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Giving-Her-A-Baby To Load

Page 4

by Beck, J. L.

  I wait for her to open her eyes, and catch her breath. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?” I smirk.

  Winter nods, probably unable to speak. That’s the signal for me to make her come again all over my tongue. I could taste her all day long and the way that I’m feeling right now, I want to make sure that I enjoy every second of tonight because the best is yet to come.

  Chapter Nine


  The man is unbelievable! What he did in the limo has my legs feeling wobbly. I try to adjust myself, as I know I must look like a disheveled mess. I don’t want to go into the restaurant looking like I just got tongue fucked. I pause. Oh, my god! I just got tongue fucked in a limo! I almost laugh out loud. Then what he did to my body! I wonder now if I can go through with my plan.

  Mr. Perfect…Silas looks over at me.

  I reach out to touch his face and he draws his head back.

  Ahh, yes. The mask and a great one it is. It reminds me of my plan again. That will be one of the questions I have for him later. How he did that. But there are more details we will have to get through first.

  He smiles at me.

  I stare at his mouth. Why hadn’t I known? When he first kissed me and my breath was trapped in my chest the night we met after the ad. The only other time a man had made me feel that way with a kiss was when I was 19 and Silas had kissed me. I did feel safe, attracted and warmth, despite him being a stranger.

  Then after finding out he was Silas, I was so angry. But what he made me feel in that limo just now? It did make me pause. God, I never knew it could be like that. What I was missing out on. It was incredible. He kept at me like he couldn’t get enough.

  “Ready?” Mr. Perfect asks.

  He startles me out of my thoughts and my sexual haze. “Umm, yes.”

  Taking my arm, he leads me through the restaurant.

  I now realize he probably owns this place. The same place we met the first time.

  He leads me up the stairs.

  I think to myself, well who is leading who? “You reserved a second dining room?” I ask.

  He nods then leads me to a double doored room. Opening the doors, he gives me a small sweeping bow.

  I smile and go in…Stopping I caught my breath. It’s a whole suite, dining area, kitchen, living room and it seems there were rooms beyond that. It’s impressive, but one would expect no less from Silas Ryder, right?

  “I hope you like it?” he asks.

  I turn, looking all around. “What’s not to like? Wow! You rented this space?”

  He shrugs.

  Yeah, don’t want to tell anymore lies, eh? Despite the glitz and the entire date, I get mad all over again. Silas had made a fool of me. How far had he been willing to take this? When would he have admitted the truth of his identity? It makes me wonder what his motives are. He saw the ad knew it was me and what? He wanted to give me a baby? I try to calm myself…wouldn’t do to show any of my suspicions. Well, I would get my answers. He may not like my methods but I would.

  “Dinner is ready and on the table,” he announces in a low voice.

  And that tone, he’d used it to fool me. I could hear Silas in it now and again, I feel like a fool. It had fooled me before. I nod and head over to the table.

  He pulls my chair out and I sit.

  There’s champagne chilling, candlelight, flowers, the works. He leans forward and takes the gleaming silver dome from my plate.

  I stare down at my meal. It’s steak and lobster. My favorite. Wow, he wants to impress. My mouth waters at the aroma.

  He goes around the table and sits down. Looking over at me, he waits.

  “It looks wonderful. How did you know?”

  Pausing, he asks, “Know what?”

  “That this is my favorite meal?”

  “Who wouldn’t like it?” He laughs a little.

  Well, now I happen to know he’s allergic to shellfish. “So you’re having it too?” I lean over the table a little to see his dish.

  “No, just steak for me.” He takes the top off his.

  “Oh.” I hide my smile. Then I proceed to eat. My mind is whirling with how I would implement my plan and I almost forget to enjoy the dinner.

  We eat in relative silence, all while I wonder how he will make his move.

  “Champagne?” He stands up.

  Nodding, I use a napkin to dab my lips.

  He pops it open and the cork hits the other chair.

  I jump and then laugh.

