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One Wild Night

Page 45

by Vivian Ward

  “Shhhh, they’re going to hear you,” I said. “Don’t make me feel stupid. That man makes me feel some type of way, and I’m not sure what do to around him.”

  “I’m sorry, I was just playing,” she said. “I’ll see you later.”

  I watched as the pulled away before cleaning up my kitchen and taking a shower before bed. Once I was all clean, I climbed under my blanket, pulling it up to my chin.

  As cold as it was outside, my heater was having a hard time keeping up. Once I was warmed up, I let my hand trail down the thin top I was wearing, pausing to caress my nipples.

  They were already hard from being so cold, and my touch gave me goosebumps along my entire body. It would have felt even better if it had been Nick’s hand touching me.

  I loved having Nick in my house. I watched him the entire time he was eating, looking away anytime his glance came my way. I didn’t want to seem weird or making it completely obvious that I was watching him.

  I did my best to steal an odd glance here and there. While he ate, I could see the muscles under his shirt flexing without him even trying. He had a huge neck that I’d love to kiss, running my tongue along to his ear and biting on his earlobe.

  Out of everything I liked about him, his hands were my favorite thing about him. I don’t know what it is about guys who have big hands, but they always drive me crazy.

  The bigger they are, the better in my opinion. I also liked the d the fact that his hands were calloused and the skin on them were hard and leathery.

  They were the hands of a worker, a man who is strong and could probably provide for his family well. I bet he could do other things well with those hands as well, especially those long, thick fingers.

  I moved my hands lower down my body, rubbing them along my tummy. I may be a curvy girl, but I’ve always been proud of my flat stomach.

  I worked hard to have my body, and I liked the way it felt when I ran my fingers over it. As I imagined Nick’s hands caressing me, I allowed my hand to slip down further, rubbing myself over the top of my panties.

  I teased myself, circling my clit with my middle finger. When I felt like I needed more, I pulled my panties down.

  I placed my finger just inside my lips, feeling the slick, wet feeling of my pussy. I slid my finger in just enough to get it a little wet before moving it back up to my clit.

  The slick lubrication allowed me to circle my clit with no resistance. I shuttered at the feeling as I slipped my finger back inside if my pussy, the feelings of pleasure running through my body.

  Closing my eyes, I could imagine Nick lying there beside me, using his hand to pleasure me instead of mine. I could feel his thumb running circles around my clit while his fingers moved in and out of my hole.

  I felt my climax coming quickly while I pictured Nick climbing on top of me, plunging his cock into my tight pussy. As I started to climax, I could hear Nick moaning into my ear as he filled me up at the same time.

  I arched my back and bit down on my lip as I got myself off. My orgasm had been one of the best I’d had in ages. Easily as good as any orgasm a man had given me.

  The thoughts of Nick were really doing something to me. I wondered what a real orgasm with him would feel like.

  The orgasm had left me spent so I rolled over onto my side, not even worried about pulling my panties back up. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep and have dream after dream about him.

  Chapter 5


  Curtis was keeping me extremely busy at work, which was all right by me. We were working long hours and only had two days off in over a month.

  That meant large checks because of all the overtime that was on them. As the money rolled in, I was able to get a lot of the things that I needed. I was able to buy a cell phone, some clothes that actually fit me and other standard essentials like deodorant, shampoo and things like that.

  I hated the fact that Curtis had been supplying those things for me, and it was nice to be able to buy them for myself.

  Once I had the small things I needed, I invested most of what I had left into a vehicle for myself.

  Curtis took me from lot to lot until I came across a black Chevy pickup truck. It wasn’t even close to being new, but it was decent looking. From what I could tell, it ran just fine and wasn’t in need of any major work.

  Besides that, I knew that if it needed any work down the road, Curtis and I would be able to handle it with no problem. Curtis had always been into working on cars, and he’d taught me a lot of what he knew.

  When I wasn’t working, I was hanging out with Curtis and Kim. Shay had been hanging around quite a bit as well. The two of us had gotten to know each other pretty well over the month that I’d been out of prison. She even spent the holidays at the house with us.

  The two of us had long conversations, sometimes lasting well into the morning after Kim and Curtis had gone to bed.

  Unfortunately, I had no choice but to lie to her about most of my past. She knew that Curtis and I had met in state custody when we were kids, but that was all she knew about me.

  Other than that, I fed her a line of bullshit about most of my family history and about where I’d been for the past five years of my life.

  I hate lying to this girl but what else am I supposed to do?

  There was no way I could tell her the truth. Not if I wanted her to have anything to do with me. If she knew where I’d really been, I was sure she’d never want to talk to me again.

  It’s not like I was proud that I was in prison. Hell, I was ashamed of my past.

  Thankfully, Curtis caught onto to what I was telling her and went along with everything I had to say. I’d let Curtis in on the fact that I had a thing for Shay, but that was as far as I went.

