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Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)

Page 1

by Renee, K

  The Wayward Saints, MC

  Book Three

  K. Renee





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Sneak Peek: Wayward Son

  About the Author



  Wayward Beginning

  © 2015 K. Renee

  Published by K. Renee

  1st Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: K. Renee - 2015

  Cover Design: KLa Boutique

  Formatting: K. Renee

  Cover Models:

  Front Cover: Stephen Hughes-Landers

  © Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir

  Back Cover: © Dollar Photo Club

  Inside Photos: © Depositphotos

  Editor: Kim Young

  ISBN-13: 978-1508552703

  ISBN-10: 1508552703


  To my amazing street team!

  Thank you for always standing behind me and promoting my books. Without you, I wouldn’t be doing what I love.


  Growing up in a motorcycle club probably wasn’t the best way to be raised, but my parents did what they could. A few years before I was born, my old man and a few of his buddies started the Wayward Saints. They wanted a place they could hang out with their friends, party, and have an extended family.

  They always had each other's backs. Their brotherhood was admirable, which was why I joined when I turned eighteen. My mom didn't really want me to follow in my dad's footsteps, and part of me understood that. She thought the club would change me, like it did my old man, so she begged me not to join.

  However, joining the club was one of the best days of my life. I prospected for a year, which was hell. I had to do everything the members didn't want to do. I hated doing laundry, cooking, running errands, cleaning up shit, and being their bitch but I sucked it up and continued to do as I was told with no complaints.

  The day I was finally patched in was awesome. There was a huge party and more pussy than I knew what to do with. I think this was really the reason my mom didn't want me in the club. The day I was born, she had my life planned out for me, which didn’t include joining the club.

  The club never had much trouble, but when we did, it was war. Other clubs didn't like the way we ran things so, on numerous occasions, they tried to take us out. My mom begged me to give it up, but I couldn't. This life was in my blood and I hoped that, one day, I would be the one sitting at the head of the table, making decisions.

  Little did I know that, in a few short years, I would be the one sitting at the head of that table, and making decisions wasn’t as easy as I thought.

  Chapter One

  The day my old man died from lung cancer was one of the hardest days of my life. I'd never seen my mom so torn up before. When he took his last breath, she was screaming and crying. I tried to soothe her, but she pushed me away.

  "Cason, you’re going to turn out just like your father! How can you follow in his footsteps knowing that, one day, you will leave a family behind? If he cared about us at all, he would have given up the club, the whores, and the smoking when I asked him to."

  Her sobs could be heard down the hall. It killed me to see the strong woman who raised me becoming bitter and resentful.

  After that day, every time I saw her was like going to war. She would tell me how much she hated the club and everything for which it stood. She hated that I slept with club whores, and was always trying to fix me up with her friends' daughters.

  Don't get me wrong. Some of the girls were smoking hot, but they weren't cut out for my lifestyle. They would complain when I had to leave, or when they saw another girl look at me. I didn't have time to fight about the small shit. At twenty-two, I still had my whole life ahead of me and a MC to run, so I wasn't looking for a lasting relationship. I just wanted a warm place to stick my dick from time to time.

  A year into my presidency, I started Wayward Cycles, which became a place of employment for all the guys who couldn't find work outside the club. They thrived on building and repairing bikes that came through the doors. A year later, we opened up our first bar, Wayward Tavern.

  The prospects were great at taking care of the bar, so it left the rest of us to do what we wanted and plenty of money coming into the bank every month.

  I never expected to go to the bar one night and meet the girl of my dreams.

  Walking into the bar, I scan the room to see if any of my boys are around. I see a few of the guys sitting at a booth in the back, so I make my way over.

  Walking by one of the tables, I notice this beautiful brunette sitting there with some douchebag, and it looks like they are arguing. When I am just about to walk past the table, she looks up and our eyes lock. Holy fuck. This girl is hot.

  Making it to the table, I shoot the shit with the guys, keeping an eye on the girl the whole time. I watch her get up and try to walk away from him, but he grabs her arm and forces her to sit back down. Typically, I don't get involved, but there is something about her that makes me feel like I have to. I watch her try to shrug his hand off, but he tightens his grip.

  Walking over to the table, I can hear their conversation. "Stop, Mike. You’re hurting me. It's over. Please, just deal with it." She tries to jerk her arm away again, but he pulls her body into his.

