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The Tigrens' Glory (Soul-Linked Saga) (Volume 9)

Page 33

by Laura Jo Phillips

  Glory knew instantly what dreams they meant. Her face got so hot she thought she’d burst into flames. “Those were from stories I read,” she said before Kirk placed a finger at her lips.

  “We know,” he said. “Besides, we peeked where we shouldn’t have. We don’t deserve an explanation.”

  “You know about the stories?” she asked. “But, how?”

  “We made complete fools of ourselves by going to the Dracons this morning and demanding to be told the identity of the man, or men, attempting to take you from us,” Kyerion replied sheepishly. “I think we’re very lucky that Princess Lariah was unable to shift into her alter-form, else there would be little left of us but bone and ash. She is small in body, but fierce in heart, and a worthy Princess for our people. She is also a good friend to you.”

  Glory smiled, proud that she could call Lariah her friend. Then she drew her brows down in a mock frown. “You are Clan Tigren and High Druids. I’d have expected you to know better than to anger a woman who can shift into an enormous fire breathing dracon with claws, fangs, and the ability to fly.”

  “Our only excuse is that our hormones have reduced our ability to think clearly,” Kyerion said, smiling. “Perhaps if you answer our question, it will give us the incentive to hang onto what little sense we have left.”

  “Will you forgive us, and allow us to remain at your side, Glory?” Kirk asked. “Will you allow us to love you, and cherish you, and hold you close to our hearts for all time?”

  Glory stared into Kirk’s silver eyes as he spoke. She tried to respond, but couldn’t find her voice. Kirk must have seen her answer in her eyes because his eyes flared with heat just before he leaned forward and captured her mouth with his own. Her arms went around his neck as he grasped her waist and pulled her close, but she barely noticed as she gave herself up to the heat of his lips and tongue and teeth.

  When he pulled back they both gasped for air, but she barely had a chance to fill her lungs before Cade lifted her from Kirk’s arms, spun her around, pulled her body hard against his and slanted his mouth down on hers in a kiss even more demanding that Kirk’s had been. His tongue pushed into her mouth, stroking, tasting, and claiming. She melted into him, her body going boneless, letting him take what he wanted, and accepting all that he gave back. He broke the kiss only so they could breathe, then passed her carefully into Kyerion’s arms.

  Kirk’s kiss had been demanding, which hadn’t surprised her, Cade’s had claimed, which had. But Kyerion’s kiss was pure seduction. Hot, slow, and gentle, he coaxed, teased, and tempted until her entire body shook and shivered with an intensity she’d only read about.

  “We want you, Glory,” Kyerion said when they’d both had a moment to catch their breath. Kirk and Cade moved in close, pressing their bodies against her. Instead of feeling trapped with all three of them pressing close around her, she relaxed. It felt right. Just like in that dream she’d had. Which reminded her.

  “The dream?” she asked, unable to form a more complex sentence.

  “Yes, that was really us by the river,” Kyerion said with a growl. “If it helps, we’ve gone nearly insane with need for you ever since.”

  Glory’s lips curved in a small, feminine smile of satisfaction. “It helps,” she said.

  “Please let us have you, Glory,” Cade said, leaning in to run his tongue from her shoulder up her neck, then to her ear before nipping her earlobe. “We need you so much.”

  She was surprised by the husky moan that slipped out of her own mouth, which helped her mind to clear a little. “If I say yes, I’ll have as little honor as you accused me of in that dream,” she said reluctantly.

  She wanted them. More than wanted. She needed, just as much as they needed. But, if they walked away from her in a day or two or three, she’d have only herself to blame. She could live without the Tigren so long as she knew they were alive and well somewhere in the Thousand Worlds. It would be difficult, and painful, but she was a survivor. She’d live. But she didn’t think she could live without her honor.

  “Glory, do you trust us? Do you trust me?” Cade asked, his copper eyes boring into her.

  She returned his gaze for a long moment before smiling at him. “Yes, I trust you. I trust all three of you.”

  “Then believe me when I say, again, that you are our Arima,” he said. “That means many things, one of which is that we are physically incapable of responding sexually to any female other than you.”

