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The Dragon Within His Shadow

Page 23

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  “Yes, Mrs. Choi.” The guard immediately relayed the message via his walkie-talkie.

  Catherine didn’t have long to wait as Tang was already in the apartment complex.

  “You’ve asked to see me, Mrs. Choi?”

  “Yes, Tang. Have you seen this morning’s Post?”

  “No. I haven’t.”

  “Take a look at this.” Catherine tossed the paper on the patio table and stared at him with venomous eyes. Tang picked up the paper from the glass table and from his reaction, she could see what was stated, was true. “Why didn’t either of you tell me? Why was I left to find out about my daughter from the newspaper? A newspaper! How could you, Tang? How could you allow this to happen to my daughter? You were to protect her!”

  “Mrs. Choi. Please let me explain- -”

  “Explain?! I don’t want to hear what you have to say, Tang. I’ll deal with my daughter! If you want to survive, things had better change and I suggest you start with this tawdry newspaper. I don’t know how and don’t care how, but get them to print a retraction and an apology.”

  “Mrs. Choi- -” Tang stopped as Lauren came out onto the terrace in tears.

  “Mom, Tang? Did you see this? Did you see what they said? It’s all over Hong Kong now! I’m ruined. How did they find out, Tang?” Lauren cried.

  “I don’t know Lauren.” Tang tried to be gentle and reached over to her but was prevented by Catherine, who put her arms protectively, around her daughter.

  “Mrs. Choi you must understand- -”

  “I will not hear it Tang! Just leave and clean up this trash!” Catherine tore the paper from her daughter’s hands and thrust it into his chest.

  Tang wanted to console Lauren, but Catherine wasn’t about to let him near her anytime soon. He looked at Lauren crying tears of anguish on her mother’s shoulder. Her pain tore at his heart, enraging his soul. He turned to go inside, but stopped at the sound of his name.

  “Tang! The maid mentioned something about Richard’s son planting this trash. I suggest you do one of your investigations and resolve this matter quickly and quietly.”

  “I didn’t know he had a son.”

  “Richard has many secrets he kept from us and if he’s truly at the core of this, you know what needs to be done. I expect a report by the end of the day. And Tang, don’t disappoint me!”

  That bastard had gone too far this time indeed, thought Tang. He went straight for Richard’s room and busted through the door nearly tearing it off its hinges. He found Richard emerging from the next room, neatly attired in a light gray suit.

  “You, worthless, son-of-a-whore! You leaked this to the press?!” Tang violently, grabbed Richard by his lapels and shoved him against the wall. To Tang’s dismay, Richard countered the attack, sidestepping as he pushed his hands away.

  “How dare you, Tang! How dare you enter my room and attack me with such nonsense!”

  “I know you’re responsible for this article!”

  “Such accusations! And from you, Tang, I’m surprised.” Richard paused and moved away from the wall. While his martial art style of Praying Mantis was good, it was no match against Tang’s skill, especially if Tang forced him into a confrontation. “What right do you have to burst into my room and slander me with such nonsense? Where’s your proof that I, an ally of George Choi, would do something that would cause him loss of face?”

  “I don’t need proof! I know you did it!”

  “But I didn’t and wouldn’t do such a thing to Lauren. Why, I love her and always have treated her like the daughter I never had. You, of all people, should know this Tang. Really Tang, I’m surprised you let your emotions get the better of you. I suggest you leave and find out who planted the information before you falsely accuse anyone else in attempt to cover your overactive libido. You had better move quickly, before it is also revealed that you raped the poor child. What do you think George would do to you, then? You raped his daughter. You let security fail so an assassin could gain entrance. There is this other little article in today’s paper. Perhaps all the excitement clouded your eyes, Tang, and you missed this one, but it is a good one. Where was it?” Richard picked up the paper and turned the pages. “Ahhhhh. Here it is. It tells of a police raid on one of our societies most significant warehouses. Here, let me read this section to you. ‘Besides recovering nearly 50 kilo’s of heroin, the police uncovered a massive counterfeiting ring of ladies' handbags, software and other goods. All articles were seized pending further investigation.’ The way I see the facts, it looks as if you are trying to overthrow the Choi’s and claim the society for your own, by first bringing dishonor to George and his family!”

