Book Read Free


Page 21

by Felicity Young

  ‘And what about the fire in the prefab?’

  ‘To destroy photos of the school renovations; they show pictures of chemicals stacked in piles outside the building. They’re the most valid proof we have yet of drugs being manufactured at the school. I’m sure Ruth Tilly is involved. She’s probably the one making the drugs for Cliff in the science lab. She knew about Jo’s photos, told Cliff, and he decided to burn down the prefab to get rid of them. The locked door was more opportunistic, a good way of getting rid of a pesky cop. Then of course they realised they could pin the fire on Vince and kill two birds with one stone.’

  ‘You never seemed to take Vince’s death on face value. You were cagey from the start.’

  ‘It was that pushed-back car seat that first got my radar working. Vince was big, but not as big as Cliff. The car seat was like that because Cliff moved the car from the garage to make room for Vince to swing.’

  There was the sound of a cigarette being lit, then the crackling purse of an inhalation. ‘Poor old Vince,’ Rod said, exhaling.

  ‘The suicide note wasn’t right, either. It was too short, plus the paper had been cut, not torn from the pad. I think it was a clipping from an apology letter Vince sent Ms Bowman. I’ve asked Jo to look for it, but I don’t think she’ll find it.’

  ‘Well, Cam, everything seems to fit your theory, but you know what you’re lacking, don’t you?’

  Cam tossed his glasses onto the carpet and sighed. ‘Proof.’

  ‘Exactly.’ Rod paused. ‘I suppose we could always put the science lab under twenty-four-hour surveillance.’

  ‘Ancient history. I think they only make the drugs during the holidays, then hide them in the car, waiting for Cliff ’s bikie buddies to collect. Nothing will happen now till next holidays.’

  ‘You might have enough to arrest Cliff over Bell, but evidence he was involved in Vince’s death is still a bit light.’

  ‘I’m not ready to make any arrests just yet. Who knows what else will fall into my lap if I bide my time? I think the attempt on Mrs Rooney’s life might be tied in to all this, too. I’m going to see her in hospital this morning and I want to speak to Ruth Tilly again, search the lab if I can. I’ll get cracking now, you go back to sleep.’

  ‘As if,’ Rod said, putting down the phone.


  Cam raised his voice to match Ruby’s. ‘You’re going back to Sydney tomorrow and that’s the end of it.’

  ‘I can’t believe you, Dad. This is so not cool. Only last week I was begging you to go back and you wouldn’t even listen to me. Now I want to stay and you insist I bloody go.’

  ‘It’s a question of your safety.’

  Ruby snatched the unopened cornflake box from the breakfast bar and stabbed at the lid with a sharp fingernail. ‘Mum and Zach died over three years ago. Just get over it and let me live my life.’

  He flinched and turned to the mess at the kitchen sink, running the water for the washing up. ‘Look, love,’ he said to the rising bubbles, ‘there are things going on here that you don’t understand.’

  ‘How do you know I don’t understand when you’ve never even tried to tell me?’

  Her voice cracked, but he didn’t look up from the task in front of him, he couldn’t face her tears now. Swirl, wipe, rinse, stack, swirl, wipe, rinse and stack.

  Block out. Compartmentalise.

  He dried his hands on the tea towel, risking a quick glance at her.

  She’d poured the contents of the cereal packet all over the floor and was grinding it into the carpet with her feet.

  He looked at his watch. ‘I’ve got to go to Toorrup. I’ll see you when I get back. Get your suitcase packed and don’t go out. I’ll ask Leanne to look in on you.’

  He crunched his way across the carpet of cornflakes to the front door. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her reach for the milk.


  Cam held Mrs Rooney’s hand as if it was an injured animal; the skin, thin as tissue, showed a network of bulging veins. She squeezed his hand, her puffy eyes opened into slits.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ It was the best he could do.

  She regarded him for a full ten seconds before answering. ‘Like I’ve been run over by a ute.’

  ‘I guess I asked for that.’ He cracked a smile. Her chesty chuckle turned into a nasty cough, making her bruises change colour like the skin of an exotic fish. When he reached for the call button, she held him back with a shake of her head.

