Lonely Rider - The Box Set: A Motorcycle Club Romance - The Complete Series

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Lonely Rider - The Box Set: A Motorcycle Club Romance - The Complete Series Page 40

by Melissa Devenport

  Kate’s hands fell to his chest as she righted herself. His skin was damp. He was a wall of muscle, maybe even harder, firmer, more glorious than she remembered. Hard labor out in the bush had taken its toll, and god, it was beautiful. She inhaled sharply, taking in the crisp scent of the woods and the duskier, stronger, more potent scent of sweat and man. She dipped her head and traced her lips along the column of his neck. She tasted his stubble and below that, his collarbones, where the salty tang of sweat lingered. He invaded her sense, pushing each one to the brink.

  Her heart beat frantically as she reached between them. His cock was heavy and hot in her palm. She traced her hand along his shaft, to the tip, which was already soaked. She smeared that wetness down the length of him while her body begged for it. She needed him to be inside of her. She needed to take all of him, over and over again. She needed him to take her to the brink, to make her feel what she’d never felt before, before him. She needed him to put back the pieces and make her whole again.

  She gripped him in her hand and as her eyes slammed shut, she slowly lowered herself down. She didn’t take him right away. She let him slide through her folds, let him feel how wet and swollen she was for him already.

  Creed groaned and shameless bucked upwards, trying blindly to find her entrance. She throbbed deep inside and her wild need clenched her insides in a tight, unrelenting fist. Creed’s hands circled around her hips, to the globes of her ass, where he gripped her hard.

  “You don’t get to decide for me,” she panted. “Whether I love you or not.”

  “Kate,” he moaned.

  Her eyes flew open and she stared into his dark orbs. “Say it,” she demanded. “Tell me that you know that you don’t get to decide for me whether I love you or not. Tell me that you know that I’m strong enough to make that decision for myself and understand the consequences.”

  “Lord, you were always meant to be mine,” Creed ground out. His fingers kneaded the flesh of her ass and tendrils of pain and pleasure shot through her. “Always. From the first second I saw you. I don’t know what it means to love someone. Not truly. You said yourself that you don’t believe in it.”

  “I said I didn’t believe in romance. I made it pretty clear that I believe in love. I don’t know if either of us knows how to do it. Love.” She swiveled her hips and his cock slid through her folds again. He was soaked with her wetness and likely his own. “But we could learn. We could try. Instead of just fucking giving up.” She planted her knees in the earthy forest floor and rose up. “Or maybe I should go. Since you didn’t think you were missing anything all this time.”

  Creed let out a growl that was so fearsome it shook the trees around them. He slammed her roughly against him, trapping his hard dick between them. Which much have heart like a motherfucker, but he didn’t even so much as wince.

  “I tried to do what was best for you,” he ground out.

  “Like some noble fucking hero.”

  “Kate…” his hips hammered upwards, drilling his cock into the side of her thigh. A vein stood out at his forehead and throbbed at his neck. It did something wild to her insides, to see him like that, so out of control. “Please… tried- to- save you… from me…” he ground out.

  She shook her head and gyrated her hips, grinding against him. “You forgot the most important part. You never asked me what I wanted.”

  “I- do you have any idea- how hard it was to stay away?”

  She bore down harder, his cock drilling uselessly into her leg. “As hard as this? Right now?”

  Creed let out another growl that echoed around them. She rocked against him helplessly, because in truth, she needed him. Needed him everywhere. Inside of her. In her life. She needed him more than she’d ever needed another person, and that did scare her. It had scared her for her entire life, but she was over fear. She wanted this. She wanted him. She wanted them.

  “Fuck this,” Creed said heatedly. “I can’t play nice anymore. You want me? You have me now.” He spun her in one fluid, violent, shocking motion. He was on top of her and she was on her back, wet leaves and tree roots pressing into her spine and shoulders and neck. The cold of it was astounding, given that the sun was so hot above them.

