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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869

Page 24

by Barbara Svetlick

  “If it’s not my money, if it just ends up back in your pockets, if you have more money than you can ever spend, if you promised me the world then why do you care what I do with it? You play poker because your egos fight over who is more skilled. I play because you are all so easily manipulated into giving me whatever I want whether it is logical or not.”

  Meeks met the raise and raised it again. “Good point. So Mirisa, who exactly is going to tell your mother that you are still with the four men she thinks are incorrigible and that you are bringing them all home for Christmas?”

  Ross found the statement so damn funny he choked on his whisky. “I really do love being around you all.”

  “I’ll let you write her since you were always her least favorite.” She met the raise.

  “Why would I be her least favorite?”

  “I don’t know, maybe you can tell me.”

  James folded. “I don’t think you want that answer.”

  “I think you are right. I much prefer to pretend you have all changed your ways and no longer stalk bored married women or support saloon whores.” Alexander laughed so hard he just threw his cards in. He seriously doubted if she had any idea what they were capable of when it came to women. It definitely was not for the faint of heart.

  “Mirisa, I am not even going to ask where you pick up these terms or where you get the impressions that you do.” Dominic put his cards down and leaned across the table. “I believe you have been in Texas far too long because you are picking up improper behavior.”

  She smiled as they all sat back. “But Dominic, it was not my decision to move to or even stay in Texas.”

  He downed his shot knowing that she was still angry but he knew she was building a wall to protect herself from him as she struggled with her inability to not love him. “No it wasn’t.”

  “Mirisa, the only married woman I know refuses to relent no matter how often I kiss her.” Garnett laid down a full house, Queen high.

  She sat back and looked across the table at Garnett. “Maybe she just likes to be kissed.”

  Meeks folded and re-lit his cigar. “If that’s the case, she must be the happiest woman in Texas.”

  Mirisa turned to Meeks and wondered where in the world she would find the strength to make it through the year. Her eyes were so dark green tonight. “She is.”

  THEY DECIDED to head back to Mississippi for a week before heading to Virginia for Christmas and her brother’s wedding. As they were packing up the wagon for the trip to the plantation, Mirisa called them in for breakfast.

  “What do you want for your birthday this year?” She didn’t understand why they always asked because they always got her what they wanted to get her and Dominic always bought what she asked for.

  “A piano.” James looked at her quizzically.

  “Do you play?”

  “I’ve been playing since I was Matthew’s age.”

  James looked at Dominic and he didn’t say a word but you could tell that he had already handled it. It was amazing what he went through to give her what she wanted if it only cost money.

  “Well, it looks like we all have something in common.”

  She looked at him. “Do you play?”

  “We all learned as children. I guess it comes with being brought up with money and nannies. I don’t think I have sat down at a piano since I left home.”

  Garnett lit his cigar and kicked back. “Have you heard from your parents?”

  “Yes. My father said you are all officially welcome to join them for Christmas.” She bit her lip. “I had my father book us all rooms at the Colonial Hotel in town.”

  “Why aren’t you staying with your parents?”

  She looked at James and wondered what answer would make more sense. “Too much has happened to my family and I just feel that I will do better if I’m not trapped under their roof.”

  Dominic had sent instructions that the house was to be completely decorated and he had planned a ball for their anniversary. The trip back was uneventful and the staff was excited to see Matthew.

  James walked into the library eating a cookie. “Dominic, we’re heading into town.”

  Dominic put the books away and stretched before taking out his holster and putting it on. “Have you seen Mirisa?”

  “She’s in the kitchen making cookies.”

  Dominic found her rolling out dough with Matthew and asked her if she wanted to go into town but she said she was busy. Mirisa wiped her hands on her apron reaching into her pocket and brought out a folded list. Dominic opened it and read it over twice before slipping it in his pocket.

  “Well, look what the cat drug in!” The Judge waived them over. “Damn, I have missed you boys. Have you decided to move home or are you still playing with horses?”

