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Page 14

by Caldwell, Mia

  I cut him off before he could finish.

  “Seriously, dad……. What is the rush? She sure doesn’t act like she’s pressuring you for a commitment of any kind. She seems pretty laid back.”

  “You’re precisely right, Devlin. She isn’t pushing for marriage. She’s quite the free spirit. It’s really all me. I’ve never met anybody quite like her and I’m not letting her get away. I’m staking my claim on that woman. For whatever reason, nobody has been quite able to secure that little ball buster, but I intend to. I have to say, she makes me feel 20 years younger. We’ve been at odds with each other for a long time, but I think I understand now… All that was just foreplay.”

  My dad definitely spoke like a man with a new lease on life:

  “And don’t worry. I’ll not kid myself by pretending we will ever be on the same side of the political aisle, but we sure do have some lively, high-spirited debates. And she’s already opened my eyes in many new ways. Like, slowing down and stopping to appreciate the things that really matter in life. I forgot how often your mother used to tell me to do that, but I was always too busy to listen back then and have lived to regret it. But now, I have a second chance, with Amari, and by god, I’m going to take it. I have no idea when we’ll actually get married, but I have proudly proclaimed and marked my territory.”

  Pete couldn’t have timed it any better: No sooner did the words “marked my territory” leave my dad’s lips, then Pete scurried up to his new bowl and lifted his leg on it. I couldn’t remember the last time my dad and I shared a spontaneous laugh like the one we had at that moment. Carl must have heard us, prompting him to come in from the garage to see what was going on.

  “Will somebody please share the reason for your joviality?”

  “Joviality? Can’t you just talk normal once in awhile Carl? We were just cracking up over my new little buddy. I’ve adopted him. Carl, this is Pete. Pete, this is Carl.”

  “I thought I heard barking in here. Thank god. I’m not going crazy after all. I do suppose, however, that a dog will take some getting used to.”

  “Well, I really don’t know how much longer Pete and I will be living here, so no need to concern yourself too much about him. Right, dad?”

  I smiled slyly at my dad, trying to provoke him into dropping his big fat, wedding news bomb on Carl. But before dad could speak, Carl’s true feelings came spewing out:

  “I must say I’m a bit relieved about that. I’ve never cared much for dogs, actually. I’m more of a cat person myself. Dogs are so gauche.”

  My dad finally jumped in before Carl could stick his foot in his mouth any further.

  “So Carl…… do you feel about 3 dogs and a woman moving in?”



  After the shock of my life at breakfast, I purposely hung around at home until after both guys left, so I could give momma the third degree. I would have been hard-pressed to come up with any scenario more astonishing than my mom’s engagement to Devlin’s dad.

  Granted, the wedding was probably at least a year away, but still, why would she even entertain such a notion after only knowing a man for such a short while? Especially, one she admitted to loathing for so many years? It was so unlike her. What had Richard Danes said and done to her? She definitely had some explaining to do.

  “Cali, aren’t you going to be late for work, honey?”

  “No, I still have a few minutes mom. I just wanted to talk to you for a little bit. How come you never said anything about being in love with Mr. Danes? And not just in love either, but actually considering spending the rest of your life with him?”

  Mom came over to me and put her consoling arm around my shoulder, steering us over to the sofa to sit down.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. I know I probably should have been a bit more honest about my feelings, but I felt so foolish doing such a complete 180 like that. I really didn’t want my level-headed daughter telling me I was acting like a silly teenager, when I already knew that myself. I’m always so strong and militant in my beliefs that I found it hard to admit I could be so totally wrong about a person. Especially, at my age; naturally, I felt like I should be a better judge of character by now. My feelings for Richard knocked me for a loop. The truth is, he’s an incredible man and I absolutely adore him.”

  “But mom, how can you marry a man you have almost nothing in common with?”

  “Who said we have nothing in common? We both have great kids!”

  “Mom, seriously……..get real.”

  “Cali, I know we have lots of differences, but don’t worry, most of them are political in nature. We both happen to find those differences stimulating and interesting. You know the old saying – opposites attract. I guess it’s true.”

  “Well, I just want you to be happy, that’s all. Promise me you won’t rush into anything, okay momma?”

  “I’ll promise no such thing. If I want to get married tomorrow, I will. Remember, I’m a stubborn ol’ mule!”

  Mom got up and started happily humming while she packed her lunch for work. She apparently, assumed our little mother-daughter talk was over. But I had another line of questioning for her, so I followed her into the kitchen.

  “You’re still not leaving for work yet, dear?”

  “No, not quite yet; I have something else I want to ask you. Why did you set me up for Devlin’s ambush yesterday? I mean, I’m not complaining, or anything like that, I’m just kind of curious about it. I was under the impression you didn’t really feel a relationship with him was in my best interest? So, why would you feel compelled to help him win me back?”

