Code Red

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Code Red Page 22

by Amy Noelle

  Josh roared with laughter. “You should have seen the look on your face! Don’t you think I know you better than that?” He opened the bag and held out a chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting, and I pounced on it.

  “Thank God!” I started wolfing it down, and he watched me with an indulgent smile. “What?” I asked, not even bothering to care that my mouth was half full. I was hungry, damn it.

  “I adore you.” The way he said it made my heart stutter. He touched my cheek and got that look in his eyes again. That one that scared and excited me in equal parts. “I love that you are exactly who you are, and you don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress me.”

  “Who else would I be?” I asked when I managed to swallow.

  “Nobody. Just you. That’s who I want.” He took out his own donut and I got up to get us some milk. I poured us each a glass, and he grinned. “Thanks. This beats tofu scramble any day.”

  “Don’t you ever threaten me with that again. I was plotting how to sneak cold pizza from the fridge so I wouldn’t wither away and die.”

  He chuckled and handed me another donut. Cream filled. He knew me well. “Cold pizza is a good breakfast, but I knew you’d want chocolate this morning.”

  “I deserve it. I must have burned a billion calories last night.” He grinned, and I nudged him. “You did, too.”

  “Of course. I actually got us donuts so we’d have motivation to do it again. More calories needing to be burned.”

  My stomach flipped, and my sore muscles cried, but I didn’t care. “I’m always up for a workout.”

  “Says she who doesn’t go to the gym.”

  I sulked. “The gym is boring. Sex isn’t. I think we should just do that a lot, and I’ll get really strong and ripped like you are.”

  He ran a finger down my nose. “How about we do it a lot, and you stay soft and sexy just the way I like you?”

  The look in his eyes might have caused my heart to stop if I hadn’t turned into a sexual workout queen. “I think I can live with that.”

  He laughed. “I thought you might. Now, how about you get dressed and accompany me home so I can shower and change and we can start our date?”

  I couldn’t contain my smile. “You still want to date me?” He looked confused. “I mean, now you’ve had me, so I didn’t know if maybe the whole dating thing would go away. You know, you don’t have to woo me anymore, so we can just skip the steps and go straight to bed.”

  “As much as I like being in bed with you, I also like the steps to getting there, and I intend to keep taking them. Just think of the anticipation that will build all day long because you know what’s coming at the end of the night.”

  “Well, when you put it that way . . .”

  He took my face in his hands. “I don’t just want sex from you. I know maybe that would be easier for you to understand, but I don’t think you can pretend to believe that’s all there is between us.”

  “I don’t. I mean, I don’t think I do. You confuse me,” I said.

  He smiled and kissed me. “You confused the hell out of me in the beginning, too. At least one of us knows what we’re doing now, right?”

  “Why does it have to be you?”

  “Because you’re not ready to know. When you are, I’ll be happy to share it with you.”

  I glared at him, which only made him smile wider. “Are you trying to be a cryptic asshole, or is it just a natural talent?”

  “I have lots of natural talents.” He really did. I got breathless just thinking about some of them. “So why don’t you get ready so I can show you a few more?”

  I froze. “You have more?”

  He smirked, and I wanted to push him down and take him right then and there. “I have countless natural talents. You’ve only scratched the surface.”

  I shook my head and stumbled into my bedroom in a daze. I could hear him laughing, but I was too distracted imagining what other talents he might have to be bothered by it.

  I pulled on jeans and a light sweater since today was forecast to be a little cooler. I didn’t bother with makeup because I wasn’t in the mood, and I figured he’d seen me at my worst already and hadn’t run away.

  When I came back in the room, he pushed Winchester off his lap and gave Hunt a final pat before standing and walking over to me.

  “You look beautiful.” He pulled me into his arms and hugged me, then pulled back and gave me a sweet kiss. “Ready to go?” I nodded, gave the boys some treats, and we were off.