  They all laughed. “Actually, I think we all miss being home. It’s nice to see the town back to normal.”

  “Well not quite but pretty close and we’re doing a heck of a lot better than the Deep South. It is miserable down that way.” The server brought over their breakfast and asked the boys what they wanted.

  “How’d we get all of you back home at the same time?”

  “We’re heading for Virginia for Christmas.” Meeks ordered coffee and a hearty breakfast that didn’t include eggs.

  “All of you? What’s the matter Dominic are you afraid of her mother?”

  “I probably should be but I think Mirisa just wants to make all of us miserable if she has to be.”

  “We received the invitation for your anniversary. It sounds like you are going to have an extremely big crowd at this one.”

  They all looked at him questioningly. “Are you doing something for your anniversary?”

  “Yes, didn’t you get your invitation?”

  “Well since we’re staying at the house I guess unless it’s on a Saturday night we’ll be around.” Meeks poured another shot.

  “It is on a Saturday night but I don’t think you want to miss it.”

  They sat for over three hours talking and Dominic thought it was really nice to be home and maybe he needed to spend more time in Mississippi so that Mirisa had more of a social life and less exposure to his friends.

  They finished the tree before dinner and when she put Matthew down for the night he fell right to sleep.

  Mirisa changed into a wool dress, put more wood on the fire but decided to leave the door open in case Matthew woke up. She found Dominic alone in the library working on the ledgers. She stood in the doorway and reminded herself how fast she had fallen in love with him. Dominic’s affect on her never seemed to diminish when they were alone and her guard was down. After a few minutes, he looked up and smiled without thinking.

  “Dominic, have you planned something?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because the kitchen is very busy and they are only that way when you have a dinner or something planned. Are we having people over for dinner on our anniversary?” She sat on his lap and he pushed his chair away from the desk.

  “Yes.” He kissed her. “Is Matthew asleep?”

  “Yes. I put him to bed a few minutes ago. I wish you and I could live here all the time.” He got up and made sure all the outside doors were latched before he closed the library door. Mirisa smiled as Dominic leaned across the desk and kissed her. Dominic poured two shots and handed her one. She sipped it as he walked around the desk putting out his hand bringing her slowly out of the chair. Dominic pulled the ribbon holding her camisole up and watched as it slid down her body before falling to the floor. Mirisa shivered and he watched as her eyes darkened when his finger ran from her neck down her arm. Dominic wondered if she had any idea how obvious it was when she was reacting to a man whether it was him or someone else. Dominic loved watching her struggle with her sexuality especially if was from across the room as she innocently surrendered to the touch of a man. Where his appetites were always brute and demanding, Dominic’s desires when near her were similar to a slow waltz. He wan
ted to savor every movement, every response and every nuance of her sexuality.

  Garnett walked into the library the next morning as Jasmine was picking up clothing that appeared to be flung in haste. She curtsied and excused herself. Garnett just laughed, filled the decanter back up and sat down and lit his cigar. Dominic came in and looked like he had been up all night. “Does your wife always leave her clothes all over the library?”

  “You’re lucky that was all she left since I didn’t get her to bed until early this morning.”

  “Well, that explains why the library door was closed when we came in at 2:00.”

  Matthew came bounding into the library followed by James who also looked like he had a rough night. “Daddy, mommy won’t get out of bed.”

  “She’ll be up before lunch.”

  “But I want breakfast.”

  “I’m sure breakfast will be served in a few minutes.” Meeks came wandering in and immediately poured a shot and sat down. He looked worse than Dominic.

  “Matthew, are you ready for breakfast?” Garnett headed out of the library and Matthew ran after him. Mirisa was coming down the stairs as they came out of the library. Dominic looked up at her and she just smiled. He waited for her and put out his hand as she reached the bottom steps.