  ‘Just give me some water, I’ll be all right.’ He handed her the glass and she took a sip.

  ‘The cough’s from the anaesthetic, they said.’ His worried expression made her add, ‘Don’t worry, Cam, I’m not about to die on you, though it’ll be a while before I can chase you with my wooden spoon.’

  His gaze travelled to the rectangular tent keeping the weight of the bed linen from her injuries. He’d been told her legs had been pinned together with surgical steel. She’d be lucky if she could walk again, let alone chase him.

  She’d been hospitalised for less than twenty-four hours but her room already resembled a florist’s. Unfortunately the flowery scent did nothing to mask the hospital smells and associated a memories he’d been three years trying to forget.

  ‘I’m a silly old fool for getting myself into this mess, aren’t I, Cam?’

  Cam shook his head. ‘It’s not your fault, Mrs R, but someone’s to blame, and we’ll catch him, don’t you worry. Can you remember anything at all?’

  ‘The last thing I remember is the supermarket having baked beans on special.’

  At that moment the door opened and a small group of women entered, treading with the hesitant steps of unaccustomed churchgoers. Cam looked at their pink and grey uniforms, assuming them to be hospital nurses. He realised this wasn’t the case when one of the women walked straight past him, tiptoeing over to Mrs Rooney.

  ‘We managed to sneak by the ward secretary,’ she said in a conspiratorial whisper. ‘I think she thought we must work here.’ She tittered at her own guile, giving Mrs Rooney a peck on the cheek. ‘How are you feeling, love?’

  ‘Like I’ve been run over by a ute.’

  Awkward laughter, then sudden silence when they noticed Cam.

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Officer,’ a plump woman said. ‘In our excitement we didn’t notice Lulu had a visitor.’

  He read her nametag: St Luke’s nursing home. Now, where had he heard that name before?

  Under any other circumstances, he would have insisted the women leave so he could continue with his interview, but the name St Luke’s had struck a chord. He decided to let the women be while he processed this latest piece of information. He offered one of them a chair and stepped over to the window. Once he’d faded into the background, the women lost their shyness and descended upon Mrs Rooney like a flock of galahs.

  Cam’s racing mind competed with the noise of the chattering women. Only when he noticed how quiet the room had become did he realise how his unintentional expletive had shocked them all into silence. He was apologising when a nurse with a face like a deformed potato came in and asked them to leave. She impaled Cam with her stare, folded her arms and told him there were to be no exceptions.

  He pulled the nurse to one side as the women said their goodbyes and trooped out of the room.

  ‘Look, Miss, er, Sister. I’m investigating Mrs Rooney’s accident and something new has just come to light. It’s really important that I get to speak to her alone for just a few minutes.’

  ‘The poor woman’s exhausted. Doctor said visitors should be restricted. The racket from this room was enough to wake half the ward. It’s not to be tolerated.’

  Cam looked at the woman and gave one of the smiles Elizabeth always said could charm a nun out of her habit. ‘Say, don’t I know you from somewhere?’ He wagged his finger, glancing down at her nametag. ‘Sister Cuthbert. Don’t tell me you’re Sally Cuthbert – Miss Glenroyd Agricultural Show 1976?’

  A wave of red co
loured the sister’s face. ‘Well, actually that was my cousin; my name’s Jean.’ She smoothed down her apron and looked at her toes. ‘People say we are very alike, though.’

  Cam let out his breath; that was a lucky guess. ‘I went to St Bart’s. The Ag show was the highlight of our year, especially the Miss Glenroyd competition.’

  She searched his face for a familiar feature. There was nothing to recognise, but fond memories softened her expression. ‘We used to feel so sorry for the boys at St Bart’s.’ Her smile wiped away the wrinkles like a Magic Slate. ‘I’m not stupid,’ she laughed, ‘I know the game you’re playing. Go on then, talk to Mrs Rooney, but no longer than five minutes, understood?’

  Cam tipped his hat and gave her another charming beam. When she’d gone, Mrs Rooney said, ‘Blimey.’

  Cam sat down on the edge of her bed. ‘The end justifies the means. I’ll buy her a drink sometime.’

  ‘Then I’d better warn her off accepting.’