  Creed brought his cock to her entrance. He didn’t hesitate. He pushed inside of her, filling her up in one long, thick, heated stroke. He retreated, but he pushed inside again, harder, further. He did it over and over and she clenched around him. Her legs wrapped around his hard waist, her heels dug into the glorious muscles of his ass. She buried her fingers in hair that had grown out almost to his ears. She craved the rasp and scrape of his long beard against her cheek.

  He fucked her hard, so hard her back sunk an inch into the dirt below them. He filled her up, every single inch of her. Kate buried her face in his neck and let her tears flow. They scalded her cheeks, not for what had happened or the year they’d missed, but because she finally, finally, felt complete. She’d been missing him, missing that piece of herself. Not just in the past year, but her entire life.

  She let him claim her. She let him mark her. She let him fill her in so many ways that weren’t physical. Her body responded as Creed gave himself up to her. They were wild, the sex unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

  She opened herself up. Body. Heart. Soul. Everything. She gave Creed everything and she knew he felt it too, the connection, the wild energy, the rightness that had always been there.

  When she was close, her muscles straining, body aching, clenching all around him, he gripped her face in his hand.

  “That’s it, Kate. Come for me. Come so fucking hard.”

  He pushed inside of her, faster, harder, filling her, hitting spots that she hadn’t felt before. He went deeper, stroking her inside, caressing her, building the heat further, beyond anything she thought possible. She trembled below him, around him and then he tucked his hand under her ass and lifted her hips and thrust harder, taking everything to an entirely new level.

  She felt the edge, felt it slip away, like a landslide under her feet. She screamed as she tumbled off that cliff, tumbled into the most insanely fucking painful, pleasure filled climax she had ever known. She came hard around him, her body squeezing, clenching, gripping.

  Creed let out a low roar that was unlike anything she’d ever heard. His body tensed above her as he thrust hard, one more time. He came inside of her wildly, his body bucking and shaking, trembling violently while she did what she could to hold on. The violent spasms brought her to another aching climax, so close on the heels of the second, but sweeter, the waves taking her, tumbling her, throwing them together until it felt like they were sinking and flying all at once.

  Creed collapsed against her, his body still trembling, his cock throbbing inside of her. “Fuck,” he rasped against her ear, and that about summed it all up.

  “I think- we just did.” Her arms closed around him, around his chest and they just about met around his back. Almost.

  He got an elbow under him and lifted his crushing weight off her chest. She could finally breathe again, but she missed the heaviness of him pressing her down into the earth.

  She looked up into his dark brown eyes. “I’m not leaving.”


  “No.” She shook her head. “You think I’m just going to go back to my old life after this?” she laughed, though it wasn’t actually funny. “No way. You’re wrong on so many levels. I do need you. I’m not some fragile piece of glass that is going to break. I think I proved that to both of us already. I need you and you need me. That’s how it is, so I’m not leaving. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Unless, you know, you want to move, or something. Then I’ll leave. With you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’m coming with you. Like a bad STD or something.”

  Creed stared down at her in surprise then his lips parted, his face screwed up and little lines formed at the corners of his eyes. His shoulders shook as he laughed. “Oh lord. A bad STD. I don’t think I’ve ever wan
ted one of those before now.”

  Kate laughed too, and god, it felt good. It felt good to be there, on the damn ground, leaves in her hair, dirt all over her, in the middle of the woods, the sky above them, looking down on them, with just the man she already knew she’d spend the rest of her days loving.

  “I’m staying,” she said again, this time softer. “You can’t get rid of me.”

  She expected him to argue, but when Creed turned back to her, it was clear he was done. “Alright then. Since we’ve done nothing conventionally so far, why start now. Marry me?”

  She blinked. “Are you serious? Marry you? Why ruin a good thing with that?”

  “I see your opinions of marriage are right up there with your thoughts about romance.”

  “Marriage? Let’s just- well- if you agree to do it up here and not tell anyone, I think I’m okay with that.”