  Even though I loved all the time we’d been spending together at Curtis’s house, I wanted more. The problem was, I was having trouble working up the nerve to ask her out.

  I don’t know what my problem was.

  Before I went to prison, I would have asked her out with no problem, but instead, I found myself conflicted as to whether or not I should make the move.

  I still wasn’t sure she was completely into me. At times, she seemed to be hanging on my every word or would look at me with a gleam in her eye.

  There were times when we were talking that she would reach over and touch my arm ever so slightly. I loved when she did that.

  I could feel the electrical charge between us. I loved making her laugh even more. She had a smile that could melt any man, and the sound of her laughter filled the room with a happy feeling that you’d need to experience in order to understand.

  When Curtis and I got home from work, Shay was sitting on the couch with Kim.

  “Hey boys,” Kim said as we kicked off our work boots. “Shay’s gonna have dinner with us tonight. I’m sure you guys don’t mind, right Nick?”

  I shot a look at Kim that said shut up, but I was glad to hear that she was going to be joining us.

  “It’s your food,” I said with a wink.

  During dinner, I couldn’t even look at Shay without thinking about asking her out. Seeing her again had been the turning point for me.

  It had given me the last little bit of a push that I needed to finally man up and ask her if she’d like to go on a date with me.

  Surely, she wouldn’t turn me down. I’d been picking up on the way she’d been looking at me all night. I’d caught on to the way she laughed at all my jokes, even the ones that weren’t particularly funny.

  I saw the way she would take little looks at my chest and arms when she thought I wasn’t paying attention. I even flexed my arms just a bit when I caught her.

  I could tell it excited her even though she had no clue that I was doing it on purpose. I was pretty sure she wouldn’t say no to me.

  Once dinner was over and everything was cleaned up, Shay started saying her goodbye’s to everyone so she could leave for the night. I knew that was my chance, and if I let it slip by,
I might think twice then next time I had the opportunity.

  “Shay, hold on just a second and I’ll walk you out,” I said, snatching my coat off the hanger in the closet and clumsily tossing it on.

  “Okay, that’d be nice,” she said, suddenly acting very shy.

  She gave Kim a hug and waved goodbye to Curtis before walking out the door. I followed, closing the door behind me.

  “Dinner was excellent tonight,” she said after about a minute of awkward silence standing next to her vehicle.

  “Yeah, it was. Between you two ladies, I’m being fed very well lately.”

  Shay smiled, showing off a dimple I’d never noticed before.

  “So,” I started, looking down at the snow as I began talking before realizing I needed to exude confidence and looked her in the eye.

  I was having trouble forming my words. It felt as though I’d been punched in the gut and was having trouble getting my breath back. I knew I needed to get it over with so I took a deep breath and started again.

  “When I was at your house the first time, you know, when we were fixing your SUV, you told me that you owed me big time,” I said before pausing to see what her reaction was.

  “Yeah?” she replied. Shay was still smiling, but she looked like she was a little confused as to where the conversation was going.

  “I was just wondering if I could cash in on that,” I told her.

  Once again, I shut up and waited for her to reply. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure it was going to leap straight out of my chest. She looked even more confused than she had been before.

  “What do you mean? What did you have in mind?”

  “I think you should let me take you to dinner.”

  There, I’d finally said it. I finally told her that I wanted to take her out, and now all that was left to get was her response. I took a deep breath, relieved that I’d finally done it. I was so worried that I might not like the answer to the question. I also knew that if I’d never asked, I’d always be wondering. I was just hoping she’d say yes.

  Shay didn’t answer me right away so I studied her facial expression, hoping to get some kind of clue of what she was thinking.

  She almost looked like she was surprised by my asking. She was just standing there looking at me. I could feel the smile leaving my face as I was slowly realizing that what I was worried about may have been about to come true.

  She was going to say no.

  I knew it. At least I thought I did. The next thing I saw was her smiling the biggest smile I’d ever seen.

  “I said I owed you big time,” she finally said. “How is you taking me to dinner justifying the fact that I owe you? I’m supposed to owe you something, not the other way around,” she teased. “I’ve got an idea, why don’t you come to my place this weekend and I’ll cook a special dinner just for you. Does that sound okay?”

  Was she serious?

  Of course that sounded okay. It sounded way better than okay. I wanted to take her out for an actual official date, but this was so much better.

  I’d get to spend some alone time with her in her apartment. I knew that if we went out to a restaurant, there was no way anything could happen. Inside her apartment, though?

  Who knew what the night might hold. It was just going to be me and her, sitting at her kitchen table, or on her couch, or even on her bed.

  “Nick?” she asked, bringing me back to reality and alerting me to the fact that I hadn’t bothered to reply to her.

  “Yes! That sounds great,” I said. “I can’t wait.”

  “Awesome. 6:00 on Saturday work for you?”

  “I’ll be there, “I told her, shoving my hands in the pocket of my coat.

  “Okay, I’ll see you then,” she said, giving me a wave as she got into her SUV.

