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Page 10

by R. M. Martinez

  “Of course.” He agreed.

  “So being the independent, but reckless person that I am, I hid out with your brother when my ex got out of prison. And before you ask, that’s another story for another day. Lucian and I hit it off right away and we had sex almost immediately. I kind of felt bad for sleeping with a man I didn’t know, so I was going to leave, but he propositioned me. And not for the first time.” She said. “He offered me twenty five thousand dollars for the week.”

  “Big spender.” He murmured.

  “And I took it.” She said. She heard his sharp intake of breath as his body stiffened behind her. “For a while I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, and then the twist happened. Samantha came home. After that, I thought it was over, but he keeps popping up in my life, and….”

  “And?” He prompted.

  “And we have a connection. It was pretty instant. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there.” She said.

  He was quiet for a long time. So long that she thought he fell asleep. Then she felt his lips on her shoulder and one hand on her breast while the other caressed her hip.

  “Mine.” She heard him whisper, before he removed his hands and sat up with her still in his arms. “Let’s go to bed.”

  She nodded and stood up, following him out of the room. He was still fully dressed and she was in her bikini. The cleaning people were staring after them as he led her upstairs. She was so sore and exhausted that as soon as he tucked her into bed, she was out like a light.

  Twenty Six

  The wedding plans were in full swing. After the shit he’d pulled in the Hamptons, Samantha wanted to get married as soon as possible. She wanted to tie him down for good and he couldn’t blame her. The issue with that was how he still felt about Brianna.

  She thought that they crossed paths on accident. She thought that he protected her from her ex, James, as a sweet gesture, but it was killing him inside knowing the truth. He got rid of James for his own reasons. Or, at least he thought he did.

  He didn’t know that James was Brianna’s ex until she went into full detail about him. He had to swallow down his bile at the knowledge that the man who was mentally torturing her from a distance was the same man he’d recently hired to do a job for him. Of course, he sent James a clear warning that Brianna was off limits, but the guy insisted that she owed him for something. Not wanting to taint his business, he didn’t ask what. Just sent the guy off on a job for a few weeks.

  When James popped up in New York, he wasn’t surprised. He was a little worried about Brianna, but their business was more important. He sat at his desk, staring at the folder in front of him. This was important information. This was kill or be killed, and he was a killer.

  He had no idea when he took over his stepfather’s company that he had side dealings. Shady side dealings. Drugs, prostitution, and even human trafficking. He was trying to clean the shit up, but it was hard. He worked very closely with the FBI, but some things just needed an inside job to get taken care of.

  Tapping the folder impatiently with his pen, he wondered what to do next. This was the reason that his stepfather wanted a male heir. Kelsey was too precious and delicate for things like this. He didn’t want his little girl involved with these kinds of things, and Lucian couldn’t blame him. Shady characters like James Connor were the last thing his baby sister needed to deal with. He hated that the bastard had even called her phone looking for Brianna.


  That was another reason he was in a hurry to do this. When he called his PI to check her out, he got a shocking report. He then looked back through some of the ledgers and found her name, her picture, and a long list of callers wanting to buy her. She was somehow still on the list, the bidding up to over eight million dollars. That meant that someone was watching her. Someone was still planning to use her. Someone under his roof, so to speak, was planning to take what was his and sell it to the highest bidder.

  Slamming his fist on the folder, he shoved his chair back and snatched the thing from his desk.

  Thanks to his sister’s weekly report, he knew that Brianna had been dating his brother for over a month now. Maybe she was better off with him. Lord knows that Andrew isn’t perfect. Even though Lucian’s company was without investors thanks to his stepfather’s dirty deeds and connections, Andrew didn’t exactly build his wealth on good intentions either. His brother had secrets of his own. They were a lot alike. They both had secrets. They both dealt with shady characters. And they both wanted Brianna.

  Who knows? Maybe it’s just an impulse to beat his brother. He was pretty much fine until he saw them together at the restaurant in New York. He’s almost fine now, his future bride in the next room planning their wedding. Maybe it was an early midlife crisis. He was almost in his mid-thirties after all. Either way, he was letting her go.

  He had to.

  “Honey?” Samantha’s voice drifted over to him. He looked up and plastered on a smile. “My father says that he got the club in Atlanta. The church is booked, and my grandparents are setting up the estate. I just need to figure out where we’re going to have the reception and then we’re all set.”

  “That’s great, hun.” He tried to sound excited but he could tell by the way the light in her eyes dulled a little that it didn’t work. He crossed the room and kissed her. “Where do you want to go for dinner?”

  “I can’t do dinner, remember? I have a meeting with the wedding planner.” She frowned.

  He kissed her again. “Alright. I’m heading to the office.” He told her.

  Before she could respond, he was out the front door, sitting in his car. His phone rang and he transferred it to the Bluetooth while he pulled out of the driveway.

  “Sir?” Vinny’s voice came though his car’s speakers. Vin was the PI he had on retainer.

  “What’s going on, Vin?” he asked, heading towards the mountains.

  “I’ve got that intel you wanted.” Vin announced.

  “What’s the result?” he asked.

