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Caught By The Dragon: Dragonhaeme (Beyond The Planes Book 1)

Page 9

by Tara Gill

  He kept me in the heights the entire day. Continuously coming. Even when I thought my body could handle no more, it kept finding a higher plateau. Drekk kept whispering in my ear, "Take it for me, you plucky girl. Show me you can take it."

  I passed out finally, reaching a plateau so high that beyond was only oblivion.

  When I woke he was between my legs, swollen large against my sensitized insides. I cried to be let go. “I need rest, Drekk.”

  “Shush, that’s a good girl. You will be fine. Let go and I’ll catch you. You’re so beautiful in passion, little one. Will you grudge me your pleasure?" He calmed me down with his words and gently moved in me. It was a slow loving. Lying on me, he didn’t do much beyond kissing all over my face, neck and shoulders. Like before he thrust into me at randomly spaced intervals.

  “Oh Goddess, you’re so responsive. I love how your body comes for me.” Drekk seemed to relish being hard within me, relish the challenge of holding back from spurting. For hours, we loved lazily. Well, I was half-out of my mind with passion and exhaustion and he was unhurried, exploring the limits of my body.

  After a long time, when the sky was darkening, he changed his pace and thrust fast and hard against the sensitive spot I had inside me. When I climaxed with a weak mewl, he followed, gently spewing within me.

  I was asleep as he carried me home and put me in bed. He was still inside me during the flight home and while we slept.


  Something woke me later in the night. Drekk was also awake and alert. He had a look of satisfaction on his face. I could sense a presence in the realm. It seemed familiar.

  “Wait here. I’ll go down and find out what that was." Drekk climbed off the bed and magicked his black shirt, leather pants and boots on to himself.

  I got up too. “I'll come. I think this is someone I know."

  I concentrated and immediately I was in an outfit similar to what I had worn yesterday, only all in black, matching Drekk.

  "I agree. I think it is someone you might know," Drekk said, enigmatically.

  "Oh, who?"

  I peppered him with questions, but he wouldn't answer. He gathered me in his arms and magicked me to a place outside that was completely dark.

  I realized now I could do the same. Move about without a travelling stone. Will you teach me how to use my magic?

  Of course, I will, sweetheart. Stay behind me and let me take the lead with this unexpected guest.

  We stood before the emerald cave. It was dark, but I found I could see quite well in the dark unlike before.

  Hmm. Perhaps I had gained dragon senses. Now that I thought of it, my sense of smell was more acute. I decided I would query Drekk about this later.

  Someone moved about the vegetation. A faint light moved in the small trees and bushes beyond the cave,

  "Lena," a faint call echoed, as if the caller didn't want to be too loud. The tone spoke of suppressed anxiety.

  "Father." I ran forward. recognizing him.

  He appeared, squinting in the light of the White Candle he held. “Is that you child? I’ve been trying to mirror you for days. Why haven't you been answering?"

  Light orbs suddenly appeared around us and we all blinked, at least Father and I did.

  Drekk’s voice rang out. "Your daughter has uncovered her destiny, Lucius. She is in safe hands and you need not move about the hidden parts of society to safeguard her anymore."

  Father stammered, "Who is that. Lena?" But he asked it as if he knew the answer.

  "You know very well that I am Dragon," Drekk’s voice boomed. “Years ago, you found that your little girl may in truth be one of the endangered dragonhearts. Not staying in any one place long, you hid her in plain sight and under various guises, so that no one would ever get a chance to guess who she might be or pose any danger to her. All dragonkin are in debt to you, Lucius for your vigilance in delivering my treasure safely to me."

  Surprised I glanced at Drekk and then back at Father.

  Father bowed to Drekk and said formally, "I knew this used to be a Dragonhaeme in the ages past and that an ancient firebreather Slept here. Beyond that I could not find news of where other dragons dwelled. The Watching Dragons are not so easy to correspond with without rousing suspicion in dangerous quarters. I am happy that my child has found her destiny and will now be forever protected and beloved. Keeping her safe meant that often she was bereft of companionship and was alone in her heart, so make sure that you cherish her, or dragon or not I will smite you."

