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The Dragon Within His Shadow

Page 19

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  Rose on the other hand continued talking to James about how George never really loved Catherine, but stayed with her for the power and wealth of her family. Rose didn’t want to admit to herself, let alone her son, that she was just the insurance marker to keep Richard in line, or that Richard had tried using her to get George to do what he wanted.

  Chapter Thirty

  Honor was just one subject George contemplated as he reclined in bed recovering. It was more than living and being a man of his word. A man of great honor was a man of wisdom. He was wise enough to manage his home, business and life, seamlessly. More importantly, a man of honor was a man of his word. These things his father had taught him. The loss of face from the attack would take time to rebuild, but it would not be as long as Tang’s journey. He thought of Tang who had become his link to the outside world; much to the chagrin of Richard, he was certain. Tang was a good man, beyond doubt, but he was also in turmoil for having failed to protect him. At some point he would have to punish Tang but how when he’s to be his future son-in-law?

  Tang in many ways reminded him of when he was younger. Their lives have followed a similar course. Both fell for the Shan Chu’s daughter and held the same role as Red Pole. Perhaps it was because Tang reminded him so much of himself that he wasn’t as harsh as he normally would have been with someone who had failed. He recalled Tang’s visit the previous day. Tang had told him James had ordered John’s return to Hong Kong and that he had arrived safely. Now he wondered what he would say to John if he saw him.

  Lily gently opened the door carrying his morning newspapers, and a bag containing a secret delivery of a single sticky bun. She would only allow him one, and it was a treat he enjoyed.

  “Good morning, Mr. Choi.”

  “Good Morning, Lily. How is your mother today?”

  “She is much better, thank you. Her flu is almost gone. I have a surprise for you today.”

  “You have? That's delightful. What’s my surprise?” George was enchanted with Lily’s innocence and simplicity.

  “First, we need you in a chair before I bring in.” Lily helped him get out of bed, put on his robe and hobble over to the chair. “There we are. Now, close your eyes.”

  “All right. They are closed.” George thought, only two weeks ago he would never do such a thing. He heard some shuffling and a little squeak from the door opening.

  “Okay, open your eyes now,” said Lily.

  George opened his eyes and was indeed surprised. “Lauren!”

  “Hello, Dad,” Lauren reached out from her wheel chair to grab her father’s hands.

  “Thank you, Lily. This is indeed a wonderful surprise.” George smiled as he touched Lauren’s face gently and took her hands in his own.

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Choi. I figured you could use some company today. I’ll be right outside. Call if either of you need anything, but remember please, only ten minutes. Okay?”

  “Thank you, Lily.” Lauren was warmed by her father’s bright smile. “Dad.”

  “I know, I've missed you too, very much. I’m sorry you were hurt my precious kitten.”

  “Things happen. Anyway, I’m better now and the doctors say I can go home today.”

  “I know, they have been keeping me informed. They also told me something, which you should have told me.”

  “About the- - You know?”

  “Yes. Tang and the doctors told me everything, so don’t be upset. I just wished you told me yourself. I was angry that I didn’t hear it from you. Do you love him?”

  “Yes, Dad. We love each other very much.”

  “Has he asked you to marry him?”

  “Yes, but I haven’t answered him yet. It never seemed like it was the right time to talk to you that’s why we never mentioned it before. Then there’s Mom and her plans.”

  “Well, you have my permission and damn your mother, if she doesn’t go along. He’s a good man and if he is what you want, than I approve. But do you understand- -” George stopped as the minor exertion caused him to cough.

  “That, he’s a lot like you Dad, and will have a career filled with danger. Yes, I understand the risks.”

  “You are my precious kitten.”

  “There you are,” Tang entered the room, hesitantly. “I’ve been looking for you. Are you all right?” Lauren took his hand and pulled him close, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He felt uncomfortable being affectionate in front of George.

  “Hello, Tang.”

  “George.” Tang shook George’s hand and felt the hand signal meaning okay.

