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I Need You Too: Stand Alone Novel, Contemporary-Erotic-Suspenseful Romance, Psychological Thriller

Page 20

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  He nodded. “I have it safely hidden underneath the pillow in the room you’ll both use to change your clothes before you leave here”

  I whipped out my phone and pulled up the screen. Sure enough, there was a message waiting for me. I opened it to see the picture, enlarging it for detail. “It’s perfect. But how? I thought it wouldn’t be ready until after we get back from the honeymoon.”

  He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Let’s just say our family has ways of persuading things to be done a little quicker.”

  “How much do I owe you for the rush job? I still can’t believe the great deal you got me on everything.” I would do almost anything this man asked of me. He’d been like another father to me after mine had to go back up north. He helped give me pep talks when I felt down, and offered me amazing opportunities within his company. He even contributed to the development of new software, which we just sold for a fortune.

  “Just take care of her, Ethan. God knows we hated James with a passion, and I think you can understand why. We see that you love her with your whole heart, and that’s enough for us.”

  I watched as he walked away to take his seat, while Gianna started walking down the aisle to the sound of a melodic tune playing, the strum of a melody I couldn’t place. When Gianna finally reached us, she smiled up at Nate and then back at me. “Hey, bro!”

  I felt Nate give me a little nudge as he whispered behind me. “We truly are brothers now.”

  The music began to play and my eyes went wide. Marjorie was a vision. I had to be dreaming or something. This couldn’t be the woman I’d be spending the rest of my life with. I leaned back and told Nate, “Pinch me, dude. I’ve got to be dreaming.”

  I didn’t think he’d do it, but he did. I flinched and realized that I truly was awake and this woman with all her love and compassion for others would soon be my wife, and one day the mother of my kids. How did I ever end up being this lucky?

  That same melody started to fade as words starting entering the mix. I recognized the song and looked around to see who had picked it, when I saw Marjorie’s little smirk. I just shook my head knowing the words were perfectly us. It was Adam Levine from Maroon 5 crooning out, “It Was Always You”. And it was.

  When Tomas handed off Marjorie to me, he squeezed my arm. “I trust you with one of the loves of my life. Take good care of my daughter, son.”

  I linked her arm in mine as we walked the last couple of steps to the minister. He started in on some traditional vows. I looked over at Marjorie and we both ended up raising our hands to stop him. “I think we’d like to say our own words, if that’s okay.”

  “Go right ahead, Ethan.” The minister offered.

  Marjorie handed off her bouquet to Gianna, placing both of her hands in mine. I could feel my heart beating out a nervous rhythm. “Life has a really strange way of bringing people together. I don’t know why I ended up in that accident, but I’d like to believe it was fate that made our paths cross. We both had to go through some rough patches to realize the beauty that lies before us. You are the most precious thing ever existing in my life.”

  Her mouth was trembling as a few tears escaped from her eyes and fell down her cheeks. I reached one hand up to wipe them away as I continued. “You’ve shown me kindness, patience, and how to experience love through your eyes. You are the only thing I think about when I go to sleep and the first thing on my mind when I wake up. I can only exist each day knowing it’s time I get to spend with you. You’re the reason my heart beats and the reason I wake with new purpose every morning – to see you smile, to hear your laugh, and to feel your love. I take you as not only my wife, but my friend, my other half – the only part that makes me whole. It was always you, babe. I need you and love you.”

  Gianna handed her a tissue, so she could dot her eyes. The minister spoke up, “Whenever you’re ready, Marjorie.”

  “I thought I’d been in love before, but nothing compares to the feelings you awaken in me, Ethan. I knew the moment our eyes first met that you’d be in my life somehow. At first it was friendship, but our need for one another grew to become more. Fate brought you into my life, and fate forced us to realize how much we truly need one another. We were both damaged, but together we’ve been able to fill in the cracks, forming a perfect foundation. It truly was always you. You’ve been there through my nightmares, my joys, my sorrows, and even pain. You’re the only one I can see a future with. The only one who makes my soul soar. You are my friend, my love, and now my husband. I can only exist as a whole with you in my life. I need you, too. I love you.”

