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Big Package_A Dark Vixens Novella

Page 55

by Vivien Vale

  This time I order for the both of us. "Two vodka sodas, please."

  As soon I do, I look up and see him...Liam’s at the bar.


  My limousine pulls right up to the club’s VIP entrance.

  I get out of the car and escape into an unmarked alleyway door, hoping not to be noticed.

  I try to keep a low profile but pretty much everyone in this town knows who I am. It's hard to be successful and not garner some attention.

  Thank God for VIP areas where prying eyes can't get ahold of me. Privacy is everything.

  Evan’s waiting. It's the usual crowd. We surround ourselves with the most wealthy and successful people in the city.

  Normally, I travel in this pack of other successful men because it's nice to have a wingman when I'm trying to get girls. Granted, with me there's no trying. I always win over whoever I want. My square jaw, dark green eyes, and large stature make it easy to hunt.

  "Hey man," I say to Evan who looks like he's a few drinks in already.

  "Oh, look who's finally here. Liam has finally deemed it time to grace us with his presence," he says, eyes dancing with humor. “I’m not like you. I don't need to go out every night of the week. I prefer to actually get things done in life," I say to him.

  He laughs and slaps his hand on my shoulder while offering me a shot of vodka. It's top shelf and the right way to get this night going.

  "Thanks," I say. "Now, where are the women?"

  He flashes me a shady grin. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. My boy here is as much of a player as I am. We have kind of a system of looking out for each other.

  Neither one of us would be caught dead settling down with one girlfriend. In fact, I don't think anyone in this crowd has a girlfriend. We travel light, so to speak. It makes it easier having no strings attached.

  "Well, the club is starting to fill out. But from the balcony, you can see virtually every girl in here. I suggest you take a look," he says showing me the way upstairs.

  I climb the stairs to the VIP balcony and he's right; there's a perfect view of nearly everyone in the place. I peruse the offerings and try to find the prettiest girl in the crowd to make my conquest.

  And that's when I see her...Claire.

  She’s dancing right in the center of the room.

  I watch her intently, gaining satisfaction in knowing that I see her but she doesn’t know I’m here. I can see her in her element and damn does she look amazing.

  What is it about Claire that makes me both love and hate her?

  Is it because she's my competition? Is it because she's so damn beautiful that it makes me feel things for her that I'm dead set against?

  For her, I want to break all my rules. I want to abandon the single life and make sure I'm the last guy she tastes for the rest of her life.

  I watch her very carefully. My cock hardens against my pants despite my best intentions to keep a low libido. I try not to care about her, but I’m failing spectacularly.

  I take a long swig of my vodka and try to discern my next step.

  She's wearing practically nothing. Her small lace dress is barely covering anything. I’m itching to go down there and cover her up. But I can't do that. She's not mine. I barely even know her.

  And yet being possessive is in my nature. When there's someone as stunning as her at the receiving end of it, it’s hard to be indifferent.

  I don't care if I bed her tonight or for all of eternity, I just know I have to get inside her soon or I’ll likely explode with desire.

  At a shadowy distance on the balcony, I can just watch the way she moves, the way her slim hips sway to the music. I imagine I'm down there with her, fingering her under that little lace dress, making her want me.

  I see the guy she's dancing with is getting a little too close. His hand grazes her arm and it ignites fury within me. I feel like going down there and punching his lights out.

  This girl is mine. And he looks like a scumbag, not worth one second of her time.

  Even if my claim to her is only fleeting, I feel like I have rights to her already. The idea of her with another guy angers me.

  "You see her, too, don't you?" Evan says as he comes up behind me. "Little does she know we’re about to steal everything she has right out from under her.”

  His plan is not a bad one, especially if it means Claire will have to work for me. Then I can fuck her every day at work just like I’ve been fucking Trish as of late.

  “It’s not gonna be hard to get close to her,” I tell Evan. “She’s fucking gorgeous.”