  “That ashamed of me already?”

  “No,” she giggled. “It’s just- I want it to be a promise between you and me. Just us. Just for a while. Before we let the rest of the world know.”

  Creed eventually cracked a smile. “I like that,” he said, voice raw. “I like that a lot. You’re a strange one, Kate.”

  “Right.” She wrapped her hands around the back of his neck. “So are you. I guess we make a good pair then.”

  “The best,” he agreed, before he bent his head and gave her a lingering, searing kiss. “We have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  She threaded one hand through his long, dark hair. “I agree.” When she kissed him again, all the fire was back. She had every intention of making up for every single minute of that year apart. The spark in his eyes when she pulled away, told her that he was totally on board with her plans.



  He’d done a lot of shit in his life that he regretted. Bad shit. Things that didn’t make him proud. He’d do it all over again in a heartbeat, if the end result was the same. Because all those shit choices he’d made, all those years spent living rough, bouncing from one foster home to the next, joining first one club, then another, all those wrong turns he’d taken, looking for a place to call home, eventually helped him find it.

  He never thought that would come in the form of a rough little log cabin, a whole lot of nature and sky, and a beautiful, sapphire eyed goddess bouncing a blue eyed, dark haired four-month-old baby girl on her hip while he worked his ass off with a tiller, turning their garden for spring planting, but he was glad as hell it did.

  Somehow, through a whole shit pile of bad things coming together to form one right turn, through the grace of a woman whose heart was as big as the entire damn planet, he was there. With them. With a family at last.

  He shut off the tiller after he’d completed the last lap. Kate kicked off her flip flops and stepped into the freshly turned earth. She closed her eyes and sighed.

  “I love how it’s warm and soft on top and cold underneath. Just like the sand at the beach.” She breathed deeply. “I love that smell. The smell of dirt.”

  Their daughter, Sadie Ambrose Reid, turned her face to him and smiled. He smiled back, sticking out his tongue and making a silly face that brought on a round of high-pitched baby giggles that melted his damn heart.

  He’d never got those fake papers from Jack. Never bothered with them at all. When they were married, he changed his name. He took Kate’s last name, since she was the only woman he’d ever known who truly loved him. He didn’t want his mother’s last name any longer. She hadn’t cared whether he lived or died. He’d carried the names she gave him around with him for the better part of his life, before he’d joined the first club and become just Creed. Officially, on paper, his name read Samuel Reid. It had his real birth date and his real address.

  Kate still called him Creed. Mostly because she thought Creed Reid was hilarious. And secondly, because she said she’d never be able to get used to calling him Samuel. That was a normal name for a normal man and she’d told him a thousand times he was far from that.

  “Creed. You’re scaring me with that look.” Kate giggled, belying her words.

  Creed snapped out of his thoughts. He ran a hand along the back of his neck. His hair had grown so long it covered it completely. Kate referred to his beard as epic. She demanded that he not shave it off and since he’d once heard the saying happy wife, happy life, and didn’t doubt for a second it was true, he’d left it.

  “Sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck, massaging out the tension that came from maneuvering the heavy tiller through the thick earth for over an hour. His hand came away black with dirt.

  “You look a little like a caveman,” Kate giggled. “Your face is just about black.”

  He wagged his brows suggestively. “Oh yeah? Do you like that?”

  She grinned back at him and bounced Sadie on her hip again. Sadie let out a squeal of joy. “Stop that. You keep saying we need to have, like, ten kids but I haven’t agreed to that. Yet there you are, you keep trying to get on top me and make it happen.”

  “We both agreed on at least one more.” He stared pointedly at her breasts, which strained against the yellow sundress she wore.

  “Good lord. Let’s at least wait until Sadie is a year old. I can’t handle two in diapers.”

  “You could handle the entire world. You’re my goddess.”

  Kate rolled her eyes, but a pink flush danced over her cheeks. His cock hardened just looking at her all sweet and innocent, skin glowing with health and life, kissed by the sun above, their child in her arms, love shining in her eyes.

