Book Read Free


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by Alana Sapphire



  By: Alana Sapphire

  Copyright 2015 Alana Sapphire

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are fictitious or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products or works mentioned.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This ebook, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

  Cover design by Louisa Maggio from LM Creations © 2015

  Edited by Hot Tree Editing




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Other Books by Alana Sapphire

  About the Author


  Mom – thanks for not freaking out (too much). Stacey, will the teasing ever end? ;) Your support and encouragement mean the world to me. Love you both!

  My girls Kay and Maria – words cannot express my love and appreciation. Thank you for kicking my butt into gear.

  Lil boys! You know who you are. Yeah, yeah, you’re all grown up now but you’ll always be “little” to me :) Thank you for believing in me.

  Becky and Kristin at Hot Tree Editing – Thank you for your guidance and valuable advice.

  Miguel, my human English-to-Spanish dictionary, gracias, mi amigo!

  Louisa, you are amazingly talented. Thank you for my beautiful covers.

  My beta readers – Cindy, Stacey, Shannon, Sue, Kristina, and Camille – you rock!

  To everyone who’s read Rock Hard and Forbidden and messaged, emailed, tweeted, put a note in a bottle – you have my undying appreciation. Thank you. I can’t say it enough. THANK YOU.

  My Hellhounds/warrior princesses – You’re all amazing. #BewareTheHounds

  Tempt (Verb)

  1. To cause someone to do or want to do something even though it may be wrong, bad, or unwise

  2. To entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain

  Synonyms – persuade, convince, coax



  Where we left off in Forbidden...

  Damn. I don’t really like the kid but he looked genuinely hurt when he found me and Raven together. Am I a sick fuck because I’m relieved that he knows now? The only thing is, we’re dealing with a double-edged sword. Raven’s devastated because she’s done the one thing she’s been trying to avoid all this time – hurt the boy. I can’t stand to see her like this.

  “You’ll be okay, babe. I’m here,” I tell her as I gently squeeze her hand.

  She turns to me, eyes brimming with tears, and it crushes me.

  “Who’s Janet Presley?” She asks.

  The fuck? How does she know Janet? “Where did you hear that name?”

  “Who is she?”

  Who is she? Nobody. Just a woman who almost ruined my fucking life. “Just some chick. She’s not important.”

  I check the rear-view mirror and spot two sport bikes riding alongside each other. I move closer to the shoulder to allow them to pass but they stay behind me.

  “What happened to her?” Raven’s voice brings me back to the conversation.

  “Nothing. She moved away a couple of years ago.”

  “Was she your girlfriend?”

  Girlfriend? “What? Hell no.”

  Just talking about her is getting me fucked up. She’s a part of the reason I don’t do girlfriends. Too much fucking drama. I check the mirror again as I turn a corner and notice that the bikers follow. Are these fuckers tailing me? I slow down, they do, too. I take another turn, not on my route, and they do the same.

  “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.

  “What is it?”

  “Two bikes behind us. Been there for a while.”


  “So? What bikers you know ride along diligently through traffic?” I ask her.

  “You think they’re following us?”

  “Let’s see.”

  I press on the gas and keep my eyes on the mirror. They pull out from behind us but I notice one of them reaching behind him. I’ve done that too many times to not recognize what he’s doing.

  “I think they’re going to pass us,” Raven says.

  No, they’re not. One of them pulls up to my window, keeping pace with us. “Shit!”

  “What is he doing?” Raven asks in a panic.

  The other fucker points a gun at her window and I kick my ass into gear. Coming after me is one thing. Putting Raven in danger? That’s a whole fucking avalanche of hurt for the suicidal motherfucker who attempts it.



  It’s funny the things that go through your mind in dangerous situations. Some people say their lives flash before their eyes. Some think about their regrets, things they haven’t done. Some get scared shitless and don’t know what to do. Others say they think about their loved ones. Me? I thrive on danger and feel that much more powerful when I come out on top. I’m always ten steps ahead, weaving my way out before my opponent even realizes what’s going on. Tonight is different. Tonight, all I can think about is the scared girl next to me, no regard whatsoever for myself. Tonight, she’s the only thing on my mind. I need to keep her safe, by any means necessary.

  “Get down!” I shout.

  I swerve right, bumping the rider on Raven’s side of the car. She unbuckles her seat belt and drops down to the floor, covering her head with her hands. Before I can get the guy on my side, he fires a shot. It hits my window, the sound echoing through the car. Thank God for bullet-proof windows. I floor the gas pedal, trying to put some distance between us. Raven peeks up at me, fear in her exquisite eyes.

  “You’re gonna be fine,” I assure her. “Do you trust me?”

