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Guarding His Heart

Page 9

by Annie Seaton

  She gave him a little smile. “Don’t remind me. That was embarrassing. I thought you’d drowned and you didn’t need any help at all.”

  Liam lowered his voice and reached out and took her hand. “I’m sorry for being rude to you that afternoon. I was in such a cranky mood…and I was embarrassed that I’d fallen out of the kayak.” He let a smile play about his lips. “If I’m honest, I was a bit sorry you didn’t try mouth-to-mouth on me.”

  Georgie colored brick red and laughed. “I was going though the first aid steps in my mind when I first saw you lying there.”

  He looked down. Her hand was still in his. Even though her fingernails were short and he could feel a slight callus on one palm, her nails were painted the same soft pink as her toenails. She worked so hard, and it was good to see her relaxed and joking with him.

  “How about I give you a hand to fix the fence? Not that I’m much good with tools and things.”

  The memory of helping her today when she’d fallen off the ladder came flooding back, and Liam let go of her hand, trying to focus his attention on something other than Georgie. The throaty roar of the car saved him, and he reached down to retrieve the ball from beside her feet. He was getting way too sucked in here by a beautiful barefoot woman in a pretty dress.

  “I’ll have a look at the fence while Sienna decides what’s for dinner. Have you seen the orchard behind the house yet?” Georgie picked up a towel and began to wipe the dog down as Sienna walked up the steps.

  Sienna leaned against the steps. “I’m doing dinner?”

  Georgie caught his eye and despite his brain telling him to pull back, his insides swirled as her lips parted in a huge smile. She’d smiled more in fifteen minutes than he’d seen in a week and it was doing his head—and the rest of his body—in.

  “Yep, it was a girls’ night in, I told you that.”

  “Was?” Sienna tipped her head to the side.

  “I’ve invited Liam to stay, so now it’s a dinner party.” Liam was fascinated by the unfamiliar teasing tone in Georgie’s voice.

  The swirling dress, the loose hair, and the smile on her face turned her into one altogether tempting package.

  “So what are we eating, Sienna?” Georgie asked innocently.

  A look that could lure a man to his doom. Ugh, maybe I should write poetry instead.

  Chapter Nine

  Georgie’s heart was doing crazy things. When she looked at Liam it was almost skipping a beat. And when his sexy blue eyes held hers, it beat so hard it thudded in her chest. She didn’t have a clue what had possessed her to invite him to stay for dinner, and she was already regretting the invitation. An independent woman would know better than to get involved with her next-door neighbor. But try telling that to her nerve endings. They were skittering all over the place. Logic said no, this was not the way to independence. Her body said yes¸ go for it. Georgie wanted him to be here, and close to her, even with Sienna there. It was the strangest feeling.

  Georgie had tried to cover her confusion by teasing Sienna about cooking dinner. Her pantry was well stocked. She’d driven into Nebbiton earlier and had plenty of food, but Sienna always bit back when she was teased.

  She was also looking at Georgie and Liam now with a speculative gleam in her eye. “Well, in that case, it’s just as well I got a huge order of Indian takeout on the way over. Raj is delivering it at seven o’clock.” Sienna grinned at Liam. “Neither of us cooks very well. It certainly doesn’t reflect our Italian upbringing.”

  Sienna held Georgie’s eye and there was a question on her face. Georgie knew she was going to get the third degree when they were alone later, but her relationship with Liam was as a neighbor and a client only, and she would make that quite clear to her cousin. Despite these unfamiliar feelings surging through her, she was only being neighborly. It had nothing to do with feeling sorry for him being alone, or that she couldn’t get the feel of his mouth against her cheek out of her thoughts. She turned to Sienna. “Mutt got out again. Do you want to come for a walk? Liam’s going to help me fix the fence.”

  “No. I’ll unpack and maybe read a bit by the window.” Sienna waved a lazy hand and turned to Liam. “I know Georgie’s going to work me to death tomorrow, so I need to rest up.”

  Mutt ran ahead of Georgie and Liam as they walked through the backyard together. They walked close together, side by side, almost touching, but not quite. Liam chuckled as the dog ran past the gate that opened into the orchard and pushed his nose against a loose piece of fencing. The plank lifted and with a happy woof he ran into the orchard and onto the path that led down to the beach.

