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Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 13

by Keyonna Davis

  “We are going to ask Cane to marry us tonight,” Logan said as his grin spread wider.

  “That’s great,” Riley said. “I really like her. We have had a lot of fun together while I have been guarding her. She is an awesome woman.”

  Duncan felt his chest swell with pride. His woman was awesome. He loved that his family was so accepting of his and Logan’s relationship with Cane. He knew that there would be a few problems from nosy gossips in town, but he didn’t care. Cane was theirs and that was all that mattered. The rest they could work out later.

  “You know,” Chase said. “When Ali hears about this, she is going to freak.” They all laughed and quickly set in to make plans.

  * * * *

  Last night had to be a dream, Cane thought as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She didn’t know what time it was or how long she had slept. She tried to roll out of bed but stopped when she felt a small twinge of pain in her muscles. Definitely not a dream. Last night was one of the best nights of her life. She thought she was crazy to suggest that she wanted both of them at the same time, but she was glad that she suggested it. The sensation of having both of them inside of her was indescribable. After the first time, they woke her up twice more through the night and made love to her slowly and passionately. She was quite sore, but it was well worth it.

  After her shower, Cane went into the kitchen and found Riley sitting in his usual spot. She was sad to see that the guys had already left for work.

  “Morning, Riley.”

  “Morning, Cane. I’m guessing you slept well after all of last night’s activities?” he asked, smiling. Blushing, Cane turned toward the coffeepot without answering.

  When she gained her composure, she turned back to him and said, “So, what are we doing today?”

  Riley smiled at the change of subject. “I figured we could just hang out by the pool today and then later on I have something to do so I and going to leave you at the diner with Ali until Duncan and Logan get off work. You should only have to wait about an hour and you should be safe at the diner.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Cane said, “but would this mysterious something you have to do be a date with Jessica?”

  “I wish,” he snorted. “I try to talk to her, but she is so shy she just blushes and heads the other way. I’m working on it though. Let’s just say that the research I’m doing tonight will bring me one step closer though.”

  Research? Cane shrugged it off, hoping that Riley knew what he was doing.

  Spending the day relaxing by the pool felt great on Cane’s tired and sore muscles. By lunch, she could actually move without feeling any pain. They decided to fix sandwiches at the house for lunch since she would be going to the diner later. It was easy to talk to Riley, and she told him how she felt about Duncan and Logan and how much she had grown to love not only them but the whole family. The whole time she talked about them, Riley gave her these little smirks like he knew something that she didn’t, but she brushed them off and kept going. She told him her fears of having an unconventional relationship in a small town and he listened and gave comforting words of wisdom. She realized that he was so much like Duncan. They were both compassionate and cared deeply. She listened as he told her about Jessica and how much he was in love with her even though she wouldn’t give him the time of day. How innocent he used to think she was until he found out some information about her that told him different. Somehow he had information that Jessica was the author of the erotic romance novels that Cane had been reading. If that was true, then Jessica was not innocent at all. Those stories got steamy enough to cause Cane to blush sometimes.

  “If she is really J. Red Riley, then she has a hell of an imagination. I have read just about all the books, and let me tell you, they were enough to make me have to go hunt down Duncan or Logan when I got finished.”

  “I tried to check one out the other day, but she freaked when I asked her for one and told me they were all reserved, and I couldn’t have one.”

  Cane laughed. “I have several in the room if you would like to read one.”

  “Really, that would be great. I was going to drive down to Carlton tonight to see if their library had any to check out. You will save me a lot of trouble.”

  “No problem. If it’s okay with you, I would still like to go to the diner and hang out with Ali until the guys get off. I haven’t been able to spend any time with her these past couple days.”

  “That is fine. It will give me a little time to read the ‘research’ you are going to give me,” Riley said with a wink. Cane couldn’t help but laugh.

  After showering, Cane left with Riley and headed to the diner. As usual Ali was excited to see her and gave her a huge hug.

  “I came to hang out with you while Riley goes and handles some personal business.”

  Looking over at Riley she winked and laughed as he left. Before leaving he gave her his cell phone and told her how to get in touch with him and Duncan and Logan if she needed. He was headed back to the house to get started reading so he could be reached at the home number. It was only an hour until closing, and there were only a few customers eating, so Cane went into the kitchen to help Ali clean up.

  “So,” Ali began, “I hear the guys have a special evening planned for you.”

  Special evening?

  “How did you hear about this?”

  Ali laughed. “I hear everything, but talk is the guys paid a visit to a few stores in town to get all the supplies they needed for tonight.”

  Wow. Cane had never been surprised before and couldn’t wait to see what they had planned. Heading back out to the dining room to help clear tables, her hair on the back of her neck began to stand up. She got the feeling that she was being watched again and looked around. There was a customer walking out the door, but Cane didn’t see his face and the only other person there was Dr. Barnes. She waved as he looked up and smiled at him.

  “Good evening, Cane. How are you enjoying your stay in our town?”

  “I love it here so much that I am thinking about living here permanently. The town is so beautiful and everyone is so nice and friendly. I can’t think of a better place to live.”