  “My parents are just coming to meet Sadie for the first time. And you. So- uh- let’s just damper down the surprises before we give them a heart attack.”

  “Like when you told them we’d been married for over a year and announced in the next breath that they were going to be grandparents?”

  The corners of Kate’s lips turned up. “Yeah. Something like that.”

  Creed walked over and held out his arms. Kate handed Sadie over. His daughter pulled at his beard and when he brushed it over her chubby, angelic face, she squealed in delight.

  “Jack and Tia are on baby number three. We can’t let them beat us.”

  Kate groaned. “It isn’t a competition.” She picked up the hoe from beside the garden, stepped back into the earth and began making tidy, neat rows where the seeds would be planted. For two people who spent their lives in the city, he liked to think they were pretty damn good at the whole country living thing. Of course, after Kate showed up that day, he’d added indoor plumbing, power, and an addition to the cabin. Happy wife, happy life.

  He stood at the edge of the garden, his daughter in his arms, and when Kate glanced back at him, eyes sparkling and filled with love he knew she was truly happy.

  They did indeed have a happy life. A blissfully happy life. When it came down to his past, he would readily do it all over again, knowing one day, he’d end up right there, where he was standing, the luckiest man in the entire world.

  The End



  Chapter 1


  All that stood between Damon Campbell and finally getting those intertwined scythes and snakes patched onto his leather jacket was one single woman.

  One life.


  The Serpents and Scythes MC might have had a ridiculous name, but then again, there were a shit ton of MC’s across the country and coming up with an original name was difficult. People didn’t laugh at the name. People didn’t laugh at the MC period. Unless they wanted to be on the wrong side of the turf. When the club’s nightly agenda consisted of biker bitches, booze, blow, and usually a good fight or even a body being dumped somewhere where it wouldn’t see the light of day anytime soon, the name didn’t matter. Stupid name or not, people didn’t fuck around with their MC. Ever. Period.

  Damon had done some pretty shady shit in his lifetime, but murder? Murder, not murder.
  He’d fucked people up. Stolen shit. Done a few stints on the inside. He’d punched his way out of a fight and used a broken beer bottle to save his hide. By the time he was eight, he could hot-wire almost any vehicle. By the time he was fifteen, his curriculum vitae included: two knife fights, one drunken brawl he didn’t start, the ability to jack anything on four wheels and sometimes on two- since he had a thing for bikes, dealing drugs of all kinds- pills, powders, you name it, skipping school more times than he’d actually gone, no fewer than twenty-eight foster homes- one that he’d set fire to, and seducing one crotchety know it all principal’s daughter into blissfully losing her virginity in the backseat of a stolen truck.

  Damon had seen the inside of two different clubs, both run like pieces of shit. They imploded from the inside out, but they were a family of sorts while that lasted. He still touched base with a few of his old brothers here and there on rides and in what little free time he’d had between one club and the next. He might have been a Class A Asshole in most people’s books, but that didn’t mean he set fire to his bridges. Anything else, maybe. Past brothers, hell, their clubs might have been disbanded or gunned down or folded, but they were still blood.

  Damon pressed down on the accelerator of his stolen black family sedan. The thing was mid two thousands and it was nice. Full leather, fake wood grain in the dash, even a set of fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror. As a bonus, he’d found an abandoned bottle of cologne in the backseat, some real woodsy stuff that was high fucking end, and a handgun in the glove-box. Loaded.

  The car responded eagerly, hungry for more. Damon loved his bike above all else, but German engineering came a close second every single time.

  Kirstin Sinclair. One blonde haired, green eyed daughter of Big Ted and his old lady, Betsey Anne. She was his entertainment for the evening. He had his instructions in the form of non-consensual sex, a little bit of torture and the big M. Hence the family sedan with the large trunk. He couldn’t exactly stuff a full-grown woman’s body into the saddlebags of his bike.


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