  “Where can I meet you?” Vin asked.

  “My cabin.”

  With that, he pressed the button to end the call. Whatever was going on, it sounded really bad. He made a phone call to Kelsey to make sure she was okay before he pressed his foot on the gas, speeding up the Rocky Mountains.

  Twenty Seven

  To protect both of their reputations, there were no more “meetings” in Andrew’s office. Brianna spent the rest of the summer working her ass off for her chance to work for KLS. She wasn’t sure how she’d feel working for Andrew, but having something steady and earning a good paycheck would make her life so much better. She didn’t want to have to depend on her billionaire boyfriend for all her needs. Just the sexual ones.

  Regina was still a bitch, she noticed that she was getting a weird vibe whenever Vanessa Gonzalez came around, and Andrew’s possessive side was really starting to show. She slept in his bed every night, even after hanging out with her friends. He’d even started talking as if she were staying instead of heading back to Colorado after the summer, making plans for the fall and the holidays. She put it out of her mind and just reveled in their love making and late night talks.

  She’d fallen for him. Hard. She also realized that she’d somehow fallen for his brother. Hard.

  Hearing Kelsey’s weekly updates about Lucian and Samantha’s upcoming wedding was torture. But it also gave her more incentive to forget about him and move on with Andrew. Things were really good. She filled him in on her relationship with Jon which led to a conversation about her childhood. He didn’t blink an eye when she told him how she grew up, how she and Jon were attached, and how she used to be when she was with her ex.

  Her life of sex and mild drinking and drugs was over. She wasn’t a hardcore bad girl, she just dabbled at parties. She was twenty three years old. She’d started college later than everyone else in her class because she had to work an extra year to save money. She was ready to move on and be an adult. She
didn’t want to lean on Andrew, Lucian, or even Jon anymore. She just wanted a life. She wanted independence. And she was so close to getting what she wanted.

  The thing was, it was already the end of August. In another week they would be making the announcement of who was going to get to stay and who would have to seek employment elsewhere after graduation. She knew that James was back in Colorado waiting for her, so staying with Drew in New York was really tempting. But Jon would be back home soon and even though she’d learned that she could be without him, she missed him like crazy.

  “What are you thinking about?” Drew had her ear between his teeth while they sat in the back of his car on their way back from the movies.

  They traveled all the way to Philly to avoid the paparazzi and just blend in with the crowd. They had dinner, played some pool, and made out in a park before heading to the movies. Now they were on their way home.

  “My time in New York is coming to a close. One more week of work and then I head back to Colorado to finish my last year of school.” She snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent. She loved his cologne mixed with his natural scent.

  “I know you don’t want to stay here, but you know how I feel.” He said.

  “I know.” She glanced up at him. “I need to stand on my own two feet. It’s time.”

  He nodded and kissed her. She moaned and he deepened the kiss. The car came to a stop in front of their building and her moan turned into a groan. He kissed her one more time.

  “I’m sleeping at my place tonight.” She announced. When he opened his mouth to argue, she pressed her finger to his lips to silence him. “I need to pack and spend some time with Ellie and Kev before we go our separate ways, so your bed is going to be empty for a few days.

  “Okay.” He said.

  “Okay?” her eyebrows went up. She’d expected him to fight, but he didn’t. She waited for him to say something else and when he didn’t, she reached for the door. “Okay. Goodnight then.”

  His arm was suddenly around her waist, pulling her back against him. His lips were in her hair, on her neck, then on her lips. She heard his zipper before he pulled her so that she was straddling him. His fingers made quick work of moving her panties to the side, and then he was inside of her.

  “What are you doing?” she moaned.

  “I’m giving you something to think about while you’re away from me.” He murmured as she threw her head back and his lips landed on her throat.

  “You’re trying to get me to spend the night with you.” She sucked in a breath as his lips found her nipple and his tongue flicked it.

  “Always.” He murmured.

  It didn’t take long for her to reach her climax. Her body spasmed and she griped his shoulders to keep her balance. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her protectively against his body. Being in his arms just felt right. She was really tempted to just blow off her friends and spend the night curled up with Drew in bed, but she couldn’t.

  When she was settled and her clothes were properly arranged, she slid out of the car and headed up to her apartment. Kevin was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in is arms and Ellie’s head in his lap. They were analyzing Disney princess movies again.

  Brianna dropped her purse at the door and joined them.

  “How was your date with the boss man? Any wedding plans yet?” Kev asked. She picked up a piece of popcorn and playfully threw it at him.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to leave him in a few days.” She sighed.

  “Please! Like he’s going to let you go so easily. He’ll probably be in Colorado every weekend.” He said.

  “It’s not like he doesn’t have the funds. Hell, he has a private plane. He doesn’t even have to pay airfare.” Ellie pointed out.

  “That’s true.” She mused. “But he’s never mentioned coming my way.”

  “You’ll figure it out.” Ellie sat up and grabbed the popcorn from Kevin and headed to the kitchen.

  “What’s her problem?” she asked, staring after her friend.

