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Dark Stranger The Dream: New & Lengthened 2017 Edition (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series)

Page 22

by I. T. Lucas

  “It could be a good idea for you to stay at the lab longer and pay down some of your student loans before taking an internship with lower pay.”

  She cast him a puzzled glance. “I don’t have any. My parents paid for my schooling.”

  Her parents must’ve been well to do. That would explain the expensive car. He’d wondered how she could’ve afforded it while living so modestly.

  “In that case you can save up some money for when the budget gets tighter.”

  Kian knew the exact moment she realized the reason for his suggestions.

  Syssi’s ears turned crimson and she lowered her head. She didn’t look at him, and if his hearing weren’t as good as it was, he would not have heard what she said. “My place is close to the university and offers privacy. That’s why I rent it. I don’t need anything fancy. I prefer putting money in the bank rather than spending all I make.”

  He was such an ass, making her uncomfortable again.

  Fuck and double fuck, he needed to fix it. “Of course, I understand perfectly. It’s very wise of you.”

  Lifting her head a little, she glanced at him from behind the curtain of her hair. He must’ve passed her scrutiny because her head went all the way up and she thrust her chin out. “I’m glad you think so. Most people think I’m stingy, and I’m so tired of defending my choices. There is nothing wrong with being frugal. It brings me peace of mind.”

  Kian couldn’t help reaching for her hand. “I admire your financial acumen. A rare quality for someone as young as you. More than that, I admire you for sticking to your wise decisions even though they are unpopular. It requires guts.”

  That brought a real smile to her beautiful face. “Thank you.” It was like someone had flipped a light inside her and she shone like a brilliant star—her inner beauty even brighter than the physical one.

  Kian wanted to kiss her so bad that it hurt. Hell, he wanted to do much more than kissing. But he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do it again. The taste of that one kiss he’d allowed himself when he’d thought he would never see Syssi again had been his undoing. One more and he would be forever lost.

  This beautiful girl, this amazing person, could never be his, not even for one night of passion. Morality aside, he knew that one time with her could never be enough.

  He’d better get out of there before his control snapped.

  “I need to go and take care of some business, but I’ll send up one of my guys to escort you to the retirement home. Will you be okay here by yourself for a few minutes?”

  “Yes, of course. I don’t want to take any more of your time.”

  She was disappointed, he could smell it, but he needed to put some distance between them. Fast. “I’ll see you when you come back.” He squeezed her hand lightly before getting up.

  “Thank you, Kian. I appreciate all that you’re doing for me. But I don’t want to impose. I can stay with my brother, or at a hotel.”

  “We’ll discuss it later. I need to run.” He forced a tight smile and walked away, pulling his phone out of his pocket the moment he closed the door behind him.

  There was no way he was letting her go anywhere. She wasn’t safe out there. But he’d fight this battle later when he was better composed.

  Thinking of who to assign as her bodyguard, he immediately ruled out Anandur. The guy was a flirt and a ladies’ man. Alone with Syssi, he would seduce her in no time. Brundar was a safer choice. Kian made the call.

  “Yes, boss.”

  “I need you to escort Syssi to an appointment. She is waiting for you out on the terrace. She’ll give you the details when you get there.”

  “No problem. When?”


  “I’m on my way.”

  Kian pushed the phone back in his pocket and wondered what to do with himself next. There was always paperwork that needed attention; reports to go over, profit analysis of acquiring new properties to read, the list was long. In fact, it was endless, and he was in no mood to tackle any of it. Besides, the files were in his home office. His other option was to go down to Shai’s office in the basement. His assistant kept copies of everything.

  Easier said than done.

  The fifty feet or so separating him from Syssi already felt like too far. Kian rubbed his sternum. It felt as if his heart was made out of a magnet, and it was pulling him toward the one in Syssi’s chest. The difference was that instead of the pull weakening, the farther away he got, the stronger it became.

  Damn. He didn’t want her going out without him, and it had nothing to do with her safety. Brundar was an army of one and a much better fighter than Kian.

  A true master.

  Kian just wanted to be near her. Keeping it platonic would be hell, but he was discovering that staying away from her was worse.

  He was losing his fucking mind.

  Chapter 42: Syssi

  Syssi took another sip of her cold coffee and nibbled on a biscuit. She was glad that Kian was too busy to accompany her. Imagining him listening to her read that romance book to the ladies was enough to send her running the other way. She wouldn’t have agreed to go on with it, and the girls would’ve been disappointed.

  Besides, what did she expect? That he would be her driver? Her bodyguard? He had people on payroll for that.

  Kian felt responsible for her because of Amanda, and he was being a gracious host, but that didn’t mean he wanted to spend any more time with her than he absolutely had to.

  A high caliber businessman, Kian was a very busy guy.

  A guy who for some reason had run off like his tail was on fire, leaving her alone with his butler.

  Had she said something to offend him? Had he been under the impression that he’d offended her?

  Probably the second one.

  Truth be told, she’d been more embarrassed than offended. He was right, she wasn’t a student anymore, and that guesthouse was a bit shabby for someone who was making decent money. She should move somewhere nicer.

