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Always Wanted Forever

Page 21

by Sarah Tork

  “It’s not visiting day.” one of them yelled from behind as the officer guided me out.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Jon, one of the officers who regularly watched over us during the weekdays.

  I’ve been locked up at Pure Valley Correctional facility for sixteen days. After I assaulted (which was a mistake, but they did not care here) the officer who was trying to detain me during my fight with Sheila (who was not here, because I hit her first and I also hit an officer, but I heard her ho ass was serving time for solicitation at another place), I went to jail.

  They asked if I wanted to call anybody to come and help. I thought about it for three seconds and said no. God help me if I called my family to come and bail me out again. I’d take jail over that any day. Besides them, I really didn’t have anybody else to call. Plus I didn’t really have a lot of money for a good lawyer, so I opted out for a minimum sentence of four months, which I was lucky to get because the judge saw that it was an accident, but nevertheless I still did the crime so I had to do the time.

  There was a possibility that I could get out next month if I was good.

  As for telling my parents, I’d face that demon when I would get to it. Dad probably was wondering why I wasn’t answering my phone. I called Darcy using my one phone call. Thank God there wasn’t an automated message that followed first from the police station’s payphone or else my baby sister would have been traumatized with the news that her big sister was going to jail.


  I told her my phone was in repair and my internet would be down for a while, so if she didn’t hear from me, she shouldn’t worry and as soon as I had my phone and internet back, I’d contact her. I told her to tell this to dad so he wouldn’t worry.

  As for my room back at Mrs. Lee’s building, she was more understanding than I thought she’d be. I came up with an arrangement with her, paying her four months in advance until I got out and could move out.

  I was not a good tenant. I was too disruptive and a potential danger to the other three tenants.


  Anyways, back to Jon.

  “You have a visitor, a guy.” Jon explained.

  He was cool, not that strict, answered questions when he could without being an ass.

  “A guy?” I repeated, confused. We rounded the corner in the hallway, stopping in front of the visitor room door. Jon opened the door and I gasped when I saw who was sitting all by himself inside.

  “Xander?” I screeched.

  “Well hello there, look who’s in jail!” Xander smirked. “Marisa, I’m shocked, I didn’t know you had it in you!”

  Jon eyed me. “You have fifteen minutes.” He left, shutting the door behind him. I walked over to Xander, sitting in a stylish black suit, with his dark hair combed back.

  I gulped looking at him. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a good-looking man, even if it was Xander.

  I took a seat across from him, eyeing him warily.

  “What do you want?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  “Nice uniform.” Xander grinned, eying my plain cream-coloured tracksuit.

  I exhaled out my nose, he was annoying me already. “Why are you here? Or the better question, how the fuck did you find me?”

  “Oh I have my ways,” Xander winked.

  I raised an eyebrow. “And that would be how?”

  “Well after not hearing from you for an entire week, which was really hard surprisingly, I’ve gotten quite used to you being around, my trusted little side kick. I went to 4Scoops to see if I could catch you there and was surprised when your boss said that you had quit. Luckily after a little persuasion following a fifty dollar bill, he gave me your home address.” Xander explained as if he was revealing a treacherous plot to kill.

  “What!” My eyes widened. “How could Mr. Dennis give you my address, that shit was supposed to be confidential!”

  “Not when there’s money involved.” Xander smirked. “Anyways, I dropped by your place, hoping to catch you there, by the way your phone’s been shut off. Your landlord answered the door and after giving her a fifty, she kindly explained what had happened. And voila, here I am and here you are. What a very interesting situation we have here.”

  “The next place I work and live better keep my shit a secret from nosy people like you.” I told him, exasperated that my landlord and my ex-boss willingly gave out my info to just any rich stranger.

  “Money talks Marisa, I thought you’d realize that by now.” Xander smiled knowingly.

  “What are you here for Xander?” I breathed, my shoulder slumping pathetically. I had no fight left in me. I’ve been trapped in this hellhole for over two weeks, all because of a stupid accident.

