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The Group

Page 43

by Mary McCarthy

  Slowly the group understood. This was why Lakey had stayed abroad so long. Abroad people were more tolerant of Lesbians, and Lakey’s family in Lake Forest did not have to know. It was a terrible moment. Each girl recognized that she was, they were de trop. They had made a fearful gaffe in coming to welcome Lakey with open arms, as if she belonged to them, when plainly she belonged exclusively to the Baroness. They could not help gleaning that the two of them would be staying together at the Elysée Hotel. Lakey, the Baroness said, in reply to Kay’s blunt question, was going to Chicago for a brief visit to her family. After that, she would look for a place in the country, outside New York. “Something very qu-i-et,” said the Baroness. The girls got the point. Lakey wanted to be alone with the Baroness, undisturbed by neighbors and old friends. Or at least that was what the Baroness wanted.

  The girls eyed each other. They had had the day planned. Pokey’s family’s chauffeur was waiting outside to drive Lakey to her hotel and install her. Then later they would all meet for an elegant lunch. Afterward, each girl wanted to be the first to show Lakey her apartment, her husband, her child or children. Except Kay, who had nothing to show her but who therefore felt she had the best claim on her. Now they did not know whether to jettison these plans completely or to proceed with them and include the Baroness. They did not know whether to be discreet about this relationship or open. What did Lakey want? Would she like them to go away? Perhaps she would never forgive them for surprising her like this at the dock. By instinct, the group turned to Kay, who, with her experience in the theatre, ought to be able to tell them what to do. But Kay was nonplused. Her open face clearly showed her disappointment, chagrin, and irresolution. It occurred to them all that Lakey, who had always been frightening and superior, would now look down on them for not being Lesbians. On the other hand, she had seemed truly glad to see them.

  Studying Lakey with the customs man, they asked themselves, in silence, how long Lakey had been a Lesbian, whether the Baroness had made her one or she had started on her own. This led them to wonder whether she could possibly have been one at college—suppressed, of course. In the light of this terrible discovery, they examined her clothes for telltale signs. It was a Schiaparelli suit she was wearing; Kay had asked that straight out—she had guessed it was a Schiaparelli. “Schiap makes all Elinor’s clothes,” the Baroness had remarked, and they had watched that nickname, casually pronounced, take the wind out of Kay’s sails. Lakey had on silk stockings, quite sheer, high-heeled calf shoes, a green silk blouse with a ruffle. If anything, she looked more feminine than before. With the Baroness you could tell, though she did not have a boyish haircut or a man’s tie; she wore a heavy tweed suit, service sheer stockings, and pumps with Cuban heels. Yet it was odd to think that the Baroness had been married and Lakey had not.

  As soon as Lakey was through with the customs man, she had solved their difficulties with the utmost naturalness. She accepted the offer of Pokey’s chauffeur to take her and the Baroness to the hotel. As for lunch, she sent the Baroness off to the Metropolitan Museum, telling her to eat in the cafeteria: it would introduce her to America. “Maria is a bear,” she said, laughing. “She growls at strangers.” She had lunch with the group herself and that evening she invited those of them who were free and their husbands to have cocktails with her and the Baroness in the Monkey Bar of the hotel. That, the girls found, was the pattern. If it was an occasion when husbands would be present, the Baroness came; otherwise Lakey was on her own.

  Once the group understood the convention by which the Baroness was “my friend” like a self-evident axiom, their stiffness relaxed. Gradually, in the weeks that followed, the Baroness unbent too. Far from snubbing the group because they were not Lesbians, she seemed to find it a point in their favor. It was only of Kay, living alone at the Vassar Club and divorced, that she appeared to be suspicious. The group was surprised to find that both Lakey and Maria were strong anti-fascists. They would not have expected Lakey to be so human as to have common garden political sympathies. But she was more human in many ways than they remembered. The other surprise was that she liked children. The very thing the girls would have thought a Lesbian would be contemptuous of—their maternity—was a source of attraction to Lakey. Having brought a lovely set of Italian embroidered bibs for Polly’s baby, she would put one on her and feed her in her lap whenever she came to the apartment. To Priss’s Stephen, she had brought a prism and a set of antique toy soldiers; she liked to tell him stories and finger-paint with him. And when she went down one weekend to stay with Pokey at Princeton, she visited the stables and played Hide-and-Seek with the twins. She loved to do cutouts and make jumping mice out of her huge linen handkerchiefs.

