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A Need So Insatiable

Page 22

by Cecilia Robert

  “I didn’t know who else to call,” Carsten says, quickly pulling me into his arms before handing me a blue envelope. He moves away and begins pacing, his hands folded behind his head. Jace hugs me, even Dani.

  I pull the white paper from the envelope, and forget to breathe as I stare at Kravic’s writing. Swiping a hand over my eyes, I inhale deeply. I shouldn’t cry. I shouldn’t cry. I knew the risks of keeping Tony, but Jesus, trashing the restaurant. That’s something I wasn’t ready for.

  Miss Fisher,

  We humbly request your presence on Wednesday. 1230 hrs at Warehouse 2.

  My sources tell me you have the boy. Bring him with you, along with Arie. Our introductory meeting is long overdue. And remember, an eye for an eye. You take what is mine, I’ll reciprocate in kind.

  Horvath Kravic

  I read the letter again, then watch the words blur as tears fall down my cheeks.

  Crap! I can’t even call the police, because it might bring attention to Rafael, and Kravic might hurt my friends. No. I’ll have to figure this out on my own.

  Finally, I tuck the note into the front pocket of my jeans, and take another deep breath. Everything inside me hurts so damn bad. I glance around, searching for Gustav, but I can’t find him. Ben is on Tony duty until his security friends can take the shift, later today. Digging my phone from my bag, I glance at the time. 9:15 a.m. I need to be at the Konrad Theatre in thirty minutes.

  Dropping the phone back in my bag, I look around to find my friends and a few of the men already inside, sweeping the broken pieces aside. Seeing the restaurant trashed, looking worse than it had before is just too painful.

  I take a deep breath to brace myself, then glance around. Part of the wall we’d painted a month ago is smeared with graffiti. The bar counter is partially trashed, the scrollwork I’d done over the last couple of weeks completely wrecked.

  I stumble back, clutching a hand to my stomach, nauseous. Jace and Dani shuffle toward me¸ across the shattered glass and wood splinters. Dani’s eyes are bloodshot, as if she’s been crying, and Jace’s lips are set in a thin line.

  “I can’t look at this right now. My rehearsal starts soon. Is it . . . ?” Damn it! I press my hands to my face and let the tears fall, while Jace embraces me, and Dani pats my back occasionally. Seriously, having these two girls has been a lifesaver.

  “You need to go home,” Dani says.

  “I can’t miss my rehearsal. I need to do something, so I don’t have to think about this.” The last word ends in a sob.

  I call for a taxi, and arrive at the theatre ten minutes later. I spend the next ten trying to look normal before facing Simone.

  AFTER THE rehearsal, I pull Kravic’s note from my pocket and reread the letter again. We’d always known Kravic was bound to find out. I just wish it had been later, rather than sooner. Much, much later.

  I dig my phone from my bag, debating whether I should call Rafael. He’d mentioned yesterday that he’d be in a meeting until midday today. Deciding against it, I tuck my phone back inside my bag, and glance up in time to see Simone approaching.

  The open-house dress rehearsal for Love Unfathomable is scheduled for January fourteenth, right before the big opening. “Did you--” She halts, her eyebrows pulling down. “Sophie? What’s wrong?”

  I rub my forehead, shaking my head. Rafael had told me he’d already filled Simone in about Kravic and my dad.

  “It’s Tony. I mean, Kravic. He broke into the restaurant and trashed it. He found out we have Tony and asked me to bring him and Rafael to some warehouse.”

  “Oh God! Come here.” She open her arms for me and I fall into her embrace, biting my cheek to stop tears from leaking out. They do, anyway.

  Her frown deepens. “Have you told Rafael?”

  I shake my head. “He’s in meetings all day and I don’t want to bother him.”

  “You know how he gets when it comes to Kravic. Please, call and tell him.”

  “I will.” I know Rafael worries, and I love him for that. I love how protective he is of me and everything he considers his to protect. “I've been meaning to ask if you’d spend Christmas with us? Rafael, myself, and my friends. Please say yes.”

