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Heal Me, Daddy

Page 30

by Roberts, Laylah

  Doc let go of her legs and Archer moved his mouth from her pussy, putting her feet back into the stirrups.

  “Damn, you taste good, love,” he told her.

  She heard a crinkling noise and glanced over to find that Issy was now naked and rolling a condom over his thick erection. Archer slid out of the way as Issy moved between her legs. He grasped hold of her hips. “Ready for this?”

  “Please!” She was dying to feel him take her. He grasped hold of his cock, pressing it slowly into her pussy. She cried out as he filled her. He was slow but relentless, his shaft thick and delicious.

  Finally. Finally.

  There was movement beside her and she turned her head to find Archer stripping off. She hungrily ate up at the sight of him. He had a slighter build than Issy, but was taller.

  And his cock was thick. Gorgeous.

  He grasped hold of the shaft, running his hand back and forth.

  “Jesus, man, she likes watching you do that. She just clenched down on me so fucking tight.” Issy sounded like he was in pain.

  “You feel so good, Caley. So fucking good.” He leaned over her, brushing his lips against her. She smiled up at him as he stood up and thrust deep once more.

  Archer moved closer and she licked her lips as his dick came into her eye line.

  “Want a taste, love?”

  “Oh, yes please.”

  “Open up then.”

  She parted her lips and he slid his dick into her mouth.

  “Just relax and breathe, let me drive it. If you need a break, raise your hand.”

  She didn’t know how they did it, but they seemed to work in tandem, one pulling out as the other drove in. Archer moved in softer, shallow thrusts, not wanting to overwhelm her, she guessed. She loved the slightly salty taste of him.

  “Fuck, I’m close,” Issy groaned.

  A hand cupped her breast, a thumb swiped at her nipple. Then a finger was pressed against her clit. She could feel her pleasure rising. She was going to come again.

  “Come, girl. Come with me!” Issy yelled. She felt him drive deep then her own orgasm washed though her, flooding her pleasure. Archer pulled out of her mouth and she was barely aware of him putting a condom on. But then Issy left her, Archer taking his place. Issy took care of his condom, chucking it in a trash can before walking over to her. Archer was rubbing her lower tummy in small circles as she came down from her high.

  Issy kissed her gently, lightly. “All right, baby doll?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “Good girl. Can you take Archer as well? Or are you sore?”

  “I can take him.”

  “Thank fuck,” Archer said. He slid a finger over her sensitive clit, making her shiver. “Issy, kiss her.”

  As Issy ravaged her mouth, Archer took her, rode her. She didn’t think she could possibly come again, but he found a spot inside her that made her scream. And he kept driving his dick over that one spot until she saw stars, her orgasm catching her by surprise. Archer let out a shout as he followed her over.

  The three of them lay slumped together, her heart was racing, and she knew Issy and Archer weren’t in a much better state.

  “I should punish you for coming without permission,” Archer told her. “But I don’t think I have the energy.”

  “Later,” Issy told him. “After all, we have the rest of our lives.”

  Yeah. She liked the sound of that.


  She was completely over this damn dictation.

  There was nothing wrong with her hands anymore, anyway. She glanced over at the door. She had commandeered Archer’s home office. They’d been here two days now. Even though, Archer had already handed in his resignation, he couldn’t just leave. He had patients in his care. Some of them he was going to continue with via Skype, others he needed to get settled with new therapists.

  Rather than return to Sanctuary, they’d decided to wait here with him.

  Caley had decided it was time to make an effort to get back to work. She missed writing and she was getting way behind in her schedule. They’d brought her new laptop with her, which she’d thanked Archer for profusely, so she’d taken over his home office to get some words down.

  It kind of amazed her how easily the three of them settled in together. No doubt there would be bumps in the road, but this felt right.

  She’d always miss Dave. But this was a new chapter. And she hadn’t been happy since he died.