  The thing was, he’d actually done her a favor. Talking about her shitty apartment had been infinitely better than obsessing about Kian’s sexy lips and piercing eyes and thinking about how he’d made her feel in her dreams. She would have looked like a freaking tomato.

  God, how she wished there was a cure for that awful impediment.

  If not for that damn blushing giving her away, she could’ve pulled off looking cool, sophisticated. She envied those women who could pretend disinterest even when they were internally drooling over a guy. The lack of this elementary ability, one that others took for granted, was causing her endless grief.

  Pushing up to her feet, Syssi walked over to the glass railing and glanced at the adjoining buildings, trying to guess which belonged to Kian’s family. Two across the street were a similar style, but it was difficult to take a look at those that were on the same side as the one she was in.

  “Ready to go?”

  Syssi jumped and turned around, bumping into Kian’s solid chest. His arms shot around her to keep her from falling. “I’m sorry I startled you.”

  “How do you do that? Do you have silencers on your shoes or something?” She glanced down, hiding the spike of desire his hands on her body brought about.

  He chuckled. “You were just preoccupied. That’s why you didn’t hear us come in.”

  Heck, she hadn’t even noticed Brundar standing a few feet away, looking like a silent assassin. Syssi shook her head. Sometimes her imagination took flights of fancy, producing the weirdest thoughts.

  An assassin? Really?

  “Let me just grab my purse.” She tried to push out of Kian’s arms, but he held on, letting her go a second later.

  The man was surely sending mixed signals, and she had no idea what to make of them. One moment he seemed to be attracted to her, the next he was treating her like a random acquaintance. And since the second one was more fitting to their situation, it was safer to assume that this was the extent of his feelings for her. But
then he’d do something like he’d done a moment ago; hold her for a second too long like he didn’t want to let her go.

  The thing was, if Kian was interested in her, what the hell was stopping him from making a move? There was no way a guy like him was shy, and unless he were blind and stupid, which he wasn’t, he must’ve realized she was attracted to him. With all that damned blushing, a twelve-year-old would’ve already figured that out.

  Was he waiting for her to make the first move?

  Without an audience, Syssi would’ve snorted. Kian would be waiting until he grew old because that wasn’t going to happen. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t.

  With a sigh, Syssi walked over to retrieve the book from her duffle bag, dropping it inside her purse.

  “I’m ready.” She turned to the two men.

  Kian took her elbow. “Let’s go.”

  She cast him a sidelong glance. “Are you escorting me down to the car?” He was taking this host thing too seriously.

  “I’m escorting you all the way to your destination and staying until you’re done.” Kian stopped in front of the elevators and pressed his thumb to the scanner.

  Syssi’s heart gave a little flutter. “I thought you had work to do.”

  “I do.” He shrugged. “But I’d much rather spend time with you than with my paperwork.”

  He’s done it again. Talk about mixed signals.

  A soft ping announced the elevator, and a moment later the doors slid open. As the three of them stepped in, Syssi was grateful for Brundar’s stoic presence. Without him there, she might have taken off one of her platform slides and bashed Kian over the head with it for driving her crazy.

  Maybe that would’ve prompted him to do something, shaken him out of whatever was holding him back, and he would’ve finally made his move. Kissing her, touching her, like he’d done in her dreams.

  A quick glance at the mirror confirmed that her cheeks were red and she turned sideways, hiding her face.

  Don’t think about that. Think disturbing thoughts.

  Not a problem, Syssi had plenty of those, but it was a weapon of last resort she dreaded to use. All she had to do was open the floodgates on the bad shit swirling in her head. Earthquakes, wars, famine. This dark vortex was always there in the back of her mind, lurking, waiting to pull her down, and it took a constant, conscious effort to keep these disturbing thoughts at bay.

  She hated letting the darkness in, but it was the only thing that could get rid of her blush almost instantly. The difficult part was getting rid of the crap later.

  “What’s wrong?” Kian’s arm wrapped around her and he pulled her into his arms. There was nothing sexual in the gesture. He was comforting her.

  How the hell could he have known what she’d been thinking about? Did she look upset?

  “Why do you ask?”

  “You seemed sad suddenly. Is there anything I can do to help?” His palm was rubbing circles on the small of her back.

  Yes, you can keep holding me like this forever.

  “It’s nothing. I just remembered a sad story I read in the newspaper.” Reluctantly, she wiggled out of his embrace and cast a furtive glance at Brundar.

  Motionless, his stare fixed on the elevator’s doors, the guy looked like he was made from stone—so unobtrusive that it was easy to forget he was even there.

  It was the same on the drive. Brundar sat in the back, silent and watchful, while Kian and Syssi talked.

  “Before meeting Amanda, have you tried to research your paranormal abilities?” Kian asked.

  Had she ever. “Naturally. I’ve read anything and everything I could find about the subject.”

  “Anything interesting?”

  “Lots of things, but very little that is substantiated by solid research.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Thinking back to the books she’d read, she searched her mind for something he would find interesting. “Do you know that some dogs have a telepathic connection to their owners?”