  He looks satisfied. "So, you’re down with mixing business and pleasure? That’s good, Liam because we really need her and her people on board.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I say, annoyed by the fact that he keeps mentioning my role in this plan.

  I wonder about the ethical dilemma of fucking her for her ideas. What Evan doesn’t know is that I was planning to lay claim to her anyway. Now, I just have an added element of illicit behavior to adhere to.

  I know we don’t need her in my firm, but I’m willing to indulge Evan because I want her in the firm. I want to have eyes on her every day. I want to know what she’s up to at every moment.

  I want to own her and to be her boss. I want her answering only to me.

  If Claire is so good at her job that she gives my company the added bonus of creative potential, then so be it. But for me, this spy game is entirely personal. I will make sure that she’s unable to resist me.

  Then I see her walking off the dance floor with her friend. I'm thankful that she's gotten away from that scummy guy. I'm the only guy she should have eyes for.

  The girls cuts through the crowd to get a drink at the bar. I think it would be the perfect opportunity to reemerge into her life.

  I give it a few moments before I make my way out of the VIP section and towards the main bar. I'll be the surprise of her night.

  It’s crowded at the main bar, but I find a place in the corner where I order Jack Daniels straight up.

  Then, I watch and wait for her to appear. Soon, she does. She and her friend sit across from me. Her blue eyes are piercing and I imagine them peering up at me while she’s on her knees, sucking my cock.

  I sit up straight, knowing that I appear aloof. I take a sip of my drink and wait for the games to begin.


  Oh my God, he's looking right at me.

  What is Liam doing here?

  I came here to escape him, to banish thoughts of him. Instead, I'm laid bare in front of that penetrating gaze once again. When Liam looks at me, it's as if he's staring into the depths of my soul and there's no hiding from it.

  "Shit, Charlotte. Um, that guy is here. Remember Liam from Dignity Creative? He's right over there," I mutter and turn my head in the opposite direction, pretending not to have seen him.

  Charlotte looks over in a blatant manner and I scold her. "Don't look! He'll think we're talking about him."

  "Um," she begins, "we are talking about him. Besides, he is fine. I can definitely see why you like him."

  "I do not like him," I lie. "I just think he's hot. He's our competition, remember? I would never date someone in the business or someone who is a known player, for that matter."

  She giggles and I wonder at her levity during such a dire situation. Maybe it's only critical to me because I'm the one he seems to have set his sights on.

  "Charlotte, it's not funny. He keeps staring at me in an intense way that makes me feel uncomfortable."

  "Claire, he is so good-looking I wish it was me he's looking at. Let's go over and say hello."

  She's pulling me away from our spot at the bar before I have time to protest.

  "Charlotte, wait, no. We can't say hello. I can't be the one to make the first move," I say in a harsh whisper.

  "Oh my gosh, you are so into him," she says, beaming widely.

  Fuck. We're almost there. I attempt to regain my composure, gearing up for an in
credibly awkward meeting.

  He sees us coming and, again, those eyes are all over me.

  "Hi, are you Liam? I'm Charlotte and this is Claire. We're also working on the Velvet Luxe campaign."

  He flashes us a radiant grin that would melt any woman. It’s enough to make me want to become his.

  In a cool tone, he says, "I'm delighted to meet you. It's always good to know the competition."

  I toss my hair over my shoulder in defiance. I will not crumble under the weight of his rugged handsomeness. He's my competition and I need to keep the end in sight.

  I offer my hand. "We represent Epica. I think you'll find our little firm is a force to be reckoned with."

  He takes my hand and grazes soft lips over it in a gentle kiss. "You're Claire, right?"

  "How do you know my name?"

  "I make it my mission to know everything that has to do with my business. Apparently, you're our great contender."

  Charlotte can sense that sparks are flying because she quickly finds an excuse to leave.