  Nothing had changed, at least not in the way he treated me. Something had changed inside me, but I wasn’t sure what that was. I was thrilled that Josh acted the same as he had before last night. He held my hand the whole way to his place and kept giving me little kisses on my cheek, my temple, my ear, and my neck, all of which drove me wild and made me want to recreate the Risky Business train scene, despite that the train was crowded and it was the middle of the morning.

  He let me into Ryan’s place and helped me figure out how to work their television before heading off to take a shower. I was watching a repeat of Angel when I heard a squeal and Jen threw herself on the couch next to me.

  “Well, hello!” She was wearing shorts and a Chicago PD T-shirt and looked like she’d had nearly as good a night as I had.

  “Good morning. Looks like someone had fun last night,” I said.

  “Two someones, apparently. Where’s Josh?”

  “Showering. We’re going to the aquarium today. Where’s Ryan?”

  “Sleeping. He had a long night.” She had a catlike grin on her face, and I poked her.

  “I know how that feels.”

  “Oh, do you?” Jen wiggled her eyebrows and bounced on the couch. “Details!”

  “I . . . I can’t.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since now. I don’t know. I feel guilty talking about him. It’s strange.”

  Jen laughed. “Not so strange, believe me. So, okay, you can’t give me the nitty-gritty. Just tell me . . . was it good? Was it worth the wait, and more importantly, was it worth all the bitching I’ve had to endure?”

  “You haven’t even begun to endure my bitching, woman. And yes. It was worth it and then some.”

  Jen smiled. “Hot. Totally hot.”

  “He is. It was.” I groaned. “I asked him to stay the night.”

  Jen’s eyes widened. “Reeeeaaaaalllllly?” she said. “That’s awesome.”

  “I guess. I mean, it was because I got lots more sex, but when I woke up and he wasn’t there, I was disappointed. Then I found him in the living room with Winchester and Hunt all over him.”

  “All over him like cheetahs on an antelope? How bad are his cuts?”

  I shook my head. “No, all over him like Win was in his lap and Hunt was letting him pet him. Josh claims he didn’t drug him, but I’m not sure I believe him.”

  “Me neither. That cat hates everybody but you. Even I get the evil eye from him.” Jen pouted. “That kind of pisses me off.”

  “Right! I mean, I’m glad they didn’t turn on him, but at the same time, what does it mean?”

  “What do you want it to mean?”

  “I don’t know. He confuses me.”

  “But you like him.” I shot her a look that said duh. “Plus, he treats you right and apparently makes you feel good, so what’s the problem?”

  “There isn’t one. That’s the problem. I don’t know what I’m doing, but he does, and that’s annoying. Why can’t I know?”

  Jen laughed. “You can’t know, because you’re stubborn as hell, and you’re afraid of getting hurt.”

  “Can you, of all people, blame me?”

  Jen shook her head. “No. I kept my wall up for a long time after I got hurt, longer than maybe I should have. But the instant I saw Ryan, I knew I had to take a chance again. Could he hurt me like David did? Of course. Probably more, because I’m pretty much already in love with the guy.” I did a double take. It had taken way longer for
her to say she loved David. “Yes, exactly. So I am taking a risk, but it doesn’t feel like one. It feels right.”

  I felt pretty close to right with Josh. Was that what this was? Oh. God help me, was I falling in love with him? It was too soon. Way too soon.

  “Nic, are you okay? You just went pale.” Jen was looking at me with concern as she felt my forehead.

  “I’m fine.” I waved her hand away. “You can’t go throwing the ‘L word’ around in front of me. It freaks me out.”

  “Yeah, but does it freak you out in general, or because you’re in love with him?”

  Blood was roaring in my ears, and I felt like I was going to be sick. “I can’t. I don’t. You know I can’t.”

  “You can’t will it away, you weirdo. You do or you don’t.”

  Sure I could. People fell in and out of love all the time. “It’s not that simple. Jen, please, don’t.” I was begging her, but I had no idea what for.

  “Okay, okay. Calm down.” She hugged me. “I won’t push and neither will he, so you just relax and go back to having a good time.”