  However, Issy was still insisting that she use dictation. Which was ridiculous since her hands were all healed. But Issy wasn’t here right now…so…

  She started typing. Oh, that felt so much better. It just felt wrong speaking the words out loud. She typed, not watching the time. She was deep in a scene when a loud throat being cleared startled her. She glanced up into Issy’s angry eyes.


  “Uh-oh is right.” He pointed down at her. “What was the deal with starting work again?”

  “No more than four hours of work at a time.”

  “That’s right. Which is why I came looking for you as your four hours are now up. What was the other rule?”

  “That I had to use dictation.”

  “And what are you doing?”

  “Typing.” She bit her lip.

  “Over here.” He pointed at the carpet in front of him. She jumped up and practically raced over.

  “Hands.” He held his out for her to put hers into them. He turned them over, studying them. “They’re swollen.”

  Only a little bit.

  “Into the corner of the living room. Pants and panties down, ass poking out. Go. Now!”

  He landed a sharp smack on her ass. She started then rushed into the living room and got into position. She blushed at the sight she must make with her naked ass pointing out, her nose pressed against the corner. She heard Issy moving around in the living room, but he didn’t say anything.

  Then she heard the front door open. Oh God, was Archer home?

  “Well, that’s a sight I didn’t expect to greet me,” Archer said calmly. He’d been working long hours, often not getting home until she was asleep, although he always helped Issy when she woke up in the night, and couldn’t get back to sleep.

  But he hadn’t seen her much in Little space. And he certainly hadn’t seen her standing in the corner, with her bottom on display and her pants down around her ankles.

  “Someone decided dictation was too hard and that she was going to type instead, when she was told not to. We’ll be adding a frown to your chart, baby doll. You’re definitely going to be choosing something from the punishment jar soon.”

  Thank God he’d left that at home.

  “Very naughty,” Archer agreed. “I take it she’s about to get that delicious ass reddened?”

  Drat. There went any hope he’d be on her side.

  “She certainly is. Caley, come over here.”

  She turned, glancing over at Archer with embarrassment as she shuffled her way across the room, her pants and panties around her ankles.

  “That seems dangerous.” Archer came over and crouched in front of her. “Hold onto me and lift your foot.”

  She placed her hands lightly on his shoulders and lifted one foot. He drew off her pants and panties. Then he did the same with the other foot.

  He stood and winked at her.

  “Come here, baby doll.”

  She glanced over to find Issy sitting on the sofa. He patted his lap. “Lie over Daddy’s lap.”

  She positioned herself over his lap so her legs and torso rested on the sofa on either side of his thighs. Then to her surprise, Archer sat next to them. He lightly grabbed hold of her hands, inspecting them.

  “They’re swollen.”

  “Yep, same as her ass is about to be.” Issy landed a smack to her bottom, making her cry out. Then another one. He wasn’t messing around. “You disobeyed, Daddy, little one. That was very naughty. You need to learn how to use dictation. Or you’re goin
g to do real damage to your hands.”

  His hand landed over and over again on her ass. Archer continued to lightly massage her hands. Her legs kicked against the sofa as her ass burned.

  “Daddy! Daddy, stop!” She couldn’t stop from slipping into Little space, despite Archer’s presence.

  “Not yet, baby doll.”

  Slap! Smack! Issy continued to spank her firmly, his pace fast and hard. Finally, she succumbed to her punishment, lying over Issy’s lap, sobbing breathlessly, her tears creating a wet patch on the sofa.

  “From now on, are you going to listen when Daddy gives you an order?” Issy asked sternly, he was now massaging her poor bottom gently.

  “Yes, Daddy. I promise.”

  “Good Girl.”

  He flipped her over, holding her on his lap and rocking her slightly. She buried her face in this chest.

  “Can I get anything for her?” Archer asked quietly.

  “Can you get Bumbly and her snuggly? She needs a bottle too; she missed her afternoon snack and I didn’t want to interrupt her. Although I see now that I should have.”

  A bottle? In front of Archer?