  “Ambush! I like that! That’s a funny way to look at it….. I just figured if I could be so wrong about Richard Danes, then I could easily be just as wrong about Devlin. He said so many sweet, romantic things about you while he was in the shop and he really went on and on about how much he loved you. He certainly seemed sincere to me. I had to give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus, remember what you said about him when you were mad?”

  ‘The bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.’

  “Well, Cali…… neither does the good apple.”

  “Wow, mom……Thanks. And thanks for letting him have Pete too. That was generous of you. I know you kind of wanted him. Devlin must have really been bowled over by all of your kindness. Especially with you trusting him to see me again.”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’d exactly call it trust….. I told him if he ever hurt you again, I’d cut his fucking balls off with my dog clippers……….”



  The long Fourth of July weekend was coming up soon and I really wanted to do something special with Cali. Dad and Amari were just planning to hang out at our house in La Jolla for the 3 days, so I knew Pete would have plenty of doggie company. It was the perfect opportunity for a breezy, little romantic escape with my lover.

  I called Cali and asked her how she felt about sailing to Catalina Island for the holiday. She answered me with a resounding “Oh my god! Devlin, that sounds great!” I made all of the necessary arrangements and we decided to set sail that Friday, after she got off work.

  Cali was so excited about our trip she hardly talked about anything else for most of the week. I was equally psyched and looking forward to showing off my sailing skills to her. I couldn’t think of anything more perfectly blissful, than being out at sea, all alone on a boat with my sexy first mate.

  The day finally arrived for our sailing adventure. I loaded 4 days worth of provisions on my 50 foot Beneteau Oceanis sailboat, while Cali was working at the gym. I was glad they were closing up shop a couple hours early so we could leave well before it got dark. Cali was going to drive down and meet me at the marina so I could continue readying the boat. I checked the engine oil, gas, safety flares, life vests and all the other necessary equipment. We were ready to go.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. I loved the way Cali’s messages vibrat
ed my ass. Her text read, “I’m here!” So I headed up the dock to let her in through the marina security gate. She was smokin’ hot as usual, dressed in her provocative little sailor girl clothes and carrying a picnic basket. She was wearing snug little white shorts, blue Vans sneakers, and a tight red t-shirt with a sailboat steering wheel on it and the words “I’m a Nauti-Girl”. I couldn’t argue with that. She sure knew how to press my buttons.

  It was a beautiful day to set sail. Cali was a little nervous because we would be sailing all through the night while she slept, since I wanted to reach Catalina by breakfast. I reminded her that I was still a Navy SEAL, and an expert sailor. And as far as her safety at sea was concerned, she couldn’t be in any safer hands than mine. Of course, she responded with a tantalizing remark:

  “I’m not so sure about that, Captain Danes. Your hands are pretty dangerous if you ask me!”

  We had perfect wind as we left San Diego Bay and headed out to the open ocean. The sun was lowering in the west, as I steered clear of the dangerous kelp beds, just south of Point Loma. Cali and I shared a beer and ate the chicken salad sandwiches she had packed in her basket.

  It was so peaceful and romantic watching the summer sky turn pink and orange with the cool breeze of the Pacific Ocean blowing in our faces. I was the luckiest man in the world to have a woman of Cali’s caliber at my side. Thank god I had realized it in time. I pulled her to me and kissed her tenderly on the lips. If this is what it was like to have a real relationship with a woman, I had truly been missing out.

  I refocused my attention back on my course of sail. Heading northwest into the wind was always somewhat problematic when it came to sailing to Catalina from San Diego. It was not unusual for me to end up motoring for a good portion of the trip, if I wanted to make good time. Cali stayed up with me, until about midnight and then she went below to get ready for bed. She returned to the cockpit in a skimpy little pink undershirt and matching panties. It didn’t matter what that girl wore, my dick stiffened at the sight of her.

  She sat on my lap, lifted her top, and lightly grazed my face with her voluptuous tits. I hated to do it, but I had to turn down her sexual advances. She was like a sea siren, singing me to shipwreck. I looked past her, and I did not touch her. I had to resist my sultry temptress. It just wouldn’t be prudent

  to take her now while out on the dark sea in the middle of a windy night with 2 foot swells.

  “Cali, honey, I’m sorry, but I need you to go below and go to bed. I can’t have anything as distracting as your tits in my face while I’m piloting this boat at night. You understand, don’t you?”

  She stuck out her lower lip and made an exaggerated, rejected pouty face, which turned me on even more, but at the same time, assured me that her feelings weren’t really hurt. What a trooper!

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Sure, I understand. That was silly of me, really. Of course I don’t want you to be distracted.”

  Cali kissed me on the lips and said good-night. As she headed down below, she turned and smiled at me teasingly:

  “I guess I’ll just have to fuck myself, all alone, in my cabin. Let me know if I get too noisy for you.”

  I heard her giggle as she closed the door.