  Right. A good time. I had a gorgeous man who gave me incredible orgasms and liked spending time with me. I was good with that. It’s what I wanted. I was doing the whole boyfriend and relationship thing. That was plenty for right now.

  “Good morning, Jen. Ready, beautiful?”

  I turned as Josh strode in wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved blue T-shirt that showed off the toned chest I’d had the pleasure of touching and licking all night long. My heart started racing.

  No, I wasn’t ready, but it was starting to feel like I didn’t have a choice.

  Chapter 25

  Was it possible to be living with someone by default? I wasn’t sure when things had gotten away from me, but here he was, sitting on my couch with my cats curled around him, happily typing away on his laptop without a care in the world. How had this happened? Oh yeah, that’s right. The man had used sex to voodoo me into bending to his will.

  It had all seemed so innocent at first. We’d gone to the aquarium where I’d managed to put my freak-out aside and have a good time. We’d spent time with Jen and Ryan and had fun. Then we came home and had a different kind of fun. Sunday afternoon he’d told me he needed to get going because we had work in the morning.

  I’d understood, of course, but I’d pouted because I wanted more sex, and clearly I couldn’t have it if he was at his place. He’d listened to me all patiently, and then smiled.

  “Do you want me to come back and spend the night with you?”

  Was I an idiot? “Yes.”

  “Okay. And do you want me to spend tomorrow night with you?” He’d punctuated the question with a searing-hot kiss I felt all the way to my toes, so all I could do was nod when he pulled away. “And the night after?” Another kiss and his hands on my ass. I’d nodded again. “And the night after?” A hand up my side, brushing across my breast. Another nod. It had gone on and on until we were both naked and rolling around my floor.

  After our heads had cleared, he’d gotten dressed and promised to be back shortly. I couldn’t complain, because he had been. Only he’d been carrying a giant suitcase and wearing a bright smile.

  “What in the hell is all that?” I’d demanded, scared as hell by the suitcase. I couldn’t take my eyes off it to look at him.

  “That’s my clothes for the week. There’s no reason for me to come home with you, go back to Ryan’s, grab a change of clothes, and come back. You want me here, so I made it easy on us.”

  Easy? Who was he kidding? I’d had a minor meltdown until he recounted for me, word-for-word, our conversation before he left. My protests that I had been under physical duress had just made him laugh, and he’d lugged his suitcase into my room where he put it on my dresser. Then he’d looked at me with those eyes I couldn’t resist, and I couldn’t ask him to leave. To be honest, I hadn’t wanted him to.

  So here we were on Wednesday night with Wheel of Fortune on the television while he did some work stuff and I chatted with a couple of the girls on Skype. We had to do it the old-school typing way, since I could hardly talk out loud about Josh while he was sitting right next to me.

  I never thought I’d see the day Nicole Magette was living with a man. What happened to needing your space and girl power and all that crap?

  Like Ashley could talk? Sure, we’d always been the most alike when it came to guys and needing our space, but she’d fallen for Rick hook, line, and sinker, so what was she yammering about?

  Excuse me, we’re not living together. He’s living out of a suitcase, so he’s more like an out-of-town guest. Also, you succumbed to the power of the male before I did, so you don’t get to judge me.

  It had been a surprise when Ash had called the Code Red in a panic over Rick. I’d never seen her lose her cool over a guy before. She’d always sort of been untouchable, or so it seemed. She had a tough exterior that I’d never expected anyone to breach, but he’d come along and done it.

  That may be so, but you’re the one who swore you’d never get married and would be content with just your cats.

  I sighed heavily, and Josh turned to look at me. “Problem?”

  “No. Ashley’s annoying me as usual. When are you going to be done with work?”

  “Give me another ten minutes, and I’m all yours.” Good. He needed to be. He’d actually gone down to the gym in my building, which I wasn’t aware existed, and worked out earlier. He was freshly showered and shaved, and I wanted to dirty him up again.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” He sent me a wolfish grin before I smiled and turned back to Skype.

