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Page 29

by James Axler

  The mat-trans chamber itself was still glowing slightly.

  “Dark night, why would she do that?” J.B. asked. “And why would Dean go with her?”

  Mildred shrugged. “She might have tricked him.”

  “Or perhaps the boy had made a decision to go with his mother,” Doc said sadly.

  Jak shook his head. “Not without telling us.”

  Krysty agreed. “Whatever Dean had decided, if it was entirely his choice, he would have talked to us about it. It just doesn’t feel right, not this way.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Ryan croaked in a harsh, broken tone. “Whatever happened, Dean must have told her about the last-destination button and the time restriction.

  “The bitch knows we can’t follow her. I’ve lost him.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-7330-9


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