  “There’s the escape hole.” Liam pointed to the hole in the fence. “It doesn’t look big enough for him to get through, though.

  “He’s determined. I know Ana’s had a lot of trouble keeping him in. He adores the water. Mutt! Come back here.” Georgie pushed open the gate and stepped into the orchard as the dog ignored her call. “Mutt. Now!” She hadn’t stopped to slip on her shoes, and the grass was cold and damp beneath her bare feet as the afternoon drew to a close and the sea mist settled onto the ground.

  The large dog slowed down, turned, and slunk back to them with his tail between his legs.

  “He loves to run on the beach and I haven’t had a chance to take him down there much this week.” Georgie drew in a deep breath. Small buds were beginning to form on the trees despite some of them still being loaded with ripe oranges. A couple of late blooms lingered and a whiff of sweet fragrance drifted on the late-afternoon breeze.

  “I love Ana’s house. One day I’d like to live along the water and have my own place that looks out to the sea.” She was babbling, but there was tension hanging in the air between them and she willed it to go away.

  Liam walked over to the fence and turned around to stare at her. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the ground and she dropped her gaze, while trying to stop her legs from trembling. Mutt walked along beside her and she curled her fingers in his soft fur.

  “Your perfume smells like the orange blossoms,” Liam said quietly as she reached him. Being close to him made her heartbeat pick up again and Georgie swallowed, trying to ground herself. She was in trouble here. No matter how much she told herself she wasn’t going to fall for her sexy neighbor, her insides were like jelly as his soft words washed over her. Inviting Liam to stay for dinner had been foolish. Bringing him out into the orchard, doubly so. She should have just taken the car part or whatever was in the box he’d left on the porch and let him go home. She had to stay away from him and spend as little time in his company as she could, despite the job. This trembling feeling and uncertainty, the wanting to be with him, were new to her; she’d never experienced them with any guy before, even when they’d gotten to the sleeping-with-each-other stage. Sure, she’d enjoyed their company and she’d had a few relationships that had lasted for a while, but this all-encompassing wanting-to-be-next-to-him feeling was throwing her for a loop.

  It must be his good looks and fame. That’s all it was.

  “It’s my shampoo,” she said, and as she spoke the wind picked up her hair and whipped it across her eyes. Liam lifted one hand and brushed her hair gently away from her face.

  “I like your hair down.” He stared at her with those sexy blue eyes. Each of his dark lashes was clearly outlined and the pupils in the center of his eyes were dark. It wasn’t fair that a man could have such beautiful eyes. Georgie couldn’t look away. His hand was still on her face and as she stared back at him, he slid it gently back through the loose curls, and placed his fingers on the back of her neck. “You look really different without it pulled back off your face.”

  Georgie swallowed and attempted some self-deprecating humor. “Yeah, the red is more obvious when it’s out and loose.”

  “It’s not red. It’s a beautiful golden copper.” Liam still hadn’t taken his eyes from hers. His intent stare was turning her insides to mush.

  “Well, I suppose being an author, you can
always find the nicer words.” She stepped away from his hold, willing her heart to settle, and gave herself a little internal shake.

  For some reason he’s flirting with me. “It’s red to me. I’ve put up with plenty of teasing because of it.” Georgie kept her voice matter-of-fact.

  She was reading way too much into the way he was looking at her and the way his fingers were gently caressing the back of her neck. But when Liam put out his other hand, took her arm, and pulled her against him again, she knew she wasn’t imagining the intent in his expression. She stared back at him as he moved both hands to cradle her face. He held her gaze as he lowered his head and she lifted her face just like she had the other day. She couldn’t help herself, any more than she could stop her heart from thumping madly. Their lips met and clung, sweetly and gently, and as he increased the warm pressure, a shiver ran right down to her toes. She leaned into him and Liam moved one hand to the back of her head to hold her close.

