The Dragon Within His Shadow

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The Dragon Within His Shadow Page 18

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “Given I don’t think I’ve a right nor want what’s in Hong Kong, I know it’s not me.”

  “You’ve just as much right to your father's Hong Kong holdings as does your half brother and don't ever forget that or think you are less than his equal. You are George Choi's first son!”

  “Mother, I don't think that fact is going mean much of anything since John is from his first wife. And while I'm thinking of it, why did you marry a man, who was already married in the first place? Surely, you knew he was married. Why Mom? You want to start by explaining that. Maybe then other things will make sense, 'cause that never made any sense to me.”

  “I told you a long time ago why I married your father.”

  “But not why you married a man, who was already married. You want to be so involved with my life; start by letting me in yours. Start by telling me from the beginning, Mom. Tell me the entire story including how Richard is involved, and how you think Susan and the Eagles fit into all of this.”

  “It will be hard to admit to things.”

  “As hard as it was to take all the lies you've been feeding me over the years?”

  “No, the lies were easy. They were easy to say and were said to protect you.”

  “Right until I found out the hard way from some kid in school, who said he saw a picture of my father in the society pages of the South China Morning Post, from Hong Kong, with his real wife. How did you think I felt that day Mom? I was eight years old and I had to find out my father had another woman who was his real wife. We never talked about it or anything else since that night when you gently pushed away the subject with soft words, because I was too young to understand. Now you want me to sit down and listen. Good, then talk.”

  They both returned to the sofa and took seats on opposites ends.

  “James, you’re old enough now to understand and it is time for you to understand.”

  “Mom, stop dancing with words. Just start. Okay?”

  “Where do I begin?”

  “How about with how you met Dad?”

  “No that’s the middle. I guess we’ll begin with your Uncle Richard.”

  “That's a good place. I always wanted to know more about him.”

  “You know he is not your real uncle.”

  “This has always been an obvious fact. What else is there to know about Richard?”

  “He’s your cousin.”

  “My cousin? We're related?”

  “Yes. It is because of this relationship that I fear for your position. In the beginning, I thought your father and I got married because we were in love. Later, I found out that it was done as a peace offering to appease Richard.”

  “But, Dad?”

  “Never let it seem like anything else, yes, I know. He fooled me too, as did Richard. I've been a pawn for far too long and now I fear it may be too late for you. Richard’s goal has been to restore our family’s honor that he feels was stolen by the Choi family generations ago.”

  “Not that story again. What bullshit!” James stood up to leave.

  “How dare you use such vulgarity in my home! Sit down James and listen for a change. Richard is your father’s worst nightmare, even if he is a sworn brother by oath. Richard blames the Choi’s for the destruction of our family. Richard never believed that our great-great-grandfather was a bad businessman, nor does he believe he was a traitor to the Society that he belonged to at the time. He, as well as I, have been taught that the Choi family tricked us out of the family fortune to fight some stupid rebellion in the mid-1800’s which propelled them into power. We were taught to believe that it was the Choi’s who set up our great-great-grandfather to make it look as if he was a traitor and a spy. This brought ruin to our house and the wrath of the emperor, as well as the Society, onto our family. We had to leave China. Our family was wealthy, and prominent, and all was lost. But, I found the truth some years ago just before my father died. I could never understand why my father’s side had been trying to avenge this slight, so I asked him. My father said that he had heard these rumors and accusations, but they were just that, rumors. He thought the real reason the Choi’s and Cheng’s hated each other had to do with a marriage between our great-great-grandfather’s and a rich noble family’s years ago. The Choi’s married this woman and hence, reaped the rewards of a strong alliance with the wealthy family. They were financially strong and didn’t need the money that her dowry brought. Our family, the Cheng’s, needed that money. If the Choi’s hadn’t told the girl's family about the imminent failure and dependence on her dowry, our ancestor would have married her.

  “Richard, our cousin, as the patriarch of the Cheng’s now carries this torch. It was our great-grandfather who nearly destroyed the Choi’s at the turn of the century and brought ruin to George’s great-grandfather, as well as dishonor. George lost his father in the early thirties in a tong war with Richard’s father’s tong. The blood that stands between them is still bitter. Both men were brought up to hate the other’s family. George to avenge the death of his father and Richard to avenge the loss of a woman’s dowry, to the Choi’s year’s before.” Rose stood and walked over to a side table.

   * 

  “So how did Richard end up being Dad’s closest advisor and right hand man, Mom?” John basked in the warm glow of sunlight that filtered in through the windows.

  Catherine looked at her attentive son and was impressed. “Richard and George’s private battle was becoming too public. Hence, it became my father’s business as their war became a threat to the stability of my father’s organization. How and why the Society to which Richard’s family belonged died out, is unimportant. What is important is that it merged with my father’s during World War II, bringing Richard and my father together, not so much by choice, but because of business. Around the same time, my father also met George. My father liked George, because he saw within him strength and courage, but more importantly, because he displayed very strong morals for a young man.