  "Oh, I see my friend over there. Liam, it was nice to meet you. I'm Charlotte, by the way. Claire's best friend and business associate. I guess I'll see you in the boardroom when this all goes down."

  "May the best man win," he says to her with a wink and a smile as she takes her leave.

  Knots form in the pit of my stomach as I realize I'm now alone with this guy. He's so tall and imposing I wonder how I'll keep my wits about me.

  "So Claire, what are your ideas for the campaign?" he asks so brazenly.

  "Well, sir, I certainly can't reveal them to you. You're the enemy."

  "Am I?" His eyes light up with fire.

  "You own Dignity Creative, right?"

  "Ah, so you've also heard of me?"

  "I make it my mission to know everything about my business, including potential threats," I say, mirroring his previous response.

  His eyes are dancing. "Is that right? Well, then you should certainly know me. We're gonna win Velvet Luxe, you'll see."

  God, his arrogance is infuriating. At the same time, just being in his charismatic presence is making me weak at the knees.

  I find myself staring at his mouth, at his lush, full lips and wondering what they would feel like pressed against my own.

  "Liam, I think you underestimate me," I say, staring directly into his eyes.

  What Liam doesn't know about me is that I'm a fighter. I'm scrappy and I make it my mission to beat corporate suits like him. He represents everything I'm not.

  "I've heard about your abilities," he says.

  "You have? Well, that's a nice compliment," I say, knowing he's just fed me a line. "I am more into the creative side of things than into business."

  "Is that why you're struggling?"

  His question makes me flush red with anger.

  "What are you talking about? What have you heard?"

  The nerve of him to bring up my precarious financial position on our very first meeting is unbelievable. His cockiness is starting to really annoy me.

  "I can't even believe you just said that," I say, turning to leave.

  He grabs my arm and with the touch comes a sense of heat that radiates between us. I want him bad, despite his arrogance and the way he's treating me.

  Maybe his egotism is turning me on. I don't know. I suddenly feel very confused and dizzy, like I need air.

  "Let go of me," I exclaim, pulling my arm away.

  "Come on, stay. I'm sorry. Just stay with me and we can talk about it. Let me take you to the VIP area where it's quieter."

  I turn around and study him, trying to judge his position. I know his type. Cocky, bad boy, used to one-night stands. I don't know what he thinks he'll get from me, but it won't be that.

  "Please," he says, his eyes imploring.

  In the end, I can't resist.

  "Okay,” I begin, “maybe just for one drink."

  He takes my hand and leads me through the club to the VIP area. I text Charlotte on the way and tell her to meet me there. There's no reason I should enjoy the exclusive perks alone.

  She's there before we are and Liam leads both of us in. It's definitely nicer on this side of the velvet rope. But I care less about the money than I do about the man.

  He introduces us to his friends and Charlotte takes an instant liking to one of them. He takes her upstairs to the VIP balcony while Liam and I tuck into a low-lit booth.

  "I'm sorry I said that about your company," he says with sincerity.

  "My finances are none of your business," I snap, brows furrowed.

  "I know." He sighs heavily. "It's just that I want to know everything there is to know about you."

  I look up at him. "Why?"

  He pours us both some vodka over ice and twists a lemon into it.

  "Because I think you're gorgeous," he says. "And I think you know it."

  I say nothing while sipping the cold liquid. At least it’s something to take the edge off in this heated encounter.

  "Well, I'm not your type," I say.

  "Why is that? Is gorgeous not my type?"

  "I'm not some bimbo you can fuck tonight and then forget all about the next morning," I say wryly.

  My words seem to have taken him aback.

  "I could never forget about you," he says. "Not for one moment."

  He leans in close and I can smell his musky cologne. Every part of him is sexy and yet I know I shouldn't go there. His magnetic appeal is just too good. I know this is how he scores tons of women and I fear I might become his next victim.


  Her blonde curls fall gently down her exposed back.

  Her blue eyes light up at my every word as though she's hanging onto them, onto me.

