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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869

Page 19

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Charlotte, I am having Matthew baptized on Saturday and hope that you will be his godmother.”

  “Oh Mirisa, how delightful. I would be so honored.” She picked up her napkin and dabbed at her eyes which Mirisa found enduring.

  “Mary and Michael were baptized in the chapel even though we attend the large church. I do wish you were still living at the plantation for our children should grow up together. Daddy built us a small cottage between the house and the woods but closer to the road. It is so charming and I am near Momma. Catherine and her family moved north of town where they built a large home that is so beautiful. We would just be such best friends if you moved back to the plantation. I don’t know why men have this obsession with the Wild West. I was very reluctant to bring my husband out here for fear he would want to stay but he has so enjoyed being with the men again that I feel guilty for not allowing it sooner. You are so brave to have followed Dominic out here before there was anything to protect you.”

  “I love the openness of the land but I do miss Natchez.” Mirisa turned to Mrs. Ross. “Are you planning on moving out?”

  “Oh my heavens, I just cannot decide. I do miss my boys tremendously but I cannot even imagine a day without being near the little ones. They do fill my days with such joy and Tom is far too busy to know whether I am here unless I am underfoot. Tell me dear, is your mother planning on visiting now that the baby is here?”

  “I have not heard from my mother.”

  “Well that is just so sad. So, so sad indeed. Matthew is such a beautiful baby and even though they change during the first year, he seems to be the spitting image of Dominic. I was so distressed when Tom told me about your losing the first baby. Even though it is a fact of a woman’s life and one I experienced several times, it is always a sorrowful, sorrowful time for a woman especially when it is the first child. I hope both you and Charlotte have many, many children to fill your lives. Catherine I am afraid will follow in her momma’s footsteps and birth out children like a rabbit.” She had such a wondrous laugh that it always brought a smile to one’s face. “You must remember to keep Dominic at arm’s length for it is so easy to become with another child while nursing your new baby. I should know since Charlotte surprised me not even a year after Catherine. Of course, Mr. Ross was a very amorous young man that I just could not turn away.” She laughed as Charlotte blushed and chastised her mother. “Dear, one reaches an age where life is what it is.”

  “I appreciate all of your help.”

  “I believe you will be a very good mother and I was just saying the other day that not a one of us thought you would last a month with Dominic and here you have proven us wrong.”

  Mirisa laughed and told her that it was obvious that not many felt she made the right decision including her father. When James finally came in to get her, Mirisa handed him the baby so that she could put on her jacket.

  “James you would be a good father. Pray tell, when do you plan on settling down?”

  “I don’t believe it is in the cards.”

  “Well, if you would stop playing with horses and move somewhere where you can find a nice young lady that might change. You know there are some very eligible young women in Natchez who would provide you with wonderful children. Maybe you should let me introduce you.”

  “Would they be willing to move to Texas?”

  “One never knows in these times does one?”

  “No one doesn’t. Thank you for the compliment.”

  “Well, you are a very handsome young man and it is a shame that you do not have a proper home with children. Are any of you married yet?”

  “Only Dominic.”

  “I hope my sons are not influenced by your bachelor ways for I know they all think the world of you.”

  “I am sure that they will all settle down and raise good families. They have taken to Texas and there is a lot of room for growth.”

  “Tom Jr. has boasted on the sage business advice you have provided to them in their little business. Tom thinks it is good for them to be in charge of their future instead of waiting for him to die though frankly the man is worth so much money that they will never do without.”

  James and Mirisa bid them good day and headed back to the ranch. “You know she is right.”

  “I suppose from a woman’s viewpoint it would appear so but I don’t know if you have the capacity to share me.”

  Mirisa looked over at him and started laughing. He was such a delightful flirt.

  Dominic shook hands with the buyer and watched as he headed east to the highway. He was setting up a way station in Oklahoma territory for the stagecoach routes that were moving west. It wouldn’t be long before you could safely cross the country from one coast to the other.

  “Have you decided how to extract yourself from the guest room?”

  “Fortunately she has never gotten that mad but she has the right to be angry.” He reached in his pocket and took out his watch and handed it to Garnett. The fob was a gold piece minted the year he was born and on the other side was ground smooth with their anniversary date engraved into the gold. “She has a way of making me feel smaller than a skunk and she does it out of love.”

  “Look, I can’t give you advice. Sometimes you just need to acknowledge that life is easier when you accept your faults and demons and sometimes those things make life a constant battle.”

  Dominic lit his cigar and looked out over the landscape watching the horses racing across the pasture. “We created a very good ranch. Are you heading into town?”

  “No. Meeks has been working on the new plots for the town so I have to meet with him to finish up the paperwork so we can sell them but first I’m going to get lunch to take home since James has been unwilling to cook.”