  A flash of respect passed over Drekk’s eyes. He bowed. “She is indeed my treasure and my very heart. I honor you for your words, Lucius. I will place her every need above mine and protect her with my last breath."

  My throat felt tight. I swallowed with difficulty. It felt like I was witnessing Father handing over the care of me into Drekk’s capable hands.

  Also, I had no idea that Father recognized how emotionally barren I’d found most of my life to be. There were so many questions in my mind, but they could wait.

  "Father." I hugged him. “Don’t worry. I am fine. Drekk treats me like a queen. It is late, have you eaten?" I asked, critically looking him over. He was a bit disheveled, his hair was sticking out and his face was weary.

  "I must eat child. I was worried about you. Now that I know you are safe, I can rest." He sighed.

  I looked pleadingly at Drekk. “Can Father stay with us?"

  Drekk’s face softened. "Of course, my love."

  Within seconds we were in the castle which was all lit up.

  Father seemed a bit overwhelmed. I showed him to a room on the first floor. While he was freshening up in the bathroom, I magicked a plate of food with a jug of water and some wine. I also went into his dressing room and magicked a new wardrobe for him.

  When Father came out, wiping his face on a towel, I said, “Father, here is dinner. There are clothes in the dressing room. Eat and rest, it is quite late.”

  I didn't kiss him on the cheek even though I wanted to. We weren't very touchy feely and the hug earlier was more contact than we'd had for ages. "We can talk in the morning," I added.

  "Wait Lena, is the dragon treating you well? He isn't forcing you to stay here, is he? I’ve heard dragons can be possessive beyond all reason," Father asked, concerned.

  I remembered the chains, but then shook my head. Drekk adored me and if he had some dragonish quirks well, I would just have to deal with it.

  "Father, that dragon dotes on me. Being with him has made me so much stronger. Watch.”

  With a thought, I made a set of night clothes manifest on top of a trunk and moved the dining chair out for him. Simultaneously I lowered the temperature in the warm room and made a canopy appear on the bed.

  Father’s mouth dropped open.

  "Drekk has shared his magic with me. But more importantly, he has shared his very soul. Do not fret Father, I'm fortunate in my destiny. But you have been so covert. I will want to know more of your secrets. But that is for tomorrow. Good night."


  When I went to our room, Drekk was standing by the window. He was looking at the three moons which hung in the sky, blue, white and yellow. "It is a fine night for flying. Do you want to come?” he invited me.

  I’d loved flying with him. I bounced in excitement. "Of course!”

  In dragon form, Drekk was soon flying in the cool night with me on his back. I sighed in appreciation. It was beautiful out here.

  Night had a quiet magic to itself. Strange glowing white flowers delicately scented the air. The lake gleamed like a large diamond up at us. Drekk flew so close to it that we could see our dark reflections soaring over it. Nocturnal animals shied away from us running and hiding, even if they may not be able to see us properly.

  Drekk enjoyed their fear. The idea that even his invisible presence screamed predator to the fiercest of wild animals, frightening them, appealed to his dragon instinct.

  Drekk, stop it, I chastised.

e flew higher into the clouds, where the world was ever so vast and open. We seemed small, insignificant specks in the universe and I marveled at the perspective that flying a few miles higher could bring. I understood why the Drekk liked to fly so often. Tentatively I touched his mind and shared my discovery with him. He rumbled against me. I could feel his pleasure that I understood his love of flying high.

  After we flew a bit more, he dived down so fast I screamed, scaring away a few birds in the trees. I knew I wasn’t in danger. It was more a yell of exhilaration.

  Sorry baby birds, if I disturbed your sleep.

  The dragon chuffed in laughter.

  Drekk almost touched the ground before he lifted off powerfully with an near-vertical alignment. I clutched at him in fear.

  Don’t worry little one, you won’t fall.