  “Why, you lying son of- - I know it’s you and I’ll get you for this!” Tang stormed out.

  Richard laughed hard. His son had mentioned he’d be enjoying today’s paper and he was right. Ahh, what a great day, today will be, he thought. The women are upset and in disgrace, George has lost even more face, and he managed to unnerve the most annoying and secure Tang.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Lauren had felt full of pride when her father entrusted her with his business, but she now felt society’s shame in the form of limitations placed upon her merely, because of her sex. The words, though they were mere words, stung her sense of self. Sitting out on the terrace for several hours, she stared out over the harbor with its various boats. Occasionally, she would look upon the land from the safety of her perch, trying to figure the course of events and the path to take. She looked back into the apartment and saw the new painting hanging on the wall. It was a traditional painting of an eagle perched alone upon a rock in the mists of a crashing sea, symbolic of a lone hero fighting a heroic battle. She felt like that eagle, she thought, as the sharp breeze filtered through her hair, awakening her inner spirit to be reborn and renewed. In that minute, she felt like the western interpretation of the phoenix.

  In the West, the phoenix is viewed as the bird of renewal, a bird that after living five centuries dies, only to rise from the ashes to begin a new life. In the East, however, the bird is seen somewhat differently. The phoenix, feng-huang, is seen as the symbol of the absolute woman and symbolizes the five qualities expected, namely virtue, duty, correct behavior, humanity and reliability. Lauren knew that were she a Chinese phoenix, she would have followed society expectations and never venture beyond the expected role. Her sense of failure was letting self-defeating thoughts enter her mind, only to be silenced by her will. She wouldn’t be judged by society’s standards, but her own. Of this, she was determined. She couldn’t be the docile female subjugated to a man. She felt fully capable of making decisions concerning her life and recognized in herself the vision of the eagle. She saw herself gathering strength from acceptance of fact, gathering courage from the wisdom in knowing whom she was, which in turn gave her confidence to realize she was her own person. She felt, she was the lone heroine fighting for the dignity lost in the tumultuous sea of men’s rules.

  Lauren realized the conflict was far from over, for what she was fighting was a double standard. A man who got a woman pregnant, would have been touted for his sexual prowess, but the woman was different and for no other reason than because society dictated such. If she was her brother and her father gave him control of the company, people would say it is right for the son to care for the father's business while he was unable. But, because she was a woman, it was not accepted. Well, she thought, the sooner people realize she was just as capable as any man in running a business, the better. People had better learn that she was not ashamed of her actions. She was proud of her choices. She was not ashamed of her expression of love. She was secure in her convictions, her life and damn those newspapers for invading her privacy. They have a very good saying in the West; ‘Never underestimate the power of a woman!’ They would soon find out how much they underestimated her, as soon as she could find out who the ‘they’ were.

  “Lauren, we need to sit down and talk.” Catherine walked onto the
terrace with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “Not now Mother, I have some decisions to make.”

  “Don’t get impertinent with me young lady! I’m still your mother. And I am just as hurt as you are over this article.” Catherine waited, but Lauren just stood staring outward, while leaning heavily into the railing. “Lauren?”


  “I’m disappointed in you young lady.”

  “Why? Because I became pregnant?’

  “Partly for not protecting yourself, as this was your responsibility. Mostly I’m hurt because you didn’t feel you could confide in me. Especially concerning something so personal.”

  “You’re not mad that I didn’t wait until I got married.”