  “Richard, on the other hand, was a reckless youth. They had to take an oath of loyalty to be brothers since they were in the same tong. George took it without reservations and has kept his word to this very day. Richard took it, but perhaps without the same conviction.” Catherine paused as Daisy entered the room with a tray of tea. She silently poured each of them a cup and left quickly, knowing it was best to remain silent.

  “Thank you, Daisy.” Catherine took a sip. “Richard always had this urge to prove he was better, hence a rivalry of sorts began. There was peace for about a year as they were both considered equal within the tong, neither better than the other. When I turned eighteen, my father invited George and several other young men to come to my party. Richard wasn’t invited, but showed up anyway, which displeased my father. All the girls went crazy for George. He was very handsome and charming, but his eyes were just for me and he paid me lots of attention. That was an interesting night. As soon as I finished one dance with George, Richard would ask me to dance.

  “Richard wasn’t happy. He was a fine looking young man then too, but lacked the social graces that George displayed easily. I did dance a few dances with him, but he never accepted what he was getting, whereas George was thrilled whenever I danced with him. He looked disappointed when he had to let someone else dance with me, but stood there on the side waiting patiently, for the next dance and his turn. What Richard never realized is that compassion for others is just as important. Living and doing business with honor was more important to my father than generating money by any means possible, which is what Richard’s entire life seems to have been all about. Richard measured honor and success by his bank account. I wasn’t impressed by him. They both wanted to court me, but after the party my mind was set. I wanted George. Richard didn’t take it well. He saw marriage to me as a political alliance to obtain power. George just wanted us to be happy and I really believed he loved me. This impressed my father, who began to move him up in the organization. Richard became an angry and embittered man
when I refused his advances and affections. The private rivalry had become public and it wasn’t good. It had threatened to divide the Society into Richard and George camps. My father had to do something but wasn’t sure what until Richard presented him with the solution.” Catherine fell silent thinking back to the day when the winds of change brought havoc into her life.

   * 

  “What happened, Mom?” James watched his mother nervously fussing with a vase and its flowers.

  “What happened? Oh, the answer to that question,” Rose’s hands stopped fiddling with the flowers and rested on the vase’s rim. She turned to face her son. “I have had nightmares about that fateful day. Richard and George both needed Catherine to restore their respective family wealth. Catherine’s family name had always been synonymous with great face, prestige and dignity. Her family- -” Rose said with spite. “To be brief, both men pursued Catherine much to her delight. When she chose George, Richard was deeply hurt. I still believe she used both of them. The way she played with Richard’s feelings and then just tossed him aside. Every time Catherine’s father sent Richard out on a task, he felt that it was done purposely, to separate him from Catherine and to encourage George. Richard resented Catherine’s father’s rejection and did something - -”

  “What? What did Richard do?” James asked.

  “Richard tried to frame George for - -”

  “Frame Dad?” James sat, flabbergasted.

   * 

  “Yes, Richard tried to frame your father, John.” Catherine paused briefly to let the significance of her words sink into her son’s head. “My father was very disturbed with the way things were going. He had two young men whose infatuation with me was threatening the stability of his organization. He had to do something and that something rested on my shoulders.”

  “What did Grandpa ask you Mom?”

  “My father asked me simply; who did I love and want for a husband? Richard or George? I felt my choice was so easy. While I had- -”

  “I don’t want to hear this.”

  “Please sit down and listen! You need to understand things John, and understand the type of man Richard has become and why.” Catherine watched John sit back down, and was impressed with his positive change in attitude.

  “Now where was I? Oh, yes. So my father asked me, whom did I love? My answer tumbled out fast. I said George. I know you find it hard to believe, but I loved your father so much back then and truly felt he loved me. There was never any question in my mind. Richard was a nice young man, but I wasn’t in love with him. I figured that George had probably asked my father permission to marry me and my father wanted to check first; after all, we were very close. He never wanted me to have an arranged marriage, like the one he was forced into with my mother. When he heard my answer, he said that I had made a good and wise decision. He said he would give his approval if George asked. I was very happy and felt so secure that day. I envisioned my whole world through such naive eyes back then.”

  “So, what happened to Richard?” John asked.

  “Richard. Ahh, yes, Richard. He had, as I’ve said, framed everything to make it seem as if George was the one responsible. It was almost a perfect frame.”


  “Yes, almost. Things seemed too perfect to my father, so he conducted his own inquiry above and beyond what the police were doing. After all, he had Richard claiming that George was guilty. Then there was George stating he was not involved with the man’s death at all. Suffice to say the real murderer was found and- -” But Catherine stopped and looked over at John. “The memories . . . It’s too difficult.”

  “Please try Mom; I need to hear it all.” John touched her hand and spoke with such compassion that Catherine found courage and managed a weak smile. She squeezed John’s hand.

  “Very well. It was revealed that Richard - - Your grandfather said he had proof George didn’t do the killing, but refused to state back then what his proof was, hence Richard accused them of conspiring against him.”

  “So Richard became Dad’s servant and your lover Mom?” John stated sarcastically. “Over an accusation?”

  “John, watch it. Some things are too difficult,” said Catherine, closed her eyes trying to contain her tears.