  ‘Listen, Mrs R, I don’t have long so I’ll get straight to it. You worked at St Luke’s nursing home – correct?’

  ‘Yes, for nearly ten years, after I left the tea shop.’

  ‘Can you remember a patient called Jane Featherstone?’

  ‘I remember her well. We got on famously. She was a lovely old lady. She reached the grand old age of ninety-six. I’m not sure I’d like to reach that age.’

  ‘Apparently she was best friends with Ruth Tilly’s grandmother. They were at GLC together.’

  ‘That’s right. Ruth used to visit her.’

  ‘You know she left all her money to GLC, for Ruth to pass on?’

  ‘All her money, Cam?’ The laugh made her wince. With a nod he urged her to continue, not wanting her to stop now. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. She barely had enough money for toothpaste.’

  Cam frowned. Her face was pale under the bruises; he worried he was pushing her too far, but couldn’t bring himself to end the interview, not now he was so close. ‘I don’t understand. I thought she was supposed to be one of the richest people in the area, lived in that big mansion on Tannery Road.’

  ‘That’s what she wanted people to think. Very few people knew the truth.’ Her voice began to fade as exhaustion took over.

  ‘What truth?’ He clasped her hand as excitement ballooned in his chest.

  She continued to speak, each sentence now punctuated with a heavy breath. ‘She was one of those old-fashioned types, all breeding and pride. She felt she had to keep up appearances at all costs, even after her brother squandered the family fortune. If you’d looked in the windows of that beautiful house of hers, you’d have seen antiques and priceless paintings. If you looked up good and close though, you’d have seen the antiques were reproductions, the paintings fakes. And upstairs, there was no furniture at all, just mattresses on the floor.’

  ‘How do you know this?’

  No answer; the slits of her eyes began to narrow. He prompted her to stay awake with another squeeze of her hand.

  She gave a start, trying to jerk herself into wakefulness. ‘She told me, swore me to secrecy. That’s how come she asked me to witness the will. She wanted to carry her secret with her to the grave. It was all a matter of honour, you see.’

  Cam shook his head, worried that the anaesthetic had left the old lady confused. ‘I heard she left nearly a million dollars to GLC, that she specified in the will it was to go to the science lab, as a bequest through Ruth Tilly, the executor.’

  ‘Oh, she left it to the school all right.’ She took a deep breath. ‘About enough to buy a rack of test tubes.’

  With a long exhalation, she fell asleep.


  She’d never expected it to be like this; it should have been in a lace-covered bed with a gentle breeze ruffling gauzy curtains, and misty, like an old-fashioned movie. This was almost as bad as doing it in the back seat of an old bomb, except maybe an old bomb wouldn’t have smelt so bad.

  A small sob rose from her chest.

  ‘Ruby, are you all right?’ Angelo was still on top of her. He extracted a hand from under her tank top and cupped her face.

  ‘I’m fine.’ It was a relief to find he’d finally stopped, but she still had trouble breathing, as if all the air had been knocked out of her.

  ‘Did you come?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ she lied. If that was what coming was all about, Cosmo should be sued for false advertising.

  As he rolled off her she pulled up her panties and smoothed down her skirt. She felt sticky and unclean and more than a little ashamed. He hadn’t even taken off his overalls, just unbuttoned the flies. It must have taken all of five minutes, though it had felt more like five hours. She sat up on the camp bed and watched as he lit a cigarette, the flaring match illuminating his face through the grey light of the room. God, but he was handsome. And she loved him. She wouldn’t have done it with him if she didn’t love him – would she?

  As she got up from the cot, she knocked over the empty can of scotch and bourbon. She watched as it rolled across the oily floor, stopping against the used condom lying there like a dead jellyfish. She met his gaze with a self-conscious giggle.

  He nodded towards the empty can and smiled. ‘You won’t need the booze next time,’ he said.

  ‘I guess I won’t. I’ll be an old pro by then.’ Though I feel like one already, she thought. She sank back onto the cot and felt her face cave in on itself. Angelo sat down and put his arm around her shoulders. His other hand still held the cigarette. It created a curtain of smoke between them.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ he said in a gentle voice. ‘Are you sorry we did it?’