  He cast her a sidelong glance. “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “There was an experiment conducted where owners left their dogs in a care facility and were told to come visit them at random times. The dogs would start getting excited as soon as the owners were on their way. Some even before that. They sensed their owners were coming for a visit as soon as the people made the decision, before they even got in a vehicle.”

  “Fascinating. Any other animals with special abilities?”

  “Parrots. In one instance a talking parrot was able to tell what his owner was looking at in another room.”

  “What about people?”

  “Amanda can probably tell you more about this than I can. We ran all kinds of experiments. Like the random shapes guessing, which I hate. She once had me do it for two hours straight. I felt I would go insane if I had to look at another square or triangle or circle.”

  He winced. “Sounds boring.”

  “It is.”

  Kian turned into the retirement home parking lot, and a few minutes later the three of them were standing in front of the reception desk.

  “Hi, Syssi, who are your friends?” Gilda, the receptionist, had her eyes glued to Kian and was practically drooling. Fred, one of the orderlies, was eyeing Brundar.

  Syssi made the introductions. “Can we go in?”

  Gilda shook her head. “You can go in. But not the men. I’ll have to call Leonora and ask her if it’s okay to bring male visitors into her room.”

  Kian leaned over the counter and smiled at her. “I’m sure the ladies will be fine with us visiting them. Syssi’s friends are always welcomed.”

  Gilda’s eyes glazed over and she nodded. “Of course. Syssi’s friends are always welcomed.”

  What was that? Did he just hypnotize the woman? Had he done the same to her to make her forget about what had happened in the lab?

  As soon as they were buzzed in and the door closed behind them, Syssi whispered, “What have you done to her? And don’t tell me nothing, because Gilda would’ve never allowed someone new inside without checking who they were.”

  Kian shrugged, but his shoulders remained tense. “A little mental suggestion, that’s all.”

  “Like hypnotism?”

  “Yeah, exactly like that.”

  “Where did you learn how to do it? And did you use it on me?”

  He winced. “It’s a useful trick, that’s all. I figured you’d sleep better if you forgot all about those lunatics. I thought that this was the end of it. But evidently I was wrong.”

  They’d reached Leonora’s room and Syssi knocked.

  “Come in!” Hattie answered.

  Syssi opened the door just a crack and peeked in. “I have two guys with me. I think it would be better if you ladies came out and met us at the salon.”

  The door swung open and Leonora filled the frame. She looked Kian and Brundar over, top to bottom and then back up. “Well, hello, handsome boys.” She turned around. “I wish you could see them, Hattie. Mm-hmm, gorgeous!”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Syssi whispered. “After a certain age it seems that people think they have the right to say whatever is on their minds.”

  Kian chuckled and patted her back. “It’s quite alright. They are having some harmless fun. Brundar and I are more than happy to be the objects of their excitement and give the old girls something to talk about. Am I right, Brundar?” Kian clapped his friend on the back.

  Brundar responded with a grunt.

  Leonora’s room wasn’t big enough for all of them, especially the two tall guys, but they managed. Brundar went back out to the hallway and brought two more chairs.

  Hattie got up and bee-lined straight for Kian as if her eyesight was perfectly fine. “I’m blind, but I can see with my hands. Do you mind if I touch you?”

  “Not at all, go ahead.” He took her hand and brought it to his face. Hattie cupped his cheek than added her other hand to the exploration.<
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  She nodded. “I approve.”

  Kian chuckled softly. “I’m glad I passed your test, my lady.”

  “Ooh, he called you a lady.” Clara clapped her hands. “Such a polite young man.”

  Brundar shifted in his chair, and Syssi caught him frowning before he quickly schooled his face into its usual stoic mask.

  “Brundar is very handsome as well, Hattie. Don’t you want to see him too?”

  Kian looked like he was barely stifling a laugh. “Yes, Lady Hattie. You should check him out.”

  Hattie shook her head and waved a finger at Kian as if he was a naughty boy. Shuffling back to her chair, she stopped by Brundar and gave his shoulder a light pat. “You don’t like to be touched, son, I understand.”

  How the hell could she have known that about him?

  Syssi cast a quick glance at Brundar. Hattie was right. The guy looked relieved to be spared a touching session. She had misunderstood his frown. It wasn’t that he’d felt left out, he’d been afraid of getting included.

  Leonora poured everyone tea and handed each of them a small porcelain cup. “Did you bring the book, dear?”

  Syssi pulled it out of her purse and handed it to Leonora. “I don’t think I’ll be reading to you today. The guys will be bored by a silly romance novel.”

  “Let me take a look.” Kian snatched the book from Leonora’s hands. “Dreams of a Dark Lover, a vampire romance novel. Sounds fascinating. I would love to hear it. How about you, Brundar?”

  The guy shrugged.

  “It’s decided then.” Kian thrust the book at Syssi’s hands. “Everyone wants to hear you read.”

  She was going to die.

  “I can’t. It’s too embarrassing. Have you ever read a romance novel?”

  “Can’t say that I have. That’s why I’m curious. But if it’s too difficult for you, I can read it instead.”


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