  “Why? What are these things? You wanted to talk and tell me everything, so spill it out, Mom. Let’s hear it all.”

  The memories and truth were hard to recall but Catherine knew time had come to share them. Her problem was admitting her own faults, especially to her son. “Very well. You see, Richard didn’t order the murder, as much as he manipulated events. He is a master manipulator I must admit, and caused things to occur after George left the meeting. This much was known. What took time for discovery was why the man was angry with George, and I was the reason. It seems this man had been used, as best as we can tell, by Richard. The man thought the woman he was dating was me. When this man found that I was to marry George, he confronted him and told him that I was his lover. They argued before they both stormed out of the restaurant. George was furious because he believed me pure, but now he had a man professing to be my lover. Well, I don’t have to tell you what a soiled reputation did to a woman back then, or why George was infuriated.

  “As the man tried to enter his car parked in the alleyway by the restaurant, he was heard shouting; ‘No, George, no!’ There was gunfire and a man matching your father’s description was seen running away. The police couldn’t find any real evidence and as it later turned out, George had met up with your grandfather and had driven off with him straight from the restaurant. Richard had too many people lined up, to say he didn’t know the man, or wasn’t there. Besides, the man didn’t shout out his name. Richard accused George of the killing and my father of covering for George in the presence of other society members. The police couldn’t find the killer,” said Catherine.

   * 

  “The accusations caused a rift,” said Rose.

  “What happened,” asked James?

  “It was uncovered- - After a long investigation by Catherine’s father, it was uncovered that Richard had paid a girl, who looked like Catherine, to pretend to be Catherine. He dressed her up in the same style of dress, everything. He must have plotted a long time for he was very meticulous in copying every detail. Who the man was, is unimportant. Suffice to say, he was convinced he was dating Catherine. It was also revealed after the girl was finally found that both she and Richard had taunted the man with rumors of George’s advances. Given that everyone knew George was dating Catherine, it didn’t take much for him to confirm her stories. This man thought she was being forced into a marriage she didn’t want and was going to try to save her from it. He was, I suppose, trying to be noble,” said Rose.

   * 

  “Then, what happened,” asked John.

  “After the man’s death, when the girl was found, Richard’s manipulation and plot were uncovered. She confessed to everything, including Richard’s desire to discredit George and marry me. I don’t know what happened to her, only that year my reputation was tarnished. The man who was killed apparently had a real temper, which is probably why Richard chose him. He knew he would over react and then he, Richard, could just let nature take its course.”

  “Why did you take Richard as a lover?” John needed to know.

  “I can’t be honest with you, John. I haven’t the guts to be honest with myself with regard to that. All I can say is that with George visiting America so often, it became very lonely over here and Richard became very convenient,” said Catherine.

   * 

  “George stayed in the states until things were settled in Hong Kong,” said Rose and Catherine, almost simultaneously, to their respective sons.

   * 

  “It was a very rough couple of months. George and I married because we were engaged and in love. After I learned about Richard’s plot, I only loved George more. Richard was going to be banished, but I had asked my father if there w
as another way. The Cheng family also used all the influence they could find and Richard was left to live. Perhaps it was because the Cheng family had a sizable portion of the sze kau (soldiers) still faithful that an alternative had to be found. I mean Richard didn’t order the man to kill, he just controlled the conditions to encourage its occurrence,” said Catherine.

   * 

  “Why did you marry a man, who was already married?” James asked his mother.

  “I didn’t know George was married when I met him.” Rose paused briefly. “Richard still needed to be punished and so our family arranged for Richard to become George’s servant and take a sworn oath of fidelity. He took the oath, but- - But as we have all found out, he wasn’t sincere. Part of the negotiated price for peace between the Cheng’s and Choi’s was me. It was felt by Catherine’s father and the rest of his society that to ensure Richard’s behavior, George should have a second wife, a Cheng wife, thereby combining both houses and sealing the peace.”

   * 

  “Then Aunt Rose is nothing more to Dad than an insurance marker?” John asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that in that exact way, but yes. But the condition placed on George by my father and that the Cheng’s had to accept, was that it could only take place if George won her heart, which he had to swear he would do with the same passion, he showed toward me,” said Catherine.

   * 

  “So, Dad won your heart,” said James.

  “Yes, and he never let me know the truth. It was Richard, who told me years later and I have discovered, perhaps too late, what his ulterior motives were in telling me.”

  “You fell in love?”

  Rose nodded in affirmation.

   * 

  “Yes, he assured me that he loved only me. And what I believe firmly is that that other woman has since day one, made him feel guilty for not being by her side. She has twisted and manipulated him to keep him by her side,” said both Catherine and Rose, to their respective, sons.

  Each pair remained talking for some time. Catherine told John she was not above using Richard, or any means necessary, to protect her father’s legacy. Catherine hated Rose and blamed her for her unhappiness. When she lost George, she took Richard for spite hoping that in making him jealous, he would return. George, she found out, respected her choice, she told John, because he felt he was a failure. He allowed Richard to live, because he loved Catherine so much that he would rather see her happy at whatever cost, than lose her.


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