  Both she and Maria were very practical. They knew a great deal about food and dressmaking and were interested, for instance, in designing a new kind of maternity dress for Polly, who was pregnant. Maria had studied nursing, which, it seemed, was quite common among the European aristocracy, going back to the days when the lady of a castle had to prescribe for the peasants and take care of the wounded in war. The fact that none of the group, except Polly, could cut out a dress or make a bandage shocked Maria, as if they were barbarians.

  It was astonishing, but within a month some of the girls found themselves talking of “having Lakey and Maria to dinner,” just as they might speak of a normal couple. When she and Maria finally took a big house outside Greenwich, Polly and Jim and Kay and Helena all went out to stay with them.

  Yet side by side with this the group felt, with one accord, that what had happened to Lakey was a tragedy. They tried not to think of what she and Maria did in bed together. Only Kay claimed to be able to picture their “embraces” with equanimity. They liked Maria as a person; if only she could have finished in a tail, like a mermaid! The same with Lakey, who in fact resembled a mermaid, with her large green eyes and white skin. Polly and Helena, who had become close friends now that Helena lived in New York, had tried to discuss the question as dispassionately as they could. They could not escape the gentle sense that the relationship these two had was perverted. One sign of this was the Baroness’s jealousy. Maria was very jealous of both men and women—indeed, of all strangers. She carried a revolver her husband had given her and had made Lakey buy two ferocious watchdogs. And now there were these brass knuckles that Mr. Andrews had somehow learned about! It was too easy to picture Maria using them on any man who would try to save Lakey. And the word, save, was indicative. On the one hand, there were Lakey-and-Maria, as you might say Polly-and-Jim, a contented married pair; on the other, there was an exquisite captive of a fierce robber woman, locked up in a Castle Perilous, and woe to the knight who came to release her from the enchantment. But it was possible to see it the other way around. Supposing it were Lakey, the inscrutable, intelligent Lakey, who had made poor Maria, who was not very bright, her prisoner and slave? The fact that it was possible to reverse the relation like an hourglass was what the girls found so troubling. In the same way, it troubled them to wonder which one of the pair was the man and which the woman. Obviously, Maria, in her pajamas and bathrobe, was the man, and Lakey, in her silk-and-lace peignoirs and batiste-and-lace nightgowns, with her hair down her back, was the woman, and yet these could be disguises—masquerade costumes. It bothered Polly and Helena to think that what was presented to their eyes was mere appearance, and that behind that, underneath it, was something of which they would not approve.

  Harald and Lakey were driving very fast across the Queensborough Bridge. He wanted to go to a bar before putting in an appearance at the cemetery, and Lakey had agreed. “Who arranged that comedy?” he asked, turning to glance at Lakey’s profile. “You mean the funeral,” said Lakey. “What would you have done?” Harald did not answer. “You have to bury a body,” said Lakey. “Or cremate it. You can’t simply put it down the incinerator or out with the trash.” He meditated. “If there’s difficulty in disposing of a body,” he observed, “that suggests there’s been foul play. I w
as given the impression back there in the church that the belief was that I had done away with her.” Lakey patted the knot at the back of her neck. “She killed herself of course,” stated Harald. “Why?” said Lakey calmly. “Sheer competitiveness,” he answered. “For years I’ve been trying to kill myself, ever since I’ve known her.” Lakey looked at him for a minute steadily; his face was quite haggard. “She decided to show me how to do it. She could do it better. On the first try.” He waited. “You don’t believe me, do you, you inscrutable idol. You’re right. I’ve never seriously tried to kill myself. It’s always been a fake. Fake suicide attempts have been the Petersen specialty. And yet I honestly wish to die. I swear that to you. If we could just go off the road.” He pulled the wheel sharply to the right. “Stop that,” said Lakey. He righted the car. “And she,” he said, “she had the gall to kill herself and fake a death-by-accident.” “How do you mean?” “That airplane spotting. The silhouette cards. Having the maid see her at the window and warn her. Those were clumsy plants. A crude alibi. So that we’d believe she’d lost her balance.” “How do you know all the details?” “From Mama Davison. We had a nice little chat on the phone.” “But why would she want to fool us?” Harald shrugged. “Her parents, I suppose. The senile ‘Dads’ she talks about. Or maybe she was ashamed to confess so ostentatiously that her life was a failure. ‘Everyone would know.’”