  She nods just as a bullet hits the passenger-side window. The horn blares from a truck coming in the opposite direction, and the rider on the right falls back and pulls in behind us. The one on the left fires another shot, hitting my rear view mirror. Think, Gage, think. What would you do if she wasn’t with you? I’d take the fuckers down.

  I need to get off the main road. I move over onto the shoulder and pass a few cars, but the bikers follow right behind. If I don’t do something quickly, a lot of people will get hurt. An access road comes into view, so I head in that direction. A couple more shots hit the rear windshield. I glance down at Raven, cowering on the floor. I need to end this now.

  I hit a hard right, take a few side streets, and get a good lead on them. I know they won’t give up, though. I press the button I have hidden under my seat and the secret compartment on the dash opens.

  “Whoa,” Raven says, eyes wide in wonder.

  “Cool, huh?” I grab one of the unregistered Glocks I keep in there and drop it in my lap, along with an extra magazine. “Look, we can’t outrun them, so I need to get rid of them. Just stay down, and I’ll get us out of here.”

  “Fuck that. Yo
u got an extra one?”

  She climbs back into her seat and grabs the other Glock out of the dash. Shock turns into pride as she looks over at me, a fire burning in her eyes.

  “Okay. Let’s do this,” I say, more to myself than her.

  There’s an open field up ahead, so I race toward it, turn in, and face the road. I turn the high beams on so the fuckers can see us, then put my window down. She does the same.

  “On my cue, start firing. There are extra mags in there.”

  The bikers stop at the edge of the field, and I rev the engine. Come on, motherfuckers. They sit there, just waiting and watching. I rev the engine again and they take off toward us. I shift into gear and press the gas.

  “Now, babe!”

  They fire a shit-storm of bullets which hit the windshield and the grill. Raven fires at the guy on her side, taking him down after four shots. I wait until the other is close enough and fire one into his chest. He flies backwards, flopping to the ground. I need to make sure they’re dead. I stop the car and turn to her, taking her hand. She’s breathing heavily, but she doesn’t seem scared anymore. She stares into my eyes, waiting. Waiting for me to tell her our next move. She trusts me to get us out of this shit, and I will. “Get into the driver’s seat and lock the doors. Anything happens to me, you drive away. Got it?”

  “What? I’m not leaving you!”

  Fuck me. Each day that passes, she looks more and more like the perfect woman. I crush my lips to hers then pull back reluctantly. “Just do as I say,” I command while grabbing my flashlight from the glove compartment.

  I hop out and listen for the click of the locks. The moment I hear it, I move slowly toward the biker I shot, listening to the two shitheads groaning. Make that one; one of them goes quiet. I find the one I shot, but he’s done for. I put another bullet in him anyway before I head to the opposite side and find the other fucker. Damn. All Raven’s shots connected – one in the stomach and three in the chest. The girl is good. I crouch down and remove his helmet. He coughs, blood dripping out of his mouth. “Who sent you?”


  “Fuck me? Nah. Fuck you, motherfucker.” I put a bullet in his neck and watch as the life drains from his eyes. “Fucker.”

  I head back to the car and Raven jumps out and into my arms. Fuck, she feels good. I hold her to me tightly, thanking God she’s safe. I don’t know what I would have done if she’d been hurt. Or worse.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. You good?” I ask as I toss the flashlight onto the back seat.

  She nods, her head bouncing up and down emphatically. I need to get her out of here. I pull out my phone and dial Razor.

  “Prez,” he answers.

  “I need clean-up…and a ride. Bring the trailer, too.”

  “Got it. Where?”

  “I don’t have a fucking clue. Have Tek track the Mustang.”

  “Got it.”

  “And clear out the clubhouse. Members only.” I hang up and look down at the girl still clutching me tightly. “You never stop surprising me.”

  She gazes up at me, and I brush a kiss on her lips. How many women would have done what she did? Not a lot of men would have stepped up like that. I lean against the car and just hold her, stroking her hair as I stare up at the night sky. Her words play on a loop in my mind. I’m not leaving you. And I don’t believe she would have, either. I think she would have gone down with me if it had come to that. Shit. This is exactly why I don’t keep women around, why I keep a revolving door on my bedroom. Any woman of mine would be an easy target. Is that what I’m doing to Raven? Am I turning her into a target? I know I’m a selfish son-of-a-bitch, but I want her too much to let her go. I’ll keep her safe. If I have to become her personal bodyguard then so be it. If anyone wants to get to her, they have to go through me.

  The guys arrive half an hour later. They roll my bike out of the trailer and load up the bodies and their bikes. Razor walks over to me, jerking his head toward the Mustang.

  “What happened?”

  “Later, Razor. Church when we get back.”

  He nods and heads back to help the others. I lightly squeeze Raven’s shoulders, and she peeks up at me. “Come on, doll.”

