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Delicate Nights

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by Carrie Ann Ryan

  Delicate Nights

  Carrie Ann Ryan




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  A Note from Carrie Ann

  Delicate Nights

  A Montgomery Ink Short Story

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  Carrie Ann Ryan

  Delicate Nights

  A Montgomery Ink Short Story

  By: Carrie Ann Ryan

  © 2017 Carrie Ann Ryan

  Cover Art by Carrie Ann Ryan

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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.

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  For more information, please join Carrie Ann Ryan’s MAILING LIST.

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  Chapter 1


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  Austin couldn’t wait until the reception was over. With so many siblings, it felt as if he’d been in wedding after wedding. And while his family meant everything to him, he really just wanted one night with his wife. Was that so wrong?

  Yeah, he loved Alex like crazy and adored the fact that Tabby was now a Montgomery in truth, but he desperately wanted out of his suit.

  And if he were honest, he wanted Sierra out of that damn dress of hers even more.

  Okay, so maybe not out of the dress since now all he could think about was rucking that soft cream and peach lace up her thighs and taking her from behind. He’d tug at her hair, making her arch her back so she pressed her ass back into him as he thrust into her. Her butt would jiggle just right, and he’d have to grip harder, increasing his pace until they both came so hard they fell into a heap of sweaty limbs.

  He swallowed hard, thankful that he was sitting down and had the tablecloth to cover his raging erection. Suit pants would do nothing to hide the fact that he was now so damn hard, he was pretty sure he would blow if Sierra so much as brushed against him.

  Thankfully, for both of them, she was on the dance floor with their son, Leif, and unaware of where his thoughts had turned. Leif looked over and winked at him, and Austin couldn’t help but grin back. Yeah, that kid was a Montgomery through and through.

  He still couldn’t quite believe that he had a teenager who was almost as tall as Sierra. He’d only had the boy in his life for a few short years, but now that time seemed to be going by faster and faster. Their other son, Colin, was out like a light upstairs in the main house with the four babysitters the family had hired to help ride herd on the Montgomery kids. With so many babies and kids running and crawling around, was it any wonder they’d had to hire out for a Montgomery wedding while they usually tried to take care of their own?

  And what a wedding it was. Tabby and Alex had fought hard for their time together, and Austin was damn happy for both of them.

  He’d be even happier once things ran down and he could take his family home, get them to sleep, then take his wife to bed.

  Yeah, that sounded like the perfect ending to a long day full of family and friends. Even Tabby’s family had flown in from Whiskey, Pennsylvania to be with her. Austin always found it weird that she had another family so far away since she was so ingrained in the Montgomerys and had been for so long. But her brothers and parents loved her hard and were pretty kickass people.

  But hell, he just wanted everyone to go home so he could. Or at least have things get to the point where no one would notice if he and Sierra walked out after leaving the kids with the grandparents. He was kind of a dick right then for even thinking that, but it had been far too long since he was able to have a night with his wife. He missed her riding his dick as she screamed his name.

  They’d been forced to be quiet for far what seemed like ages.

  Sierra met his gaze across the dance floor and raised her brow. Yeah, she knew what he wanted, and he knew that she was feeling the same strain he was.

  As much as they loved their kids—fucking loved them to the ends of the Earth and back—they needed one night to themselves.

  But he had a feeling tonight wouldn’t be that night, not with how much fun everyone was having.

  Damn weddings.

  “Dick straining your zipper, big brother?” Griffin asked as he took the empty seat next to him.

  “There a reason you’re worrying so much about my dick?”

  Griffin snorted and took a sip of his beer. “Not so much. But you keep eye-fucking your wife like you haven’t had a taste of her in months.” He looked over at Austin. “That about right?”

  Austin rubbed his beard with his middle finger. Damn Griffin for being so good at reading people. Made his work as an author better, but damned if it didn’t make it hard to keep secrets sometimes.

  “Autumn and I can take the kids for you tonight if you want. It might be easier for us to just sleep in your guest room so you don’t have to deal with packing up the kids’ shit. You and the wife can go get a hotel room and fuck until the sun comes up.”

  Austin blinked slowly before turning to his brother. “You really think Sierra is going to want to show up with no luggage at a hotel? And what about you and Autumn? I’d have thought the two of you would want some time to yourselves. And do I really look that hard-up?” He was a little worried about the answer to the latter since he was in public. No need to appear like some cretin in front of family. He could do that behind closed doors with his wife, thank you very much.

  Griffin shrugged. “We have time to ourselves almost every night. Perks of being the best aunt and uncle around, who don’t have kids of our own. But I know you and Sierra have been working really hard recently, and with two kids in completely different stages of their lives at home, you probably don’t have a lot of time for just the two of you. So let us do this.”