  Lakey studied this man, whom she had never liked, and said nothing. Her intention was limited to getting to the cemetery without having him kill them both in a dramatic effort to show her that he had the courage to commit suicide. He was a good driver; she had let him drive deliberately to test him. She had a certain curiosity about him, which she would like to satisfy, and she was aware that he had a curiosity about her.

  “‘The Madonna of the Smoking Room,’ he said. “It’s funny, but I never picked you for a sapphic. And yet I have a good eye. When did you start? Or were you always that way?” “Always,” said Lakey. His imprudent questions shaped a plan in her mind. “The ‘group,’” said Harald, “must have been in quite a ‘tizzy’ when you finally showed your colors. God’s bowels, how tired I was of the ‘group’ before I was through!” “They’re dears,” said Lakey. Harald turned his head and lifted an eyebrow. “Did you say they were dears?” “Yes,” said Lakey. “All but one. Libby is a mauvaise fille.” “A woman’s taste,” said Harald. Lakey smiled. “My friend, the Baroness d’Estienne, is enchanted with them. She loves American women.” “Christ’s body!” said Harald. “Yes,” said Lakey. “She says American women are a fourth sex.”

  Harald glanced at her again. “‘Always,’ you said. That means when you were in college.” His eyes narrowed. “I suppose you were in love with the ‘group.’ All seven of them, excluding yourself. Collectively and singly. That explains it. I never understood what you—a girl with a mind—were doing in that galère.” He nodded. “So you were in love with them. They were pretty to look at when nubile, I grant you. Why, you had a regular seraglio in that tower of yours. Kay always said that you turned hot and cold, picked them up, dropped them—they never knew why. But they were fascinated.” He imitated their collective voice. Lakey smiled. “It’s true, I had favorites.”

  Harald stopped the car in front of a bar. They went in, and he ordered a double whisky for himself and a single for Lakey. They sat in a booth. “Five minutes,” said Lakey. “You don’t have to worry,” he said. “We can see the cortege pass.” He downed half his whisky. “Who were your favorites?” he said. “No, don’t tell me. I’ll guess. Dottie. Pokey. Kay. Helena.” “Not Helena,” said Lakey. “I like her now, but I didn’t care for her in college. She was like a homely little boy.” “Polly?” said Harald. “I was a snob,” said Lakey. “Polly was on a scholarship and doing self-help. One felt she was going to seed.” Her delicate dark eyebrows winced. “One was so callow then. I don’t like to think about it. Girls are brutal.” Harald finished his whisky. “Were you in love with Kay?” Lakey cupped her chin in her hand. “She was lovely in her sophomore year. You hadn’t met her then. On the Daisy Chain. Like a wild flower herself. It’s a kind of country beauty I’m particularly fond of. Very paintable. Who might have done her? Caravaggio? Some of the Spaniards? Anyone who painted gypsies. Or mountain people. She had a beautiful neck, like a stem. And such a strong back and tapering waist.” Harald ordered another whisky. His face had darkened.