  “Yes!” she says, pulling me into an embrace. “I would love to.” She pulls back, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “Tragedy is one sadistic bitch, Sophie. I’m glad it hasn’t stamped bitterness on you. You’ve found your way through this maze called life. Olivia would be so proud of you.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” I move away from her arms, and pick up my handbag, strapping it around my shoulders. “Sometimes, I lay awake and think about how life would be if Mom and Dad were still alive. I hate that they were taken away so soon.”

  “You haven’t let it drag you down, though. That makes all the difference.”

  I leave Konrad Theatre, mulling over her words. I smile, basking in her praise.

  Pulling out my phone, I text Rafael. He’ll probably read it when his meeting’s over.

  “You r telling me now? Damn it, Sophie.”

  “I know u r scowling at the phone right now. Stop it. I told u, didn’t I?”

  I press send and wait. It doesn’t take long for my phone to ring.

  “Don’t go anywhere. In fact, don’t leave the office when you get there. I don’t trust that asshole,” he says.

  I roll my eyes. “I wasn’t planning to.”

  He exhales, and I can picture him thrusting his fingers through his hair, scowling. “One of these days, I’ll throttle you for all the near heart attacks you’ve given me.”

  “I haven’t done anything! Seriously, Rafael.”

  “The meeting’s over. See you in a few minutes.”

  I walk toward the taxi stand a few feet from the theatre. After giving the driver Hearts’s address, I settle back in my seat and close my eyes, enjoying the soft whirr of the car.

  TEN MINUTES later, the taxi pulls to a stop outside Hearts. After paying, I step out of the car and head toward the main entrance. Josef appears out of nowhere and grabs my right arm.

  Oh no no no! Creepy Gustav is nowhere to be seen.

  “Miss Fisher,” Josef says.

  I sweep my gaze around the parking lot, searching for Ben or Rafael. I swallow hard, trying to keep a lid on my panic.

  Someone coughs. I look to my right and find two men, all muscle and no fat, lounging against the wall.

  Holy shit! They could eat me for breakfast.

  “Come. Walk with us.”

  Like hell! I scan around for an escape route, my hands clenched into fists to stop them from shaking. I can’t dash for Hearts because Maria’s inside. These turdheads wouldn’t break a sweat over hurting her.

  I shuffle my feet, inching away from the office and toward the street. “I still have a few days before my deadline,” I say.

  The men exchange a glance. “He wants the boy back. Did you think he wouldn’t find out? Tony is his nephew. Blood. Kravic will kill anyone in his path to get to him. Now, get inside the car, show us where he is, and we’ll be on our way.” The circle tightens as they herd me toward their Sedan, about thirty feet away.

  Freakin’ liar. Tony had told me Kravic murdered his parents after they threatened to leave the Crowd, and had taken him as the reward. I glance around again as a tram whizzes past me, then in the direction of a little stall belonging to a vendor roasting chestnuts and potatoes. My heart beats faster.

  Crap, we’re getting closer to their car and I have no fucking clue what to do.


  AS SOON as Ben drops me off at Hearts and drives away, the hair on my neck prickles. I scan the busy street, the Café across from Hearts, the souvenir shop, and the stall straight ahead. My stomach drops when I see Sophie, Josef and two other men hulking over her small frame, their backs to me.

  Where the hell is Gustav? I look around, keeping the three morons in my peripheral vision. Damn him. The man disappears at the most inopportune times. I grab my ph
one from my jacket pocket and dial Ben’s number.

  “Turn around and come back.” I hang up.

  Moments later, Ben appears on foot. I sign with my hands, telling him to cut a circle around them so we can corner the men. He knows the drill. I’ve briefed him numerous times in the past. We’ve never had a threat before, but it’s time to put everything we’ve practiced to use.

  I creep closer. I can hear the men laugh, then talk in low voices. Idiots. They don’t even bother to look around, too intent on leering at Sophie.

  “We’re just here to escort you,” Josef says when Sophie suddenly stops and shakes her head.

  “I said I’d go see him. And I’m a woman of my word,” she says, a slight tremble in her voice. Any other person would probably have rushed off, or screamed. But not her. Damn, I’m proud of this girl. “Are we going or not?”

  “Feisty,” one of the men says. My hands curl into fists and I move closer, my body coiled, ready to pounce. “You don’t want your little friends getting intimate knowledge of us, now, do you?”