  “No. I have no problem with premarital sex, provided you don’t sleep with every single man in town and you keep it discreet. I never wanted you to be trapped into a life of servitude, just because you’re a woman. Just don’t ever let a man get the upper hand again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m referring to the article in the newspaper. Who do you think is responsible for it?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure out who could have known. But once at the hospital, it could have been any of the nurses in the emergency room, or the operating room.”

  “I want you to look at the problem from another angle. I want you to tell me who you think would have the most to gain by discrediting you?”

  Lauren took a moment to think in terms of business, who would have the most to gain. “Richard?”

  “Yes, Richard that son-of-a-bitch. Don’t look so surprised Lauren; there is more to your mother than you think. We have never confronted why I’ve been with Richard.”

  “I didn’t think it was any of my business, but I had wondered.”

  “Well, when I was about your age, I had a choice to make between your father and Richard. I chose to marry your father, but when things fell apart after your brother was born and he took Rose, well, I was angry. I felt the best way to get back at him would be to take his rival as a lover. We had sort of an agreement. I kept my life private and he never spoke about his trips to California. He couldn’t publicly challenge Richard, because that would admit his failure. I told your father I was his wife and when he chose to make me his sole wife, I would return and end all affairs. Don’t look so shocked, Lauren. I’m far from a conventional woman and I didn’t raise you to be conventional either. I’ve used Richard, just as surely as he has used me.”

  “But, what kept Dad from divorcing you?”

  “Business. Lauren, the entire foundation for the Choi wealth is built upon my father’s business. Your grandfather was a noble man, who loved my mother very much, but I was their only child. As soon as I reached eighteen, he placed a large percentage of the stock in my name, giving me even more stock when I got married and before he died. He left a minor percentage of the stock to John, you and your father, whom he made chairman. As I hold the majority of the stock, no one has ever challenged his right to run the company. That’s why we cannot divorce. If we divorce, he loses control per the marriage contracts he signed.”

  Lauren was shocked. She never realized that the business was not her father’s. “So that is how you got Dad to name me to take over?”

  “Exactly. We held a private board meeting and I made a suggestion. Given the brilliant manner in which you took care of your hotel chain, he couldn’t say you didn’t have the skills.”

  “You’ve been using me?”

  “No, Lauren. I’ve been guiding you toward the experiences you’ll need to inherit, what is rightfully yours to inherit. True, I haven’t been successful with John, but he’ll still get his share one day and I intend to make sure you don’t lose out, just because you’re a woman!”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “For starters Lauren, I think it’s time for you to come to terms with dear, Uncle Richard. Next, you must confirm what role you want Tang to play in your life. This’ll be a hard decision, but you must decide whether you’ll keep him, marry him, use, or discard him.”

  “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

  “Well, I suggest you start thinking fast. Today’s Friday and it’s already late in the afternoon. You’ll have little more than forty-eight hours to develop a strategy.”

  “Strategy for what?”

  “Richard is going to try on Monday, to get you out of the company because of the scandal. He’ll attack your position. The attack will not be direct, but it’ll begin Monday. He wants control and if he can get enough board of directors to side with him.”

  “How, if we hold the majority shares?”

  “A number of board members are vacationing and will not be around to vote as they would normally vote for George. Richard doesn’t have to have total control, to weaken support for you, or your father. He just needs to undermine your ability. You might hold the position, but he’ll reduce your role to figurehead the minute he gets a chance. You must come up with a plan. I want you to think for the next few hours, while I have that secretary of George’s, Rebecca, go back to the office and pull the records you’ll need to review.”

  “What records?” Lauren stared at her mother with renewed awed.

  “You’ll see. My eyes may have been shut, but my ears have always been open. We’ll see if that Oxford education of yours was worth the price we paid. Remember Lauren, you’re in charge of the company. It’s for you to take control and make decisions. I must make some calls. We’ll meet at seven in the dining room.”

