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The Dragon Within His Shadow

Page 31

by Phyllis M. Rumore

  James needed some respite from his troubles for at least one night, and decided his girlfriend Susan was the best remedy. He went over to her place and when she opened the doors, he surrendered into her arms. No words were exchanged. She comforted him as only a woman can comfort a man. He spent the rest of the night with her, leaving her only when it was time to go to the airport. He had spent a great deal of time thinking about John, Kai, his father, and even his mother, which he would never admit, while covered by her body’s warmth.

  John was his brother from each angle he could think of yet, he didn’t feel brotherly love, or compassion for the man. He finally decided he was jealous, because John could walk up to their father to speak to him whenever he wanted and thought how ironic it was that he couldn’t even have the privilege of calling his father, Father or Dad, anywhere outside of the States or the private yacht. In front of all, he had to call his father, Uncle. He wondered if John was aware of the similarity of their lives.

  John was his rival according to his mother, no more than a spoiled young man who wouldn’t amount to much if his life depended upon it, she said often. As far as he was concerned, John was no threat to his San Francisco position. Regarding Hong Kong, well, he was realistic enough to know better. He had spent his life trying to prove himself worthy of his father’s trust. Yet now he felt like nothing more than a failure. Without his father, he discovered, he felt incapable of making any decisions. It was a damaging self-realization that frightened him and no matter how much his girl hugged or encouraged him, the anxiety remained.

  His girlfriend said to relax, ignore things and that eventually, everything would straighten itself out but he felt a level of mistrust even for her words. At times, he even felt she was purposely trying to confuse him but then she would smile that sweet smile and convince him otherwise with her sweet words. Perhaps it was a mistake to take her into his confidence and discuss issues with her. But he trusted her, he said to himself, as if he were trying to convince himself of that belief. He kissed her temple as he got out of bed and took a quick shower before dressing.

  Frank and Tony picked up James as agreed and they headed for the airport.

  “Did you think about what I said yesterday?” Frank asked James.



  “And what? I don’t think Charlie is a traitor and can’t believe Kai is behind everything.”

  “But the facts James, didn’t you hear what we said we saw when we followed Charlie? Really, James. We saw him selling our stuff to the Cranes.” Frank turned to look at James. “What more proof do you need?”

  “Yeah James, and what about the things we told you about Kai? And, about his dealings with McDermott that cop, who was killed a few weeks ago. Don’t you see the connection? The cop, who arrested Charlie, was being paid by Kai. What’s wrong with you? How come you don’t see things anymore? What is going down in Hong Kong that’s got your mind so messed up?”

  “Drop it! Just drop it already!”

  “James,” said Tony.

  “Enough.” James was huffing and visibly upset.

  “Look, I know you don’t want to believe what we’ve told you, but it’s true James. You had better face facts before you get burned.” And with that said, Frank shut up. Neither Tony nor Frank had ever seen James so shaken before.

  “I don’t want to hear it. I can’t believe Charlie would turn against me. Kai - - I don’t want to talk about this now. Let’s leave it for later.” They parked the car and walked into the terminal where they checked the arrivals board and saw John’s plane had landed, so they went over to wait by the Customs arrival area.

  James was anxious to see John but afraid at the same time. More concerns flooded his mind. He felt lost in a sea of concerns and was forgetting how to deal with the issues at hand. Actually, he was losing his grip on himself and reality.

  Frank was the first who noticed the pretty young girl in the floral dress holding a rose and waiting. What drew his attention was the guy next to her. He knew he had seen him before, and based on the way the guy held himself, knew he was strong, not in terms of strength, but connections.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Richard walked into the police station accompanied by Inspector Thourson and two officers. Immediately, he felt as if everyone was looking at him. If he was shaken by the experience, he had pushed it below the surface and presented a calm exterior. Although even he had to admit, the television crew shoving a microphone in his face was daunting, as were their questions. He never expected this to happen and thought all the work he did, should have pointed interest to George, not him.

  He sat alone with Thourson in a dingy office crammed with file cabinets. As the paperwork was filled out, he demanded to see an attorney and was annoyed that all Thourson would say was he could call one shortly.

  “Yes, Officer Lau?” Thourson looked up at the young officer who was rail thin. He knew very well, the officer was coming over to report they had found Richard’s prints. Tang had told him about that and that even more would be found in the safe.

  “Inspector, please look at this report from forensics. Also, we found these checks and confirmed the necklace was the one reported missing, in the safe.”

  “Thank you, Officer. Well, well Richard, it looks like you will be with us for some time. Officer, place Mr. Cheng under arrest for the murder of those two men and for grand theft. Looks like I’ll have to call Mr. Choi and tell him we found Mrs. Choi’s missing jade and emerald necklace. It was rather foolish of you to hide it in your office safe Richard, I must say.”