  I felt the tears coming down my face. I didn’t care if I just shredded my man card. I loved this woman with all my heart.

  We both watched as the minister held out the bible before him, “The rings please.” Nate reached into his pocket placing the rings on the book, and then the minister held them out to us.

  “If you’d each take your respective ring and repeat after me.” Marjorie’s eyes went wide as she noticed I’d picked perfectly paired rings. They were both platinum, with half a heart in each – together forming a perfect whole.

  We held the rings over each other’s fingers, repeating the words, “I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be with me on this day and forevermore.”

  We pushed the rings into place where they’d forever stay, linking us as one, for all eternity. “You may kiss your bride.”

  I didn’t even bother to look at anyone as I wrapped my arms around Marjorie’s waist and pulled her close. My hand reached up to wipe away a tear that had managed to make it to the corner of her lips as I bent down to seal our union. I guess I wasn’t the only one who was eager; I felt her hands gripping my hair and holding me to her. I tried to keep it clean, but when her tongue pressed into my mouth, all bets were out the window.

  I don’t know who broke it off first, but we finally pulled away with everyone laughing at our desire to definitely seal this deal with a kiss.

  The minister cleared his throat as he formally introduced us. “May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Marcus McDonald.”

  Before we could descend the steps of the patio, everyone was rushing us, giving us hugs and congratulations. Marjorie clung tight to my waist and, truthfully, I didn’t mind. All I could think about was getting her up to that room where we could get dressed, and then leaving on our way to our honeymoon.

  We’d already had some of the finger foods, so all that was left was some fresh fruit and the cake. Celia had outdone herself again. She got us a lovely tiered cannoli cake, a favorite dessert of both ours, along with a smaller strawberry cheesecake. “After you cut the cake, I’ll take the top off and put it in the freezer for when you return. You can move it to your freezer or leave it here until your first wedding anniversary.”

  Celia waited out of the way of the photographer while we cut the cake, giving one another small bites. I knew it was important to give her everything she never had in her first marriage – that and I only planned on doing this once. Marjorie was my end all be all in regards to love.

  With the cake cut and the top safely stored away for us to enjoy in a year, we only had a couple more commitments, a father-daughter dance and a mother-son dance. The music and dance had me longing for one more melody. I asked the DJ to play “Love of a Lifetime” by Firehouse. I wanted to dance to that song with my wife since she truly was the love of my existence.

  I came up behind her, whispering in her ear, “They’re playing our song, love. Dance with me.”

  I pulled her out onto the dance floor, our bodies moving together as one. The sound of tinkling glass grabbed our attention and a rave of catcalls rang out as I dipped Marjorie out on the floor, pressing my lips firmly to hers.

  When the song was over, I didn’t give anyone a chance to stop us. We headed directly to the bedroom Alexander had told me about. There we found a change of clothes for both of us. I closed the door
and went over to the pillow, reaching underneath and finding the box with my surprise. I lifted the lid long enough to see it was more magical than the picture.

  “Can you help me with the zipper, sir?” Her words and the sultry smile across her face stopped me in my tracks. I laid the box just underneath my sports coat, out of Marjorie’s line of sight.

  I came up behind her and unhooked a few eyelets before parting the fabric and finding her zipper. I pulled it down slowly as my lips began a dance across both of her shoulder blades and slowly down her back. I lowered the dress to the floor, helping her step out of all the crinolines attached to the lower half of the dress.

  She moved toward the bed and I grabbed ahold of her hand, shaking my head. “No. I want to look at my beautiful wife, wrapped up nicely in her lingerie.”