  Pouring it, he leans close to me as he smiles.

  I can smell his cologne and have flash backs to the limo. His hot mouth on me, his fingers in me. I shiver.

  “Are you cold?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Far from it.” I chuckle. It’s true. The man can heat me up simply by being next to me.

  Heading back around the table, he again sits in his chair. Raising his glass, he says, “To giving you a baby.”

  I’m just about to take a sip and stop. I am so angry. He thinks I’m stupid too.

  He drinks his champagne down.

  I drink mine too. Then I sit my glass down. “Good champagne. Pink, also my favorite.”

  He shrugs. “I’m glad my guesses were right.”

  Guesses my ass! He knew things about me already. I decide to play some more to see how deep he intends to dig this hole, “So, all I have on you is background. Maybe you could fill me in on yourself?”

  He sets his glass down. “Sure, what would you like to know?”

  “Well, you seem wealthy for one…”

  “You gathered that much, eh?” He chuckles.

  I nod. “So how did you make all this money?”


  Oh, good one. “So, you never married?”


  “Why not?”

  Letting out a sigh, he leans forward. “There was a girl before college.”

  Oh yes, there was! “And…?”

  He looks away from my piercing gaze. “I messed it up.”

  “Oh, you cheated on her?”

  Sitting back, he replies, “No. I left.”

  “So, you just up and left her?”

  He nods.

  “Well, you must have not loved her then.”

  His head rises up as he grips the table with a tight grasp. “Quite the contrary. I loved her more than she knew.”

  My stomach knots up. This is a bad subject. He did not love me enough! “Seems to me if you loved her so much, you would have tried harder. Not give up and leave.”

  He remains silent.

  “Ok, I suppose it’s too personal. So… no marriage and no kids?”

  Continuing to remain silent, he shakes his head.

  “Then why answer my ad?” I gaze around. “You could get any woman you wanted.”

  “There weren’t any I wanted.”

  “That just cannot be true.”

  “It is. I dated and found no one.”

  “Me either.” I sigh. Just the same guy twice over, as if it cannot be avoided or something.

  He stands up. “So this is why we’re here.” He came around and offers me his hand.

  Damn, here it is. Dinner then…Dessert? Yes, just desserts I say. I smile, grab my handbag, and take his hand.

  He leads me down a hall to an immense bedroom.

  I did want this man. Both Mr. Perfect and Silas. But I resent being fooled. I would do this my way and enjoy his surprise at being fooled.

  “Wow, again,” I exclaim. The room is magnificent. Who knew this was above the restaurant? I turn and look at him.

  His eyes are burning at me.

  I couldn’t swallow all the sudden.


  I bite at my lip. He looks like he might confess. Too late, Mr. Perfect. I move closer and take his tie off. Then I unbutton his shirt.

  Reaching out, he grabs my dress straps.

  I back up a step. “No, No. In the limo, you pleased me. Now it’s your turn.” I kneel down and t
ake off one shoe then the other, and his socks.

  He peers down at me.

  Now I can see Silas in him, those eyes. I dismiss any doubts to continuing my plan. Standing up, I tug his pants down. Yum, such sexy black boxer briefs.

  Standing above me, he watches me.

  Next, I take off his shirt. Oh, now I can see where the mask meets his neck. Didn’t he realize I might see this at some point? “Okay, to the bed,” I order.

  He goes over and sits.

  “No, scoot all the way up to the headboard.” I’m thanking my lucky stars at the style of this bed. I grab my bag as he’s busy adjusting his position on the bed. Okay, here would be the tricky part. I open the bag a little, set it down and hover over him. I grab his wrist and lower my lips to his.

  He’s breathing fast and he kisses me deeply.

  My head is spinning and I almost lose focus, but I lay my secret weapons in place. Rising up to give him a distraction, I lower the straps of my dress and let my breasts pop right out then lean down for him to get at them. His mouth weaves hot warmth over one nipple. I slip the zip tie over one wrist and then snap it to the bed. I almost lose track again as my body trembles from his nipple teasing. Gasping, I stretch his other arm out.