  Not that she wanted to move away. Georgie lifted her hand to his face and brushed her fingers against the rough stubble on his cheeks. It felt as sexy as it looked, and she let out a contented, soft sigh against his lips. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth to him as he deepened the kiss and let his tongue slide over her bottom lip. Georgie didn’t know how long they stood there in the late-afternoon sunshine with the breeze blowing her hair around them. It was how she’d always dreamed a kiss should be. The physical sensations, the emotion filling her, and the euphoria of being held so gently in Liam’s arms as his lips explored hers left her stunned. She couldn’t gather her thoughts together while she was in this dreamlike state, but she knew they shouldn’t be doing this.

  When Mutt finally pushed his wet nose between them and whimpered, Georgie opened her eyes and pulled her head back slowly. She swallowed and closed her eyes, licking her lips nervously as she took a moment to compose herself. Finally, she found her voice and managed to speak firmly…almost.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” She dropped her arms to her sides and stepped back, almost falling over Mutt in her anxiety to put some distance between her and Liam.

  “Probably not.” Liam didn’t move away as she expected. “But I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Let’s get this fence fixed.” Her voice was husky but steady.

  Georgie turned away to the fence, trying to shove her trembling hands in her pockets before she realized she was wearing a dress and not her usual work shorts with their deep pockets. Nervously, she clenched her hands in front of her until they steadied.

  “There’s a piece of wood beneath the middle row of the oranges trees.” She pointed across the orchard. “If you can get it for me, we can leverage it to stop this loose piece of fence. Mutt won’t be able to get out again if we wedge something against the bottom.” She was desperately trying to return to normality. Her heart was beating so fast she was sure she would fall into a dead faint or a swoon at his feet if it didn’t settle. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment and focused on breathing in and out.

  By the time Liam had dragged the large slab of old wood across to the fence, Georgie almost had herself under control. Physically anyway, but all the fears that had been plaguing her about falling for the next man who came along had resurfaced.

  I’m overreacting. It was a simple kiss between a man and a woman in a romantic setting. Don’t read too much into it.

  Treat it lightly and don’t act like a love-struck fool. But when she was done talking to herself, she brushed her fingers across her lips to capture the remnants of the kiss that lingered.

  “Here you go.” Liam let go of the slab of wood and frowned, concentrating on the loose plank in the fence. Georgie dropped her hand away from her mouth.

  “Which side do you think would be best?” he asked.

  Georgie was pleased to have something concrete to focus on, and she walked through the gate and looked at the fence from both sides. “Definitely the outside. I’ll hold this down while you shove it underneath.”

  Liam crouched down beside her, wedged the wood beneath the plank, and gave a satisfied grunt when it held. “Now all you need is a small rock to fill in the hole where he’s been digging and it should be blocked.”

  Georgie looked around the garden. There was a small pile of rocks in the garden by the children’s play equipment. “Over there.” They were both apparently going to pretend that the kiss hadn’t happened. Liam followed her over and she bent to pick up the rock.

  “That’s too heavy. Let me help you.” He stepped past her.

  The piece of rock was long and narrow and as he reached to take one end, his fingers brushed against hers and Georgie almost dropped it. She lowered her eyes as they lifted it together, and they walked sideways across the garden and through the gate. Georgie concentrated on watching where she was walking so she didn’t have to make eye contact with Liam. They maneuvered the piece of stone near the hole at the bottom of the loose plank and as she bent to secure her end, Liam’s shadow fell across her. His jeans-clad thigh brushed against her leg and she jumped as a hot jolt ran down to her toes. She stumbled and the rock slipped from her grasp and narrowly missed her bare feet. Luckily, it landed in the space it was meant for and she let out a sigh of relief.

  “That was close. Sorry I let go too soon.” Even to her ears, her voice was breathless, and she risked a glance up at him through her lashes. She couldn’t remember ever wanting anyone to hold her the way she wanted Liam to hold her. No one had ever had this effect on her. Just as well; it was wreaking havoc with her breathing and her composure.

  He didn’t move. “I think I’d better pass on the dinner invite. If I’m going to spend Sunday away from my desk, I really should get back to my writing tonight.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I’m sorry I’ve taken up so much of your afternoon.” She bit her lip as she realized she was apologizing again.

