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Sin City Submission BN

Page 5

by Jenna Jacobjenna Jacob

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice cracking with remorse.

  “Shh,” Quinn instructed. “You have nothing to be sorry for, princess. You’ve pleased me, immensely.”

  “But…you didn’t finish, Master.”

  “No. Not yet, at least.” Smirking, he spun her around to face him and began removing the cuffs from her wrists. “We’re just taking a little break.”

  “A-a break?” she stuttered, utterly confused.

  “Yes. If we continue playing, we’re going to miss our dinner reservations,” he explained, still wearing an evil grin. “Go into the bedroom. There’s a present for you under the bed. I’ll meet you there after I clean up the dungeon.”

  Quinn’s words slowly sliced through the pool of raging estrogen and angry endorphins plowing through her system. A break? Dinner? Is he fucking kidding? Forcing a nod while trying to mask her irritation, Ava turned and marched into the bedroom. Tossing a glance over her shoulder, she watched as Quinn zipped his trousers and gathered up the toys before depositing them into a dark, cloth bag. She was unable to fully process what had just transpired, and an oily film of defeat settled deep in her bones while his words of praise rubbed her raw.

  With the conflicting emotions warring, Ava knelt beside the bed and pulled out a large white box with a huge pink bow. After setting the gift on the bed, she carefully untied the ribbon and lifted the lid before peeling back several thin layers of white tissue paper. When the contents came into view, she sucked in a gasp and fell in love with Quinn all over again.

  “Mercy,” she whispered as she lifted the breathtaking, champagne-colored evening gown from its box.

  Her heart raced with excitement. She darted a glance at Quinn still tidying up the dungeon and couldn’t help but smile. How had he known she’d been coveting this exquisite creation for months? The amazing man had spent a small fortune on the gown. With a trembling finger, she traced the tip over the delicate lace embroidery, caressed the rippling beadwork. She sighed with delight at the feel of the silky satin draped and elegantly tucked upon the seductive sweetheart neckline.

  Turning toward Quinn once more, she found him leaning against the doorframe across the room. His eyes sparkled, and a devastatingly handsome smile adorned his sensual mouth. A palpable current of lust rolled off his body, drawing her attention from the dress to the lingering desire still thrumming inside her. While she didn’t completely understand the rules of the game Quinn was playing, Ava had a bit of reciprocal torment to share. Easing off the bed, she strolled toward him, rolling her hips with each languid step. Quinn’s smile grew wider as he pushed off the doorframe, meeting her in the middle of the room.

  “Thank you for the amazing dress, Master. It’s gorgeous,”

  Quinn cupped her face and pressed a raw, hungry kiss on her lips. “Spoiling you is a treat, my beautiful girl. I can’t wait to see you in and out of it. I plan to peel it off your sexy body later…with my teeth.”

  “I can put it on right now, if you’d like?” she countered with a playful smirk.

  Kissing her again with a low growl, Quinn slid his hands to her stinging butt cheeks, then lifted her, pressing his bulging erection against her. Ava purred into his mouth, then ground her mound over his luscious hardness. She knew her playfulness would cost her. And it did. He raised a hand from her ass and landed a reprimanding swat as she clenched her cheeks together. The burn spread over her flesh like hot embers in the wind. Yet, still meshed with his mouth, Ava couldn’t help but giggle. That only earned her another spank, but this time she didn’t laugh, she moaned.

  “That’s more like it,” he growled with a smile before dipping his head and latching on to one of her nipples.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. Arching her back, she lifted her breasts in offering.

  God, she loved him more than life itself. And when he took control of her—well…when she let him—nothing on earth could compare to the unadulterated bliss he so effortlessly gave.

  He drew his tongue around her areola in slow, languid circles. Ava could feel her nipples growing impossibly harder. And when he sank his teeth into the taut berry tip, she sucked in a gasp and tangled her fingers into his soft, thick hair, basking in the sweet ache spreading over her chest. He released his mouth with an audible pop. She followed his gaze and dropped a stare at her red and distended, glistening wine-colored nipple.

  “Take that sexy red ass of yours to the tub while I grab a shower. We need to leave the room in forty-five minutes.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She smiled. “Thank you again for the beautiful dress.”