  “Tang, how are you?”

  “I’m fine sir, but I should be asking you; how are you feeling?”

  “If I’m ever allowed off these machines, I’ll be okay. Look at these wires. Even sitting in a chair, I need these wires and machines.”

  “Is Lily taking good care of you?” Lauren kissed her father’s hand.

  “Yes, she is,” said George.

  “Be a good patient, Dad. We need you home soon,” said Lauren.

  “Lauren, I’ve told Tang, now I’m telling you. You’re to take care of business for me.”

  “Dad, please don’t worry about that now. I’m sure Richard- -”

  “No, not Richard. You.” George started coughing as even the thought of Richard angered him.

  “Dad?” Lauren reached out to her father.

  “You must take care of the business, not Richard. Tang will support you, understood?”

  “Yes, George.” Tang filled George’s cup with water and helped him drink.

  “Did you make- -” George started coughing again.

  “I made the arrangements you’ve requested. There’ll be a short meeting later this week to confirm that Lauren takes over Choi Enterprises,” said Tang. To this, he added in abbreviated hand signals that he had informed the Fu Shan Chu of his findings and that the Fu Shan Chu will see to it Richard remains clear of things.

  “Good. See, Tang is taking care of everything.” George’s strength was nearly zapped.

  “Yes, Dad.” Lauren saw there was more beneath the surface than either Tang or her father were telling her and she knew it. “Take it easy and don’t speak. You need to rest, so I’m going to go now. Do you want me to get you anything?”

  “Yes, can you get me some real food?”

  “I heard that Mr. Choi, and the answer is no.” Lily re-entered the room. “You have your one treat. When you’re stronger, you can have other food. Until then, you listen to your doctor.”

  “Aye ya! Doctors! What do they know?”

  “Aye ya. Just enough to put you back together again, I dare say. I must get you back into bed before the doctor finds out I let you out! And you Lauren, I must get you back to your room for your final check up, so you can leave.”

  “I’ll take her back. Okay, Lily?” Tang stood behind Lauren.

  “Yes, thank you,” said Lily.

  “Tang,” said George. “Is Catherine coming today?”

  “Yes sir and I believe she’s bringing your nephew as well.” Making their farewells, Tang left with Lauren.

  George wanted to speak, but the stressful exertion of sitting up and talking showed on his face. He watched Tang wheel Lauren out and her reaching to put her hand on his. He watched Tang bend down to kiss her hand. He was touched by their happiness, but found himself succumbing to Lily’s fussing as she got him back in bed. She gave him a quick rub down with alcohol, all the while moving quickly and silently. Lily was fast. Over the past few weeks, she had learned to anticipate his needs and understand what he wanted with the fewest words. Sometimes just a glance was needed. She knew what it cost him to appear strong for Lauren. Her mannerisms were soothing, comforting and he drifted off into a light nap, just what he needed to restore his spirit. Lily finished tidying up before silently taking her post in the chair, at the foot of his bed.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Richard didn't have as much influence as he once had thanks to George, which forced him to re
ly upon others. Now that his sons were gaining influence within their communities, it should make him less dependent on outsiders, like Lem, he thought, to achieve his goals. True, Lem did accomplish destabilization, but George was still stubbornly alive and he was no closer to his objective. Making matters worse, Tang was too suspicious and watching him almost as much as he had men guarding George. There was one consolidation, however, his sons. He felt pride knowing Kai, despite the odds, had turned out well. Kai was very much his son, and thankfully just as devious in nature. He had managed nicely to destabilize the Choi foothold in San Francisco. Eric, his other son stashed in Amsterdam, was perhaps a bit too independent for his liking, but was accomplishing things fast there nevertheless, and was one of the youngest members of the Amsterdam tong. At stake was more than the Choi's multi-billion-dollar empire. It was the restitution of the Cheng family's wealth, name and honor. Kai knew and cared almost as much as he did, but Eric seemed more interested in his own individual position. In finishing his phone call with Kai, he felt satisfied knowing that despite everything, Kai will succeed.


