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Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 22

by Kaliana Cole

  “No problem. The truck is still up on the hoist.”

  “Luke, Brody, keep Casey away from Marley. She’s a dangerous person to be friends with right now.”

  “Who’s coming to babysit her?” Danny asked.

  “No one. I’m handing the investigation over to the state cops and she’s stuck with me on protective detail.”

  “If you need back-up, you know where to find us.” The hard intensity in Danny’s eyes that belied his casual tone took Casey by surprise. Even Jack looked primed and honed for war. There was obviously more to these men than just small-town mechanics with bad-boy reputations.

  Andy nodded. “You’ll be the first ones I call.”

  “Do I get any say in this?” Marley was indignant.

  “None. Ring the hospital and tell them you’re taking a leave of absence. You’re either with me, or you can visit your aunt in Australia. It’s your call.” Andy’s tone brooked no nonsense. He turned and looked at the three of them clustered close together. “Take Casey home and keep an eye on her until we get this sorted out. She still could be in some danger if the shooter believes she saw them. Go on, get. None of you want to watch the fireworks when Marley works out just what protective custody with me means.”

  “If you think you’re going to lock me up…” Marley was finding her stride as Brody hurried Casey outside with Luke close behind.

  “It looks like you’re stuck with us for a while longer.” Brody slid into the seat of Luke’s truck beside her. “Think you can handle it?” He smiled, but his eyes flinched as though waiting for a blow.

  The rare show of vulnerability gripped her. Brody was going out on a limb and asking instead of dictating. “I think I can cope with it. Course, it’s going to be awfully boring not being able to get out and about until they sort this out.” She gave him a teasing grin.

  “I think we can come up with one or two things to keep you busy. We’ll stop by your house so you can pick up anything you need on the way. Make sure you get your own deodorant.” He wrinkled his nose comically. “You smell like Luke.” She noticed he still pulled her close, though.

  As they pulled into her drive, Casey saw a large package in her mailbox and restrained a smile. She might be packing a whole lot more than they were bargaining on if her latest purchases were in there.

  * * * *

  “What’s that smile about?”

  “What smile?”

  “The I-know-something-that-you-don’t-know smile. You’ve had it for the last three hours, and let me tell you, sweetheart, it’s a wicked little grin if ever I saw one.” Luke strolled closer, wanting so bad to taste the cherry gloss shining her lips.

  Casey went back to grooming Spot. She’d got stir-crazy after an hour inside, and Brody had warned him off when he’d had a pleasurable suggestion for how she could spend her time. So they’d ended up down at the barn while Brody ran some errands. Sometimes Brody was worse than a mother hen.

  “Spot might have a heart attack. I don’t think he’s had this much attention in his life.” Luke leaned on the Appaloosa’s back and looked over the top at Casey. “That grin’s still there. Tell me what’s going on or I’ll torture it out of you.”


  “Uh-huh. I have methods of persuasion that are guaranteed to work.” Luke moved quickly, ducking under Spot’s neck and pinning Casey against the half wall of the stall. She shrieked when his fingers set about tickling every square inch of her he could reach. “Ready to tell me, wench?”

  She fell against him, effectively blocking his hands from reaching half of her but also giving him her whole length. His cock was not disapproving. Her mouth opened on a gasp as the flesh she was pressed against filled rapidly. “Tickling is not going to work. How about I kiss it out of you then?”

  Luke could only groan when her tongue swept out over the glossy fullness of her lower lip in blatant invitation.

  He didn’t have to close the distance that separated them. Casey did it for him. She kissed playfully, nipping and licking at him. Luke smiled and kept the kiss light. There were one or two things he wanted to talk to her about while Brody was out, and she stole his will quicker than any woman ever had. He couldn’t lose his head just yet.

  “You tempt me so much. Why won’t you let us love you?”

  “I thought I did that last night.”

  “You let us love your body, but you won’t let us have your heart.” He cupped the side of her face with one hand, holding her when she would have ducked her head. “Tell me what convoluted thinking is keeping us out.” He watched her take a deep breath and knew she was weighing up truth versus fiction. “The truth, sweetheart. I think I deserve that.”