  I'm drinking in every second I have to spend with this ingénue.

  She's smart and fiery and yet, there is this vulnerability that lies just beneath the surface. It fills me with lust and makes me want to uncover her secrets.

  "Claire, you know you've been on my mind ever since I saw you at that meeting."

  She looks at me with wide eyes. "You have?"

  "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And I want you to be mine," I say.

  I'm willing to let her believe that I'm all in if it means I can taste her tonight. In truth, I don't know how far this will go. I'm not a one-woman kind of guy, but I can't tell her that because she'll run away.

  She sips her vodka and looks at me thoughtfully before saying, "Liam, I know that was just a pick-up line. I'm not like the other girls that you fuck. I actually have a brain and, if I decide to do anything with you tonight, it will be willingly, knowing that I am not the only one in your life. Your reputation precedes you."

  I'm blown away by her honesty. She certainly has my number. There's no getting around by this girl, and that's incredibly tantalizing.

  "Do you talk this way to all your dates?" I ask.

  "Correction, you're not my date. My date is Charlotte and she's flirting with one of your friends upstairs."

  Her confidence makes me want her more. I run my forefinger along her arm and up her shoulders. I feel her shudder beneath my touch. I feel her goose bumps underneath my fingertip.

  I know she wants me. All women do. The thing with Claire is...I want her equally as much.

  "Why don't you come dance with me?" I ask.

  Normally I don't hit the dance floor with anybody. But with Claire, I will do anything to feel her body pressed up against my own. I want her to feel the way she makes my cock hard. I want her to feel the length of my shaft beneath my pants.

  "Okay," she says as she takes a final swig of vodka.

  I help her out of the booth like the gentleman I am and soon, she's following me onto the dance floor. The DJ's pretty good and I'm glad he's setting the tone for what is going to be my first true encounter with Claire.

  As soon as we’re mixed in with all the people, I take the opportunity to plant a swift, soft kiss on her lips. She tastes so g
ood. And her perfume is fruity and floral, with a mix of something that's intoxicating.

  My kiss caught her off guard. She pulls away from me, but I hold her firmly in my arms. She’s not going anywhere.

  I place my knee between her legs and, to my delight, she starts to grind against me, swaying in tune with the music.

  The world fades and we're in our own world. All I can see is this angel, this woman who has awakened something within me.

  She's looking at me like she wonders if I could be true to her. I'm looking at her like I want to consume her.

  The night is just getting started. My hands graze the sides of her stomach up to her pert breasts.

  She lets me caress her.

  I look at her with a steely gaze, determined to make her see that we're destined to be together, if only for this one night.

  Fuck the lingerie campaign. Fuck the fact that she's my competition…For now it's just us.

  I kiss her neck, down to her décolleté. I pull her close so that we can feel each other breathing.

  She puts her hand on my cock and it throbs beneath her fingers. Pure lust seems to overwhelm her as she takes in my length.

  I'm every woman's fantasy, especially when they realize I have a twelve-inch cock that will take them to new heights of pleasure. I hope Claire realizes that, for tonight, she can have my cock.

  I envision sliding it inside her and the idea is enough to make me pull her away from the dance floor to a shadowy corner.

  I press her up against the wall and say, "This dress is too short. You're just asking for it."

  Again, rebellion clouds her eyes. "What am I asking for Liam? I barely know you, after all."

  I kiss her deep and hard. I make sure she knows the force of my desire.

  "When I'm done with you, you'll have known a real man for once," I breathe into her mouth.

  She pulls away but I call her bluff. I put my arms up against her body, caging her. She can’t escape. I kiss her and graze my hands along her thighs until I reach her sweet spot.

  The small scrap of fabric that's covering her pussy is not hard to get past. I know the truth that she's aching for me, because her thong is already sopping wet.

  I move it to the side and plunge two fingers inside of her. She gasps and I cover the sound with a kiss. No one can hear us.


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