  Glory frowned. “I don’t think I understand.”

  “We’ve learned a bit about humans over the past few days, and discovered that there are many differences between us, love,” Kirk said. “We haven’t responded sexually to a female since we reached maturity, over three hundred years before we ended up in the Xanti’s trophy case. The only woman capable of arousing us is you, our Arima. For the remainder of our lives, there can never be another. Should you walk away from us, we will never have another woman. It isn’t possible, nor would we want it to be.”

  “We already belong to you forever, Glory,” Kyerion said. “The only question is, will you choose to belong to us, as well?”

  “We will not be offended if you wish to ask Princess Lariah if our claims are true,” Kirk said. She turned to look into his silver eyes, and found all the truth she needed.

  “Yes,” she said, smiling at Kirk before turning to meet Kyerion’s brilliant gaze. And just in case they weren’t sure what she was saying yes to, she clarified. “Yes, I choose you. Now and always.”

  She was instantly surrounded by deep, rumbling purrs. Or were they growls? The question entered her mind and left before she could decide, but it didn’t matter. She was in Kyerion’s arms, his mouth on hers as he carried her to the bed.

  “Wait,” Cade said. Kyerion broke their kiss and stopped, turning with a frown.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Our Arima needs to eat,” Cade said.

  “Later,” Glory said, “I’ll eat later.”

  Kyerion tensed, torn between the desire to take Glory, and to take care of Glory. She made the decision for all of them when she grasped the hem of her top and yanked it over her head. She was surrounded by the three of them again before her top hit the floor, their eyes fixed on her breasts with such heat that she was surprised it didn’t burn her. Then Kirk was tugging at her pants, growling when they refused to budge until Glory reached down and released the tie. He pulled them down her legs and dropped them to the floor, then all three of them froze.

  “She’s exactly like in the dream,” Kirk said hoarsely. Glory flushed red at being stared at so blatantly. Then she realized that all three of them were trembling as they stared at her, their pupils dilated, their breath coming in short pants. The rush of feminine power made her a little dizzy.

  “Are you just going to stare all day?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  “To be honest, we aren’t sure where to start,” Kyerion said.

  “I am,” she replied. Their eyes met hers with interest.

  “Where would you like us to start?” Kirk asked, unable to resist the temptation to stroke his fingers along one silky soft shoulder.

  “You can start by taking off your clothes,” she said. “I’ve never seen a man naked before. I’m curious.”

  “That’s probably not a good idea,” Cade said.

  “Why not?” she asked, suddenly tensing with worry.

  “Because we need to take our time with you,” he said. “The moment our pants are off, we’re not going to be able to resist the temptation to fuck you over and over until you scream yourself hoarse.”

  “Hoarse?” she whispered, her mouth going dry again.

  “Don’t worry,” Kyerion said with a wicked smile. “We’ll heal your throat, then start all over again.”

  Glory had read quite a few of Lariah’s stories. In fact, once she’d gotten over her initial shock, she’d become a little impatient and started skipping straight to the sex scenes. From what she’d read, it
wasn’t really possible to do what Kyerion said. Even in fiction men didn’t go on endlessly. Something of her doubt must have shown on her face because they grinned at her.

  “We’re not human, Glory,” he reminded her again. “And we’ve got well over seven thousand years of celibacy to make up for.”

  She swallowed hard but still managed to arch a brow. “Good thing you guys can heal then, isn’t it?”

  Kyerion growled as he leaned down to kiss her. At the same time Kirk took one of her nipples in his mouth, and Cade began stroking the hot flesh between her thighs. She jumped at the unexpected caresses, then moaned into Kyerion’s mouth when the pleasure intensified.

  “You’re so hot and wet for us already,” Cade said. “I love the way you smell, like wild orchids. I can’t wait to find out what you taste like.” She shuddered at the thought.

  Kyerion shifted her slightly in his arms and Kirk released her nipples so his oldest brother could lay her on the bed. She opened her eyes and watched avidly as they removed their shirts, and boots, their eyes never leaving her body. She reached beneath herself to tug her long braid free.