  Now, he’s groaning and enjoying my nipple.

  I snap the other tie around his wrist. Now, if only I can reach…

  He tugs at his tied arm in an effort to get his hands on my breasts. Turning his head to see what the problem is, he mutters, “What the…?”

  As he did this, I scramble to the headboard and attach his other wrist. Panting and panicked, I look over at him.

  “What are you doing?” he asks quietly.

  I rise up and allow my dress to slink down to the floor. Now it’s time to teach Mr. Silas Perfect a lesson.

  Chapter Ten


  What is she doing? I look at the ties on my wrists then feel a tug at my ankle. She then ties it too! “What the fuck?” I exclaim.

  Standing up, Winter then allows the dress to fall down to the floor.

  God, she’s beautiful. I hadn’t seen her entirely nude for many years. She’s filled out in all the right places, curvy and sexy. I shake my head to get my focus back and try not to drool. “I don’t think this was in the job description,” I joke. Knowing she’s still a virgin, I hardly pegged her for kinkiness.

  She crawls up on the bed, her beautiful tits on display.

  Well, I suppose I can go with this? I smile at her. My body is already ramping up.

  She reaches into my boxer briefs.

  I jump a bit as she grasps my length in her soft hand. “Mmm, I never saw your cock, you know?”

  I lick my lips as my whole body went rock hard. I never thought tonight would develop like this. Sexy as fuck though. I’m at her mercy and I love it.

  She strokes me. “Yes, so hard.”

  “And getting harder.” I groan. “You need to take is slower, or I’ll…” I flinch as she tugs a bit faster.

  “Yes? You’ll what?”

  “Waste some sperm?” I grin at her.

  Her eyes glitter at me. “Yes, that’s right, you are just a sperm donor right?”

  I pause even as my breath hitches and my cock throbs in her hand. “What?”

  “But if I wanted one of those I would have just went to a clinic.”

  I feel confused at her words. “I thought maybe…”

  She tugs my briefs down and takes a look at my cock. “Mmmm, yes. Have you ever been in a virgin’s mouth?”

  God! What is she doing to me? I might spill right here and now.

  Her mouth lowers to my tip, then she licks it.

  My hips rise up.

  She then centers her gaze on me. Her eyes narrow.

  What is going on here?

  “Why do you have that on your neck?”

  “What? Have what?” Oh, shit she sees the edges of the mask. Oh, fuck.

  She presses her sweet creamy skinned body on mine and slithers up along my frame.

  I groan at the sensation. All that silky skin skimming me is almost too much for my senses.

  Then she flicks her finger at the mask’s edge.

  I realize that I am in deep shit. “Listen, Winter I —”

  She grabs the mask and tears it up along my face as my cock stands up hard and needy at the same time.

  Her expression looks furious. “Silas!”

  I swallow heavily. “Yes, yes. Okay? It’s me!”

  She bites at her lip. “Why?”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t let me be the baby daddy.”

  “So you lied your way into it?”

  I sigh. “I would do almost anything to be with you.”

  Silent now, she peels the resin off my face, strip by strip.

  Now that the jig is up and I’d been caught, my erection starts to soften.

  Looking down, she tisks. “No, no…” She grabs my dick again and strokes with one hand as her other peels the latex off.

  “What are you doing?”

  Winter smiles. “Showing you something. I knew who you were, you know.”

  “Then why do this?” I huff as I squirm in her grasp. I’m getting hard again.

  “Yes, you will stay hard and wanting.” She grins at me as she picks off another strip from my chin. She keeps stroking me and then she puts her nipple to my mouth. “Suck,” she orders.

  I know I should refuse and try to get her to I untie me, but I don’t hesitate. Maybe this isn’t going to be so bad after all? Yes, her nude, her tit in my mouth and—

  Grasping me, she centers herself over my cock and takes a deep breath.

