Book Read Free

Always Wanted Forever

Page 16

by Sarah Tork

  “I’m hungry now!” I whined, not caring if I mad a spectacle of myself.

  I don’t fucking care anymore! I’m sick of it, sick of him…of everything, and if I’m not given some food, there will be hell to pay. If he thinks I was bad before, he’s seen nothing yet.

  I’m famous for being bad at parties, after all.

  His nostrils flare; his eyes widen at my tone and volume.

  Yeah, I do that too, bitch! I silently told him with my eyes, which I hoped were also reading ‘crazy ass bitch’.

  “I’m hungry! I need food right now. I need to be fed. You dragged me out for this whole adventure without even feeding me!” I snapped quietly.

  I mean business. I’m sure he’s regretting bringing me here now.

  I smiled a little inside.

  Xander leaned closer, “Well, if I knew you were hungry before, I would have fed you.” He leaned back, smiling to himself.

  What is that smile for?

  I don’t have the energy to decode his shit right now.

  “You’re a shit date, you know that?” I groaned, finally looking away. Xander’s phone rang, interrupting the tension between us. He took it out of his jacket pocket and quickly got up.

  “I have to take this privately; I’ll be back shortly,” he said.

  “Wait – what?” I spat out, taken off guard. “You can’t leave me!”

  “I’ll be back soon,” he promised and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me alone.

  Hmmmm…what is he up to now?


  Fifteen minutes later, there was still no sign of the asshole. The pervert had completely disappeared from the party.

  I was starving, especially with how little I ate yesterday, then eating nothing today. If I didn’t get some food inside me soon I’d pass out.

  Which would be bad, considering I was at a lavish party and in a dress I could never afford on my hourly wage back at 4Scoops.

  Don’t think about work. Thinking about returning to my dead-end job would only fuel the depression I could already feel sneaking in.

  I hate my job, I stared at the rich crowd around me. I didn’t belong here as a guest; if they all knew who I really was, I’d be stripped of this fab dress, ordered into a uniform, and handed a serving tray.

  My shoulders slumped. Ehhhh…I need a self-help book right now!

  “Hello, testing. One, two,” a hushed but amplified voice echoed out all of a sudden. “Thank you all for coming today. Will you all please help yourselves to the hors d’oeuvres table prepared by the one and only Chef...”

  What? Did I hear food, available now? I scoured the area like a hawk for any signs of food. From the corner of my eye, ten servers walked out of the house holding large covered trays.

  “Yes,” I hissed to myself.

  Fuck Xander.

  I wasn’t waiting for his horny-ass to return. I was gonna go get me some food. I gracefully got up, smoothing the to-die-for dress in the process, and headed toward the veranda.

  I’m going to eat…I’m going to eat! Half the party crowded around the appetizer table. I squeezed through two older men and grabbed a plate.

  Now what do we have here? I eyed the selection of colourful items and grabbed the first thing I recognized: pink macaroons. I took three.

  “Treat me like that again and I’ll sue!” a familiar voice hisses behind me, causing me to stop chewing.

  Where have I heard that before? I swallowed the sweet bite. I turned around, catching sight of an older woman with wild, curly brown hair. She’s stalking away with a glass of rose champagne from a red–faced, female server who held her empty tray tightly. She stared at the woman for a few seconds before walking away.

  Why is my heart beating so fast? I faced the old woman again. She wore a side–strap, violet dress that clings to her knees; it’s decorated with small roses along the hem. Something about her wild, brown, curly hair stirs something within my memory, something that doesn’t feel right, but nothing comes to mind.

  “What’s on your mind?” a deep voice murmured into my ear, causing me to jump. Before I twist my neck to see who it is, a hand caresses my arm. My head turned and in an instant, my eyes become mesmerized by a pair of deep-blue ones that turned my stomach into a butterfly sanctuary.