  After his reassurance, I became braver. Soon I got in to the spirit as we dived and rose again. When I became sleepy he landed in front of the castle and shifted me to the bedroom. He removed our clothes and held me next to his heart.

  He was saying something slow and melodious in his deep sonorous voice. Listening sleepily, I realized he was singing. The language was unknown to me but kind of growly and beautiful. I could see him in the dark and his expression held such tenderness that emotional tears poured down my face.

  He cupped my face in his hands and kissed the tears way. I hid my face in his neck. Even though I was drowsy, I fought sleep until till I etched every moment of this unforgettable night into my memory. It had been magical, and I wanted to remember it all my life.

  Drekk kissed my forehead again. I smiled.


  In the morning I woke up late. The adventures yesterday had tired me out. When I came downstairs, dressed in a red blouse and white embroidered skirt, Drekk and Father were closeted in the study.

  So I went to the kitchen. There was a plate in the sink, so I assumed Father had eaten. I took my breakfast out to the garden and ate slowly, enjoying the view. Father joined me soon. I poured him a cup of tea.

  He smiled at the roses in the arbor. “Pink roses. They were your mother's favorite."

  "I know."

  We were both silent a moment remembering her. Of course, I had few memories of her as she had passed when I was only a baby.

  "Her family had a history of dragonheart females being born in them, you know,” Father said. “One was born every few generations. Hunters followed such families and found a way to kill them all. Some of them died when they were very young.

  “When you were born your mother knew there was a chance that you could be dragonheart and so, she told me about the danger. I did not take it seriously but before she died she made me promise to safeguard you. Not all is known about their powers, but one of a dragonheart’s abilities is immunity to fire. When you displayed that ability, I was mostly sure. I tried to get word to the Watching Dragons, but it was not safe. Hunters are not so numerous as they used to be, but a handful still exist and are almost religious in their fervor to eradicate dragonkind.

  “You must be on your guard. Do not leave your dragon's protection. As long as you stay by his side, no harm can befall you."

  "Don't worry, Father. Dragonhearts can be daunting in their own right. They may not be dragon but can call on all the magical abilities of their dragon and are formidable. Drekk says he will teach me to use magic. Do you think they will come after me because they'll want to deny us any chance of producing dragon babes?" I asked.

  I could trust Father to tell me the truth. He had never tried to coddle me by hiding me from reality.

  "Yes. But also, a dragonheart holds her dragon’s immortality as well as his magical essence. If you die, then Lord Drekk also shares your fate. It holds true the other way around too.”

  I would die if Drekk died? And he would die if I did? My eyes widened in shock.

  "Do not tell me your dragon lord has not shared this with you?" Father said.

  "No, he didn't," I said between clenched teeth.

  How many secrets would he have from me? I needed to grab that tricky dragon and make him sit still for a talk.

  But my mouth quirked, remembering yesterday. It had truly been an unforgettable day. Somehow when we were together other things seemed more important than talking.

  Father noticed my smile. "I am glad that you are happy here. This domicile seems comfortable enough." This was an understatement. “Safe too. Lord Drekk mentioned to me that no one may reach or even sight his Dragonhaeme without his sanction. You are well protected here, Lena."

  Father seemed relieved as if a weight had fallen off his shoulders. After that Father and I had a long talk. Turned out that after mother died, Father had spent most of his time—including trips away—finding out all the information he could on dragonhearts.

  A few times he had come close to the hunters. That was why we had moved so often, and he had time and again bidden me dress as a boy, a fat frumpy woman and in other guises. He hadn't encouraged me to have friends because he was worried news of my abilities would spread. My ability to borrow—or steal—powers was also because I was made to be a repository of magic, but Father hadn't known that until his discussion with Drekk today.

  As a result of this talk, Father was going to help Balen and Merrick find those pesky hunters so that others like me could be safe and that other dragons might find their dragonhearts.

  After that he was going to think on what to do next. I suggested he consider living here. I could magick another castle for him and might even enjoy the challenge.