  Kai hung up the phone. True, it was a bit risky to call his father, but with chaos in the house of Choi, this was perhaps the least risky time to speak to him. Such rare moments were to be treasured. It felt good to hear his father sound so optimistic. His father had taught him many things over the years and while it was true that influence was the greatest power, it was often money that brought power and influence to a person. He had used his father’s money over the past two years, to win support and approval from the guys. He did it by presenting James as a manipulator who relied upon his father for everything, including direction. He had the entire gang convinced that James served only his Hong Kong father, George, without thought for his brothers here in the states. This, however, was really his own father Richard's idea and it was working. The men were in a tizzy.

  His father taught him to use men’s loyalty to the brotherhood as a weapon against James. To that end, he became a close friend of sorts with Charlie, who would share with him all of James’ plans. Then, showing remarkable foresight, he would predict what James would be doing, but he’d twist the meaning, thereby undermining James authority. He would explain to the men how it was to James advantage and how, if they went this other way, it would be better for the gang. His convincing words worked and after two years, he had a sizeable number of the gang enforcers thinking positively about him. The sad part was that James didn't listen as a leader should, for if he was open to the voices of those under him, he would have seen the battle coming, thought Kai. The doorbell rang and with cigarette in hand, he opened the door.

  “Hey Charlie, come on in.”

  “Hi Kai, how’re things?” Charlie walked in and shook Kai’s hand.

  “Everything’s great.” Kai led Charlie into the living room with its pure white walls and pale-yellow curtains that moved with the breeze from the open window. “How are you doing? Jail must have been rough.”

  “It wasn’t too bad. I sided up with these two fucking white guys and things were cool. But three weeks Kai? I mean I'm all for things, but three weeks in that place I could've done without. If everything goes off as planned, then the past three weeks were worth it. But fuck it. It's going to be my word verses that McDermott.”

  “Take it easy. Didn't I say I would take care of things? I'd told you I would fix things and I have. Don't you trust me?”

  “I trust you, Kai. I know things will turned out the way you say they will, but this is different. I mean, James had his lawyer spring me and all, but I don’t know anymore. Maybe he aint that bad. I don’t know. I’m just- - I’m confused.”

  “His lawyer? I see and how do you think his lawyer managed that?” Kai watched Charlie shrugged his shoulders. He offered Charlie a cigarette from the pack on the table, but Charlie refused as he detested the very smell of smoke. Kai knew this and after a long drag put out the one he was smoking.

  “McDermott has been caught with his dirty hand in the cookie jar. And, for his double-crossing, for betraying those for whom he was stealing, he's dead.” Kai smirked.

  “What? How.”

  “I did it personally, just for you. I'm not gonna let my brother get screwed by the cops. Ask Sal, if you don’t believe me. He was with us.”

  “No Kai, I don't have to ask. I believe it when you say you did it. No one would lie about shit like that, but what about the other cops and the evidence?”

  “The evidence has disappeared from the Police Evidence Room. The cop, who arranged the bust is dead in disgrace, with evidence in his pockets of his taking bribes and having a padded bank account in the Cayman Islands. Not to mention a bag of white powder broken in the trunk of his car from his last bust. Well, the only thing for the cops to think is that he was a tainted cop. The district attorney knows that if he tries to press the case, he’ll have to do a lot of explaining, since most of the evidence is gone and what’s left would be questionable. The charges should be dropped by the end of the week and if Choi’s lawyer isn’t smart enough, mine can do the work.”

  “When you fuck someone, you fuck the bastard! What’s next and what about James?”

  “We have to be careful. George Choi, James' father in Hong Kong, has strong suspicions about what's going down here, that’s why he sent his other son, John.”

  “You know about John already? How do you do it, Kai? How do you know things no one else knows? From what I hear, he's not allowed to admit to anyone they’re brothers.”