  Her face pales, and she nods. “Lead the way.” The two men flank her, while Josef directs her toward the Sedan.

  I gesture three fingers at Ben and mouth a count of three before stalking forward and halting a few feet behind Sophie. She stiffens when she notices Ben ahead of her and quickly tosses a glance over her shoulder. I nod once, motioning for her to fall back. She ducks and dashes backward, sprinting toward me. The men spin around, frowning. But they’re too late.

  Once she’s safely hidden behind me, I plant my feet, my hands hanging loosely at my sides.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  Their eyes widen, and they trade glances, taking two steps backward.

  Yes, it’s me, you little fuckers. Go ahead and pee yourselves.

  “No, no problem, Arie,” Josef says, turning to his comrades. “Tell him there’s no problem.” The other two shift their feet and take another couple steps back.

  Sophie’s hands sneak up to grip my upper arm, squeezing. I shouldn’t be turned on by that grip, but I am. Not good. Not when I’m trying to concentrate. Her touch will be my undoing, so I shake her off.

  I shift around and follow Ben’s progress as he creeps closer. When I’m sure he has my back, I tilt my body so I’m half facing Sophie while keeping the men in my peripheral vision. “Head inside. We’ll take care of this,” I say in a low voice.

  She shakes her head. “Come with me. Please.”

  “I’ll be right behind you. Go. Now.”

  She glares at me. I scowl down at her, my nose flaring.

  “I don’t need you acting like my knight in shining armor.”

  “The minute you walked back in my life, you were mine to protect. Suck it up.”

  She mutters, “Stubborn ox,” and sweeps around me to stand on my right. I’m going to strangle that pretty neck of hers. If Ben doesn’t get to her first, based on that scowl he’s sending her way.

  She squares her shoulders and addresses Josef like she’s the queen of England. “The men were just leaving, weren’t you, boys?” Her voice trembles as she pushes her curvy little body into mine, forcing me to back away. I grab her by the shoulder and spin her behind my back, gesturing to Ben to take care of her.

  Josef and his men trade looks, then stare at me. I narrow my eyes and flex my hands. I could take two down, while Ben tackles one. I glance at my surroundings. This is not safe, especially with pedestrians in the way. The press might get wind of this. I motion Ben toward the small alley to my right. He nods. At the flick of my wrist, the men turn around, spotting the dark cloud of vengeance that is Ben. They start backing away, scuttling down the street. Josef stares after them, cursing under his breath. He turns and sizes me up.

  “You’ve always been too cocky for your own good, Arie. Think you can take me down?”

  I stalk forward. “I know I can take you down, Josef. It’s a fact. Walk away before I beat the shit out of you.”

  “Look. We just want the girl. Kravic won’t do anything to her. Just . . . talk.”


  “Kravic already knows about you and her, and the boy.”

  “Leave.” I flex my hands, and Josef’s gaze follows the movement. A muscle twitches in his jaw. “What is she to you, anyway? You’re letting a piece of ass dictate your relationship with Kravic? You know he won’t like that.”

  “I don’t care what Kravic likes, or doesn’t like. Leave, Josef. For your own safety.”

  “Not without her and the boy.” Quick as a rattle snake, his fist comes up, slamming into my jaw. His eyes widen, and he smiles smugly. Shit! How did I not see that coming? I must be getting slow in my old age. Looks like taking the fight into the alley won’t be happening. Another fist zooms at me. I duck and it whizzes past. I whirl around and grab his arm.

  “Wrong move, Josef. You should have left when you had the chance.” I twist his arm.

  Behind me, Sophie grunts in frustration. “Let go of me, Ben. If anything happens to him, I’ll yank your balls out.”

  Sophie’s voice freezes my fist in the air. She wants to protect me?

  “Mr. Van Rees can take care of himself,” Ben grumbles in reply.

  My punch rains down on Josef. Slam. Punch. Groan. Punch. Grunt. His face rolls to the side. I grin, tasting blood on my tongue.

  “You mess with her, you mess with me.” Punch. Slam.

  “Rafael, stop it! You’ll kill him. God, Ben. Stop him.”

  “Can’t,” Ben grunts.

  “Please, Rafael. Please. Stop.”