  “Sure.” Lauren felt uncertain, but her mother was right on one point. If she were to control the business, she had better begin making the decisions.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Lem stood waiting on the restaurant’s balcony for Richard’s arrival. If the man wasn’t such a vital key to the Choi business, he wouldn’t have anything to do with him. He took a sip of brandy while acknowledging his assistant. Richard had arrived and was at the Macao Grand Hotel. He sent a car to retrieve him. The restaurant was small but very fine, and situated along the waterfront affording a peaceful view, which he intended to enjoy.

  Dinner was pleasant and had just the amount of tension that Lem wanted. He watched Richard down his drink quickly and thought for a man who had waited decades for his revenge to begin, he was awfully impatient. Lem smirked as he poured a second glass for Richard, who calmed himself down and drank more slowly.

  “What gets me, Lem, is that the imbecile you hired couldn’t even kill him at close range. Not even ten feet, some four or five bullets and still, he didn’t kill him! Where did you find him?”

  Lem breathed deep the brandy’s aroma, as a prelude to a savored sip. “He was a professional who unfortunately, was surprised by Lauren. Nevertheless, he’ll finish the job.”

  “When? How? Tang has guards everywhere. All access cards have been changed to work for specific times and only at specific locations. You’ll never get him outside either. This idea of yours has been a fiasco!”

  “But Richard, this is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it? The family is in chaos, the women disgraced, and Tang has the blame which will be reinforced with tomorrow’s Post.”


  “Didn’t you know Richard? Tang’s unknown bank accounts and stock holdings will be the lead story in tomorrow’s Post. I’m sure you’ll find the article very interesting.” Lem watched Richard’s expression change to one of befuddlement. “Listen, Richard. You once swore to never kill George, or harm his family. Therefore, his not being killed is in total agreement with the blood oath you swore. And as I see it, things are at a point where it should be easy for you to take over. What more can you expect? I’m handing you the Choi Empire.”

  “You see things so neat, I see things as chaotic! George held a board meeting from the hospital and put that bitch daughter in charge!”

  “You mean to tell me Richard that you are incapable of controlling a mere woman?
You’re the man after all, who controls the mother. You have shown great influence over their son. Why not the daughter? She should be child’s play.”

  Richard stared at Lem, unable to admit his fear of Lauren, or failure with Catherine. He appreciated the so-called investment strategy more closely and smiled in anticipation of tomorrows Post. So that is what Lem needed the money for, he thought.

  Chapter Forty

  Tang brought in a stack of printouts and several boxes of files that the office had delivered, into the dining room. Working together, Rebecca, George’s secretary, John, Lauren and Catherine began organizing the vast array of Choi corporate records around the dining table.

  “Tang, where’s Richard?” Catherine looked at the man.

  “He hasn’t returned to the complex. I’ve asked the men, but they just said he got into a taxi and left hours ago. He didn’t mention where he was going.”

  “If he returns, find a way to keep him distracted and off this floor. In the meantime, try to find out where he went if you can.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Choi.” Tang was unable to look directly at Lauren and left quickly.

  “There will be time for reconciliation with Tang later, Lauren. We have work to do. Hmmm.” Catherine was momentarily distracted by the paper she was scanning. She looked at her watch. “I have to visit George at hospital. In the meantime, I want the three of you to review these records for discrepancies. Compare these records to this list of companies.” Catherine reached into her pocket and handed John a list.

  “What are these?” John unfolded the paper.

  “Richard’s private corporations, accounts and known assets.” Catherine pulled another set of pages out of her pocket. “Please pass these down, John. Lauren, I want you to start reviewing our corporate investments. We’ll need an accountant. Rebecca, please get that annoying Mr. Ping on the phone. Tell him I am personally calling in a favor he owes me. He’s to go to his office and print out all corresponding reports detailing our corporation’s transactions with his bank for the last two years. He’s to call those on this list,” Catherine took yet another piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Rebecca, “and obtain a full listing for the last two years for the names I’ve indicated. He has to get all the information delivered here to this apartment by six am.”


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