  “No one is supposed to know, but since we know, we’ll make James think John has talked about it. Then James will have to pop his brother, according to his father’s strict edict.”

  “How? Does that have anything to do with John going back to Hong Kong?”

  “Don't worry about that, worry about yourself. John had to go back as a show of face. You have to worry about James, because he has the guys convinced you're a gang traitor.”

  “A traitor! I'm not a traitor to the gang. James is the traitor. Kai?”

  “Relax, everything’s under control. When the guys realize James is the traitor, you'll be cleared. In the meantime, we need to get our hands on some money.”

  “Yeah? From where?”

  “McDermott’s stash.” Kai opened the duffel bag beside the sofa, revealing the heroin.

  “But, if this is the gang’s stuff, shouldn’t- -”

  “How do we know this is the gang stuff? Why? Because we got it from McDermott? He could have gotten this from anywhere. Besides, we need it and the money it’ll bring, to fix James’ treachery. We’ve got to move and get to the meeting.”

  “What meeting?

  “The one with the Cranes. We’re going to sell half today and the other half, next week. They've agreed to give us close to top dollar and we need the money to pay off our men and to pay our respects to the Tong. After all, if they don't give us their support, then when the time comes to get rid of James, we won’t get their approval.”

  “Yeah, but the Red Cranes?”

  “Look, the gang’s divided with only a small fraction left supporting James. Right?”

  “Uhhh, yeah. But is it really the time?”

  “This is the time. We need something to put him over the edge and this is it. These drugs are our way of entrapping him. We cannot get hold of his books that would show he’s been cheating the gang. Without them, we cannot prove what you, yourself, had told me. How money was missing, how gambling receipts, your gambling receipts, were not being recorded. And where did his money go? Huh? Where? I'll tell you and you know it. He's been dealing with the Red Cranes. Now we’re going to deal with them. Only this time the money is not going to disappear. This time, the money and stuff is going to be found.”


  “In his apartment.”

  “What? Who? How?”

  “You. Look, you, yourself, said he has you hiding out there to protect you until he can straighten things with the guys.

  “I don't know, Kai.”

  “He's a traitorous bastard. Right? What's there to know?” Kai smiled.

  “Yeah, but, but- -”

  “But, what? We’re helping him get discovered. We have to help our brothers realize the traitor James really is. Right?” Kai waited until Charlie nodded his head. “This is the only way. Trust me.” Kai handed him an overstuffed envelope.

  “What's this?” Charlie asked, knowing full well the envelope held money that he could really use to settle a few of his long, overdue gambling debts.

  “The envelope has your cut for the last three weeks. Plus, I’ve made sure you got a bonus for having to deal with jail and placing the money and shit in James' closet.”

  “But, won't he?” Charlie looked inside the envelope. Fifty-thousand dollars was more than enough to settle debts and the rest he could really use to help his family.

  “What? Listen, right now, he has the guys convinced, but we know different. Right?”

  “Yeah, but - -”

  “But, nothing brother, we’re the ones who are right on this. Trust me. Just trust me. Have I been wrong yet? Has anything I’ve said ever been a lie?”

  “You’re right. You’ve never lied and everything you’ve ever said was always true.”

  “Good. Then, let’s go. Let’s get out of here. We have to meet the Cranes at the park in about an hour. Are you sure you're ready to handle all of this?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m sure.” Charlie tried to convince himself, more than Kai, that he really was sure he was following the right track. The phone rang and Kai answered it in the other room. Charlie didn’t even try to listen in to what was being said. He was trying hard to sort out the events and come to terms with James’ actions. Kai was right, he thought. Everything Kai said always turned out to be true and correct. The evidence Kai showed him, definitely, showed James’ guilt. He ran his hands up and down his thighs in frustration before getting up and grabbing the duffel bag with the stuff. If he was going to do it to James, then he would do it. When Kai came back in the room, he smiled when he saw Charlie had taken the bag.


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