  It got more interesting for Kravic when he realized my connection to Sophie. Even if she gives Tony back, Kravic will keep coming until I fight whoever he’s chosen to take my place. Sophie’s just an appetizer in his eyes.

  I stop pounding my fists into Josef, panting. The red haze clouding my sight vanishes as I focus on the pile at my feet. Pulse racing, I drop to one knee and press two fingers on his neck.

  He’s breathing, thank God.

  Fuck! That was close. This is why I don’t want to fight. I lose control easily, and as soon as a punch connects with any part of my body, I’m a fucking animal.

  Josef clutches his stomach and rolls to the side, groaning.

  “Don’t ever hit me again,” I say. “And tell Kravic, he’ll get to see Ms. Fisher through me.” I turn around and start walking toward Ben. Sophie’s still struggling in his arms. She stops when she sees me coming, her eyes huge.

  Is she scared of me? Damn it!

  She waves her hands, her chest rising and falling in what I think is fear.

  “Watch out, Rafael!”

  I spin on my heels as pain slams into the left side of my ribs. I look down. Josef smiles at me, his hand clutching the dagger at the hilt.

  “I’ll give him your message. But this is goodbye.” He stumbles and yanks the blade out. “Until next time, Master Arie.”

  I press a hand on my ribs as red seeps through, spreading over my grey shirt. My knees give way and pain slams into my body. I can’t believe I was that careless. I forgot one of the cardinal rules of the game--never show your back while fighting. God, I can’t breathe. I look up in time to see Josef hop into the Sedan.

  Sophie finally tears herself from Ben’s hands and dashes toward me. At the same time, Ben rips his phone from his pocket, punching numbers fast. Seconds later, he sprints to where we’re huddled and says something to Sophie. She shakes her head. He mutters something else, but I’m losing consciousness. I can’t make out the words. She nods once.

  Ben grabs my arm, slings it over his shoulder, and drags me from the street, toward Hearts. People are already gathering; the police should be here any moment now. They shouldn’t see me like this. No one should. I force my feet to move, one step and then another, but finally, they buckle under me. My chest burns. My body burns. Ben scoops me up like I’m made of fluffy cotton and dashes in the direction he parked the car.

  As soon as my head hits the leat
her seats, he leans close to my ear and says, “Dr. Morgenstern is on the way.” His face disappears from my line of sight. A small, soft hand clasps mine tightly as blackness blankets my vision.

  I’M NOT certain how long I’ve been unconscious. My vision is hazy; someone’s standing above me.

  Where’s Sophie? I lift my head, but I’m too weak and it slams back against the soft surface I’m laying on.

  “Maybe you should get some rest now, Ms. Fisher.” A male voice. I’d recognize it anywhere. It belongs to the man who’s stitched me up more than any doctor should be allowed to.

  “No,” Sophie says in a tone I’ve come to associate with stubbornness. Right now, it’s all I have to hold on to. She won’t leave. She leans forward, and I feel the softness of her breasts brush my shoulder. Pain and pleasure fight for dominance, and I’m dizzy.

  “Wake up, Rafael. For me. Please, wake up.” Her voice is a soft, aching whisper. I want to open my eyes, assure her I’m alive, touch her face and lace my fingers through her silky-soft hair. I try, but my hand is stuck to the bed. Morgenstern must have given me some sort of sedative. I draw her scent in instead, enough to hold me through Morgenstern’s doctorly ministrations. Sophie grunts and leans closer. “Try and die, Rafael, and I’ll hunt you down through the bowels of hell.”


  “I’LL STRANGLE you. You hear me?” My voice is hoarse, filled with repressed tears. The doctor left hours ago. And Rafael continued to drift in and out of consciousness. I’d finally resorted to threatening him. What if he . . . dies? Because of me?


  I peer into his face, watching as his pupils move rapidly behind his eyelids. The curtains in his bedroom are drawn, and the light is off. His skin looks a little pale, but much better than it did an hour ago.

  “You didn’t have to do that for me.” My eyes stray to the part of his body partially covered by the bed sheets. His arms are bare. Dr Morgenstern had ripped off his sleeves, then cut the shirt to get to the wound on the left side of his ribs. The doctor had said Rafael was lucky, the knife hadn’t punctured any organs.


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