  “How long is your hair?” Kirk asked as he pushed his jeans down his legs and stepped out of them. Glory’s attention was drawn from his long, thick cock as he knelt on the bed beside her and picked up the thick, shiny rope. She dropped her eyes, suddenly embarrassed.

  “Glory?” Cade asked, climbing up on her other side. “What’s wrong?”

  “Women of Ramouri don’t cut their hair,” she admitted. “I thought never to marry, and I was banished, so I cut it. It’s much shorter than it should be.”

  “We are not of Ramouri,” he reminded her with a smile. “Nor are you.” Her eyes jumped to his in surprise, then she laughed.

  “I know,” she said. “I have to keep reminding myself that I’m not of Ramouri anymore, either.”

  “How long was it before you cut it?” Kirk asked, slipping the tie off the end of her braid before unbraiding it with gentle fingers.

  “Several feet of it dragged on the floor when loose,” she said with a grimace.

  “That sounds inconvenient,” Cade said. “I admit, we have fantasies about your long silky hair, as you might remember from our dream, and I think your hair is plenty long enough for that as it is.”

  “It is,” Kirk confirmed as he finished removing the braid. “I can’t wait to feel it wrapped around my cock.”

  A white hot flash of heat raced through Glory’s core at the vivid memory conjured up by his words. Kyerion, Kirk, and Cade breathed deeply of her scent and purred more loudly. Kyerion parted her legs and moved closer in between them, his wide shoulders forcing her thighs wider and wider until his face was inches from the center of her body. He parted her outer lips with his fingers, groaning at the sight of her creamy pink flesh. Reaching out with the tip of his tongue, he teased her clit until it stiffened into the long, hard nub of their dreams. He groaned again, pressing his painfully hard cock into the bed as he fought back his own arousal.

  “You have the most erotic clit I’ve ever seen or imagined,” he said, his lips moving against her tender flesh as he spoke. “It’s so long and pretty, all stiff and pink.” Then he sucked it into his mouth and stroked it with his tongue, causing Glory’s body to arch and shudder. He lifted his head and smiled. “Kirk, Cade, I think Glory would enjoy a set of rings, don’t you?”

  “Rings?” Glory asked.

  “That’s an excellent idea, Kyerion,” Kirk said, lowering his mouth toward one nipple while Cade reached for the other one. A moment later she gasped as both men sucked a nipple into their mouths, using their lips, teeth, and tongues to coax them into long, hard peaks while Kyerion did the same to her clit. Her entire body was shivering uncontrollably when they raised their heads at almost the same time. Then she felt something warm and hard squeeze first one nipple, then the other. She looked down, surprised to see twin rings of gleaming gold encircling the base of each nipple. The rings were thick enough to have a little weight to them, and just tight enough to cause a constant sensation of pleasure. While she was staring at them in amazement, she felt a similar weight on her clit. It seemed a bit heavier than those on her nipples, and a little tighter as well.

  “What?” she gasped.

  “The rings on your nipples will keep them hard and stimulated,” Kirk said, brushing one of the golden rings with a finger which caused her to gasp with pleasure.

  “The one on your clit keeps it hard, and holds your hood back,” Kyerion said. “One day, we’ll add a charm to it so that every time you move it will brush your exposed clit, keeping you constantly stimulated. But not today.” He blew cool air on her clit, then licked it with his hot tongue. Glory’s body shuddered so hard she came up off the bed.

  “How?” she gasped when she could breathe again.

  “We are strong in both Water and Earth magic,” Kirk explained. “The fashioning of pleasure devices for our Arima was one of our favorite past times while we waited for her. For you.”

  Glory wanted to ask what other devices they might create, but they all chose that moment to put their mouths on her again. Then Kyerion slipped a thick finger inside her and she shivered at the knowledge that soon, very soon, she would no longer be innocent and untouched. Finally. She could hardly wait.

  Kyerion added another finger and began stretching her slowly and carefully. She was so hot and so wet that it was all he could do to hold himself in check. He lapped at the cream that spilled around his fingers as she arched her hips in a silent bid for more. He added a third finger and spread them, stretching her further as he stroked in a slow rhythm. He pressed deep and felt the thin barrier of tissue that proclaimed her innocence against his fingertips. He groaned with anticipation.