  “You’re talking about your rich boyfriend and she hasn’t had sex in a couple of weeks. She was actively sexing one of the guys from the security team, but he had a wife. She has her eyes on one of your accounting nerds, but he won’t go for it because he’s already full time and she’s seasonal.” Kevin told her.

  She shook her head. “That sucks.”

  “Yeah.” He agreed. Then inspiration struck. “Let’s go out for drinks.”

  “Let me go change!” she grinned.

  She was going to miss this. Just hanging out with Eleanor and Kevin, talking about sex and life over drinks. It felt like an episode of The Golden Girls, every time they did it, but instead of cheesecake, they had margaritas.

  Giving her new friends one last glance, she headed to her bedroom to shower and change. She was really going to miss them when she was gone.

  Twenty Eight

  Brianna had no idea why she was sulking and freaking out. She’d burst into quiet tears without notice and curl into a ball. It was freaking Kelsey and Amira out their whole flight back home to Colorado. So what if she didn’t get a job at GLS Global. A lot of people didn’t. Kevin did, and she was happy for him, but Eleanor did not. It’s not like she wanted to work for Andrew anyway.

  Back in their apartment, Bree and Kelsey were unpacking and settling back in. They ordered pizza, talked about the highlights of their summer, and Kelsey even offered Brianna a job at her company if she wanted it. She politely declined. She needed to stand on her own two feet after graduation, and that’s what she planned to do.

  Starting with depositing that check.

  She’d made the decision a while ago that she’d earned that money from Lucian, and she was going to keep it. She wasn’t going to return to waitressing at a gentleman’s club or anywhere else. That was just enough money for her to live on while she finished her last year of college and figured out what to do next.

  Drew texted her several times a day, making her smile. She missed him like crazy and was surprised that Kevin and Eleanor were right. He planned to see her at least twice a month, starting the following weekend. The best part of her summer coming to an end was the fact that Jon was coming home too. What she didn’t expect, was the knock on her door the next morning. Kelsey wasn’t home and hoping that it was Andrew surprising her, she practically ran to the door.

  It wasn’t Drew standing there, though. It was Lucian.

  “Good morning, Brianna.” He said. His voice was like silk and she hated the way that her body responded to him.

  “Good morning, Lucian.” She said.

  He stood there, staring at her in her white cotton shorts and purple camisole top. Her hair was frizzy and pulled back, and she wore her glasses again instead of her contacts. She was a little embarrassed for him to see her like that, considering the fact that he was dressed down in a pair of jeans and a black sweater but still managed to look as rich and powerful as he was.

  “May I come inside?” She swallowed at the double meaning to his words and nodded, stepping aside to let him into the apartment.

  “Kelsey isn’t home.” She said. It was Saturday morning and Kels got up extra early to hit the gym.

  “I know. I asked her for some privacy.” He said, surprising her. When she didn’t say anything, he sighed and blurted out what he came to say. “I need you to move out.”

  She gaped at him. “You’re evicting me?”

  “Not just you, Kelsey as well, but I don’t want you living together anymore.” He said.

  “And she agreed to this?” she frowned.

  “My sister only knows that I need her to move. She thinks you’re going with her. I’m asking you not to.” He said.

  She wanted to ask why. She wanted to know what his problem was. She had a million things that she wanted to ask and/or yell at him, but she didn’t. Maybe she’d grown a little during her time in New York. Who cares? Instead of shrieking and freaking out, she nodded
, emotionally drained.

  “Where am I supposed to go? This is the only place I can afford right now.” She said.

  He looked sympathetic for a moment before something flashed in his eyes. “Maybe you should take a dorm room this year. Or move closer to the university. I’m sure they have student discounts in several apartment complexes.” He suggested.

  “Maybe.” She agreed.

  Lucian opened his mouth like he wanted to say something else, but closed it. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, making her body roar to life and yearn for him. He was completely right. They did have an instant connection.

  “I’ll help you out in any way that I can. Just call me.” He said. She nodded and he headed for the door.

  As soon as he was gone, she headed for the kitchen in tears. She ate when she was stressed, and this was going to be a huge binge.

  Twenty Nine

  He wanted to tell her that he was trying to protect her, but the utter look of hurt in his eyes stopped him. He kissed her cheek and got the hell out of there before he did something he would regret. Like offering to move her into one of his homes, thus pissing off his fiancé.

  No. Brianna and Kelsey had to go. He secretly put security on both of them, knowing the immediate danger and also knowing their reactions to having bodyguards. Kelsey said she wasn’t famous and the paparazzi rarely bothered her, and Brianna just didn’t like people she didn’t know. She was naturally paranoid thanks to her past with James and he couldn’t blame her. Especially now that her past was coming back to bite them both in the ass.

  He’d learned a few things about Brianna Michaels when he decided to pursue this matter with his father’s reckless and dangerous side dealings. He wanted to see exactly how she fit in and the details had him scared for her life.

  Brianna was an orphan. Her parents died. Her mother died of an overdose, her father was reportedly shot to death a few days later. She was taken into foster care where one Richard Beckham III immediately took personal interest in her. Why would one of the world’s richest men be interested in a child he didn’t know?


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