  “Shh,” Issy told her quietly, obviously feeling her tense. “He’s part of this. He doesn’t have to be your Daddy, but he has to be okay with all of this. And I can tell you that he is.”

  She hoped so. Archer returned with her snuggly, Bumbly and a pair of fuzzy socks. They were yellow and black stripped and her favorite. He handed her Bumbly and her snuggly before slipping her socks on.

  She thought she probably looked a bit silly dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of socks with a red ass. Then he surprised her by grabbing some tissues and wiping her face.

  “Blow,” he commanded.

  She blew her nose. He moved to the kitchen and started preparing a bottle with her special nutritional shake. He knew how to do that?

  “Besides,” Issy told her in a quiet voice, “I think he has more of a Daddy side than he knows.”

  Archer returned with her bottle and Issy leaned her back. She shifted around to get comfortable on her hot ass as he held the nipple up to her mouth. She sucked on it, watching Archer move around. But every so often he’d look over at them.

  Was that a hint of longing in his eyes?

  “Right, I’m going to start dinner. Archer, you want to sit with Caley and keep her company?”

  That wasn’t half obvious. But she refrained from rolling her eyes at Issy as he stood with the empty bottle taking it up to the kitchen. She attempted to pull her T-shirt down to cover her butt as Archer moved over to sit next to her.

  “Can I put my pants back on?”

  “Nope,” Issy said cheerfully.

  She stuck her tongue out at him as he turned his back.

  “Uh-uh, poppet. I saw that.” Archer bopped her gently on the nose as she gave him an innocent look. Drat, she’d forgotten he was there.

  “What did she do?” Issy asked.

  She looked up at Archer with beseeching eyes. He shook his head. “Don’t think you can play one of us off against the other.”

  He sat on the couch and settled her in against him. He picked her snuggly off the floor, where it had fallen and handed it to her. She gave him a shy smile, bringing the piece of material up to her nose to rub it back and forth. Then she slipped her thumb into her mouth as Archer relaxed back and turned on the T.V.

  “She stuck her tongue out at you.”

  “Did she just,” Issy drawled. “Well, I’ll have to find something to do with that tongue later.”

  She blushed as Archer chuckled.

  “Cat got your tongue now, poppet?”

  She shrugged, not taking her thumb from her mouth.

  “What do you want to watch?” he asked.

  She glanced up at him, he looked tired.

  “We can watch the news,” she offered.

  He stared down at her. “I don’t think so. Nothing on the news for a Little girl to watch.” He settled on a popular cartoon and she snuggled in against him.

  She could get used to this.


  “I cannot believe Hunter wants me to go on some weekend training course for his newest hires,” Doc muttered irritably.

  She sat on the bed, watching him pack. He was frowning. She felt sorry for everyone going on this overnight training course. Issy was not in the best of moods.

  “Why does he need a doctor?” she asked, bringing her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. “Is it dangerous?”

  “Knowing Hunter, possibly.”

  Her eyes widened.

  He sighed and leaned over to flick her nose. “Don’t stress, baby doll. All I’ll be doing is sitting on the sidelines, bored out of my brains until someone injures themselves.”

  She bit her lip. She didn’t like the idea of him leaving, but he owed Hunter a favor. He had to go. He didn’t exactly have an excuse not to.

  “Now, while I’m gone, I still expect you to follow your rules. And keep typing down to a minimum, understand?” Issy gave her a firm look.

  She nodded.

  “No working too long and no stressing about me.”

  She nodded again.

  “Hey, I’ll be here, remember?” Archer said, walking into the room. He had a cup of coffee in his hand. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of her.”

  Issy grunted. “Only reason I agreed to this favor.”

  Archer looked into his bag. “Man, that is a lot of protein bars.”

  “Probably all I’ll be eating this weekend. Who knows how clean this place will be? Or who will be doing the cooking? I could end up with food poisoning and die.”

  Caley took in a sharp breath and Issy winced.