  Richard sat in the chair in a state of bewilderment and knew instantly, George had done this to him. Tang may have planted the evidence but it was George, who would deny everything, with the excuse he was in the hospital. How easily he had been entrapped.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  John tried hard to act nonchalant as he presented his passport. He had two bags, which he had propped up on top of a rather small luggage cart and was trying to balance them as he made his way through the immigration process. A feeling of relief came over him when they stamped his passport and allowed him through.

  He walked out the customs exit and saw Michiko standing, clutching a red rose. They had talked every other day while he was away and together they shared many details of what was going on with their lives. He would tell her nearly everything that was happening and couldn’t get enough of her. She was the most beautiful person he could ever hope would meet him.

  John kept his eyes focused on Michiko as he weaved his way through the crowds, totally bypassing his brother whom he didn’t see. As he neared her, she noticed him and waved her rose. Rushing through the mass of people, he dropped the cart to envelop her with his arms. Their embrace was long, tender and sweet. She kissed him for the first time right there in that airport and it was the softest, most sensual kiss he ever received. Her presence cleared John’s mind of all thoughts as he focused on her and her alone. He was very happy she had come to meet him. It took a while for him to notice Mike was standing next to her.

  “Hey, Mike,” John reached out and shook Mike’s hand firmly.

  “Hi, John. Michiko insisted on meeting you at the airport.”

  “Thanks, you look beautiful,” said John. “My cousin was supposed to meet me, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  “And you look good yourself.” Michiko smiled.

  Tony, James, and Frank stared at John, who wouldn’t stop hugging the girl.

  “Hey, Tony, isn’t he in the Red Cranes?” Frank finally asked.

  “Yeah, he is and their leader no less.” Tony looked at James and saw a mask of betrayal set across his face. They knew who the guy was and the very basic gang rule to stay away from the Japanese counterparts.

  “I don’t believe it, the Red Cranes. John? Our brother?” James shook his head.

  “Hey, maybe he doesn’t know James. Maybe he’s just seeing the girl. After all, there are no other Cranes aroun
d,” said Frank.

  “I don’t give a shit if they are around or not. He shouldn’t be messing with their sister.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t know,” said Tony.

  “Well, if he doesn’t, he will. Let’s get him and get out of here. I want to talk to him alone,” said James, in an angry, tense tone.

  The three of them walked over to John. As they neared them, James overheard John telling them he was supposed to be picked up by his cousins.

  “Hey, John.” James tapped John on the shoulder, saw him smiling brightly and wished he could wipe the smile off his face.

  “James! What did I just tell you, Michiko? This is my cousin James, and our friends, Frank and Tony. Guys, this is my girl Michiko and her brother, Mike.”

  James and Mike grabbed each others hands. John noticed the test of wills exchanged as their handshake lasted a bit longer than normal. As they shook, they twisted each others hands, first one way and then another, as if a test of strength. John couldn’t think what was wrong. James stared at Mike, who stared back with equal dismay. The tension between their respective brotherhoods transcended the handshake, as they measured each other’s strength.

  “Say. Do you guys know each other?” John asked.

  “Yeah, you could say we know of each other,” said James.

  “Yes, I’ve heard about you James. I’ve admired and respected your work for a long time. Listen John, I know you and James got a lot to talk about and I have some things to do myself. So- -” Mike wanted to get Michiko home and away from John, but more so, away from James.

  “When will I get to see you, John?” Michiko was totally oblivious to what was happening between the men. To her, it was all so romantic that nothing else could penetrate the hazy world that comprised the bubble of her life.

  “How about tomorrow? I brought you something from Hong Kong but it’s in the bag.”

  “Really? What?” Michiko asked.

  “Something special.” John bent down to give her a kiss. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get it.” John was conscious of the disapproving gaze from both Mike and James and knew he had to say goodbye. With one last hug, Michiko left with Mike and John faced James.

  “Let’s go John,” said Frank.

  “Huh? Yeah, sure Frank. Hey Tony, it's great to see you again,” said John.

  “I’ll get the car and meet you out front,” said Tony.

  “I’ll go with you.” Frank took John’s bags and followed Tony.

  “How could you, John?”

  “Well, hello to you too James. How could I what?”

  “Don’t you know who that is?”

  “Michiko’s my girl, the one I had the date with before I left for Hong Kong. Remember, I told you?”

  “It's not so much her as her brother.”

  “Why? What’s- -” John said, as he paused to let some other travelers pass by.

  James placed a hand on John’s shoulder to force him to stop and turn around and face him. “Her brother works for the competition.”

  “You mean he’s an enemy?”

  “Yes and no,” said James.

  “Look, I don’t give a damn - -” James turned his back on John. “Hey James- - Fine. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Yeah, John, let’s get out of here.” James was mad and didn’t know what to make of John. Was he a traitor too, he wondered, or was it just dumb luck that he’s dating a sister of the Red Cranes.

  “Great. By the way, Dad’s fine, says hello, and sent you a gift. Tang sent you a package too.”