  Austin frowned, bending forward so his forearms rested on his thighs. “Sierra doesn’t like unplanned things.”

  “She might like this. Autumn can even pack her a bag, and we’ll drop it off at whatever hotel you choose later tonight. Go. Have fun, and just be with your wife. We can handle the kids.”

  Austin ran a hand over his beard and swallowed hard, the idea of having a whole night alone with Sierra far too tempting to pass up. “Let me ask if she had any other plans for us tonight.” For all he knew, she just wanted to go home and sleep after a long day of wedding festivities.

  Griffin clapped him on the back. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Go get your woman.”

  Austin was already prowling toward the punch bowl where Sierra stood talking with his sister Miranda. His baby sister must have noticed the glint in his eyes because she quickly skittered away, leaving Sierra snorting over at him.

  “Really, Austin? How scary are you trying to be right now?”

  “Enough.” He quickly went over the plans Griffin had mentioned, and worry briefly crossed her face before she grinned. “What do you say, babe? Wanna take a night with me?”

  “You’re sure they’ll be okay?” She bit into that luscious lip of hers, and he could only imagine how they would look wrapped around his dick.

  “The kids, or Autumn and Griffin?” At her look, he ran his knuckles over the bare skin of her shoulder. He loved the way she shivered at just that small touch an
d couldn’t wait to see what else he could do.

  “I’d say both but…damn, Austin. I can’t get the idea of your dick in my mouth out of my thoughts.” She whispered the last part so close to his ear, he could feel the heat of her breath. This, of course, sent his cock straight to the almost-blowing stage, and he had to count to ten backwards before he could even say anything.

  “Play with me, Sierra. Just for the night.”


  He was surprised that he refrained from tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her out of the wedding at her answer, but from the look on his family’s faces as they said their goodbyes, he had a feeling it had been close.


  Chapter 2


  * * *

  “That woman knew I was about to do you right now,” Sierra muttered as Austin closed the room door behind them with a loud snick. “I mean, we’re wearing wedding clothes and just checked in late to a hotel for one night without luggage. That practically screams sexcation.”

  She turned and watched Austin undo his tie. She was pretty sure if her panties hadn’t already been damp from the anticipation of what was to come, she’d have drenched them at the sight. Who knew she could fall in love with wrists and forearms? She’d thought the term arm porn was just a joke until she met Austin Montgomery.

  “So?” her husband asked. “This is a classy place, and after I fuck you hard a few times, we’ll take a bath in that fancy-ass tub, fuck some more, then fuck again in the bed. Or…some mix of that. Then, later, when Griffin shows up with our things, we’ll have clothes for tomorrow so we don’t have to do the walk of shame. But I don’t really give a care that the woman at the front desk knows we’re about to have sex. My plan is to make you scream you so loud that she can hear you from there as you come on my cock.”

  Red Alert.

  Wet Panties Ahead.

  “Jesus,” Sierra muttered. She was one damn lucky woman. And because her thong was far too wet for her to even walk at this point, she did the only thing she could do.

  She slid her hands up under her dress and tugged the sides of the lace down before stepping out of them. Austin watched her every movement, the lead pipe behind his zipper growing before her eyes.

  She’d always loved that her husband was a grower and a shower.

  Fucking fantastic.

  “Take off the rest of your clothes,” she ordered, loving the way he raised his brow at her tone. “I don’t want to spend too long trying to get that zipper down, or ending up in half a dress or just one sock. I want us both naked. Now.”

  “I thought I was the one who gave the orders, babe.” His tone was so low, so demanding, her knees went weak. It had been so long since they played. They’d grown through the dynamics of their relationship and weren’t the same couple they were when they first met. And for that, she was glad.

  But right then, she could only strip out of her clothes and go to her knees at his voice, wanting a taste of what they’d once had but knowing it wasn’t what they both needed any longer.

  Just a taste.

  Not a forever.

  She already had her forever with him. And she loved their present, the promise of their future, but for this moment, they could step into their past and remember.

  “Damn,” he growled low. He stalked to her and ran his thumb over her lips. She opened for him, sucking. “You want my cock in your mouth?”

  “Yes, sir.” The word felt foreign on her tongue after so long.

  He shook his head. “I’m Austin, Sierra. You’re mine as I’m yours.”

  “Then, yes, Austin, I want your cock in my mouth.”

  “Then unzip me and start sucking. I want to come down your throat while you play with my balls. Then I’m going to eat you out until you run wet down my face. Sound like a plan, babe?”

  In answer, she undid his pants and slid him out of his boxer briefs. He was so hard that he was already wet at the tip. She spread the wetness over him, and he shuddered before wrapping her hair around his hand and pulling her head closer to him.