  I stepped back and stripped down to just my boxers. Her eyes went wide while she licked her lower lip in anticipation of what was yet to come. I came up behind her, running my hands along the smooth softness of her skin. I leaned forward taking her earlobe in my mouth and began to whisper. “I want you so bad right now; I’m ready to bust through my boxers. You were a vision of loveliness in your gown, but I admire your beauty, even more, out of it.”

  I reached down, circling her waist and drawing her ass up against my hardness. “This is for you. I wish we had time to properly consummate our marriage right now, but we’re due on a flight in thirty minutes.”

  Her bottom moved against me, making me moan. “You’re playing with fire, little one.”

  She smirked while she reached behind herself to grab hold of my backside, drawing me closer. “I can be quick, sir.”

  I had to laugh. “Already topping from the bottom.”

  “For you, I’ll be anything you like, sir.” She dropped her hands and took the pose we’d agreed to without being asked.

  This was working to my favor better than I’d imagined. “Anything, love?”

  Her eyes were downcast, but I could see a subtle nod to her head. “Anything, my husband.”

  I reached under my coat and pulled the necklace from the box, undoing the clasp. “Will you close your eyes for me?”

  I watched as she closed them willingly.

  “Will you trust me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Her breathing started to pick up as my arms came around her. “Will you surrender yourself only to me? Will you submit to our desires, letting me lead you on our journey of exploration as your Dom – your master?”

  I let the weight of the collar come around her neck. I could see her desire to move her hand to feel what I’d picked out. Her answer didn’t come, but I could see her smile. “I’m waiting for a response, little sub. Do I need to repeat my question?”

  “Yes, I want you to be my master.”

  I was floored. I’d expected her to fight me on the idea of master, wanting to limit it to the title of Dom, but I was okay with it taking time to earn her full trust; however, now hearing her words, I knew I had it.

  I clamped the collar together and walked her over to the mirror. “I know I won’t be the perfect Dom or master. I still have a lot to learn, but we can navigate this course together. I just want everyone to know your mine!” I leaned down giving her a small bite on her shoulder, causing her to shiver. “Open your eyes, my love – my submissive.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. I watched as she turned this way and that, caressing over each link with her fingers. “Permission to speak, master?”

  “Of course, my love.”

  “How did you know?” Her eyes were still staring at the collar.

  “I’m not sure I follow.”

  She turned, reaching up to cradle the side of my face. “How did you know I wanted to be claimed by you? That this is the exact necklace I’d always envisioned wearing for the one I’d call master.”

  “I’d liked the look of the one Rafe had designed for Dawn. I asked the jeweler to copy the same alternating platinum and gold link pattern, but instead of the amethyst and alternating diamonds, I wanted emerald with the diamonds because I knew it would bring out your eyes. I didn’t realize until later that it was also your birthstone, with mine being diamond. So even in your collar, our lives are represented and intertwined, just as they are in life.”

  Her lips met mine and we were lost in a kiss, when Celia knocked. “I don’t mean to rush you, but if you’re going to make your flight, you need to leave in five minutes.”

  “Later, love.” I kissed the end of her nose, scooting her over toward the bed to get dressed. “We’ll be ready in just a couple of minutes, Aunt Celia.”

  I could hear Celia’s joy through the door, “Oh, Ethan.”

  We quickly changed into our other clothes, when Marjorie asked, “Won’t we need luggage?”

  I just looked at her and shook my head. “With what your family pulls off, don’t you think they’ve already packed for us?”

  She laughed with me. “You’re right. Our place was probably raided as soon as we left to come here.”

  We stood at the top of the staircase long enough to have one final kiss and toss the garter and bouquet. To our surprise, Marissa’s friend Robin was present and caught the bouquet. Her face lit up in elation over her score. I only wish we could say the same for the garter. Jackson had been pushed out onto the floor to join the few single guys present. He tried his best to avoid it, but caught it anyway. His eyes were sad as he looked at it and handed it over to another single man present before collecting his daughter and walking out onto the patio.