  I stood in the driveway, watching as she drove away. I couldn’t believe the feeling I had inside of me.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so happy. I wondered if what I was experiencing was falling in love. I’d never truly been in love before but I assumed it was what I was feeling.

  I was in love with Shay, and it looked like things were looking up as far as she went. I was finally going to be able to make that woman mine.

  Chapter 6


  The days that followed Shay offering to cook a meal for me seemed to drag on and on. All I wanted was for Saturday to finally arrive. I spent every night that week outside of her apartment, fantasizing about how our date might go.

  I played scenario after scenario in my head, yet I had no clue which of those ideas might actually play out. All I knew is that I couldn’t wait for the date to actually arrive.

  Everything seemed to take a lot longer than normal. Work days, which usually whizzed by since we are always so busy, dragged on.

  The evenings were even worse since Shay hadn’t been back over since I asked her out. Apparently she had something going on at work that required her to attend specialized training.

  When Saturday finally arrived, I felt like I was a kid coming down the stairs to see presents under the tree on Christmas morning. I had a hard time keeping my excitement to myself.

  I woke up early in the morning, barely sleeping the night before. I’d gotten home around 3:00 in the morning and only slept until about 7:00. I got up and put my energy to good use, shoveling the driveway from the massive snow that came the night before.

  Even that wasn’t enough to burn off the adrenaline I was feeling so I went back to my room and did a couple hundred pushups before breakfast.

  I went through the clothes I’d been buying several times trying to figure out what to wear. I never understood women taking so long to get ready, but I felt like I was getting a taste of it already. I decided on a nice pair of jeans and a black and blue button up shirt.

  In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like I looked menacing, especially when I wasn’t smiling. A scary looking man was who I always saw when I looked into the mirror.

  I hadn’t scared Shay off, however.

  It was like she could see deep inside of me and see the good man that was inside. Besides, I never frown when I’m around Shay. She always kept me laughing and smiling. I’m sure that had a lot to do with it.

  I took the clothes off and sat them down on the bed, making sure not to wrinkle them. Still having more energy to burn off, I dropped to the floor and did more pushups.

  It was something I did a lot in prison, and some habits are hard to break. Once I was done, I jumped in the shower before completely shaving my face, the first time I’d done it since going to prison.

  As soon as I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror and regretted my decision. I looked like a different person. I looked like I was ten years younger than I actually was. I didn’t even recognize myself.

  What is the matter with you? Shay’s going to think you look like a child. Fuck man, you’ve ruined everything!

  I stood in the bathroom for nearly an hour, just staring at myself in the mirror. Shaving off my facial hair was leaving me a lot more stressed than it should have.

  I kept telling myself how stupid I was as I paced back and forth, the walls feeling as though they were closing in on me. In a way, it felt like I was back in prison.

  Eventually, I was able to calm myself down. There was no way to know in advance how she was going to react to my new look. For all I knew, she’d like it a lot and me stressing over it would be all for nothing. Before I knew it, it was time for me to go.

  I got dressed, threw a little gel in my hair, sprayed on some cologne that I’d bought and left the house. I didn’t want to show up empty handed, so I stopped at a little grocery store and picked up a small bouquet of flowers before continuing on to her apartment.

  My nerves were pretty much shot. My heart was pounding much harder than I’d ever known it to pound before.

  I felt anxious and just wanted to get there so we could get the date started. I was feeling n
ervous and excited at the same time. By the time I made it to her door, I knew I had to get myself under control. I breathed in and out slowly until my heart rate was back to normal. After one more deep breath, I knocked on the door.

  It was tough to control my breathing, but I did the best I could. I just focused on the flowers in my hand and hoped for the best. I heard her rushing up to the door before it opened and she was standing there looking back at me.

  Somehow, she was even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. I’ve always thought she looked good but that night, she looked better than I’d ever seen her.

  I looked her up and down, drinking in how perfect she was. She was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her body perfectly.

  The sweater she was wearing was snug but still loose enough to leave some things to the imagination. Her face was glowing, and her cheeks appeared to be a little flushed.

  She may have been nervous, or it could have had something to do with her makeup. Regardless of which it was, I loved the way it looked on her.

  “Hey there,” she said as she smiled at me and held the door open for me. “Come on in,” she requested as she looked over my face before turning her attention to the flowers in my hand.

  Shay stepped out of the way, allowing me to enter her apartment.

  “I stopped and got these for you,” I told her as held the flowers in front of her face.

  Real smooth, jackass.

  “Thank you so much, Nick! They’re gorgeous. I love them,” she gushed as she marched straight into the kitchen and pulled a vase out of a cabinet.

  I stood just inside her front door, unsure of where I was supposed to go or what I should do next. I knew I didn’t want to track snow through her apartment so I kicked my shoes off and sat them next to the door. Shay was putting water in the vase when she noticed I was still standing there like an idiot.

  “What are you doing? Come on in here,” she waved her hand at me.


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