  Her eyes softened and he knew he’d won. He brought out her softer side and he knew her conscience wouldn’t let her lie to him any more than it would let her hurt him deliberately.

  “It’s simple. It’s Brody. You would be so easy to love. I could imagine waking up in your arms every day for the rest of my life. You’d never hurt me, Luke, not deliberately, but I know you love your brother more.

  “Brody is going to get sick of me and it will be over. As soon as he gets over the novelty of having a woman that doesn’t bow and scrape to his every wish he’ll lose interest and I’ll get cast aside like every girl has since the infamous Cherry. I’ve got too much pride to let that happen.”

  He ran his spare hand over his face. “Am I the only one in this relationship who sees things clearly?” Luke resisted the urge to shake some sense into Casey. “Look, sweetheart. I have never seen Brody as head over heels as he is for you. He’s got the same problem you have, though. He puts too much store in his stubborn-ass pride.

  “Brody got burned bad, Casey. The part I didn’t tell you before is that Cherry tried to pass another man’s baby off as his. She laughed and called him a gullible fool when he asked her what was going to become of their baby when she was packing to leave. Brode had been willing to put his life on hold because he’d thought he’d gotten her pregnant, and she used that against him.

  “He used to be as easygoing and as open as I am, Case. You would have loved him. He’d laugh and knew how to have a good time. She killed the part of him that knew how to have fun, knew how to love.

  “In ten whole years, the only time I’ve seen a piece of the old Brody is with you. One of you is going to have to let go of your pride and trust in what we have together before we all end up old, gray, and lonely.” Luke let her see how much it meant to him, let her see how much of his heart she’d already taken.

  “I don’t know how.” For the first time ever he could hear tears in her voice.

  He slid his hand to cup the back of her skull and held her close. Her hands clutched at his shirt as she buried her head into his neck in as soft a display of femininity as he’d ever seen. He rubbed her back soothingly. “Loving somebody doesn’t make you less, Casey. It gives you strength. That’s a lesson Brody needs to learn as well. You can teach him that, sweetheart. Just give him a chance to let go of his pride and trust in you, too. I’d give anything to have you both happy.”

  “Did you have to give up your pride, too?”

  “Nah, my ego’s secure. It’s a good thing, too. You’d have stomped all over it last night otherwise with your horny Smurf comment.”

  She giggled, just like he’d intended. “Those condoms have got to go. It could have been worse. It could have been Kermit green.”

  “It’s not easy being green.”

  “Don’t start. I’ll end up laughing again.”

  “Are you going to tell me what that naughty little smile was about now?”

  “I don’t know. What’s Brody’s opinion on toys designed for self-gratification?”

  A thrill went through Luke. He’d seen the plain, wrapped package she’d carried inside. “He likes them as long as they’re in his hands. He kind of frowns upon women using them for themselves.”

  “What about you?”

  “I don’t
care what you do as long as I get to watch. I’d love to see you having a little solo fun. Am I right in thinking that was a rather large package of toys in your mailbox today?”

  “Yeah, I went a little overboard. I might need a little help to work out exactly how some of them work.”

  Sexual anticipation swept through him and Luke knew he wasn’t imagining the teasing little glint in her eyes. “Now or later?”

  “I don’t know.” She gave him a speculative little smile. “When is Brody due back? If I want to rattle his tree we had better time it for maximum impact.”

  “You’re a bad, bad girl, but I love the way you think. Can I unwrap them? I love opening presents!”

  “You look like a kid in a candy store.”

  “Believe me, sweetheart. I’d pass up candy any day to teach you how to play with toys. Let’s get out of here before I decide to sample some sweets right now. Spot might get embarrassed.”

  * * * *

  “Oh, God! Luke! No, back where you were! That’s so good!”