  Father said he would consider it. Drekk came in as we finished our talk.

  Father stood as Drekk kissed my cheek. "Lena, I will need to take away your father for a short while. He will be providing some friends his assistance in a matter of importance," Drekk said.

  "Father, you are leaving right now?" I asked wistfully. “You only arrived last night. I thought I'd show you around the rose gardens."

  "I will visit often child, especially once you give me grandchildren. But I must help Lord Drekk’s friends. You are now safe. But we must not forget other young girl children have died in violence and may yet because of these hunters who would kill you and your children too. My job is not yet done." Father said.

  I gazed at my father with pride. He was so brave, and I'd had no idea.

  Drekk kissed me again and then left with Father.

  “Farewell daughter, until I see you again.”

  Chapter Ten

  So, I was immortal. I was glad. I wouldn't want to grow old while Drekk remained the same. That would be horrible.

  But what if something happened to me? Then Drekk would die too. No. That wasn’t alright. He should never have tied himself down to me in that way. What if the hunters got hold of me like they had my ancestors?

  I worked myself in to a snit. I paced.

  Searching for answers, I explored the study. The books were all heavy tomes about really dry subjects, many in languages unknown to me.

  An idea sparked, and I magicked myself into the volcano cave. It was the same as Drekk and I had left it. The magic and the warmth of the mountain engulfed me in welcome. I investigated a bit and found the golden chains still lay there open, near the bed of furs.

  Once late in bed, I'd asked Drekk about the chains… and remembered what he'd told me.


  “Why did you chain me?”

  “It is tradition. D... women such as you have been known to hurt themselves in the throes of the First Heat. The chains of Agua are always used to constrain them during this special time. They do not hurt and will indeed protect you from anyone who harms—including yourself.”

  I remembered that the chains had sent a vein of magic through me when I had tried to examine them. The chain’s magic felt innocent, trusting and protective.

  So perhaps what Drekk said was the truth.


  I held the chains in my hands. They clinked, the shackles loose. A devious grin sprea
d over my face. I knew how to get answers from my dragon.


  When Drekk showed up, looking a bit distracted, I was swimming naked in the cool lake. I timed my getting out to coincide with his walk towards me.

  "Little one, you set out to explore without me?" Drekk gulped as he saw me climb out, the water spilling down my nude curves.

  I swayed my hips a bit. The shiny diamond hoops hung from my nipples. Even in the semi-darkness of the cave, Drekk’s eyes roved covetously over every part of me as I neared him.

  "Good, you're back," I said seductively. “I was a bit cold and thought I'd warm up in the lava lake." I took his hand and tugged. He was so warm. I wanted to wrap myself around him and never let go.

  Maybe I’d do that later. "Let’s dive in together like last time. I also want to have a look at the hoard.”

  I touched the diamond on my nipple. It dangled. He groaned. "I want to see if there's more jewelry that you'd like to see me wear. Maybe I could try out a few for you and you could let me know what you think."

  “Of course, my love.” Drekk couldn't get me there fast enough.

  I was almost jogging to keep up with him. We were at the vents when I said, “Slow down, I can't keep up."

  Drekk took me in his arms. "Apologies, little one. Let me magick you there."

  "Wait." I gently brushed his cheek. He was so sweet to me. I almost decided to cancel my plan, but I did need some answers. “Can I have a kiss?"

  His eyes warmed. “You may have all the kisses you wish.”

  Drekk kissed me, and I kissed him back. It started out gentle but grew passionate. I stood on my tiptoes, arms around his neck and lifted myself up. His arms came up to my backside supporting me as my legs wrapped around his hips. Gusts of fires came up all around us as if responding to our passion. I pulled back with a bite to his lip. His gaze was half-lidded and rested on my flushed and swollen mouth.

  I dropped my legs from around him and stood, backing away.

  "Where are you going, little one?" He reached out to me, only to find golden chains holding his wrists to a solid iron arch behind him. As I watched, the chains tightened, pulling his arms up.


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