  I can’t believe you’re even talking to us when he’s in the room. Why aren’t you on him? He’s wasted on you. That’s it, I’m telling Kurt it’s my womanly duty to give the man attention, since you aren’t.

  Mandy was going to get her ass kicked. So was Ashley. Why was I friends with them, again? Right, because of Damian. He was managing to inflict pain on me even years later.

  I didn’t say I was never getting married. You did, evil woman. As for you, Mandy, I do owe you an ass-kicking from years ago, and I think it’s time to cash it in. I’ll have you know he’s working right now, but in ten minutes I’ll be throwing you aside for him. And, because you suck, I think I’ll tell you that he’s wearing a tight white T-shirt and shorts, and he’s fresh out of the shower. Choke on that, friend.

  I stretched my legs across the couch and pressed them up against his thigh. He smiled but kept on typing while I wiggled a toe under his shorts.

  You’re very cruel. The least you could do is send me a picture.

  I smirked. She was forever asking for pictures. Occasionally I sent her one, like the pic I’d snapped of him asleep in my bed this morning. She’d responded by calling me a bitch. It made my morning.

  You’ve had enough pictures. And seeing as my man’s hand is moving up my leg, I think I’m going to be going now. Bye, girls!

  Bye, ho! Ashley’s parting shot made me laugh. I closed the computer before Mandy could ask for a homemade porno, and Josh placed my laptop on the coffee table next to his. Then he gripped my ankle and pulled me onto his lap.

  “Did you tell the girls I said hi?”

  I laughed and snuggled into his neck to inhale his fresh, soapy scent. I kind of loved that my shower smelled like him these days, not that I was willing to admit that to anybody but myself.

  “Yes. Mandy had inappropriate things to say, and Ashley still can’t believe I have a man over.” I realized it was a foreign concept to my friends, but they had to think I’d cave eventually, didn’t they? I wasn’t destined to life alone. At least I hoped not.

  Josh traced his fingers up and down my arm, and I shivered. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. I’d had more sex these last few days than I’d had in the past year. But no. It wasn’t enough.

  “Well, I’m very glad to be the man you have over.”

  I laughed. “You invited yoursel

  “I most certainly did not. You wanted me here, so I made it happen. I can go to Ryan’s if you want me to.”

  No. I definitely didn’t. “I like having you here.”

  “And I like being here.” A warm hand slid up the back of my T-shirt, and I shivered. I had to admit this was a hell of lot better than being on the couch, cuddled with my boys. I loved them, but it wasn’t quite the same. “Ryan doesn’t feel as good on my lap as you do.”

  I snickered and pulled back to look at him. “You joke about that, but you can’t imagine how hot that image is.”

  He coughed. “If you’re trying to start something, woman, that is not the way to go.”

  I shifted so I was straddling him. We’d had couch sex on our second and third nights together, but I wanted more. I smiled as I brushed my fingers through his hair. His electric eyes were alight with laughter.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was innocently sitting on my side of the couch when you hauled me over here. It’s you who started something.”

  “Excuse me, but I believe your toe was molesting me.”

  “How dare you accuse my toe of such untoward behavior? You, sir, have offended us both.” I sort of halfheartedly tried to pull away from him, but he tightened his grip around my waist.

  “Have I? What can I do to make you both feel better?” His voice was so sexy.

  “Well, you could start by admitting that my toe and I had honorable intentions.” We were sluts, the both of us, and he knew it.

  “Of course you did.” He gave me a soft kiss and pulled me closer to him. “I’m sorry I misread the moment. Let’s watch Jeopardy.”

  “Uh, are you for real right now?”

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t want to dishonor you or your wandering toe. Since your intentions were honorable, I’m being honorable as well.”

  He was enjoying this way too much to give in and take me like he was supposed to. Then he started humming the theme song as Jeopardy came on. Screw you, Alex Trebek. The only trivia I was interested in was “which position will Josh and Nicole assume on the couch?”


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