  He gave a knowing smile. “Duncan and Logan are treating you well I take it?”

  Blushing, all she could say was “Yes.”

  Dr. Barnes smiled again as he laid his money on the table and walked out. Following him, Cane locked the door and looked out. She still had the feeling that someone was watching her, but didn’t see anyone out.

  * * * *

  It’s time, Sam thought as he watched Cane lock the door to the diner. He was standing in between two buildings where he could see everything going on but she couldn’t see him. He thought she almost saw him when she came out of the kitchen, but he was able to make it out the door in time. He didn’t want her to see him until the time was right. He had been waiting and watching her for almost two weeks now, and tonight was the first night that she wasn’t with one of her men. She was such a whore and not ashamed of it. Slutting around town with three men. But luckily she had him. He would show her the error of her ways right before he punished her. And once he was done, he would kill her and take beautiful Ali for his own. She wasn’t corrupt like Cane, and he would enjoy training her.

  Whistling to himself, he walked to the back to the diner. He knew Ali’s routine. He had about fifteen more minutes before she opened the back door to take out the trash. He would have them then, and no one would be around to stop him. Laughing to himself, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall to wait. He already had the perfect place picked out to take them, and Duncan and Logan were busy with the distraction he set up about an hour ago, so they would not be interrupted anytime soon. Just then the back door opened and Ali walked out. Showtime, he thought as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on. Ali never even knew what hit her. He knocked her out using the butt of his gun and quickly loaded her into the bed of the truck he had waiting aro
und the corner. Returning to the diner, he let himself in the back door.

  “Hello, Cane, did you miss me?” The look on her face when she turned and saw him standing there was priceless. “Ah, sweetie, don’t look so shocked to see me. There was nowhere you could have hidden to keep me from finding you. I told you that you were mine and I would never let you go. What makes you think I wouldn’t come after you?”

  Walking toward her, he saw her hand inch toward a knife on the counter. Quickly snatching it away from her, he shook his head.

  “Cane, Cane, Cane, you have been a bad girl, haven’t you? I have been watching you slut around town with not one but three guys. For that you will be punished, but first we are going to have some fun.”

  “Where is Ali?” Cane asked.

  “Oh, she is already in the truck waiting on us, so you and I are going to walk out of here nice and slow and join her. If you try anything, I will shoot you and take her away, and you and your little boyfriends will never see her again.” Not giving her time to say anything, Sam grabbed her wrist and tugged her to the truck.

  * * * *

  “Were you able to get in touch with Riley?” Duncan asked Logan.

  “Yeah, I called him at home. He gave Cane his cell phone in case she needed us. He is headed to pick the girls up now.”

  “Good. I don’t want them waiting around with some crazy person in the area. What kind of sick bastard shoots a whole herd of cattle?” Logan didn’t answer, just stood there shaking his head. The whole field they stood in looked like a scene out of a movie. There was blood everywhere and dead or dying cattle scattered.

  “I don’t understand how anyone could shoot twenty-eight animals and not be seen.”

  Duncan ran his hands through his hair. It was going to be a long night, and their plans for Cane were ruined. He was glad that they didn’t say anything about it to her because he couldn’t stand to see her disappointed.

  Running his fingers through his hair again, Duncan sighed, “Come on. Let’s get this over with so we can get home. There is something about this that just doesn’t feel right to me.”

  Duncan could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing and tingling. His instincts were telling him something was wrong. He just wished he could figure out what.

  Chapter 16

  Cane sat in the truck with Ali cradled in her lap. She was trying not to panic for Ali’s sake. Ali was breathing but unconscious, which was good but also a bad thing. The girl had already been traumatized by her parents’ death. She didn’t need to experience any of Sam’s cruelty also. It was also bad that she was unconscious because it meant that Cane had to go along with whatever Sam had planned. She was not about to escape and leave Ali behind, and there was no way she could carry her, so she just rode quietly and tried to pay attention to where they were going. She risked a glance at Sam. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other firmly gripped on the gun that was currently pointed at her. “Don’t be getting any ideas of escaping,” he told her. “I have plans for you and me tonight.”

  “Why are you doing this to me, Sam? Why can’t you just let me go? You don’t love me, so why?”

  Sam didn’t answer her. He just laughed and kept on driving.

  Looking down Cane slid the cell phone that Riley had given her from under her leg. She had been checking it for the past few minutes, hoping that she would get some reception soon. No such luck, still nothing. She tried to keep the panic and worry down, but she knew the further away from town they got, the harder it would be for Duncan and Logan to find them. She had a feeling that it was going to be up to her to get them out of this situation even if it meant sacrificing herself to keep Ali safe.

  After another twenty minutes of driving Sam turned onto a narrow dirt road and followed it into the woods. After about a mile Cane saw what looked like an old, run-down cabin. It looked like it hadn’t been used in several years. Cane checked the cell phone one more time and still no reception. Finally the panic overtook her. She could feel her whole body trembling as her chest tightened. She couldn’t breathe, let alone think of a way to get her and Ali out of this situation. “Okay,” Sam said as he turned off the engine and turned toward her, “we are going to do this nice and slow. I’m going to carry our sweet little girl here while you lead the way. If you even look like you are about to try something stupid, I promise I will shoot her.”