  “Anything for you, my princess,” he replied in that low, rough voice that never failed to send a shiver down her spine.

  Drawing her bath, Ava sat on the edge of the huge whirlpool tub, watching as Quinn stripped off his clothes. She wanted to weep at the beauty of his thick-corded muscles rippling from his shoulders, down his back, and all the way to his strong, thick arms. But as soon as he stepped out of his trousers, his beautiful engorged cock snagged all her attention. It was long, hard, and lined with thick, throbbing veins, and Ava wanted to crawl to his feet, rise to her knees, and suck him deep into her watering mouth.

  “I know what you’re thinking, my love. The answer is no,” Quinn said with a chuckle. “If you behave during dinner, I might have a special treat in store for your dessert.”

  “Oh, trust me, Master. I’ll be a perfect angel.”

  He chuckled harder and shook his head. “That remains to be seen,” he teased.

  With a playful pout, Ava flipped on the jets and stepped into the tub as Quinn turned and made his way into the shower.


  Beneath the hot spray and the billowing steam, Quinn issued a low curse. After forcing himself to pull out of Ava’s snug little cunt, he suspected his throbbing cock wouldn’t forgive him for a couple of centuries. Alone behind the frosted glass of the shower, Quinn found his own private hell. He desperately wanted to wrap a tight fist around his screaming dick and relieve the pressure before his skin split wide open. With a shake of his head, he denied himself once more, opting to let Ava eventually sate the fire churning in his balls.

  After stepping from the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist before peeking into the bedroom. Ava stood in front of the mirror, skimming a slender hand over the dress and down the sensual flare of her hips. The gown clinging to the sinful curves of her body looked erotic as hell. Still unaware she was being watched, Ava tugged the matching evening gloves up past her elbows, and he smiled.

  “Why on earth did he buy me gloves?” she muttered. “They’re as soft as velvet, but I can’t wear my rings.”

  Quinn cleared his throat, grinning as she started and spun toward him. “It’s a test.”

  “A test?” Her brows furrowed.

  “Yes. You’ll understand…eventually, I hope,” he answered cryptically on purpose. Moving in behind her, he held her gaze in the mirror. “You look alluring…stunningly enchanting, my love.”

  A blush climbed up her chest and settled on her cheeks. “Thank you, Master. This dress…it makes me feel like Cinderella. It’s gorgeous. I can’t thank you enough.”

  He smiled proudly before pressing a sweet kiss on the back of her neck. Only then did he realize she’d tucked her long chestnut curls up on the back of her head. Only a few swirling tendrils spilled from the elegant arrangement. They tickled his nose as he breathed in her sweet scent.

  “Seeing you in the gown is thanks enough, and trust me—you’re far more gorgeous than Cinderella, princess.”

  Drinking in a long, zealous look at his girl, Quinn grudgingly stepped back and began to don his black tuxedo. He could feel her eyes boring into his back as he made his way into the dungeon once again. With a grin, he snagged the items he wanted, hiding them behind his back as he turned and strolled into the bedroom.

  “Would you like to wear this to dinner for me, princess?” he asked, holding out a fat latex butt plug and a tub
e of lube.

  Ava’s eyes grew so wide Quinn nearly burst out laughing. Instead, he bit the inside of his lip to maintain a somber expression.

  “Do I have a choice?” she choked out, eyeing the plug dubiously.

  “Of course. You always have a choice, Ava. This aspect of our relationship will never work if it isn’t consensual.”

  A pensive expression crawled across her face as she darted several glances between him and the toy. He could almost hear the thoughts stampeding through her head…see the indecision flickering in her pretty hazel eyes.

  “I will wear the plug to dinner if that’s what you want, Master.”

  “Ah, but I didn’t ask what I wanted, girl. I asked what you wanted.” He watched her mouth open and close as if afraid to give him the wrong answer. Quinn frowned and pinned her with a steady gaze. “And I expect you to give me the truth.”

  As if he’d driven a sledgehammer through a frozen lake, the tension drained from her body, and she quickly licked her lips.

  “The truth is…no. I don’t want the plug anywhere near me. And I especially don’t want to try and enjoy a romantic dinner with you with that…thing shoved up my butt.”

