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Bloodlines 2 Ancestry

Page 11

by Toni L. Meilleur

  He then touched upon the mind of the woman, and found her angry and aware of his intrusion. She cast angry brown eyes at him and immediately threw him from her mind. “You’re all alike.” She spat at him. “Don’t worry my brother and the Noir Brujo will come for you, and there will be no rock you can hide under to escape their wrath!” She sent a healthy dollop of spittle his way, but he merely stepped back out of its path. The Quarter Guard holding her simply jerked her hard in the direction of the doors; the exit doors to be exact. Khaelen now was truly perplexed. They sampled their blood just to let them go? Not only that, it was as if the Quarter Guard didn’t see him… Him, The Executioner. It was then that it occurred to Khaelen that these were not only Quarter Guards; they were mindless vampyre servants as well. Influenced and controlled by a vampyre to do their bidding. But whose bidding were they doing?

  These servants obviously had a very strong compulsion to carry out their orders, to the point that everything else was of no consequence. Khaelen was many things; ‘of no consequence’ wasn’t one of them. He hung back and watched as the woman, struggling every step of the way, and the terrified boys were practically dragged out the door, then silently he followed at a safe distance behind.

  * * * *

  As soon as they were in familiar territory Allantra had taken the lead. She didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know where Minn and the boys were being taken, The Elder Council Chambers. Still she couldn’t swallow the bitter pill that they had been betrayed. But her gut instinct told her all of the council members hadn’t betrayed them. If she had to put money on it, she would bet it was that vampyre bitch Dominica behind the kidnapping. Hell, she would even venture as far as to say, Dominica was probably behind her own attempted kidnapping when she was in the Savage Outlands. Unease slipped into her as she remembered the words of the ancient council member: ‘She will prove to be a problem. If she ever retains her true form she will be a force to reckon with. We will have to see that does not happen.’

  “Fuck!” Allantra said out loud in frustration.

  “What is it?” Dharean asked. Masque gave her a look that suggested she should try to be a little quieter.

  “I know who took Minn and the boys, it wasn’t Khaelen, believe me, Dharean. Look, the vampire that’s doing this is one sick asshole. She’ll stop at nothing to see the shifters wiped out.”

  “Is it the rogue vampyre you spoke of?” Masque asked gravely.

  “Yes, she hates everything and everyone except her own kind, at least that’s the impression I got when I met her. We didn’t get along.” Allantra grunted as she looked out the window of the old deserted museum across the street from the Elders Council Chambers. “Wait.” Allantra whispered as she saw dark figures moving toward the Chambers. “I see them, they’re still alive!” she said excitedly. Dharean and Masque both rushed to the window to see Minn and the boys being brought rather unceremoniously down the street. The doors to the building opened on their own accord; obviously they were expected. The three turned from the window and faced each other.

  “I don’t know the layout of the chambers. Masque, it would be best if you tracked them; my nose obviously isn’t as trained as yours.”

  “Perhaps you should stay here until we return.” Dharean suggested smoothly, though his tense demeanor suggested anything but calm. He didn’t want Allantra going into the fray of things so soon. She didn’t have control over her new power and if he were honest with himself he didn’t want the possibility of her getting hurt.

  “Don’t start that macho man shit with me!” Allantra hurled at him, undaunted by his rather curious look at the term ‘macho man.’ “I’ve faced these bloodsuckers before and lived to tell about it. I’ll be fine. I’ve been taking care of myself a lot longer than I’ve known you.” She pointed an annoyed finger his way. “Masque, lead the way, and be careful; their weapons here are nothing to play with, be ready for anything.”

  Masque nodded and exited from where they had entered the museum, Allantra followed. Dharean however turned to look out the window one last time when he saw a tall, dark figure approach the doors to the building. Even from this distance he could practically feel the power of the man. His instinct told him the man was vampyre, old and very powerful. Perhaps Allantra was wrong and it wasn’t the rogue female vampyre behind this, but this obviously powerful vampyre. Maybe this vampyre and the rogue were in league together. Dharean snorted as he began to follow his small party. It didn’t matter, Dharean was in for a little bloodshed, and he knew for sure it wouldn’t be his own.

  * * * *

  Minn was afraid as they led her into the dank musty dungeon. Not for her own life, but that of her boys. They were the only thing she had left between her and her mate. They were the only thing of value she had in her life period. And now she stood helpless to protect her pups. She tried to soothe them, but they knew, even in their young years, that things were even beyond her control.

  Please don’t cry, pups. Your uncle and the Noir Brujo will help us. You have to believe that.

  I’m scared, mama.

  I’m scared too, but not as scared as Landin.

  You are too!

  Am not!

  Boys! Minn had to shout above the telepathic arguing. Please you’re giving your mother a headache.

  Why can’t we shift mama? This question came from Kurahn.

  I believe it has something to do with these rings around our wrists.

  They burn. The boys said in unison.

  I know. But just calm yourselves. Give me time to think. Give your uncle time to get here. It will be all right.