  Xander clapped his hands and grinned. “I’m glad you asked! I’m here to save you!”

  My head jerked up. “What, what do you mean?”

  “I’m going to get you out!” Xander grinned. “Well my lawyers will.”

  “How…. why would you want to do that?” I stammered, my brain feeling like it was short-circuiting.

  Xander shrugged. “Because you don’t belong here, it’s tragic really. Anyways,” Xander began to say as he got up, buttoning the bottom of his jacket. “My lawyer’s going to speak with you next, sign the paperwork, and I’m sure you’ll be out in no time.”

  As he passed me, I grabbed onto the edge of his jacket. “Wait, what is this going to mean, after I get out?”

  Xander leaned down, whispering. “It means… owe me now.”



  A week later…

  I changed out of the nasty sweat suit the facility made us wear and into the jeans and sweater I came here in. I rubbed my face against the cotton of my shirt as if it were heaven.

  I left my old stuff on my old bed and headed out with Jon, who escorted me down the hallway. We crossed the hallway, about to pass the rec room where Mona and her lackeys were playing Domino’s. I decided to leave a farewell message, seeing as I was leaving right now.

  You know, just to be polite.

  I knocked on the door.

  “Hey Mona!” I sneered, twiddling my fingers at her. Her head snapped up, instantly scowling with fury.

  “What do you want, bitch!” she growled.

  “I just wanted to tell you something before leaving,” I grinned.

  “And what would that be?” Mona grunted, amused, like I wouldn’t dare say anything smart to her again.

  Little did she know.

  “I just wanted to answer that question you asked me a few days ago, and the answer is, no.” I grinned, shaking my head at her confused expression. She eyed her minions, Tilla and Gigi, seeing if they knew what the hell I was talking about.

  “No?” Mona repeated.

  “Yeah, no, as in no you can’t lick my dirty asshole, you nasty bitch!” I laughed loudly, pointing at her.

  Mona’s eyes flared open eying the room as everyone burst into laughter. “She’s lying, I’m not like that. Shut the fuck up!”

  “She’s lying everyone, I suggest you all keep your asshole’s in check, you know, just in case Big Mona here gets hungry later!” I laughed again, pointing at her. And like the raging bull that she was, she knocked her seat back and ran towards me.

  “Gonna get it now bitch!” Mona screamed with Tilla and Gigi right behind her. I took a step back and before the terrible threesome had any chance at taking a nice swing at me, the stainless steel door abruptly shuts, locking them in. They furiously pounded at the door, trying to jerk it open.

  “Let me out!” Mona screamed. “I’m going to kill that bitch!”

  I chuckled, going to the window beside the closed door, waving one last time, mouthing goodbye. I turned to Jon who was also grinning. “Thanks Jon.”

  “Any time Marisa. That was fun.” He chuckled.

  Jon took me to the front counter where I got my personal belongings back, my fab leather bag and everything that went with it. I signed the last o
f my paperwork and was officially discharged.

  Thank God!

  I exited the building and a burst of warm air circled me, making me sweat.

  Shit, it was hot. It was practically summer after all. It felt like I was trapped in there forever.

  I rounded the corner facing the curb, instantly the big black SUV caught my attention.

  Gee…I wonder who that could be.

  Approaching the SUV, a welcoming face popped out of the driver’s side, giving me a huge smile.

  “Hey Daniels!” I shouted, happily.

  “Welcome back Ms. Gellys.” Daniels said, approaching the back door.

  “It’s good to be back.” I sighed, stopping in front of him. He opened the back door and sitting comfortably in the plush black leather seat in a black shirt and blue designer jeans, was the troublemaker himself, Xander.

  On the phone.

  He eyed me, grinning, lowering the phone from his ear. “Welcome back to reality darling.”


  “What do you mean you moved me out?” I yelled at Xander as Daniels drove us into downtown Toronto.