  Ultimately, I was glad I had sent Cali away. Shortly after I did, I encountered 2 supertankers tied together, sharing oil. They were well-lit, but it was hard to tell if they were moving and exactly how fast. As I crossed in front of them, I realized they were going at a fairly threatening pace of about 4 knots. Dangerous when you’re talking about a pair of floating buildings.

  By the time daylight arrived, I was mooring the boat at Catalina Island in Avalon Bay. After checking in with the harbor master, I joined Cali in our cabin for a couple of hours of shut-eye, snuggling tightly up against my dependable first mate…….who was snoring like a buzz saw.



  My sexy sailor man sleeping next to me was such a heavenly sight. I knew he couldn’t have had much sleep so I brewed some coffee in the galley as quietly as I possibly could. I poked around in the fridge and found some eggs, bacon, English muffins and a variety of fresh fruit. Perfect! The boat soon filled with the mouth-watering aroma of our breakfast.

  I cinched the belt on my robe and brought my food up to the cockpit on a tray so I could eat it alfresco. It was a beautiful morning with just enough breezes blowing to chill the air. A squadron of brown pelicans flew low over the harbor, on their way out to sea. The steaming cup of coffee warmed me as I took in the coastal beauty of the town.

  Just as I was putting a big forkful of cantaloupe in my mouth, I heard a big splash at the back of the boat. I got up and stood at the stern for a couple of minutes, staring into the water. Just as I was about to sit back down, a playful sea lion pup popped his head out and stared back at me with his large black eyes. I threw him a couple of grapes from my breakfast plate, but he dove back under and swam away. It was then, while my eyes searched the rippling, dark water for my marine mammal friend, that I noticed the name of Devlin’s boat painted on the back: WET DREAM.

  Why was I even surprised?

  A loud yawn from down below startled me. My SEAL was awake! I went down to the galley and warmed up his food and coffee while he used the bathroom. Then, I sliced up more melon and poured him and myself a glass of orange juice.

  When Devlin came out of the bathroom, I ordered him back into the cabin so I could serve him breakfast in bed. An ear-to-ear smile spread across his handsome face and he hopped back into our stateroom bed with all the joy of a little boy who just got a reprieve from going to school.

  “Cali, you’re terrific. What a wonderful surprise!”

  I tried to place the tray of food on his lap, but his morning wood under the sheet was in the way, so I had to set it on the bed. He looked at his boner, with embarrassment.

  “Sorry, I guess he’s hungry too……”

  I seized the opportunity to taunt him a little:

  “You didn’t, by any chance, have a wet dream last night did you, sweetie?”

  “Wet dream? Oh…… so I guess you saw the name on the boat, huh?”

  It was all he could do to take a sip of coffee with the giant sheepish grin plastered on his face.

  While Devlin was finishing up his eggs, his phone buzzed and lit up next to me, on the night stand. It displayed a notification that there was a “Message from Sandy.” I was sure my face was revealing both my jealousy and anger.

  Devlin picked up his phone, and without reading Sandy’s message, I watched him hit Delete, and then, Block…

  I fell into his arms and kissed his egg encrusted lips. Then I pulled back the bed sheet with intentions of claiming my very fine prize. Devlin had restored the metal barbell to his lovely dick. I eagerly slipped off my little pink undershirt, and shook my tits in his face.

  “Welcome back Prince Albert!”

  I lubed up his royal cock with my wet mouth and hot lips, swirling my tongue all around and under its bejeweled head. Then I slid off my little pink panties and spread my slick lips with my fingers. I slid down on Devlin and enjoyed the feel of his pierced dick inside me once again. We both came together and ended up dozing back off for another hour.

  After we showered and dressed, we drove the rubber dinghy over to the Avalon dock and secured it, so we could enjoy all the town had to offer. We shopped in the quaint boutiques that lined the cobblestone streets, ate lunch in a charming little Italian café, and checked out the iconic, art deco Catalina Casino building. We had the most fun, driving rented golf carts all around the scenic island. The panoramic views from the top were breathtaking!

  Giving our relationship another chance was the best thing I could’ve done. Devlin really did love me and he was truly everything I wanted in a man: Handsome, exciting, fun, attentive, strong, intelligent, and a sex master extraordinaire. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

  Our whirlwind weekend felt like a romantic honeymoon. Sunday morning, before leaving
Catalina, we had a relaxing, hot stone, couple’s massage at the luxurious Island Spa followed by lunch and cocktails on the ocean view deck. I didn’t mean to rock the boat, but I thought I’d ask him the million-dollar question:

  “So, have you given any thought to the fact that we’ll be step-siblings, if and when our parents marry?”

  Devlin’s look of astonishment gave me my answer: His eyes widened like dinner plates and he croaked out the almost unintelligible words:

  “Say what?”

  “So you haven’t thought about it…….obviously.”

  “No! Wow! Not until this moment. Not until you just put it that way!”

  “Well, what do you think about that? Is it too perverted for you?”

  Devlin’s devilish grin spread across his sexy unshaven face. His eyes lit up and twinkled mischievously. God what a turn that always was!


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