my clit as he threw my legs over his shoulders and feasted on my flesh. Small moans escaped my lips as he ravished my pussy, his eagerness to please me outweighing any lack of precision skill.

  Warmth and lust burst through me at the same time, and the thoughts of how Rory and Adira had once interacted sprang to mind. This was how they both showed their affection and admiration; they fucked because they loved. I know it might seem strange to you, but for me, it was a boggling concept. Affection, caring… these things had never had a part in my fucking before. With these pesky emotions clouding my psychopathic tendencies, it added a different dimension, one I wasn’t sure was good for me, but it made for a more intense experience than just fucking without my telepathy.

  As soon as I squirmed underneath, bucking my hips up to try and make him take me over the edge, he pulled away. “You get so wet,” he breathed, sliding his muscular body between my legs so he could kiss me, hard. The tip of his cock br
ushed against my heat and I moaned, gyrating my hips to prolong the contact. “I love how wet you get.”

  “Make me come,” I told him, more a command than a request. He gave me that roguish half-smile of his, and shook his head just a little. My fingers found his hair and I pulled tight, “I want you… make me come.”

  He probed my slickness again with his cock, teasing me roughly. It was always rough and fast and hard with him, a whirlwind of power and ecstasy. “You’re so bossy,” he teased as he rubbed against me, harder yet. The heat of him drove me mad. He was so much warmer than a regular person. His every touch scorched my skin, made me want him more.

  “If you’re not going to do it, then sit back and I’ll drive,” I said, nipping at his neck as I yanked his head to the side. My other hand scratched his back, drawing blood, which made him growl deep in his throat. Bloodplay brought out his beast. It was a desire we shared. What was most interesting about him was that where the skin split, fur sprang up. The wolf was never more than a fraction of skin away. Because he’d lost part of his skin around his arms during a quick change, he had spiral lines of green and black fur curling around both of his forearms and his calves. The rough fur teased my skin when he rubbed against me.

  His cock twitched, and he moved a hand down between us. He continued to rub his thick cock against me, his bright green eyes locked on my blue ones. Out of curiosity more than anything else, I slipped my fingers beneath the rent in his skin to stroke the bloody fur below it. At the motion, he stopped and his bright eyes darkened.


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