  “I don’t think so,” came an almost whispery voice interrupting their private conversation. Minn watched in horror as a shade-like creature wafted into the room. Minn couldn’t make out a definite shape, but she certainly felt the hostility permeating from it. “Only I will be all right. I will be restored as I once was. Give me the blood collected from them; I will add it to the fresh blood taken from our resident prisoner here. Chain them to the wall, next to the fallen princess. Bleed them dry,” the voice sneered.

  It was at that time that Minn noticed the crumpled body chained to the far wall. It couldn’t be! Yes, her hair was dirty and longer than she remembered, but even above the acrid smell of bodily waste she smelled the familiar scent. Slowly the figure lifted her head, and she met the eyes of Taraema, one of the missing royalty who had come here to the Civil Lands so long ago, seeking equality. She had been rotting in this Kynn forsaken place for a very long time. Minn wanted to cry when a second realization hit her. She now knew who the Harbinger really was. For Allantra was indeed a scion, a scion of the beautiful fallen princess…

  * * * *

  Every step Khaelen took brought him closer to unmitigated anger. A secret dungeon? How long had this been here? He watched from a distance so as not to be discovered, as they led the prisoners into the room the door clicking ominously behind them. He smelled their fear and would do anything to save them. Four guards adorned each side of the cell door. Piece of cake; Khaelen in a flurry of movement broke each of their necks before they even had time to wrench a cry from their throats. The bodies began to slump to the floor. Khaelen directed the bodies, which were now inanimate objects to remain standing, and so they did. He didn’t need a surprise coming from behind, it was best that things look normal at least until he took care of the situation behind the cell door. With one more look behind him, Khaelen, not wanting to risk teleporting himself into an unknown environment, took great caution as he entered the cell.

  Khaelen’s eyes immediately adjusted to the poor lighting in the room. He saw two of the guards shackling the hands of the two boys to the wall, a wicked blood trail wound from a clean cut on their necks. They were still alive but unconscious. In a rather efficient manner they took Minn from the third guard who then seemed to be checking the life signs of a figure hanging by her wrists. Khaelen had no idea who this woman was, but knew she wouldn’t last long. Out of the
corner of his eye he caught swift movement, and knew one of the Elders was behind this monstrous deed.

  “Stop,” he directed to the two guards as they overpowered the rather plump woman and managed to get one of her wrists shackled. Blood dripped from her wrists. They continued, undaunted by his order, their minds truly belonging to the vampyre.

  “You have no power here,” came a very familiar voice. “You’re too late.” A very unwelcome voice.

  “Dominica, I shouldn’t be surprised that you are behind this.” Khaelen said coolly.

  “You are truly a waste of vampyre blood. For all your power, you sympathize with the mongrels. Still fucking that bitch of yours?” she chided him, slipping in and out of his line of vision. Though she physically proved no threat, she proved quite a threat to the woman and the boys for she controlled the guards.

  “By the sound of your voice you sound envious, Dominica. How long has it been since a man found his way in between your non-existent thighs?”

  Dominica screeched in outrage, a sound very reminiscent of the legendary banshee. “We will see how long your humor lasts.” She promised. Two of the guards rushed him; one tossed a ring at him. He remembered them too well. Bullets whizzed by his head and he knew without having to take one into his body, they were the blessed bullets. He moved fast as the guard continued to shoot at him, the third guard calmly picked up an athamae blade first and aimed it at the woman chained to the wall by one arm. They were trying to distract him. The door to the dungeon burst open but he didn’t have time to see who else was coming to the party. With an impressive display of telekinetic power, he violently tossed the woman across the room. The force was so great the chain broke in half freeing her; she hit the wall and slid to the floor. The athamae landed with a ‘thwack’ sound, embedding itself where the shifter would have been chained. Then a fine mist began to filter into the room.

  * * * *

  Masque led them deep into the bowels of the Chambers. Allantra was quite sure this where all the shady business took place. She was curious as to how many council members knew about this place, what’s more how many of them used it. The place was empty of guards probably because simply no one knew it was even here. Eventually, they came to a turn that led them into a long corridor. At the end, four guards, almost unnaturally straight, stood guarding the door. Their eyes, even more lifeless than usual for vampire servants, made the hackles on Allantra’s neck rise. Masque and Dharean, in a display of practiced and understood communication, nodded to each other. Allantra rolled her eyes. Masque and Dharean took off at the same time each taking two guards apiece. To their dismay their necks were already broken. The heads merely lolled to the side in a grotesque angle and finally mercifully the guards slumped to the floor.

  Allantra approached the men, a finger to her lips for silence. If they could do the signals, so could she.

  What is going on here? Allantra asked as she looked at the rag doll men with disgust.

  It would appear they were already dead, Masque answered

  Dharean had a pretty good idea who killed them. The vampyre he saw may have betrayed his partner. Seems we have a killer among killers.

  I will go in first, Masque announced, ready to take one for the team.

  I will go. There is much black magic here. Even now as I send out sensors, these doors made of metal, block my magic. Dharean argued. There could be much danger behind those doors.