  “Were we in the same dream last night?” She smiled telling him not only that but she wanted to see if they could repeat it every night. “Mirisa, you are seriously going to kill me.”

  “Then I guess you shouldn’t have married a younger woman and told her you wanted children.” She bid everyone a good morning as she sat down at the table. “It would appear that all of you had a long night.”

  Meeks looked across the table at her. “Obviously I can’t say the same for you since you are radiant this morning but Dominic looks like he was up all night.”

  “As do you.”

  James laughed and Dominic just poured another cup of coffee. “Are there any plans for today?”

  Garnett said he was going to take Matthew into town for a haircut after breakfast and some shopping. Mirisa was amazed at how much time Garnett spent with Matthew now that he was older. Matthew finished his grits and biscuit excusing himself. He ran around kissed his mother goodbye and went up the stairs to find his jacket. Dominic watched her face and realized she was missing the baby but didn’t understand why when she sucked every ounce of energy out of him night after night that she had not gotten pregnant since having Matthew.

  Saturday night was clear and cold. The house had been decorated for the holidays and the dining room was set for twenty people. She walked around the table touching the fine china wishing that someday their life would be filled with social events, wonderful holidays and happy children. Dinner was scheduled late so that they could get Matthew to bed. Jasmine was sitting in his room reading to him when Mirisa came in to say goodnight. He reached up and kissed her. She thanked Jasmine and went back into her room to finish dressing.

  Jasmine assisted Mirisa to step into a dress that followed the contour of her body with a very low cut back and off the shoulder. It was a deep rose red that shimmered in the flickering lantern. She looked in the mirror running her hands down the front smoothing out the material as it caressed her body and wondered what in the world Dominic was thinking when he bought it. Actually, whenever he picked out her dresses for entertaining they were extremely provocative but it had been so long since they attended anything formal that she wondered if it was the lack of glamour that was missing in their relationship.

  Dominic came into the room and she turned and looked at him.

  “You take my breath away by merely standing in front of me.” Dominic walked over to the table and took out a necklace and put it around her neck. It was rose colored stones and diamonds that drew attention to her cleavage. He reached up and took her hair down so that it flowed down her back. Dominic kissed her. "Happy Anniversary."

  Mirisa turned and looked in the mirror thinking whatever his intention was tonight he would definitely get his money’s worth. She watched him as he got dressed and wondered why she never noticed before his obvious pleasure and the need he had for displaying her.

  “You are exceptionally handsome tonight.”

  “Our guests should be arriving soon.” Dominic pulled her in and kissed her again. He went in and checked on Matthew kissing him goodnight. Mirisa sat down in front of her dressing table and picked up her brush holding it as she wondered if Texas had put too much of a wedge between them or was this what happened after the magic wore off. Was she just going to be another married woman seeking approval where she could find it while he held someone different, someone younger? She put down the brush as her mind fought against the panic that was strangling her.

  They started down the stairs when Meeks came out of his room dressed in a black tux like Dominic. Garnett and James were standing in the foyer talking. She smiled because she had forgotten how attractive they were in a formal setting. She declined a drink as she heard the first knock on the door.

  Dominic and Mirisa welcomed the guests. Most of the men went directly to the library for a drink and cigar while the women socialized in the parlor until dinner was announced. Mirisa’s dress made more than a stir but she thought her entire life seemed to elicit a lot of talk.

  “Mirisa, I met your son this morning in town.” Mrs. Lightfoot was sitting on the settee with Mrs. Ross. “He is such a beautiful child with excellent manners and the spitting image of his father.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I was surprised at how comfortable he was with Garnett.”

  “He’s actually very comfortable with all of them.”

  “I would have thought he would have been with his father.” Mirisa smiled and thought this was probably good practice for dealing with her mother.

  “Well, he spends a lot of time on the ranch with nothing but men. At the moment, he much prefers to be with the Ross boys and they are so good with him.”

  “Well, do you think these men are a good influence on your child? I mean look at what they have done with you.”