  She releases me, and I grab my hoodie from the back seat. Standing before her, I place it around her shoulders and she sticks her arms in. I zip it up and lift the hood over her head. While Motor loads the Mustang into the trailer, I help Raven onto my bike. She instinctively slides forward and wraps her arms around me when I climb on. She clings to me for the entire ride, her tight grip never faltering. Fuck if I don’t like the feeling.

  We roll into the compound, and I park in the garage. While helping her off, I notice she’s shaking. “Babe? You okay?”

  She doesn’t answer. She’s staring at my chest, but I get the feeling she’s not seeing me. Fuck. She must be in shock or something. I pick her up and hurry inside, praying she’ll be okay. E rushes toward me.

  “What happened?” He asks in a panic.

  “I think she’s in shock.”

  His eyes widen, and he exclaims, “She was with you?”

  “Could you just take a look at her?” I really don’t need his shit right now.

  “I’ll get my bag.”

  I take her to my room and lay her on the bed gently. She stares up at the ceiling, hardly blinking. I enclose her trembling fingers in mine.

  “You’re okay, doll.”

  “I…I killed him.”

  “What? No. No, babe. You shot him, but he didn’t die. I killed him.”

  E enters the room and kneels next to me, trying to brush me aside. “Wait outside.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I need to do this without you hovering over me. Just give me a few minutes.”

  “E –”

  “Please, Gage.”

  Fine. But he better know I’m not going far. I give Raven’s fingers a gentle squeeze. “I’m right outside the door.”

  I pace the corridor for what seems like an eternity, but was probably just ten minutes, before E opens the door.

  “She’s fine. Just a little shaken up. I gave her something to help her sleep.”

  He pats my back and leaves. I hurry into the room, eager to get back to her side. She’s sitting up now. I close the door behind me and kneel in front of her. “That was one of the bravest things I’ve seen in my life. You were awesome, babe.”

  She trails her fingers over the stubble on my jaw and gives me a small smile. Good. She’s snapping out of it. I fucking hate to leave her right now. “I’ve got to talk to the guys. Lie down and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I…I should go. I have work in the morning.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to Millie.”

  She nods and lies back down. I kiss her forehead and make my way to the chapel. Everyone’s there, waiting, all eyes turning to me when I walk through the big double doors. Except for Tek. He’s tapping away on his laptop’s keyboard. He’s our resident techie, hence the name. Fucker could have gone to MIT but stuck around here. I have no idea why.

  I take my place at the head of the table. “Tek?”

  “Jonas Wilde and Jerry Cane, both from Atlanta addresses. No ink, no known affiliations…just a couple of traffic tickets between ‘em.”

  “No ink…so it’s not another MC or a gang. Why would they come after me?”

  “Think it has anything to do with last night?” Razor asks.

  I raise a brow at him. “Cassidy? I don’t think so. But I guess I should pay her a visit. Motor, the Mustang?”

  “Boys are working on it as we speak.”


  “What exactly happened?” E asks.

  “They were tailing me. I tried to lose ‘em and they started firing. Couldn’t shake ‘em, so I decided to take ‘em out.”

  “Where was Raven in all of this?”

  “Dude,” I say proudly. “You wouldn’t believe me if I
told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “She helped.”

  Everyone’s eyes widen in surprise. I lean back in the chair, my chest swelling with admiration for her. I notice Chopper watching me keenly. He doesn’t say a word, though.

  “What?” E furrows his brows in confusion.

  “Yeah. Grabbed the extra gun and basically said she wasn’t having that shit. Took out one of the fuckers almost on her own. The only bullet I put in him was the one in his neck.”

  “Damn, Prez! Impressive bitch you got there.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth, Crow,” I growl. She’s not some regular bitch, and they all better get that through their thick skulls.

  He raises his hands in surrender and shakes his head. “Sorry, boss.”

  I turn back to Tek. “Find out everything you can about the fuckers. I don’t know if it’s just me they’re after, so no one rides alone. Razor, you and me got a date with Miss Martin tomorrow.”

  “Got it, Prez.”

  “I don’t want anyone hanging around here for the next few days, either. That includes Hounds.” That doesn’t go over too well. They all start grumbling, and I raise my hand to stop any forthcoming arguments. “I’m serious. You want some pussy, you go out and get it like every other motherfucker on the planet. I’m not trusting anyone at this point.” There are still a few grumbles, but no one opposes me.

  “And the girl?” Motor asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, is she gonna keep quiet?”

  “Of course she will.”

  “You sure?”

  I lean forward with clenched teeth and a murderous glare. E kicks me under the table because he knows I’m about to go the fuck off, so I take a deep breath and bring it down a few notches. I can’t get into it with any of my brothers right now.


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