  “Good one,” Archer told him.

  “Sorry, baby doll.” He leaned over and kissed her. “You know I’m exaggerating. I’m just in a grump because I don’t want to leave you.” He lifted his duffel bag and turned to Archer, picking up a piece of paper off the bedside table and handing it to him. “I’ve written out a list for her care. Rules are on the back.”

  Archer gave him an exasperated look. “I’ve got this. It’s two nights. What could happen?”

  Issy grumbled something under his breath about fire and hospitals. She blushed. His phone rang and he answered it.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. What? You’re fucking kidding! I’m not happy about this. Fucking fine.”

  He ended the call with a scowl. “They’re downstairs in a fucking van waiting for me. Apparently, we’re going somewhere with patchy reception so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me. I’ll be back sometime tomorrow afternoon.” As he spoke, he moved to the front door. Then he stopped and turned, opening his arms.

  She dove into them, wrapping herself around him. He hugged her tight. Then he kissed the top of her head. “Gonna miss you, baby doll.”

  “Miss you too.”

  “Do as Archer says. Make sure he takes care of you. He messes up, you tell me, and I’ll beat him up for you when I get back. I can do it. I’ve got more muscle.”

  Archer just snorted and set his empty cup down on the kitchen counter.

  Issy finally let her go and stepped out without a backward glance. As the door shut, she felt Archer sweep his arms around her.

  “Hmm, I have you all to myself now. Whatever shall we do?”

  She laughed as he swept her up into his arms.

  Archer carried his precious bundle into the bedroom. Christ, he couldn’t believe she was here with him. That she was his.

  His and Issy’s. But that didn’t mean his bond with her was less. Far from it. He was sharing her with the only other person in this life he truly loved.

  He set her down on her feet by the bed. He knew part of the reason Issy said yes to this weekend was because he wanted to give them some time alone. And he appreciated that.

  More than he could say.

  “Don’t you have to get to the office?” she asked as he set her down by the bed. He had a
few things to do this afternoon and then he was pretty much done.

  “I have a bit of time.” Enough time for some play. He sat on the bed. “Strip for me.”

  He watched her eyes flare open with arousal. His cock was hard, pressed against his pants. Fuck, he wanted her. All he’d been able to think about for weeks was her.

  And now she’s yours.

  She slowly stripped off her clothes, folding each item neatly until she was dressed just in panties and a bra.

  “Keep going,” he growled.

  She pulled off her bra, displaying her beautiful breasts. “Offer one to me.”

  After a momentary look of confusion, she stepped forward between his open legs and cupped one breast, offering it up to his mouth. He suckled on it until she was groaning, little whimpers coming from her lips.

  “So beautiful,” he told her. “Panties off now then I want you to find your position.” He hadn’t had time for much play with her. He’d been too busy trying to wrap up his life here. But he was determined to take advantage of his time alone with her. After today, he had the whole weekend free to play with her.

  And there was something important he needed to discuss with her.

  He stood and walked around her as she knelt on the floor, her legs spread, her pussy on display.

  “So gorgeous.” He stood behind her then, wrapped his hands in her hair and tugged her head back. Leaning down, he ravished her mouth.

  When he drew back, her eyelids were heavy-lidded, her lips swollen, her cheeks flushed. He removed his hand from her hair.

  “Stand and then bend over, show me your ass and pussy.”

  Her eyes widened slightly but she stood without argument. Her obedience fucking did something to him. Satisfaction filled him.

  She bent over and he ran his hand over her firm ass cheek. Then he slapped it. He did love seeing his hand print on her ass.


  “Spread your legs.”

  She widened her feet and he got a glimpse at that perfect pussy. Reaching out, he ran a finger down her lips. Wet. Hot. Delicious.

  Bending down, he bit one cheek and she let out a small cry.

  “One day soon, I’m taking this ass, love. And fuck, it will be so good. Right now, though I want to feel your pussy squeezing around me.”


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