  “I think they are the best influence any young boy could have.” Garnett was standing in the doorway listening to her.

  “Mirisa.” She looked up and they realized he was standing there. “Dominic would like to see you in the library.” She excused herself. Garnett just stayed leaning up against the doorway for a moment before he followed her into the library.

  Mirisa went back to the parlor until they announced dinner. Dominic stood next to the door and escorted her into the dining room as Garnett pulled out her chair. Dominic started with a toast to his wife and thanked her for not only marrying him, for being the most beautiful woman in the world but especially for giving him a son to carry on his legacy. After dinner, Dominic stood up and put his hand out to Mirisa walking her toward the ballroom.

  Dominic opened the door and Mirisa stepped into a delightfully decorated room before she saw the exquisite black piano in front of the Christmas tree. There was a large vase of flowers sitting on the top with a small envelope leaning up against it. Mirisa looked at him as he walked her across the room. Mirisa reached up and picked up the envelope that had her name written across it in Dominic’s handwriting.

  “Please accept my humble expressions of love and sincere wish that you will find the magic of our first dance when you are in my arms tonight. Dominic.”

  Meeks just handed the money to James as the tears flowed over her eyes but she controlled her emotions. Mirisa walked around and sat down running her fingers over the keys. She started playing a melody that was so soft when Garnett sat down next to her and Mrs. Lightfoot raised her eyebrows. They played the piece together and their talent was absolutely enchanting. The band was warming up so they finally got up and spent the evening socializing and dancing. After the last guest departed, she went back into the ballroom sitting down at the piano.

  Meeks picked up a new bottle of whisky and sat down with her. They were switching bac
k and forth playing. She didn’t know if one was any better than the other but they all played professionally. She stood up and kissed her husband. “You always seem to surprise me.”

  Dominic smiled and told her the feeling was mutual but this was only the beginning of the night. Dominic nodded to Meeks who looked at James and Garnett acknowledging that none of them was aware of his plans before Meeks started a slow waltz. It had been a long time but it was obvious that Dominic was setting the stage. Garnett stood up and took her to the dance floor. She loved the way he held her when they danced because Garnett instantly brought back the sweet memories of her first ball as he twirled her around the ballroom. Dominic stood next to James and watched her.

  “She could entice the dead.”

  James smiled. “Obviously, since he is in the room.”

  “It’s the best of both worlds. I get to enjoy the show before I get to close the night.”

  “Well it is your anniversary and I never turned down an opportunity to warm up a married woman on the dance floor.” Dominic smiled as James downed his shot.

  Dominic walked over to the piano as Meeks stood and he started playing a slow melody as James took her hand. Mirisa looked from him to the others and wondered exactly what they were doing. James was holding her with such intent. No wonder he was able to bed so many women. Mirisa had never danced slow with James and smiled when she realized James’ hand had slipped very low on her back. He danced like he did everything else with a lot of attention on what he was doing to his partner. He kept talking to her and several times she blushed.

  As James rounded the floor with her, she realized that they were voyeurs – all of them. Her dress, the way she looked, the music and the dancing. Mirisa’s breathing changed with the realization and they all saw it. James whispered in her ear and she backed away for a moment. The song ended and James kissed her before Garnett started a romantic piece. Meeks took her hand and whirled her before taking her in his arms. She looked up into his eyes and she was having trouble remembering to breathe which caused him to smile. There was so much in his expression but it was her husband’s expression that Mirisa found interesting. She knew the look that was forming in his eyes for it was there only when he was close to being out of control. Meeks held her so much more intimately than anyone had and his eyes never left hers and without being conscious of her reaction she was responding. Mirisa knew she had to gain control of the panic that was setting in rapidly. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, they were so dark green that Meeks involuntarily relaxed his hold on her. Mirisa smiled at him and Dominic knew something had changed. Meeks stopped when he realized she had just taken control and then he realized that the music had stopped.


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