  Between sobs, she said, ‘No, no, it’s not that. I just don’t want to go back to Sydney. I love you and I want to stay with you.’ She saw a sudden ray of hope. ‘Maybe I could stay with your mum and dad, or maybe you could hide me in a cave and bring me food?’

  When Angelo laughed at her comment, she knew her hope was lost.

  ‘You’re a cop’s daughter, Ruby,’ he said. ‘Your dad would have the whole WA Police Service looking for you. Running away won’t work. You’ll have to just do what he wants and go back. You’ll probably only be gone for a few days.’

  She folded her arms and frowned at him. ‘Why is it that you always take his side? Is it some kind of a male thing?’

  ‘Don’t talk crap, Ruby. It’s just common sense.’

  She was in the process of choosing an appropriate response, either an angry yell or more tears, when they heard the primal thump of a Harley pulling up in the yard. She looked at Angelo with alarm.

  ‘Shit,’ he said, jumping to his feet to pull a corner of the dirty blind away from the small window.

  ‘Angelo,’ she said, beginning to panic. ‘I thought you said Cliff was in Toorrup for the day?’

  ‘It’s OK. He hardly ever comes into this back room. We’ll just sit tight and wait for him to go, then I’ll sneak you out. Besides,’ he said with a shrug, ‘there’s worse things I could be doing than just jabbing a chick in here. He’d probably laugh it off.’

  ‘Just jabbing a chick? Is that all it means to you?’

  He clamped his hand over her mouth, cutting off the rest of her retort. ‘Sh . . . I didn’t mean it like that. Listen to them, will you?’ He nodded in the direction of the workshop. ‘He’s got Ruth Tilly with him and he’s going off his chops at her.’

  The tin wall separating the room was peppered with small holes. He beckoned her over for a peep.

  ‘You stupid bitch,’ the man yelled at Ruth. His red face, Ruby noticed, was a startling contrast to the white mane of his hair.

  ‘Is that Cliff?’ she whispered to Angelo.

  But Angelo was paying so much attention to the unfolding drama he didn’t seem to hear her.

  The man backhanded Ruth across her face, and the sound of connecting flesh made Ruby flinch. She grabbed Angelo’s hand and he squeezed it, his body tensing as he leaned towards the door. For a moment she
thought he was going to rush out and break the fight up, but he held himself back, continuing to watch.

  Ruth fell to the ground with a scream. The man looked down at her; Ruby could see the contempt at the corners of his cruel mouth.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Ruth wailed, ‘it’s you I love, not him. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I wouldn’t have told you any of this if things hadn’t changed.’

  ‘A cop, for Chrissake!’ The man shook her from his foot as if she was a glob of mud.

  Ruth sat on the floor, looking up at him. A thin trail of blood trickled down her chin from her split lip.

  Ruth said, ‘I know him well, I know his triggers, I know how to get rid of him. No one will be any the wiser.’

  Ruby watched on, open-mouthed.

  Ruth pushed her hair out of her eyes and smiled up at her tormentor. Soon she was pulling herself up and draping herself around him like a mink coat.

  The man rubbed her cheek. His voice was softer now. ‘Well, get rid of him soon, then. You’ll have to do better than before. That fire in the prefab was a disaster.’

  Ruby gasped as the man’s words registered. ‘My dad?’ she mouthed to Angelo.

  He shook his head and continued to peer through the tin. Ruth nodded, purring something into the man’s ear. The man smiled and pushed her over the bonnet of a blue Ford Escort. Ruby could only see their legs, but she knew what they were doing. She felt sick. With her back to the wall, she covered her hands with her ears.

  The tin walls shuddered as the door slammed. Soon they heard the bike start up in the yard. When the roar faded into the distance, Ruby uncurled herself from the floor and Angelo helped her to her feet. Her legs felt like jelly and her heart pounded as loud as the Harley’s roar.

  She clutched at Angelo’s arm. ‘I have to go and tell Dad. I think he’s in danger.’ But when she turned to the door, he grabbed her and spun her around, holding her tight with a hand on each shoulder.

  ‘You can’t do that, Ruby.’ The urgency in his voice startled her. ‘They may not even have been talking about him.’


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