  She opened for him, needing him in her mouth. He tasted of salt and man, and she wanted more, craved more. Her husband let out a groan, and that just egged her on. So she looked up at him before swallowing him whole.

  They both groaned at that, and she closed her eyes, getting to work. She loved going down on him, adored knowing every sound and movement he made was because of her.

  She’d married the man of her dreams and got to sleep with the man of her heart and her fantasies.

  She was one lucky Montgomery.

  Before she could get her fill, however, Austin was in front of her, his mouth on hers, and his hand between her legs. He moved his hands with the experience of a man who knew his woman as he played with her folds and rubbed her clit.

  “I know I said I’d be slow and savor you,” her husband growled, “but I can’t wait any longer.”

  In answer, Sierra arched up into him, needing more. “If you don’t get inside me right now, I’ll scream.”

  He kissed her harder. “I’ll make you scream anyway.”

  Then she was on her back on the bed as Austin stood at the end of the mattress, thrusting into her with one deep movement. She gasped, his length filling her so completely that she knew she’d be sore in the morning even after all they’d shared together.

  And she couldn’t freaking wait.

  They moved together as one, their bodies sweat-slick and aching. She was coming before she could catch her breath, and then she found herself on top of him, riding him until they both came together.

  Her nails dug into his skin, and his fingers gripped her flesh to the point of bruising. An aching pain that would be a constant reminder that they’d taken each other to the edge, to the point of ecstasy.

  She’d never loved her husband more.

  At least, that was what she’d thought until he brought her, breathless, to the tub and leisurely washed her skin, his lips on her shoulder as he achingly cared for her.

  No, now she’d never loved her husband more.

  “Mine,” she whispered, her body feeling heavy and sated.

  “Always, babe, always.”

  And then she slept in the arms of the love of her life, knowing that no matter what they went back to the next day, they had this night. And no matter how many years passed, she knew they’d always be breathless for one another, always ache with need at the mere thought of each other.

  Sierra Montgomery was one lucky bitch, and she knew it.

  Damn straight.

  Chapter 3


  * * *

  Austin grunted as Colin stepped on his junk, but since the kid was bouncing on the couch as he wore out some of his never-ending energy, he couldn’t really say anything. He hadn’t been paying close enough attention and probably deserved a small, sock-clad foot on his crotch.

  Sierra met his gaze across the living room as she winked.

  He just laughed and set Colin on the floor so he could play with Leif like he had been before he decided to crawl all over his dad.

  Austin met his wife’s gaze again and couldn’t get the image of her naked and sated from the night before out of his mind. They’d made love two more times after their bath and had slept for only a couple of hours before the bellhop had brought up their bags, courtesy of Griffin and Autumn.

  And since neither of them could be without their kids for long, they’d had breakfast in bed before coming home and relieving his brother and sister-in-law of their duties. He owed the two of them for sure.

  He also knew that Leif was getting old enough to watch Colin on his own. Perhaps, even in a few years. Somehow, his family had grown from just him alone in his house, worrying that he’d never find a way to fill the empty rooms, to something so full, he could barely comprehend it.

  It still boggled his mind that he’d once had nothing but his shop and his dreams and now had more than he could ever wish

  He had two amazing sons—one from a past where he’d lost so much, and the other from his present where he’d almost lost even more.

  He had his home and business, a testament to everything he’d gone through.

  He had the Montgomerys—those in Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Fort Collins.

  And he had his wife.

  His Sierra.

  His everything.

  What more did a bearded, inked man need?

  A Note from Carrie Ann

  Thank you so much for reading Delicate Nights! I had so much fun going back and visiting Austin and Sierra.

  I’m so honored that your read this book and love the Montgomerys as much as I do!

  A new series begins with Fallen Ink (Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs Book 1). Adrienne, Thea, and Roxie are Shep’s sisters and ready for their HEAs. Adrienne is up first in FALLEN INK.

  And don’t forget Jake’s brothers from INK ENDURING have their own series: The Gallagher Brothers series. LOVE RESTORED is Book 1. And Tabby’s brothers from INK EXPOSED also have their own series, The Whiskey and Lies series. WHISKEY SECRETS is book 1.

  Don’t miss out on the Montgomery Ink World!

  Montgomery Ink (The Denver Montgomerys)

  Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs (The Colorado Springs Montgomery Cousins)

  Gallagher Brothers (Jake’s Brothers from Ink Enduring)

  Whiskey and Lies (Tabby’s Brothers from Ink Exposed)

  If you want to make sure you know what’s coming next from me, you can sign up for my newsletter at; follow me on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like my Facebook page. I also have a Facebook Fan Club where we have trivia, chats, and other goodies. You guys are the reason I get to do what I do and I thank you.


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