  “No. Winter!”

  “Yes, I will use you to do this. You used me to-to—I don’t know what. But this will be done my way.”

  I’d so wanted to make deflowering her special. “It’s going to hurt…”

  She gazes into my eyes. “You’ve hurt me before.”

  I sigh. “God, Winter can’t you see what I—?”

  She eases herself slowly down.

  I can feel her silky folds engulfing my tip. “Winter, I wanted…” I’d wanted to do this, easing her into it. I’m panting now as she slowly lowers her pussy onto my hard cock.

  “Ahhh,” she groans with a sensual purr in her throat and sits up straight as her face pales.

  I feel the barrier give as she sits all the way down on me.

  “AHHH!” she shouts.

  “Oh, baby, are you okay?” I’m shaking like a leaf but God, at the same time, her pussy is so tight around my cock—this might be over with before it starts. “Hmmm,” I groan.

  She looks a bit pained then she rises up and sinks down again.

  “Fuck!” I yell at the absolute pleasure that vibrates through my body.

  “Mmm, now it feels better,” she coos.

  “Dammit, slow down!” I hiss.

  “You like it?” she asks with a smirk.

  “God, yes! Too much!”

  “Okay, suck on me some more,” she instructs and again presents her nipple to my mouth.

  This is a glorious hell. I hadn’t planned it to go this way. But fuck, it’s hot! I willingly suck it in and nibble on it with my teeth.

  After a long moment of my sucking, she then rises up and rides me slowly, gradually as she ramps up the plunges.

  Her moaning is driving me insane as is her hot wet pussy tightening around me. I’m trying desperately to hold off until she comes. I bite my lip so hard it bleeds a little. My cock throbs inside her as it is in the sweetest heaven its probably ever been in. I knew this once would never be enough. I vow that I would keep her somehow.

  “Ohh,” she lets out as her body bows above me. “God, Silas! Your cock…Oh sooo good!”

  I look up at her and my world tilts. Such a fucking goddess. Her body is stretched up and bowed back in pleasure, creamy skin all laid bare as she enjoys my cock. Her pussy grabs me tight as she came. My cock lunges up into her and I growl as I come. I coul
dn’t have stopped it if I’d wanted to.

  “Oh—oh!” she cries out and then pitches forward to land on my chest. “I-I could feel your cum…Oh…I never knew…”

  I tug at the ties. I want to hold her.

  She keeps gasping for breath as she lays on my body.

  With the tender moment of her losing her virginity to me, albeit not as I thought it would happen, I feel so bad for all of it now. “I-I’m sorry. I handled all this wrong. I know that. I knew it while I was doing it.”

  “But you did it anyway.”

  “It drove me crazy not being able to see you. Then to think someone would get you pregnant…”

  Raising up, she looks down at me.

  “Give me a chance?” I plead.

  “To break my heart again?”

  “I’m older now. I know what’s important now.”

  “Yes, wearing masks and being a liar! Real mature.” She eases off me. “Do you know why I did this tonight?”

  I’m shaking my head. Well, maybe I did.

  “To show you that you cannot control everything, no matter how rich you are. I popped my cherry, my way. How did it feel to not be my puppeteer?”

  I try hard to hide my smile but couldn’t. “It felt fucking glorious!” I admit.

  She glares at me.

  “But… yes. I understand why you did it.” In reality, I am so fucking happy she did.

  “I am ovulating, so maybe?” She tilts her head at me.

  I keep smiling. “If I knocked you up, then can we—?”

  She stands up off the bed.


  “I’ve got to shower. I bet there’s a nice one here.” She walks away.

  “Winter!” Dammit, she was taking this too far. “You can’t just leave me here. Winter?” I shout as I tug on the ties.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Okay, so I did not leave him for long… just an hour or really… an hour and a half. I showered up while ignore his yelling. I got a cab home then called his driver to go release him. Come on, he deserved it!”


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