  “Very well.” Quinn nodded as he placed the lube and plug on the nightstand next to the bed. “We’ll save it for after dinner then.”

  Ava paled but nodded as a look of anxiety skittered over her face.

  “I’ll help keep your mind off the plug, princess. I promise.” Quinn couldn’t hold back a smile any longer. He’d keep her thoughts occupied…very occupied. “Shall we go?” he asked extending his arm.

  Inside the posh elevator, he noticed Ava rubbing the tips of her glove-covered fingers together. Reaching out, he threaded his hand through hers. Being unable to touch her skin felt foreign to him, and no doubt to Ava, as well. What he planned next would be equally alien for them both, but Quinn was dying to see how she would respond.

  As they made their way toward the restaurant, he spread a wide hand at the small of her back. The Dominant inside him roared at the purely possessive claim, and a confident smile tugged the corners of his mouth as they stepped to the maître ‘d podium. Quinn watched as Ava skimmed a glance over the empty tables. Her delicate brow furrowed as she realized they were the only customers in the place.

  “I reserved the entire restaurant for us tonight, princess.”

  “You what?” she gasped as her eyes grew wide. “Why?”

  “I wanted all your attention to myself, love.”

  Ava nodded numbly as Dominique, a short, portly man in a well-tailored suit, greeted them. “Ah, Mr. MacKinnon. It’s a pleasure to see you again. The table you requested is ready. If you’d please follow me.”

  “Thank you, Dominique.” Quinn nodded.

  As he slid his arm around Ava’s waist, they followed the maître ‘d up three low stairs to a large, round table situated in the center of the room. All the surrounding tables had been removed per Quinn’s request. He darted a quick glance at the long white tablecloth that hugged the carpet, as a sly smile played over his lips.

  He helped Ava into her chair, and he leaned down close to her ear. “Make me proud, pet.”

  She snapped her head in his direction, gazing up at him with a quizzical expression, then banked her confusion with a courageous nod. A rush of hope filled him. Ava seemed to be coming around quite nicely. He was already proud of his girl, but her real test was about to begin.

  No sooner had Dominique turned to leave than the young waiter, Brice, appeared with an icy-cold bottle of champagne. Quinn had been very specific with his instructions when he’d met with the two employees the day before. Discretion was the better part of valor, and he felt confident his unusual requests would be honored. Without a word, Brice filled their glasses and retreated.

  Quinn raised his flute and flashed her a broad smile. “A toast, to the single most amazing, and beautiful woman on the planet. My sweet, succulent Ava.”

  A shy smile curled at the corners of her mouth as she tipped her glass to his toast and took a sip. The sweet effervescence fizzed on his tongue and tickled the back of Quinn’s throat as he swallowed.

  Ava then raised her glass with a mischievous smile. “To the most handsome and loving Master on the planet.”

  A breathless quiver fluttered over her lips before she clinked her glass to his. Quinn tossed back a healthy gulp and set the empty flute on the table. He studied her for a long minute as his Dominant desires smoldered hot and deep.

  “Come stand next to me for a minute, princess,” he instructed with a wicked smile.


  Quinn’s low, decadent command slid over Ava’s skin. She swallowed tightly as she set her glass on the table. The tips of her gloved fingers still held the chill of the crystal, and she struggled to keep from peeling the material down her arms and off her hands. Being unable to feel any texture at all was curiously maddening.

  Rising to her feet, she was all too aware of Quinn’s feral gaze. As she made her way around the table, she paused, unsure if she was to kneel or remain standing. Butterflies took flight in her belly as she awaited his instructions.

  Without a word, Quinn slid his hand down the satin fabric of her dress. Bending, he pinched the hem between his finger and thumb. “You look simply edible, love,” he whispered before fully lifting the front of her gown.

  In a rush of embarrassment, Ava reached out to grab his wrist but paused and squeezed her hand into a fist. Her heart slammed against her ribs as Quinn continued bunching the front of her dress around her waist. Panic rose like a flooding river as she quickly darted a nervous glance over her shoulder.

  “I have you facing me so that no one can see what I’m doing, princess,” he murmured, gazing up at her. “So you can wipe that look of terror off your face.”