  Closing the distance, I say, "I suggest you let the lady go."

  He turns to me and gives me a dirty look. "What are you gonna do about it, asshole?" he says, looking at me like he can take me. He has no idea…

  "I'll be your worst fucking nigh
tmare if you don't leave her alone." I smirk. The brunette's eyes meet mine. She looks scared, and part of me wants to be her hero.

  "You don't fucking scare me. You have no idea who my parents are,” he huffs out. I just laugh. Is this guy for real?

  "Luckily for you, motherfucker, I won't beat the fuck out of you in front of this pretty lady. But this is my bar, so you can either get the fuck out, or my boys can take you out. Your choice."

  I watch his eyes widen. Some of the guys get up from the table and start to make their way over to us. The whole bar has gone quiet, everyone watching the scene play out before them.

  Looking over at the brunette, I ask, "Sweetheart, do you want to go with this asshole, or do you want him to leave you alone?"

  Her eyes widen and she takes in the scene around her. Six of my guys are surrounding the table and I can tell that the preppy little bastard is getting nervous.

  Shyly, she answers, "I want him to leave me alone." I smile at her and wink, causing a blush to creep across her cheeks.

  Looking back at him, I state, "You heard the lady. Get the fuck out of my bar."

  Before he starts to walk off, he looks like he wants to say something, but decides against it. When he passes her, I hear him whisper, "You'll regret this."

  Without even thinking about it, I move around her and hit the guy in the jaw. As I watch him fall to the ground, my best friend and vice-president, Nick, steps between us.

  "Prez…,” he warns.

  I turn and come face to face with her. I can tell she’s terrified, but she asks if I'm okay. Grabbing my hand, she checks it for cuts.

  That definitely wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.

  Typically, women get all freaked out when men fight over them, but not this one.

  "What's your name, darlin'?"

  Looking up at me, she blushes. "Avelyn." Her smile is like a punch to the gut, and I know I am in trouble.

  I miss that girl every day. She helped me through so much and always stood by my side. Hell, even my mom loved her…until she found out she backed me as president of the club.

  She lived and breathed the club just like I did.

  Chapter Two

  Six months after Avelyn and I met, we got married. I didn't want to lose this girl, so I asked her one night after I got home from a long run. I knew it wasn't romantic or anything, but I loved her and she loved me. That was all that mattered to the both of us. Less than a year into our marriage, we welcomed a baby boy, Dominic Mathew. We were thrilled. I always wanted a son who I could pass the club down to. Now that I had one, I couldn't wait for him to grow up and want to follow in my footsteps, just like I did with my old man.

  When Dom was three-and-a-half, Avie wanted to have another one. I was all for it. I loved having a baby around. Plus, trying to get her pregnant was always an adventure in and of itself. We fucked like rabbits and she was pregnant with our second son within weeks. Soon, Robert Joseph was born.

  When things at the club started to change, it put a strain on our relationship. Avie and I would fight about me not being around enough, which made my life a whole hell of a lot more difficult. My family life was taking its toll on my club life, and the guys made it known. They wanted me to choose one or the other, but I couldn't do that. The club was formed based on friends and family, and I wouldn't let that change. We had plenty of other things to worry about.

  As things with other clubs got worse, Avie found out she was pregnant again. While I was happy about it, I could tell she wasn't really on board with the idea this time. Dom was almost six, Robbie was one and, in eight short months, we would have another little mouth to feed. When Raef Alexander was born, Avie was back to her happy self.

  As the boys got older, I could tell Avie wanted a little girl. She was being overrun by the boys, and she wanted to have a little girl to dress up. Shit. I wanted to give her the world.

  Things with the club had finally settled down and I was able to spend more time at home. I was in awe of her mothering skills every day. The boys were hell on wheels and she took it all in stride. No matter how difficult they were being, she was able to deal with them without breaking a sweat. After we got the boys off to school and daycare one morning, she asked if we could try for a girl. I just smiled and took her straight back to bed.

  Baby number four was all she wanted. When we found out it was a boy, I could tell she was a little disappointed, but when Bentley Aaron was born, she instantly fell in love with him. I had four healthy boys and a beautiful wife. I couldn't ask for anything more.

  My boys and Nick's boys…Brantley, Jason, Sebastian, and Elijah…were best friends. The older boys did everything together, practically becoming our shadows. The younger boys stuck together and tried their best to get their brothers in trouble. I was glad there were other kids in the club the same age as my boys. I remember what it was like to not have very many friends because of who my dad was. I wanted my boys to have the life I wish I had.