  “I will do whatever you want, just please don’t hurt her. She has nothing to do with this.”

  “Whether or not I hurt her, Cane, is all up to you. Now get out of the truck nice and slow and walk toward the front door.” Knowing that she had no choice, Cane did exactly what Sam said. She knew that she would never do anything to cause him to hurt Ali, because she was innocent in all of this.

  The inside of the cabin was covered in dust, proving that it hadn’t been used in years. There was no furniture that she could see anywhere. “Grab the flashlight off the counter over there and turn it on.” Moving slowly, Cane made her way across the room and found the flashlight. She turned it on and looked at Sam. He was carrying Ali in his arms and had the gun pointed toward her face.

  “Please don’t do this, Sam.” She was trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. She knew Sam saw crying as weakness, and she did not want to give him anything else to be angry about.

  Ignoring her comment, Sam just pointed with his gun. “Walk into the other room and sit on the floor in the corner.” Using the flashlight, Cane did as she was told and went into what looked like a bedroom. The only furniture in the room was an old twin-size bed with a bare mattress on it. Sitting on the floor, she watched as Sam gently laid Ali down on the bed. He kissed her on the cheek and brushed her hair out of her face. Cane could feel her stomach turning. This was how he was with me when we first met, she thought. There was no way she would let him do anything to Ali even if she had to sacrifice herself to stop him. “Now, I have to go unload a few supplies from the truck and make sure no one followed us. You be a good girl until I come back and then we can play a little bit.” Winking at her, he turned and went out the door shutting it behind him. She didn’t move until she heard the front door shut, then she ran and checked the door. It was locked and the only window in the room was too high up and too small to fit through. Pulling out the cell phone out of her pocket, she checked it again. Sill no reception. She held it up and moved to different areas of the room, praying for at least one bar so that she could call Duncan and let him know where they were. Cane jumped and had to fight to hold back her scream when she heard Ali moan. Rushing to her side, she picked up Ali’s hand and squeezed it.

  “Ali, please be okay. Wake up.” Ali opened her eyes and looked around the room. “Cane? What happened? Where are we?”

  “Shhh, it’s all right. It was Sam. He hit you over the head and kidnapped us.” Cane could see the terrified look in Ali’s eyes and could tell that she was about to panic. Stopping her before she could start, Cane grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her to get her to focus. “Listen to me, Ali, I am going to try and get us out of here, but you have to listen to me and do everything I say.” Ali nodded but didn’t say anything. “I know Sam and I know how he thinks, so I will keep him distracted and keep his attention on me. While he is focused on me, I need you to keep trying to call Duncan.” She gave Ali Riley’s phone and explained the route that Sam drove to get them to the cabin. Ali seemed to know where they were, and that made Cane feel a little better to know that that would save time in finding them instead of having to search. “Ali, I want you to promise me that no matter what happens or what Sam does to me, you will not interfere. You have to pretend to be knocked out. As long as you are unconscious he will not bother you.” Ali began to protest, but Cane cut her off. “Promise me, Ali, no matter what you see you will not make a sound and you will keep trying to call for help. I know how Sam thinks and how to keep him distracted. I have lived with him for eight years. I can handle this, but I couldn’t live with mysel
f if he laid one finger on you. Just keep your eyes closed, and promise that no matter what you hear, you will not interfere. Please.”

  “Okay, I promise, Cane.”

  “Good girl, now lie back down and keep trying that phone. No matter what he does to me don’t let him know that you are awake.” Cane hugged Ali and helped her lay back down like she was before Sam left. Suddenly she heard a loud motor cut on just before the lights did. Generator, she thought, and had just enough time to run back to the corner and sit when she heard the knob on the door rattle. I can do this. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she watched Sam enter the room with a smile on his face. Based on the crazy gleam in his eyes, Cane knew she was in trouble and prayed that Duncan and Logan found them in time to keep Ali safe.

  * * * *

  Duncan stood shaking his head. He still couldn’t believe that some psycho would do something like this. Running his hands over his face, he sighed. He was tired and stressed, and just wanted to go home and curl up and wrap himself around Cane and sleep. Looking over at Logan, he saw that Logan looked like he felt, tired and run-down. He turned when he heard a truck coming up the drive, but he couldn’t see who it was because of the headlights blinding him. When the truck stopped, he saw Riley jump out, and he knew immediately something was wrong. He could feel his heart threatening to jump out of his chest as he ran over, “Riley, where are the girls?”

  “I went to the diner to pick them up, and they were gone. All the lights were still on and the back door was wide open, but they weren’t there.”

  Duncan was at a loss for words, he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. He knew he couldn’t live if anything happened to his sister or Cane. “Why didn’t you call instead of wasting time driving all the way out here to tell us?”

  “I gave Cane my cell so that she could call you if she needed anything. The phone at the diner was not working because someone cut the phone line outside.”


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