  Celia leaned into us. “Give him time, kids. He’s still hurting, missing my precious Gabi. He needs to understand that while he’ll always have his memories of my baby, life does move on.”

  She cleared her throat and then gave us a quick swat to the backsides. “Go darlings or you’ll miss your flight. Marissa and Dane raided your closets when you were busy getting ready, so Rick’s already got your luggage in the car. Have fun and we’ll see you when you return.”

  We both gave her hugs and kisses, thanking her for everything.

  Rick plowed through traffic trying to get to the executive airport in time for our flight plan. We were surprised we’d stopped here instead of Orlando International. “I thought we were on a commercial flight, Rick. What gives?”

  He held the door open for us and directed us toward the Prescott jet that was fueled and ready to go. The crew was already grabbing our bags and stowing them by the time we got out of the car. “I’m just following both Mr. Prescott’s orders, sir. Tomas and Alexander insisted that you take the jet so you could relax and not be worried by other travelers. You’ll be stopping off in California for refueling and then onto Hawaii. I’ll be waiting to pick you up on your return.”

  “We’re going to Hawaii?” Marjorie asked excitedly.

  Rick cringed. “Sorry, sir.”

  “No problem.” I extended my hand out to him and shook it. “Thanks for all you do for this family, Rick. It’s truly appreciated, especially all you and Derrick did to keep us safe.”

  His reaction made me wonder if anyone had ever thanked him before. He swallowed hard, holding back emotion I didn’t know this man had. “It’s an honor and a privilege, sir.”

  “We’re ready to go, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.” The co-pilot stood by the edge of the stairs, waiting for us to board.

  I had never seen the inside of one of these planes. I heard Marjorie take a sharp intake of breath. “Oh my goodness! Look, Ethan.”

  The interior had leather seats and a couple of sofas for us to spread out on and stretch our legs, but what caught our attention were the red rose petals leading down to the back to the plane where we could see a bed in the other room, covered in white satin sheets, and red rose petals forming a heart in the center.

  The co-pilot came up behind us after securing the door. “We’re revving up the engines. If you’d both please take your seats, we’ll be taxiing to the runway in just a few minutes. Once we’re in the air, I’ll serv
e you dinner before you turn in for tonight.”

  I’d never been to Hawaii and it sounded like Marjorie hadn’t either. “How long will it take us to reach California for refueling?”

  “If the weather conditions are good, and we have a strong tail wind, it can be as little as five hours, though it’s usually a bit longer. We’ll stop for fuel and to acquire some breakfast. From there the flight is another five to six hours. Your overnight bags are in the closet in the bedroom. We have a small bath and shower if you want to freshen up when we reach Los Angeles.”

  He started to turn away, but reached for something in his pocket. “I almost forgot to give this to you, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Prescott.”

  We took our seats and opened the card together.

  Neither of us could believe the generosity of her aunt and uncle. They just kept giving and giving. It felt almost sinful to accept any more.

  Our plane was winging its way across the country as we took advantage of the bedroom, consummating our marriage and sealing ourselves to one another on a higher level.

  The trust and love Marjorie showed was more than I’d ever hoped for or ever knew I wanted in this life. The control we fought so hard to have was now in our reach, letting us

  decide which direction we would travel. For now it was paradise. For the future – well that still remains to be seen…

  All I knew is that she needed me and I needed her too!

  I Need You Forever, Need #5

  The final installment to the Need Series

  Coming Winter 2016

  YESTERDAY HAD BEEN FRAUGHT with so much emotion that I needed to get away from my house, away from everyone and just think. I was thankful my mom offered to take Nicola for a couple hours to let me sort out my thoughts.

  I drove around in circles not really paying attention to where I was headed until I ended up here at the cemetery. I knew then what I needed to do.

  I stood at the edge of my wife’s grave, the grass perfectly green, with a fresh set of red roses sitting in a vase against the base of her headstone. I don’t know why I keep coming here to talk to her, but I feel peaceful when I do.


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