  They left the airport and drove silently back to the apartment. Tony and Frank could feel the tension between the brothers in the stone silence. They wanted to be far away when it erupted. Once they reached the place, James simply told Tony and Frank he would talk with them later. James knew what was racing through their minds but they would have to wait. Right now, John had shocked him and he would have to deal with this blow directly. So what, if they knew he was more than a gang brother. The way his life was falling apart at the moment, he could care less what was happening and who knew what. Of all people, he didn’t think an attack would come from John. Sure, he was aware what his mother had said about Susan and some minor affiliation, but his mother was wrong about her. He checked her out and she wasn’t related to any gang brothers. His mother had really over reached on that one with too many assumptions. Then it occurred to him, what if John told Michiko about their father? Did John tell her about the gang stuff? Women were too problematic, he thought to himself. There was the question of whether or not she in turn spoke to her brother and so on. It was all very disturbing and he didn’t need John laying down another complication, in his already complicated life. They needed to talk and without interference.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  “I’m afraid I’ve done a little redecorating, while you were in hospital,” Catherine said, as she entered George’s office.

  “I’ve seen that.” George silently wondered how much it cost to move and rebuild walls. So this is what Tang meant when he said there were a few changes in the apartment, he thought.

  “I hope you like the room, George,” said Catherine.

  “It's a fine room Cathy. You did an excellent job redecorating and in fact, I liked what you did with the rest of the rooms as well.” He reached out his arm and she walked into his embrace. They hugged.

  “Well George, you know how it is with me. I did the office, and then the rug didn’t match with the library, so I had to do that room and - -”

  “And one room, lead to another,” he said as he breathed in deep, her perfume.

  “Yes. Are you angry? Disappointed?” She pulled back a bit to look into his eyes.

  “I would have been disappointed if you didn’t do it. As it is, I think you did an excellent job and not just with the apartment, but with the business as well. Lauren told me how you helped her and John go through the paperwork to uncover Richard’s dealings. Tell me, Cathy, what did you do with Richard? His rooms are gone.”

  “I’m sorry, George. I know I should have checked with you first, but once I found out what he did to the company, and our son, and how he was trying to control- -” Catherine stopped short, hoping that George would step in, but he didn’t. “I wanted him out of our lives. I know the oath. He had to live here as part of his punishment granted, and perhaps it was wrong to relocate him, but I couldn’t stand it any longer. I felt I was being punished as well. I wanted him out George. And so, he’s out.”

  “Very well, Cathy. He’s out, but where did he go?”

  “I made the men move his stuff into their apartment on twentieth.”

  “The one that faces the back of the next building?” George was please indeed.

  “Yes, George. I don’t want him in our lives anymore, but I didn’t feel I could remove him without your approval, so I just shifted him downstairs. Are you angry?”

  “No, Catherine. I am very pleased. How did he take the move?”

  “Not well, I’m afraid.”

  “He’ll adjust. And you, young lady,” George said to Lauren who entered the office. “How are things for you? Are you having any problems at the office?”

  “No, Papa. Everything is going well. As a matter of fact, you’d be proud of me. I’ve initiated a recovery plan with Mr. Lin. We should be able to recover sixty-eight percent of the missing funds almost immediately. The remaining thirty-two percent he has arranged to repay over the next ten years at eight point eight percent interest. Oh and before I forget, our lawyers have sent over the paperwork you requested. It’s on your desk.”

  “Excellent Lauren, I’m very proud of you.” George knew that it was his Fu Shan Chu, Mr. Song, who had delivered the message to Lin that restitution was expected.

  “We have a light meal waiting for you George,” said Catherine. “Are you hungry?”

  “Hmmm. Yes. I could use some real food.” Together they went into the dining room where the meal was served and as they sat around the t
able, George was brought up to speed with current business activity by Lauren. He was content, even if the peace with Catherine was an uneasy one. He felt since she was willing to break down the wall, he could at least help build a bridge to meet her half way. It was perhaps, one of the most enjoyable evenings he had in a very long time. No one mentioned Richard and for the time being that is how it would remain.

  After dinner, coffee and tea were served in the living room. George began thinking of Richard, earnestly. Out of family loyalty, he had kept Richard. Out of obligation to the Society, he employed the man. As a result of a peace offering between tong fractions, he took a second wife, a relative of Richard’s. He tried to appease the man, but Richard has slapped him in the face in his own home, showing he was a man without honor. Then, there was the report earlier this morning from Tang, in which he relayed the news that Kai was found to be Richard’s son.

  Soon after Lauren finished her tea, she begged leave of her parents as she wanted to review some contracts for a business deal that had to be finalized by week’s end. Catherine too asked her leave, as she partly wanted to spend some time reading and partly, because she knew George needed time alone. George didn’t argue with either of them, but was surprised when Catherine mentioned she would visit him later. This was something he would look forward to for the remainder of the evening. He was feeling somewhat tired, after all, this was only his first day out of the hospital, but the thought of seeing Catherine again later, was invigorating.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  James slammed the door, but John didn’t look back and just kept walking. “Let’s talk.”

  “Fine.” John dropped the bags in the doorway to his room and followed James into the living room. “Let’s get it all out in the open.”


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