  Brody’s eyes rolled back in exasperation even as his cock surged to instant attention. Casey’s voice ridden with lust was the sexiest sound he’d ever heard, but it wasn’t the first sound he’d expected to hear on walking back in the house. He’d been gone two hours and they were at it already. With Luke he truly shouldn’t have been surprised. His brother would drop everything for a chance to pleasure Casey. He put the groceries down on the table and padded barefoot down the hall.

  The sight that met him at the door sent every drop of blood migrating south in two sledgehammer thumps of his heart.

  Packaging was strewn all over the floor, and Casey was lying back with a pillow clutched to her face. It barely muffled her gasps and moans and was as effective as pissing on a brushfire against her squeals. Luke was kneeling on the bed with what looked like half of Aiden’s toy shop arrayed on a towel beside him.

  Where the fuck had those came from? Some packaging in the corner answered his question. He couldn’t believe Casey was responsible for buying the selection, but he had seen her get it out of her mailbox with his own eyes.

  “No, the other way, like this.”

  Brody’s breath exploded from his body as Casey’s hand reached down and took hold of the dildo Luke was working leisurely inside her. She rotated it around and then started grinding it inside her. Her hips lifted into the rhythm and the moment her breathing picked up, Luke snatched it from her.

  A smile as wide as the Rockies stretched Luke’s stubble-shrouded face. “No, we’re only playing, sweetheart. You’re not allowed to come until we try them all. It’s your fault for buying so many.”

  “Give it back. I like that one.”

  “It’s shaped just like my dick. I should hope you like it. I really want to try these clamps. Get those nipples all sharp and ready, sweetheart. Pinch ’em nice and hard, otherwise it will smart a bit.”

  Brody was held captive by her fingers tugging and rolling her strawberry nipples. He knew he should go in there and knock her hands aside and show her how to do it properly, but for the life of him, he couldn’t move. He stood there feeling every beat of his heart pounding in the swollen cock launching an escape bid on his zipper and stared.

  Casey’s Valkyrie body squirmed under her own ministrations, the muscles of her torso writhing beneath her pale skin. Brody felt like he should have been able to see tugging lines stretching from her nipples to her hips as each roll and tweak made her strong body rock in time. Luke bent and nipped at her thigh, looking as if he meant to devour the squirming feast before him, but he didn’t go any further. His brown eyes rolled up and he spotted Brody. An eager smile lit up his face and he glanced quickly at Casey’s covered face and then beckoned him over. Brody went willingly.

  Luke was so excited. He gestured at the staggering assortment of washed and prepared toys laid out on the towel and made fluttery, excited motions with his hands. Luke needed to settle down before he busted something.

  “Come on, Luke. You’re meant to be playing, too. They don’t get any harder than this.” Casey circled her startlingly lengthened nipples with long, slender fingers.

  Luke handed over the rubber-tipped clamps joined by a decorative chain. Brody took one look and tightened the adjustment screw a full turn—Luke never had them tight enough.

  “Hands back on your head and I’ll let you have them. You’re gonna squeal when these hit, sweetheart.” Luke nodded and Brody struck, clamping both nipples nice and low at the same time. The pillow hardly muffled the full-throttled scream that accompanied the extreme arch of her body as her hands scrabbled at the sheets for purchase.

  “Breathe, baby. Suck it up and ride the pain. You want to play with toys, I’ll teach you to play properly.” Brody tossed the pillow aside so he could watch her assimilate the erotic burn. Her mouth was open as she sucked in a deep breath. Even as he watched her nostrils flared and she embraced the pain. The corners of her mouth lifted in fierce joy. Blue eyes burning with unholy bliss appeared from behind heavy lids and locked on to him.

  “I knew it was you.” Her hand reached up and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. He went with a smile when she pulled him down and kissed him. “I’m glad you’re here. Luke plays like a pussy. He won’t let me have it hard or fast or any freakin’ other way I want it.”

  “Have you been teasing her long?”

  “I’ve hardly started, and that’s only three toys down. There’s still the rabbit and these balls and a pocket rocket and a skinny-ass plug.”