  Dominic mounted his horse and they headed north. Meeks was sitting at the drawing table mapping out the new section of land. Dominic looked over it as Garnett was taking notes. The new acreage would allow them to sell another 50 lots and a section for business. When James came in they all looked at the clock realizing they had been working on the maps for over three hours. Dominic finally downed his shot and headed to the stable with his horse. He found Mirisa standing in the kitchen making dinner. Her hair was wet and curly and her feet were bare. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. She turned and put her arms around his neck as she got on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  “I forget how beautiful you are.”

  “How can you forget when I am under your feet all the time?”

  “I guess because you are always there and I don’t have to work for your affection.”

  She sighed and put her cheek against his chest taking in the warmth and rhythm of his strong heartbeat. “Dinner will be ready soon.”

  “Where’s Matthew?”

  “In his cradle.”

  Dominic walked into the great room taking off his gun and went in to check on his son. He was sleeping on his stomach with his knees under him and his little mouth moving as though he was nursing. His hair was black and curled around his ears. Dominic ran his hand over his head and smiled at how silky his hair and skin felt. He squatted down next to the cradle and rocked it slowly.

  “Your eyes soften when you watch him.”

  Dominic took her in his arms. “Thank you. In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined anything so amazing. Please forgive me for not telling you.”

  “Are you hungry or do you wish to clean up first?”

  “I need to clean up.” She nodded and checked on Matthew before returning to the kitchen. When Dominic came out the table was set for two. A bottle of wine was set next to his place and the candles were lit. He stood next to her chair as she ladled fish soup into their bowls. She sat down as he kissed her neck and then poured the wine. “Is this from your vineyard?”

  “It is.”

  Dominic put it under his nose then took a sip. He filled her glass than sat down. The bread was still warm as he tore off the end and handed her a piece. “I
t has been a long time since we have enjoyed a meal without company.” He raised his glass and toasted her with a platitude of everything he loved about her. They sat for over two hours talking and enjoying the dinner. He finally stood up and pulled out her chair bringing her into his arms as he waltzed her around the room.

  He twirled her out and back into his arms when Matthew let out a pathetic little whimper. Dominic smiled as she kissed him and went to get Matthew. Curled up on the couch against Dominic, Mirisa fed her son as she sang to him softly in French. The fire burnt low as Matthew fell back to sleep but neither of them made an effort to move.

  Saturday morning was bright and sunny with high clouds. She had prepared for Christmas before Matthew was born and all the arrangements for the baptism were complete. There was a large stack of mail on the table in front of Dominic including a few newspapers. He had handed her a letter from her father before picking up a journal on the latest political news including a lengthy editorial on the assassination of President Lincoln and the war.

  “My father is at home rebuilding the plantation. He said he sold most of the acreage for a great profit and only kept the land around the old house from the road down to the river.”

  “And your brothers?”

  “They are with my father. Father apologized for not writing but said that my brothers were keeping him very busy. He also kept enough property near the house for Gus, Jed and Jes hoping that they would settle down and rebuild their lives.” She read a little further. “Gus apparently got married toward the end of the war to a girl from Tennessee and he has already started on a small cottage near the river.” She smiled at some distant memory. “He always did love to fish more than farm. Jed has decided to follow my father’s footsteps and is apprenticing as a medical assistant working under my father who has decided to retire from medicine.” Mirisa continued to read the lengthy letter as Dominic turned his attention back to the journal. She folded up the letter and put it back into the envelope as Dominic looked up.

  “Do you want to go east in the spring?”

  “No. I think he has enough on his hands without my visiting. If I do anything, I will go back to the plantation for the summer with Matthew.”

  “Are you unhappy here?”

  She thought for a moment. “Sometimes but I’m afraid if we make a habit of being apart that we will continue to grow apart.”


  Mirisa didn’t answer him because some things were easier to pretend didn’t exist if they were never spoken out loud. She had everything money could buy and a beautiful son. “Then I will make arrangements to spend the summer at the plantation with you. I think it will be good for Matthew.”

  Mirisa stood, kissing her husband and went in to get dressed before she dressed Matthew. Mrs. Ross had given her a beautiful christening dress with a hand knitted blanket and tiny gold cross. She picked up her son and kissed his sweet little face taking in the smell of his newness. She loved being a mother.

  “I was serious when I said I wanted you to have my children.”

  Mirisa looked up to find Garnett standing against the doorframe. He was dressed in a very dapper suit with a bola tie made of woven leather with a slide of inlaid turquoise. She walked up to him and ran her hand around his waist while watching a smile slowly spread across his face making his dimples so prominent. “But I don’t get pregnant easily as you know.”

  “I don’t see where that would be a problem.”

  She took in her breath as he turned the tables on her without any effort. She stepped back as he stepped out of the doorway. Dominic came in the front door and took one look at her and Garnett shaking his head. James held Matthew while Dominic helped her into the carriage.

  Dominic escorted her into the church where Charlotte and Garnett joined them at the baptismal station. As the ceremony began so did the drums, Mirisa closed her eyes for a moment as Dog Moon began the naming ceremony welcoming Matthew unto the people. Garnett held him as the preacher poured the water on his head while blessing him. He was so tiny but instead of crying he reached up and wrapped his hand around the preacher’s finger. After the ceremony, she watched as Dominic registered his baptism in the church books.