  Every muscle in Glory’s body was taut with need, her hands clenched into fists, her teeth biting deeply into her lip. Kirk and Cade were using their hands and mouths to kiss, lick, and caress every inch of skin they could reach. Between that and what Kyerion was doing between her legs, she was nearly mindless with pleasure. A needy whimper escaped her and she began whipping her head back and forth.

  “She needs to be fucked now,” Kirk said.

  “With pleasure,” Kyerion said, sliding his fingers out of her and licking them clean before rising up on his knees. He grasped Glory’s legs behind the knees and pressed them further apart and in towards her chest. Cade and Kirk each wrapped a hand behind one knee and held her open for him. “Are you ready?” he asked Glory as he placed the thick head of his cock at her delicate opening. The sight of the thick gold ring he’d created holding her long, erect clit exposed caused his hips to jerk involuntarily, pushing his cock into her just enough to engulf the head. She was so tight, so hot, so wet and slick with cream that his entire body clenched with the effort to hold back.

  Glory raised her head and watched the agonized pleasure on Kyerion’s face. She’d done that. She’d put that expression on his face, on all of their faces. These three strong, intelligent, powerful men found her, too tall, too thin, too masculine Glory, beautiful and sexy and desirable. They wanted her, just as she was, and that was enough. More than enough. “I’m ready,” she rasped. “Please. Now.”

  Kyerion pressed forward, his cock stretching her narrow walls slowly but steadily until he reached her hymen. Then he stopped. Glory’s eyes met his and she smiled. Just a tiny up-curve of her lush lips, but he understood it. He withdrew, then lunged forward, burying himself fully within her. Then he forced himself to still. His entire body shook, his teeth clenched so hard his jaw ached, but he waited for Glory’s body to get used to his presence. Her head was thrown back, exposing her throat, her long nipples so beautiful with the golden rings setting them off and keeping them hard. For a moment, the sight of their rings on her body, had him close to spilling himself, and he had to concentrate to withhold his climax. Then Glory arched her hips toward him, and he relaxed a little, pulled back and began fucking her. He wanted to keep it to a slow, gent
le rhythm this first time for her sake, but she was too aroused for that. Her whimpers of need forced him to move faster, harder, and yet she still seemed to need more.

  “Did you two release pheromones,” he asked.

  “I did,” Cade said. “I stopped it as soon as I realized what I was doing.”

  “Same here,” Kirk said. “She’s just so damn hot. I lost control for a few seconds.”

  Kyerion wasn’t upset with his brothers for their lapse. Especially not this first time. He’d nearly released some pheromones himself. Excess pheromones were necessary sometimes when one woman had to satisfy the sexual needs of three men, but their use had to be carefully controlled. Now, however, they had to make sure that all three of them came inside of her body at least once, and the sooner the better. The longer it took them to do that, the more frantic Glory’s need would become.

  He increased his speed until he was slamming into her with everything he had. He wasn’t going to last much longer anyway, and she needed an orgasm badly.

  “Come with me now, love,” he said while at the same time tightening the ring around the base of her clit. Glory’s head went back, her mouth opened wide in a silent scream as her slick walls squeezed around him so tightly he could barely move. He roared as he came, pressing his cock deep as he flooded her with his seed.

  His muscles unlocked one by one, allowing him to fall forward over Glory’s body. He braced himself with his arms so that he didn’t put his weight on her, then claimed her mouth in a hot, deep kiss that left them both panting again. Already he could feel her sheath pulsing hotly, her need rising fast. He withdrew, then grasped her hips and urged her gently to her side.

  “Turn over, love,” he said. “Then get up on your hands and knees.”

  Glory did as he asked without pausing to wonder why. The orgasm she’d just experienced was so stunning she could barely process it. Even better than her dream orgasm had been. She’d had no idea her body was capable of such intense pleasure. At the same time, she felt a rapidly escalating need for more. If she hadn’t trusted Kyerion, Kirk, and Cade so absolutely, she would have been afraid of that need. As it was, she simply allowed herself to follow their lead, knowing they would take care of her. Trusting that they would take care of her.


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