  “It means I moved you out.” Xander rolled his eyes. “Your landlord wanted you out, she was threatening to empty your room and rent it out to someone else if you weren’t back soon.”

  My jaw dropped. “That bitch! I paid her four months in advance! We had an agreement.”

  “Well, then you’re lucky I came around when I did. I saved the day, yet again.” Xander smirked.

  “Saved the day? You touched my stuff!” I snapped, opening my window to let in some air despite the A/C running on blast. I needed air that Xander wasn’t contaminating.

  Xander breathed, sounding exasperated. “I did you a favour again and you’re yelling at me! Not fair!”

  “Please!” I sneered. “You didn’t do this for me, you did this for yourself. So I’ll owe you!”

  Xander stifled a grin. “Well what do you know, she’s figured it all out. You’re so smart. I’m going to make great use of you.”

  My eyes widened. “I’m not sleeping with you!” I declared, pointing a finger at him. He grabbed my hand, lowering it.

  “Wouldn’t even dream of asking you too, besides I don’t make women sleep with me just because they happen to owe me, there’s a long line of women who would kill just have me lay a finger on them.” Xander declared, raising an eyebrow.

  I smirked, looking away. “Don’t I know it.”

  “What was that?” Xander pressed.

  “Oh, I’m just remembering something based on that statement you just made about women killing just to have you touch them, brings a certain destructive psychopath to mind, I think she goes by the name…Demetria!” I snipped, jerking my chin forward.

  Got him now!

  “Get used to it!” Xander exclaimed, jerking his chin forward.

  I jerked my chin back. “Get used to it?”

  Xander sneered. “That’s right, get used to it. Because from now on, thanks to your amazing skills, I will no longer need to worry about having any more run in’s with women of that sort.”

  “And how am I going to help you do that?” I grimaced.

  Xander grinned. “I’m glad you asked! Say hello to your new best friend.” He pointed to himself.

  I blinked, grabbing the door handle for support. “Best friend, what the hell are you talking about?”

  “That’s right Marisa, you and me, best friends, forever.” Xander breathed, sounding hopeful that from now on everything would be okay.

  Umm…fuck that shit!

  I leaned over. “Why the hell would you want me to be your best friend? And why the hell would you ever think I would be yours?” I hissed.

  He leaned in. “Because,”

  “Because what?” I snapped.

  “You’re a package deal, dear. Having you around constantly means I get more than your pretty face, but your big….luscious….mouth too.” Xander said smoothly. “Best friends always watch each other’s backs right? Think of it as being a privileged security guard.”

  I leaned back into my seat, shaking my head. “You’re crazy you know that.”

  “I do,” Xander smirked. “And it’s already a done deal.”

  My eyes rolled, not taking him seriously. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Doubt me if you want, but I’d like to remind you of something.” Xander said.

  “And that would be?” I asked.

  “Uncle Xander got big bad Marisa out of pussy prison. You should see the bill my lawyer gave me for it.” Xander explained, as if he had an ace up his sleeve.

  “So!” I snapped. “You’re the one who offered.”

  “And you’re the one who accepted.” Xander counterattacked. “Understand…darling. You owe me!”

  I breathed nervously. “This is not fair.”

  “Isn’t it though?” Xander smirked. “My help comes with my rules, and first order of business, you gladly accept the title of being my new best friend who’ll gladly look out for her favourite guy in the entire world. Because you care, just like I did when I took time out of my very busy schedule to come and bail you out of the ‘trouble’ you got yourself into. Which I might add had nothing to do with me and had everything to do with your lack of self-control.”

  I cringed thinking about it. He was right. “Whatever.” I huffed.

  “Not whatever,” Xander said. “You have to say thank you, don’t you think I deserve a thank you?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Thank you.” I told him slowly, gritting my teeth.

  “For?” Xander smiled.

  “For getting me out of prison.” I replied, as if it pained me to.