  After the baptism, they attended a cookout at Tom’s ranch with just their close friends and family. It was festive with great food and whisky. There were more presents and everyone took turns holding the baby. Mirisa spent her time with the women in the great room for Mrs. Ross told them that her husband found the need for a proper parlor on a man’s ranch to be a waste of space. Mirisa finally found her son and stepped into the library with Matthew sitting in a big leather chair in front of the fire to nurse him. After a few minutes, he fell fast asleep.

  “You look so content when you are holding him.” Mirisa looked up as she buttoned the front of her dress. Meeks sat down next to her.

  “Dominic said you’re going home for the summer.”

  “We are.” He sat back and relaxed. “Are you going to run the ranch while we’re gone?”

  “I’m in the middle of training someone to run the ranch for the summer.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “James and I are heading west and Garnett is spending the summer in Washington.”

  “What is it like?”

  “It’s different. It’s a beautiful part of our country but very isolated.”

  “More so than here?”

  “A lot more.”

  “Am I losing everyone?”

  He watched as the tears swam over her irises. “No.”

  “Was this a Unit decision?”

  “More or less. There are times when we just need time away from each other. The older we get the more separate and distinct our directions become and it has been a long time in one place.”

  She nodded and surprisingly she understood what he wasn’t saying more than anything he was saying. “I will miss you.”

  He stood and lifted her chin looking deep into her heart before he kissed her lightly. She sat alone for a while just enjoying the soft breathing of her son.


  Dominic was standing up against the pen talking to a buyer when he saw her horse in the distance. He found the fact that she braided colorful ribbons into the horse’s mane to be unusual but it did make it easier to find her if she wandered off. He was distracted but turned his attention back to the man. They settled their deal and shook hands. The man went back to the foreman to talk about delivery and Dominic continued to watch her. She was riding slowly and in front of her sat Matthew. He was holding onto the horn of her saddle and had the biggest smile on his face. She stopped at the railing and Dominic reached up and lifted him down. He had never been out of the yard on a horse but you couldn’t let him get near one without him wanting up. He couldn’t believe he was going to be two years old.

  James came up behind Mirisa and kissed her on the neck and asked Matthew if he wanted to see the horses. He looked at his father before back at James. Dominic put him down and he headed to the stables with James. “How did he talk you into this?”

  “He has his father’s eyes; he can talk me into anything.”

  “How does he ride?”

  “He was a little afraid when I trotted but by the time we got here he was doing a lot better.” They could hear his laughter from the stables which meant he had found the new litter of kittens.

  “He’s not bringing a cat home. It’s bad enough he has a coyote shadowing him all the time.”

  She walked up and put her arms around Dominic and he lifted her up on the rail and kissed her. His passion never ceased to amaze either of them. “Are you ready to go for a ride?”

  “Don’t you think he’s a little too young?”

  “No. I think if I work with him he should be ready by summer.”


  “Don’t you want to know where we are going?”

  “No though I am sure the plantation will not be happy.”

  James brought him
back out sitting on his shoulders. “Are we riding?”

  “I thought we’d head out to Colorado for the summer to check out the land around the piece Meeks bought since it seems the two of you are determined to move west.”

  “Everyone going?”

  “I haven’t asked but I can’t imagine anyone wanting to stay behind.”

  “I think tonight is a good night to do nothing.”

  “I think you are right.”

  “The Ross boys brought over part of a pig which Senior Gomez is smoking for me so I think I’ll put on some ribs.”

  Mirisa mounted her horse as Garnett and Meeks rode up from the west. Dominic told Matthew to give the cat to James but he refused to release his grip. “Matthew you cannot hold onto the cat and the saddle.” Matthew looked at him and then at his mother and handed the cat to his father who handed it to James.

  Matthew sat in front of Mirisa and held onto the saddle ready to ride. She bent down and whispered in his ear and he smiled. She turned her horse and started back to the house. He forgot about everything except being on that horse.

  “He has her sense of wonder.” James leaned up against the railing as Meeks and Garnett dismounted and tied up their horses.

  “That’s the first time he’s ridden isn’t it?”

  “Yes but I’m afraid now he’ll want to ride every time he sees a horse. I’m going to Colorado for the summer to see if I can buy property before it becomes too expensive.”

  “Who’s staying with Mirisa and Matthew?” Meeks hit his hat against his leg to shake off the dirt before he wiped the moisture off his forehead.

  “Well, I could leave you home with them but I think it would be safer to take them with me.”

  “You’re taking Matthew on a ride?”

  “Why not? I just have to figure a way for him to ride safely without a wagon or taking the train.”

  “Tired of being a Texas rancher?”

  “I’m tired of the routine plus this is the longest I have stayed in one place since I was old enough to travel on my own.” Dominic mounted his horse.


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