  It’s that damn Nancy Adams again…her ‘Love’ song played in my head as I lowered my gaze to his lush, plump lips. The small tip of his tongue made an appearance. I felt my jaw drop a little at the drool-worthy sight of him.

  Why did he have to be so gorgeous? And the fact that he’s normal made it worse.

  How was I going to get through this? I felt flushed, hot, dizzy, hot guy-struck.

  I wasn’t going to make it; it’s as simple as that!

  Maybe I should hold on to his hard, muscled arm for support, just in case I passed out.

  Which would be bad…very bad.

  Snap out of it! He’s Xander’s brother, nothing more! And close your fucking mouth; you’re worse than a dog panting for a bone.

  His bone?

  Stop it!

  Deep breath! I closed my mouth, not wanting him to know that he affected me.

  “Well, are you going to answer me or not?” he whispered, leaning in closer, with him holding my arm. I wasn’t looking though; my eyes were busy somewhere else. Like for instance, how his deep blue eyes were going hard while scanning me.

  I placed my plate of appetizers down on the buffet table.

  “I was thinking,” I faced him, giving him a knowing smile in the process, “where the fuck did my date run off to?”

  “Must you use that language at my mother’s home?” Liam sighed; his eyes twinkled with amusement.

  “Spoken from the man who screamed everything but the phone book last night. And let us not forget that little display of affection you shared with Xander earlier.”

  Grinning widely now, I leaned in and whispered, “I didn’t forget; but maybe you did, old man.”

  His nostrils flared as I leaned back. “Last night, we weren’t at a civilized party; there’s a time and a place to act certain ways.”

  “Are you sure about that? Because I’m sure there was a ‘fucking’ party going on last night too, and you were clearly interrupting,” I informed him, and then tried to yank my arm out of his warm grasp.

  He’s too strong and unwilling.

  “Oh, really? So you lied about your involvement then,” Liam stated smugly.

  “What? No!” My eyes bulged. “I was there to a pay a debt.”

  “And you paid it? How? By lying on your back?” he suggested.


  He grinned. “Stop lying.”

  “I’m not. I had nothing to do with his ‘party’!”

  “Sure you didn’t,” Liam assumed.

  “You know what,” I began, exasperated out of my mind.

  Liam interrupted, getting right in my face, “What?”

  Why did he need to know what exactly happened last night? Why did he care so much?

  “Nothing. I’m at a party. It’s not appropriate at a civilized party like this.”

  “What? You were going to call me something bad?” Liam sneered.

  “No, I was going to skull-fuck you in front of everyone. So yeah, inappropriate!” I glanced at the party that was unaware of us fighting. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a pervert to go find.”

  Liam stayed put, so I walked around him; my shoulder brushes against his arm, instantly growing goose bumps.

  Deal with that!

  I made it three steps before a firm hand grasped my arm again, pulling me to a stop.

  “Don’t run away from me; I won’t bite,” Liam whispered into my ear.

  “What do you want from me, Liam? I told you the truth; what else is there?” I stressed to him.

  His fingertips glided up my arm and stopped at my jawline, where he began to caress me. “Why are you here, Marisa? I told you last night, you should stay away from the likes of Xander.”

  “It’s not that complicated, Liam. Xander asked me for a favour and I said yes,” I explained.

  He looked at me like he wanted to shake me. “He’s trouble, Marisa; I thought you realized that by now,” he whispered worriedly.

  “I know, but we’re sort of friends now,” I told him. We’re friends now? I can’t believe I just said that.

  “Friends?” Liam laughed in disbelief.

  “Yeah, friends,” I retorted.

  “Xander doesn’t do friends; I doubt he knows the definition of loyalty,” Liam said, shaking his head, looking at me like I was a stupid idiot. “Your friendship is fictional; it doesn’t exist.”

  I yanked my jaw out of his reach, “Well, it seems like he’s trying. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find my date!”

  I swirled around quickly, leaving Liam’s space.

  Don’t look at me like I’m stupid! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I was sick of people looking at me like I was a fool.

  I wasn’t.