  Over the next year, I started to expand the club to help keep others off our backs. I thought I was doing a good job…until my world came crashing down.

  Avelyn stopped by the club house one afternoon to drop the boys off while she ran some errands. Not even ten minutes after she left me, she was shot and killed by a rival club while stopped at a red light.

  When the officer called to tell me what happened, I knew things would never be the same. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe. My world was crashing around me and I couldn’t do anything to prevent it. The woman I loved was dead. How would I explain it to our boys?

  The Dom and Robbie were heartbroken and Raef and Bentley were too young to understand that their mom was never coming back, and I knew no one could take her place. Hell, I didn’t want anyone to. I wanted her back, and I would give my own life in exchange for hers.

  I spent most of my free time planning revenge. It consumed me. It was all I could think about for months. I had to kill the motherfucker who took her from me. I rarely saw my boys because I was too consumed with guilt. Nick and Emily were a godsend. Without them, I never would have gotten my head on straight.

  One day, Nick stopped by my office on his way home. I'll never forget what he did for me. He was probably the only other person, besides Avelyn, who could tell me to pull my head out of my ass. When he walked in and closed the door, I knew what he was about to say was important.

  "Cason, brother, you know I've been here for you and will always have your back, but you need to get your fucking head out of your ass and be a fucking father. Those boys need you. They just lost their mother, and you're pretty much gone from their lives, too. Nothing is going to bring her back, and I'm sorry about that, brother. But don't punish those boys just because you can't fucking deal with her death. They ask about you every single day. I hate telling them you're out of town or whatever bullshit story I come up with. Those boys are just as heartbroken as you and they deserve more!" He slammed his hands on my desk and I looked up.

  For the first time since the day she died, I cried. I realized I wanted to be a better father to them. Hell, I needed to be. Avelyn would have wanted that. I needed to stop being selfish. I needed to take responsibility for my sons and teach them that everything would get better over time.

  Chapter Three

  After Nick set me back on the right path, I hired a babysitter for the boys while I was at the club, making sure I came home every night.

  I was up with them every morning until they went to school, and was home every night by dinnertime. The nanny, Selena, picked them up from school and made sure they did their homework. She cooked us dinner, then left for the night. We got into a pattern and it worked well. The boys liked her.

  One night, after I got the boys fed, showered, and into bed, Selena cornered me in the kitchen. "Cason,” she said with a breathy sigh.

  Sure, this girl was hot, but I hadn't slept with anyone since my wife, and I wasn't really sure I was ready to get back in
to the swing of things. I was finally on the right track and I didn’t need anything messing that up.

  "Yeah, Selena?" I said, checking the messages on my cell.

  She walked right up to me and ran her fingers down my chest, heading straight for my dick. Now, I know what I just said and I'm probably going to make myself look like a hypocrite, but when a woman grabs your dick like that, it's hard to say no. She leaned into my body and kissed her way down my neck.

  Fuck, it had been six months since I felt a woman touch me the way she was touching me. It felt fantastic. Even though everything in me screamed for her stop, I couldn't bring myself to say the words.

  Her other hand slipped under my shirt and she pulled me closer, working to undo my jeans. Once they were open, I felt her small hand slide in and grip my hard dick. My breathing deepened and I knew I couldn't hold back anymore.

  When I picked her up, she wrapped her long legs around my waist and I could feel her hot cunt through her panties. She used her feet to slide my pants down, and I sat her on the counter. I kissed my way down her neck as she moaned. This girl was hot and ready, and I was aching to sink my cock deep inside her.

  I don't know what was going through my head when I fucked Selena, but she made me feel again. Soon, she became like an addiction and I couldn't get enough of her pussy.

  Six months later, she told me she was pregnant. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but the boys were excited to have another sibling.

  I went with Selena to all her appointments and took care of everything. The day we found out we were having a little girl was the happiest I had been since I found out about the boys.

  The day Anslie Caidence was born, I could feel Selena slipping away from me. In all honesty, I was okay with that. We lived under the same roof, but we did as we wanted.

  About a year after Anslie was born, the loving girl who took care of my boys was gone, and I didn't even recognize the person in her place. She started hanging out at the club house and bars more, she started flirting with my brothers, and started fucking random men.


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