  “What kind of prison?” Xander smirked.

  “Pussy prison.” I answered, feeling tortured, shaking my head in disbelief. “So this is how it’s going to be from now on just because you helped me get out of prison. You say jump and I say how high?”

  “Pretty much,” Xander nodded, putting on his sunglasses.

  “For how long?” I gulped.

  “Looking at all the time I put in to getting you out, plus all the lawyer fees, I’d say, I’d get the pleasure of your company for at least a year.” Xander answered as if he were solving a complex equation, equalling to that final conclusion.

  Xander, plus lawyer, plus money, plus charm, equalled a get out of jail card. Given to me, with a huge price tag attached to it.

  My time, my freedom, my common sense which I’d have to put on the back burner if I was going to be helping him get out of the trouble he kept getting himself into.

  My jaw dropped “A year!”

  “I know, I should have said longer, but I’m too nice.” Xander sighed.

  “Dog shit!” I snapped, pulling at the door for it to open.

  “It’s locked.” Xander informed.

  “I can’t breathe!” I yelled, slumping down into my seat. “You’re trapping me!”

  “Calm down.” Xander said, sounding bored. “You’ll see in the end, everything will work out, you’ll get to experience a new life and I’ll have someone watching my back for me.”

  “Where are you taking me now?” I asked, sliding back up.

  “To your new home.” Xander answered, looking out the window. Daniels turned the SUV on to King Street West.

  “And that would be where?” I cringed, taking short breaths.

  Xander turned, smiling at me. “Say hello to your brand new neighbour!”


  I entered the plush, one bedroom condo, mesmerized by its large size and beauty. It was on the fifteenth floor in a King Street West skyscraper in downtown Toronto. We were standing in the living and dining room with large windows rounding the entire space. There was a beautiful glass dining table with six chairs. Beside it was a luxurious looking, grey leather sectional with matching small pillows, with a huge 80 inch LCD plasma TV screen in front of it.

  “Fuck me.” I murmured, shell shocked that this was my new home, well, at
least for the next year.

  Unfortunately for me, Xander heard my astonishment. “Yes, please!”

  I turned, giving him a scowl, finding him smirking as he leaned against the long island which had a very beautiful (according to him one of a kind) green marble counter top.

  “I’m not fucking you!” I snapped, pointing at him firmly.

  Xander rolled his eyes. “We’re best friends, what kind of best friends fuck?”

  I jerked my head back, confused. Where the hell did this guy grow up? He should know all of this shit. Maybe he’s playing with me. I answered anyways. “Friends with benefits, that’s who.”

  “Well, since you mentioned it.” Xander grinned.

  I knew it! He played me, made me walk right into that one.

  “I didn’t!” I snapped.

  “Alright, alright, no need to lose it. You’re the one who brought it up, geez!” Xander said, holding up both his palms and then laughed.

  “You think you’re so funny, you’re hilarious!” I snapped.

  He nodded. “I do.”

  Shaking my head, I returned scouring the condo I was being forced to stay in for approximately one year. One of Xander’s condo’s, which was conveniently located right across the hall from him, literally it takes two steps to get to his place.

  “Why do you want me to stay here, you’re losing money by not renting it out?” I asked confusedly, spreading my arms out gesturing at the huge size of the place. I mean, it was at least 1200 square feet. My room back at Mrs. Lee’s building was only 300 square feet. What would I even do with all this space?

  “Nobody stays here, I don’t rent it out.” Xander explained, sounding bored, looking away.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because, no neighbours, means no noise complaints.” Xander faced me again and winked.

  “I’m sorry I asked.” I turned back around, shaking my head. “Where’s all my shit?”

  “Your shit?” Xander repeated and then smirked. “How I love the way you speak.”

  “Well?” I asked again, impatiently.

  “Since you had only one bedroom worth of things, my movers placed them in your new room and my designer arranged everything.” Xander explained.


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