  On my way back to my table, I looked over my shoulder to see if he’s still looking; not paying attention to what’s in front of me. Liam was gone. Disappointed, I turned back facing forward, but not in time as someone bumped into me, hard.

  “Oww!” I grunted, trying to balance myself from falling.

  “If my dress is ruined, I’ll sue!” My assailant screeched; from the corner of my eye was a woman wearing a pink and white frilly dress with a mess of wild brown curls.

  My eyes connected with her blue ones.



  It’s this bitch, again.

  “Oh, Xander darling, Mrs. Williams and her daughter are here.”

  “Yes, be on the lookout. I hear her daughter is quite smitten with you. What was her name again?” Mrs. Barns had asked.

  “I’m not sure; but I’m sure it’ll come to me when I see her,” Xander had said.

  Demetria… she was here.

  She was the girl that Xander’s mother was talking about. And that other curly haired woman, they had the same catchphrase: ‘I’ll sue!’

  It took her a second too, but her eyes finally widened upon recognizing me. “What are you doing here?” she asked, disgusted.

  “I’m here with Xander… psycho bitch!” I hissed. With my heart pounding like crazy, I walked around her and headed back to my table in search of Xander.




  He knew…he fucking knew she’d be here! That’s why he wanted me to come! To keep her away from him, by using me as a shield!

  Wait till I get my hands on him! That piece of shit; he thinks he’s so smart! That’s why he was so adamant that I come with him here today!

  I stalked quickly back to my table in hopes of finding the perverted menace so I could give him a piece of my mind, and maybe a kick or two in the nuts. Yeah, I know, we’re at a party; so I’d be subtle as I caused him huge amounts of pain in his baby making parts.

  The table was practically empty. The band began playing dancing music; guests paired up and headed to the dance floor. When tables around me were empty, I pulled my phone out of my bag and text the bastard.

  Marisa: You mother fucker! You didn’t think I’d find out did you? I pieced it all together; you better get your ass out of hiding and face the shit you stirred.

  Demetria is here at your mother’s party! And don’t tell me you didn’t know. You have five minutes, or else I’m leaving!


  Sitting, I stared at my cell’s screen and waiting for a message to pop up.

  There’s nothing for five minutes.


  He’s left me here alone. He’s disappeared.

  And I’m fucking panicking! What if that bitch comes over to me? I can’t deal with her; she’s crazy! Well no, that’s wrong; I can do crazy too. But we’re at a classy party. It isn’t right.

  My face was heating up.

  Fuck Xander, I needed to get out of here. I grabbed my clutch off the table and headed towards the house.

  I rushed inside, my high heels clicking loudly against the marble hallway, in search of a bathroom. I needed a mirror and some cold water now. I found a bathroom down another hallway. The door was surprisingly marked ‘Ladies Room’.

  Why would they need separate bathrooms?


  After checking that it’s empty, I opened it and was taken aback by its over–the-top beauty. It looked like something you would find at the Palace of Versailles. There was gold leafing everywhere.

  Oh my God… I glided my fingertips over the edging on the marble vanity.

  Who lived like this?

  Not me, that’s for sure. I placed my clutch down beside the sink. I turned the gold tap on, letting cold water out.

  I’ve got to get out…but I can’t… All my things were back in the SUV with Daniels, who was under Xander’s command. There’s no way I could get my shit with that fucker controlling everything around me.

  Why? How have I gotten myself into a mess like this, again?

  Moron alert…and her name was Marisa!

  Just relax for a few minutes and a plan will come to you.

  I leaned against the vanity, holding my fingertips underneath the faucet. I brought them to my neck, soothing hot skin I was baking in. I was so hypnotized by the moment that I didn’t notice someone walk in, not until the door slammed closed. I whirled around, finding that psycho nut Demetria leaning against the door.

  Her hand was on the doorknob.

  The lock snapped shut.



  Damn it… I knew I should have locked the door!