  “She was thick-skinned,” he said. “It amused me to hurt her. To get some kind of response out of her. And after I’d hurt her I felt tenderness for her. Then she’d ruin that by trying to drag some concession out of me. She was literal, always wanting me to be sorry in words. I don’t know, Lakey; I’ve never loved a woman. I’ve loved some men—great directors, political leaders. As a kid, I loved my father. But living with a woman is like living with an echo, a loud echo in Kay’s case. That voice of hers got on my nerves. Meaninglessly repeating what it’d heard. Generally from me, I admit.” He laughed. “I felt like some lonely captain with a parrot. But at least she had a kind of integrity. Physically she was straight. She was a virgin when I took her and she never wanted anybody else. Or anybody else’s ideas.” His voice grew husky. “That meant something. A chronically unfaithful man has to have a faithful wife; otherwise it’s no marriage. And Kay never found out I was unfaithful to her. I can boast of that, Lakey. She occasionally suspected, but I always lied to her. Faithfully.” He laughed again. “But her jealousy wrecked everything in the end. It was unreasonable.” “What do you mean?” “I never gave her anything to be jealous of. I protected her. Whenever I slept with a woman, I made sure Kay could never find out. That meant I could never break clean with them. No matter how fed up I was. Like that wench, Norine; you saw her in the church. A real blackmailer. She had the goods on me; in an idle moment I played the beast with two backs with her. For years I had to keep her hoping, so that she wouldn’t be moved to tell Kay. That was weary work. For which Kay repaid me with hysterical accusations. Christ, I was only seeing her for Kay’s sake.” Lakey gave him a level look of scorn and disbelief. “Christ, don’t be conventional,” he said. “I don’t expect that from you. You and I understand each other. I might have loved you, Lakey, if you weren’t a lover of women. You might have saved me; I might have saved you. You can’t love men; I can’t love women. We might have loved each other—who knows? We’re the two superior people in a cast of fools and supernumeraries. At last we meet to match swords. Let’s duel in her grave, shall we?”

  Just then out the window they saw the hearse go by. Harald tossed off a drink at the bar. They got into the car. This time Lakey drove. Listening to Harald’s wild talk had disgusted her; she concluded that he was utterly specious. She was ashamed of the curiosity she had felt about him. To be curious about someone opened you to contamination from them. But she was still determined to play him a trick, to take a revenge for Kay, for women, and most of all for the impudence of his associating himself with her. She had no pity for Harald. Swinging the car into line behind the funeral procession, she waited for the question he would ask. “To be superior,” he said, “of course, is not only a prerequisite for tragedy; it is tragedy. Hamlet’s tragedy. We are forced to lower ourselves in our commerce with dolts, which sometimes gives us a feeling of hollowness, as if it were we who were hollow, not they. Could Hamlet love the daughter of Polonius? Could you or I ‘love’ Kay? Of course there was her body.” He nodded at the hearse. “To think that I’ve known it!” He gave a quick side glance at Lakey. “Your ‘love’ for her, I assume, was purely platonic.” Lakey looked straight ahead. “And yet,” said Harald, “that’s hard to believe, considering her mind. You must have wanted her, didn’t you? Did she reject you? Is that why you ‘dropped’ her?” “I was tired of her,” said Lakey truthfully. “I used to tire very easily of people.” “You haven’t answered my question,” said Harald. “I don’t propose to,” said Lakey. “You’re impertinent.” “Did you sleep with her?” said Harald violently. Lakey
smiled, like a lizard. “You ought to have asked Kay,” she said. “She would have told you. She was such an honest girl at the end. Very American, Maria thought.” “You’re rotten,” he said. “Completely rotten. Vicious. Did you corrupt the whole group? What a pretty picture!” Lakey was content; she had forced this dreadful man at last to be truthful; the fact that he revealed a hatred of “abnormality” was only to be expected. “What a filthy Lesbian trick,” he said. “Not to fight openly but to poison the rapiers.” Lakey did not point out to him that he had poisoned them himself. Her conscience was clear. She had made a pact with herself to speak only the exact truth and insinuate nothing. Moreover, from her point of view, which he did not consider, poor normal Kay would not have sinned by being her prey instead of his. Far better for her, in fact, for Lakey, she hoped, would have been kind to her. “You’re a coward,” Harald said, “to spread your slime on a dead girl. No wonder you hid yourself abroad all those years. You ought to have stayed in Europe, where the lights are going out. You belong there; you’re dead. You’ve never used your mind except to acquire sterile knowledge. You’re a museum parasite. You have no part of America! Let me out!” “You want to get out of the car?” said Lakey. “Yes,” said Harald. “You bury her. You and the ‘group.’” Lakey stopped the car. He got out. She drove on, following the cortege, watching him in the rear-view mirror as he crossed the road and stood, thumbing a ride, while cars full of returning mourners glided past him, back to New York.


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