  Allantra had all she could take with the macho man bit. She concentrated as she had taught herself to do. She found the center of calm she needed quickly and began to feel her body go light as it dissolved into a fine mist. I will tell you what I see, she declared to the two men as they watched open mouthed at her unknown ability. She filtered into the cell through a large crack. Dharean connected with Allantra and it was then she knew fear held his heart and breathing prisoner momentarily. Quickly, he chanted the appropriate spell, channeling the power through his hands. The door burst in, Dharean rushed in followed by Masque. Then all hell broke loose.

  Allantra came back to her true form to see Khaelen standing over Minn’s unconscious body, blood trailing down her arm onto the floor. Each of the boys had blood on their chests that obviously originated from their necks. Rage poured off Masque. Dharean roared. More guards began to pour into the room at Dominica’s bidding. Masque had to defend himself as they attacked. Dharean turned to the vampyre, and shot bolts of flame at him. Swiftly Khaelen moved almost faster than the shifter could see … almost. He shot another burst of flame, this time singeing the shoulder of the vampyre. Dharean tried to track him but he moved too fast. Where was he? Belatedly he realized where the vampyre went, as talon claws raked across his back. Dharean dropped and rolled ignoring the painful sensation. He looked for Allantra trying to make sure she was not in danger but she seemed transfixed to the spot as she looked at the figure that was chained to the wall.

  * * * *

  Allantra’s breath hitched. This was the woman from her dream. She couldn’t help but stare. The woman was barely breathing. Slowly she approached her, why was she so afraid of her? Maybe afraid was too strong a word. There was excitement, yes, something about this woman made her giddy with excitement. She knelt down, pushing the long dirty hair away from the woman’s face, to reveal a visage so very much like her own. The woman raised her eyes slowly, pain evident in every movement. She looked to Allantra and smiled, the woman was very beautiful. She said one word to Allantra that put her in a state of shock before the woman let unconsciousness claim her. “Daughter.” Then a blinding light encompassed the room.

  * * * *

  With a warrior’s precision, Masque cut through the servants with his dangerously clawed hands. Deftly avoiding the rings tossed at him. He remembered them from when Allantra had been caught in one by the water. As the last one fell before him, a blinding light lit up the dark cell. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, then he saw the female vampyre standing near the blown out door. Her eyes caught his and surprise registered.

  “You,” she said scathingly. “You’re still alive?”

  “Yes, Dominica,” Masque answered shaking his head in wonderment. This is what happened to his mate?

  “I thought you were dead. I prayed to every known god that you were dead. I hoped you met your justice during the Mass Execution.” She laughed, a shrill ugly sound, derived from hatred.

  “You were behind that?” Masque said incredulously as anger welled up. He had lost many friends and family. “You killed because…”

  “Because shifters are lower forms of life; they lie, they deceive!” Her voice began to rise as memories she thought long buried surfaced. “You took me for a mate and then you left me because I wasn’t good enough? Very clever, Masque, not using magic all these years, making me believe you were dead.”

  “I did it for many reasons, do not flatter yourself.”

  “No, do not flatter yourself, mate,” she said polluting the word, making it seem an abomination. “You are only still standing because the transformation momentarily weakens me. But now that I know you are alive, you are my main target. Appreciate how lucky these filthy shifters were I didn’t have time to bleed them dry as I intended. No matter, I have only begun my wrath!” With that Dominica used her last energy to teleport out of the room, fully corporeal.

  * * * *

  Allantra watched in pure astonishment at the exchange between Masque and Dominica. That bitch was the love of his life? She was the reason he stopped doing magic? It all made sense. Perhaps he didn’t use magic so he could ease her hurt, make her think he was dead so she could go on with her life. If she could have located Masque when he used magic, she could have located his whole tribe and wiped them out. The enormity of what was avoided was staggering. Unbelievable as it was, Dominica had influenced the Mass Execution to take place because she was a jilted lover … of a shifter.

  Then the scent caught her, before the feeling of being watched. He was here! She looked around the cell to see
Khaelen staring at her with a goofy smile on his face. Dharean was looking from Khaelen to her as understanding dawned on his features. Khaelen in his joy to see Allantra simply ignored the foe he had been sparring with but moments before. He was at her side before she could blink and caught her in a tight embrace then pulled back to get a really good look at her. “You look different, but still beautiful,” he said, a smile in his voice as he ran his fingers through her shortened hair and looked at the stone on her forehead. “I’ll tell you about that later,” she grinned. She too was happy to see him and returned the embrace. His lips sought hers and willingly she opened her mouth to him.

  She forgot everyone and everything in that moment. She had missed him terribly. She felt awful leaving like she did. She felt guilty for … she blocked that thought for now and kissed him back just as eagerly. Then abruptly he broke the kiss. “What?” she stammered, her senses reeling from his kiss.

  “You smell like him, all over you. Why do you smell like him?” He jerked his head in the direction on Dharean, who now had the pleasure of smiling rather smugly.

  “There’s a lot to be explained…” Allantra hiccupped over her words but Dharean cut her off as he sauntered over.

  “Not really, she’s mated to me, vampyre, fully mated.” Dharean smiled at the vampyre as he pulled Allantra roughly to him, Letting the vampyre deal with every connotation ‘fully mated’ meant.


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