  Whatever. Like I’m really scared of her? Well, not unless she had a weapon.

  I scanned her once; she had no bag with her, and her pink and white dress was so tight that the only place she could have hidden something would have been up her ass or in that crazy hair of hers.

  “Do you mind? I was here first,” I scowled at her, grasping the edge of the vanity tightly. Her hand shot up, pointing at me with her index finger.

  “You!” she hissed, giving me a nasty glare. “You!”

  “Yeah… it’s me.” I replied, then hissed back, “What the fuck do you want?”

  I couldn’t take this girl anymore. After last night, then walking into the bathroom, while I was fucking, clearly using it… she just crossed the mother fucking…. line.

  “How dare you!” she raged, her eyes flaming with fury. “You dare to come here, the same party as Xander?”

  “Yeah, he’s my date!” I snapped back.


  “I’m not lying. In fact, we’re probably going to—”

  “You’re not a lady!” she screamed, then slumped against the door, burying her hands into her curly mass of hair, showcasing her armpits for the first time, which were hairy.

  Oh God! Her mother didn’t teach her how to shave?

  “Yeah, I’m not a lady; but you’re the one with the hairy pits,” I told her in disbelief, pointing to her underarms.

  Her head snapped back up as she regains her posture. “Xander’s favourite place to go to is France!”


  Since when did France equal to hairy armpits?

  Fuck, that’s not right.

  Alert! Alert! We have a code-red warning!

  “With hairy armpits?” I questioned, flabbergasted.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” she snapped.

  “The mind of a demented stalker? No, I wouldn’t,” I spat back.

  “What did you just call me?” she growled through her teeth.

  Demetria pushed herself off the door, stopping right in front of my face, looking down on me a little. We were practically nose-to-nose.

  Ugh, I don’t think so!

  “Bitch… step back!” I ordered sternly.

  “How dare you mock me? I am the future wife o
f Alexander Barns!” she said haughtily, her stinky breath assaulting my senses. I waved the air away.

  I scoffed. “Sure you are.”

  “Don’t you dare!” she hissed.

  “Don’t I dare what, you crazy bitch?” I snapped.

  “Speak to me like that, how dare you!”

  I jerked my chin at her. “Go ahead, try me one more time; I’m daring you now!”

  Demetria was on the verge of malfunctioning. “I’m above you…you commoner!”

  Gasping, I faced the wall. “Tell me this, batshit-crazy bitch, did not just call me a commoner?”

  “Who are you rambling to?” Demetria asked, confused.

  “Someone who has been there for me, again and again! Talking me out of doing crazy shit that’ll put me in jail!” I snapped, facing her again.

  “The likes of you do not belong here at Madeline Barns’ home!” Demetria yelled, appalled.

  “Well, I was invited by her son…Xander. I’m—his—date,” I declared, enunciating the last few words so she gets it.

  “Lies!” Demetria screeched, her wild curly hair flying around her shoulders as her head twitched uncontrollably.

  Okay, maybe she didn’t get it.

  I needed to convince her, my way that is.

  The fun way!

  “I’m not lying!” I yelled back, frustrated.

  “Stay away from Xander!”

  “He’s my date…and I won’t leave him; we have plans to fuck later!”

  Demetria growled, “Lies!”

  “Nope, I’m telling the truth. If you want, I can record it and send you the video,” I offered.

  “You lie; he’d never do that with you! He belongs to me!” Demetria screamed again.

  “Well not anymore; I’ve stolen him from you.”

  “You stole him?” Demetria repeated, shocked.


  After everything, she chose to believe that?

  Alright, I’ll play along.


  “You thief!” Demetria accused, screeching loudly.

  “Guilty as charged; he’s mine now,” I mock-confessed, raising both of my palms up in surrender.

  “You scoundrel; you’re the reason he looked so lost yesterday with that other whore. She’s part of your schemes too! She’s your partner!” Demetria added as if she’s piecing everything together. She’s had her ah-ha moment.


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