  “Saying sorry again?” Liam lifted his hand and brushed his knuckles across her cheek as the heat rushed up her neck to her face. “You sure get a great blush going.”

  “Sorry, it’s my fair skin.” She shrugged with a little laugh. “Oh, you know what I mean.” His fingers lingered on her face and Georgie closed her eyes fighting the urge to lift her hand and hold Liam’s fingers against her cheek. He was standing so close she could drop her head onto his shoulder and lean on him.

  “Oh, what the heck.” Liam’s other arm came around her and he pulled her close. “I was going to leave because I knew if I didn’t I’d kiss you again.”

  Her head flew up and warmth rushed through her. The afternoon light had faded while they’d worked, and his face was shadowed, making the angles of his face sharper. But his eyes were soft and his mouth…she let her gaze linger on the lips that had given her so much pleasure just a little while ago. Nervously she flicked her tongue out over her lips and Liam groaned.

  Georgie closed her eyes and reached her arms up around his neck. She forced away all of the reasons why she shouldn’t be kissing him and lost herself in his kiss. She hoped Sienna wasn’t sitting at the window.

  That’s all I need.

  Chapter Ten

  Liam had reluctantly headed up the hill after he’d kissed her senseless and Georgie knew she had a smile on her face when he waved to her from the gate.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he called back as he went through the gate. “Tell Sienna I’ll catch up with her then.”

  Georgie pushed open the door to the house. Her legs were still trembling and her bare feet felt as though they were walking on air. Sienna was leaning back in the chair, by the window—of course—waiting for her to come in.

  “Where’s lover boy gone?” Sienna grinned at her. “Wow, Georgie. You’ve sure moved fast this time. And what a honey! He, my dear, is drop-dead gorgeous.”

  “I haven’t moved at all,” Georgie snapped. “And there’s nothing going on.”

  Sienna tapped a finger against her lips. “There was from where I wa
s watching. You know if I hadn’t been here, I’m pretty sure the two of you would be heading for your bedroom about now.”

  Georgie shrugged, trying to stay nonchalant. “Maybe.” The thought of having Liam in her bedroom sent the fire racing to her cheeks and she lifted her hands to her face. Her self-control slipped and she finally shook her head and dropped onto the sofa next to Sienna’s chair.

  “It was a silly thing to do.”

  “Why? Didn’t look too silly to me; in fact, it looked pretty good from here.” Sienna’s eyes were dancing. “You’re a dark horse. How long’s this been going on? He’s only just moved in, hasn’t he?”

  “There’s nothing happening. I fell off the ladder the other day and we had a bit of a…moment and then that…that kiss just came from nowhere and it…it…blew my socks off.” She leaned back and covered her eyes. “Holy hell, I can’t stop shaking.”

  Sienna burst out laughing. “You should see the look on your face. I’ve never seen you look like that. Ever.”

  Georgie put her fingers on her mouth. The problem was she shouldn’t have let the kiss affect her like that, and she shouldn’t have kissed him back. “But it’s not going anywhere.”

  “Why? He seems like a really nice guy and he’s obviously got the hots for you.” Sienna tipped her head to the side with a frown. “There’s been something wrong with you for a couple of weeks. I knew you had something on your mind. Is it Liam?”

  “No. Yes. Sort of.” Georgie jumped to her feet and crossed to the kitchen. “How about wine while we wait for dinner?”

  Sienna followed her slowly across the room. “And then you can tell me what’s going on inside that head of yours.”

  Georgie reached into the cupboard and pulled out two wineglasses while Sienna hunted up some crackers and cheese. She poured a glass of wine for each of them and carried it back to the chairs in front of the window overlooking the orchard and the ocean. The sun had dropped below the horizon, and a shaft of pink and golden light shattered the low clouds. She looked down at the fence where they had repaired the hole. Where Liam had taken her ever so gently into his arms and given her the kiss of a lifetime. Sienna had been sitting by the window and had seen them. Georgie’s face heated again and she placed the cool glass against her cheek as Sienna wandered over and put the plate of snacks on the small table beside them. Georgie was having a hard time understanding what Liam was thinking and why he’d kissed her like that.


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