  “It’s a tickler, not a plug, dumb-ass. Pass me the balls.” Luke tossed over two joined balls. They were surprisingly heavy for their size. Brody gave them a rattle and smiled. “Ben Wa balls. Oh, baby, you are going to love these. They’ll thud and rattle inside you and you won’t know what way to turn.”

  “Put them in. I feel empty where Luke took my toy away.” She pressed her thighs together and rubbed them sensuously against one another.

  “Honey, these aren’t going in your snug little cunt. These ones have got a nice big stopper on the end of the retrieval string. I’m putting these babies in your ass. You’ll feel them so much better there.” Brody gave the chain between her clamped nipples a tug and watched her arch again. “Any objections?”

  “Hell no. You can do whatever you want.”

  Brody smiled at her breathy tone. He didn’t know who had replaced the spitting wild cat with this purring little pleasure seeker but he wasn’t about to complain. Neither was Luke. He was using Casey’s inner thigh as a pillow while he ran a ridiculously small vibrator around her swollen pussy. “Has that thing got batteries in it?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know how long they’ll last. I stole them out of your remote control.”

  “Mine? What was wrong with yours?”

  “Mine were new. I put them in the rabbit.”

  Brody wasn’t going to complain. Luke had his priorities right for once. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under Casey’s hips. He wanted full access for this.

  He settled down next to Luke, watching the progress of the small purple vibrator through her slick, naked folds.

  “So what’s the plan?” Luke whispered, still sounding excited enough to burst.

  Brody could only shake his head. One of the most erotic visions to be had was stretched out before them and Luke was bouncing around like a kid on Christmas Eve. It was just wrong. “Tease her ’til she breaks, shove those balls in her ass, the rabbit in her cunt, turn it up to max, and sit back and watch the show.” Okay, so now he felt like rubbing his hands together in glee. “Get the bendy one back. I think she likes that one.”

  Brody picked up the tickler and some lube. It was a nice size. They weren’t as secure as plugs, but the narrower flare of a tickler could be fucked in and out smoothly. He didn’t give her a chance to protest, he just pressed the slick latex to her star. “Push out, baby. I’m not going to stretch you first this time.”

  He watched intently as her ring relaxed and
engulfed the toy he held against it. His cock jerked in sympathy. It knew exactly how tight and hot the grip was. Slowly but surely he fed the slick tickler into her ass. Her guttural cries filled the room but not once did she flinch away from the burning impalement. It sank fully into her embrace and the wide base snugged into her crease of its own accord.

  “That feels so fucking good!”

  Brody and Luke groaned in total concurrence as her low, ragged tone wrapped around their cocks. Her voice ought to be outlawed. Luke went to touch the humming pocket rocket to her glistening clit, but Brody pulled him up, “No, make her wait. She’ll come for sure if you do it now.”

  Luke gave him an eloquent look that said “Are you fucking mad?”

  “If you let her come now she’s not going to appreciate the rabbit. Keep her on the edge and she’ll come hard enough to buck the ears clean off that bunny.”

  “Oh, God! Stop teasing me. I want to come so bad. I need more.”

  “Let her have that G-spot finder, but keep your hands away from her clit.” Brody reached along her body and grasped the chain, just holding it and waiting for her to arch when Luke quit fooling around and fed the bent plastic cock into her wet and ready cunt.

  Her muscles flickered visibly around the toy, pink tissue stretching and grasping greedily. Brody knew damn well he had a wet spot growing on his jeans, but he couldn’t find the will to care. A sane man would have had his pants off and his cock buried somewhere in Casey Buckley, but right then, sanity was out of Brody’s reach.

  Casey lifted as Luke pushed that bent toy to the hilt and twisted it slowly, shifting the pressure inside her. Her shoulders went back and the chain grew taut in his hand. He realized she was deliberately pulling, stretching her ruby nipples and riding the burn.

  When Casey let herself go and just enjoyed what they offered instead of pushing and provoking, she was a real sensualist, a hedonistic sex kitten with a love for the darker edge of pleasure. Brody found himself holding back the urge to let her come right then just so he could watch her fly. He shook his head. Luke was the generous one—he made any lover work for their orgasm.


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