  The hint of annoyance conveyed in his tone filled Ava with regret.

  “Have I done something that’s caused you to take back your trust…your submission, girl? If I have, I demand to know what it is.”

  Ava blinked in surprise. “No, Master,” she answered vehemently as she shook her head. “You’ve done nothing of the sort. I trust you…trust you with my life. I’ve not taken back my submission…not at all.”

  “You act as if you have.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to disappoint you or make you think I’m unhappy. It’s just that…I’m floundering here. I know I’m fighting my submission, but it’s not intentional. I swear.”

  “What do you need me to help you with, girl?” he asked, smoothing his free hand up the insides of her thighs and making her quiver. “What’s it going to take for you to hand over all that feisty power?”

  Ava tried to concentrate, but Quinn’s warm caress, coupled with her fear the waiter would return and find her dress bunched to her waist with her bare pussy exposed, made it impossible. He’d definitely kept his promise to push her further.

  Closing her eyes, she drank in the soothing warmth of Quinn’s wide, capable hands, desperately searching for a fragment of submissive peace. But her thoughts were consumed with visions of the waiter tiptoeing up beside them, watching as Quinn touched and fondled her bared flesh. A heightened sense of arousal took hold of her, successfully snuffing out all hint of the embarrassment she’d felt earlier. What is wrong with you? the little voice in her head scolded. Being watched can’t seriously turn you on…can it? Where’s your sense of decency?

  Obviously it turned her inside out, because Ava’s modesty had suddenly left the building. She whimpered as Quinn’s fingers inched higher up her thigh. His knuckles wisped over her aching folds in a feather-light brush. Her whole body quivered from his torment, and she held her breath, waiting for him to plunge his fingers deep inside her wet center. Why had she vacillated back in their private little dungeon? And why did it take the thought of being watched to break her from the inner chains that bound her?

  Because you’re a kinky little freak who’ll break Quinn’s heart if he suspects you�
�re turned on by others watching you being aroused, her conscience volunteered, uninvited.

  Suddenly Quinn landed a hard slap on the mound of her pussy. Ava’s eyes flashed open wide in alarm before she quickly darted another glance over her shoulder.

  “I’m waiting for an answer, girl,” Quinn barked, frowning as he followed her line of vision. “I told you no one could see you, princess. Do you think I’m lying?”

  “No, Sir,” she hastily replied. “I—I don’t know what it’s going to take, Master. But I don’t want to fail you.”

  “Oh, I think we both know exactly what it’s going to take, my precious slave.” Quinn’s eyes held a mischievous, knowing glint. “Should I call our waiter, Brice, out to join us for a bit…hmmm?”

  Ava’s mouth fell open and her heart clutched before pounding in triple time. Without a word, she shook her head vehemently.

  “Aw, pet. Don’t be embarrassed. You like being watched, which is a good thing, because I do enjoy showing your stunning submission off.” Quinn slid a finger to her clit and rubbed ever so gently. “The only way you can fail me is by not trying. Now, spread your legs for me, gorgeous. I want to see my pretty pussy framed by your dress…framed by all that satin and lace.”

  Ava automatically spread her legs as shock recoiled through her brain. How in the hell had Quinn known that she’d been fantasizing about the waiter watching them?

  “And who knows, maybe Brice will return and you can show him how breathtakingly beautiful my sweet sub can be.”

  A wave of excitement rushed through her veins. Quinn wasn’t angry over her naughty little fantasy…he encouraged the insanity. God in heaven, what on earth was she doing? The mortifying thought rolled through her brain as she stared, slack-jawed, at Quinn.

  “You can do this for me, Ava. But most of all, you can do it for yourself…for us. This is just the first step I have planned for you. Trust in me, love. I won’t fail you. I won’t fail us.”

  The passion and promise in his voice struck a place deep inside her…a part of herself she hadn’t known existed until now. Filled with a sense of self-assurance, Ava felt tears sting the backs of her eyes, felt her heart expand, and felt a sense of peace warm every cell in her body. Determination bubbled to the surface. Quinn wanted her unadulterated trust, her power, her heart, mind, body, and soul. Come hell or high water, Ava was ready and willing to hand all she was and could be over to him.


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