Lonely Rider - The Box Set: A Motorcycle Club Romance - The Complete Series

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Lonely Rider - The Box Set: A Motorcycle Club Romance - The Complete Series Page 68

by Melissa Devenport

  “It can’t be me.” Ryder tried to pull away, but Laura wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on with surprising tenacity. She tipped her chin and god help him, those lips called to him like a beacon. He’d thought of her as a lighthouse in a storm before, guiding him to safety. But it wasn’t. She wasn’t that at all.

  She was the ship, trying to reach safety, and he was the storm, ready to sink her, drown her, drag her down into a black abyss.

  “Just kiss me one more time,” she said huskily. “Just one more. Even if we both disappear, I just want to know what it feels like. I want to remember it. To keep it with me. To- to use it- when I- when I feel like I can’t go on anymore.”

  The demons were back, clouding her eyes, and fuck, he’d do anything to banish them. He’d move mountains for her. Level cities. Fucking destroy whoever put those shadows there in the first place.

  He couldn’t resist her plea or the sadness in her voice. The devastation in her tone hit him right in the gut. It busted through the thickest of walls, through all the scar tissue surrounding his soul, and pierced him in the darkest of places and he knew exactly what she meant about awakening and being suddenly so very alive.

  Ryder realized that he was touching her like he’d known her for months. He shouldn’t be doing any of it, but he couldn’t stop. He needed her, needed her like he’d never needed anyone. Like he’d never understood he’d ever need someone again. It had been him for so long. For so many years. He’d sealed the deal when he killed his own father. Juvie hardened him into a thing, a violent thing that was more weapon than it was human.

  One kiss with Laura though… one touch of her silky skin, her raven black hair, her glorious curves, undid it all. The heat of her body melted the icy layers that had wrapped him up for so long.

  He moved his hand around, cupping her ass, creating a barrier against the cold, hard brick. His mouth claimed hers, searching, searing, demanding, eager for more. He nipped at her bottom lip and she let out a little gasp. Her lips parted and he slid his tongue inside, eager to taste her. He’d devour all of her if he could.

  He shouldn’t have done it, but he pressed into her, letting her feel the entire hard length of him. He was impossibly hard, harder than hard. He ached in ways he didn’t know a man could ache. He hurt like he’d spent a lifetime pining for her and not more than just a meager half hour.

  What little there was left of his soul ached for her in ways that had nothing to do with a physical joining.

  She moaned when his cock slammed up against her leg. She ground against him, hungry, searching, trying to quell the ache eating up her own body. They were like horny teenagers, grinding against each other through their clothes.

  Ryder brushed her denim jacket aside and palmed her breast through her t-shirt and her thin bra. It must have been little more than a lacy scrap, because he could feel the hard pebble of her nipple like there was no barrier of fabric between them at all. He rolled his fingers over the straining bud and Laura arched into him, pushing herself into his touch. She rocked her hips into his erection and it was his turn to let out a strangled sound.

  He tore his mouth away from her, panting, trying to draw in enough oxygen to give her all the reasons this was a shit idea. Basically, it all came down to one word.


  He was the reason it was a bad idea. He could give her a thousand reasons why she should run, but when he opened his mouth he couldn’t get a sound out.

  “If you go now, I’ll never know what it’s like,” Laura breathed. “You have no idea what my life has been. My father was a good man, but my brother- please. I need you to show me that it’s not all bad. I need you to give me a reason to go on. I need you to look at me like I’m a real person and not just some- some- thing to be used for political and monetary gain. I want to do this because I want it. I want to do this because I say so. Because we both want it. Because if we do, I already know it’s going to be beautiful and I need something beautiful to hang onto. Just one thing. Just one good thing.”

  His heart hammered as he took a wavering step back. Adrenaline sizzled through his veins. “I- I’m no good for you. I might not give a fuck about your warnings about your brother, but- but I can’t take you like this. In some disgusting alley. You- you deserve better than this- than- than me.”

  Laura’s eyes narrowed. She pushed off the wall and stepped right back in front of him. Her hands gripped his sweater roughly. Those words seemed to do the exact opposite of what he intended. And for the first time in his life, he truly was trying to be a gentleman.

  She tugged at his hoodie, but he stopped her with one heavy hand over hers. He squeezed until he felt her small bones offer up resistance. He stared down at her and she stared right back and the night froze around them. The entire fucking world stopped. Probably tilted off its axis and fell into the damn sun, because looking at Laura, the most beautiful woman on earth, it felt like an inferno was raging under his skin.

  With his free hand, he brought it behind her neck, swept up a fistful of curls, and tugged her head back roughly. Her lips parted, but she stared up at him without a glimmer of fear. Her eyes glistened with a raw hunger that rivaled his own.

  “This is going to be hard and dirty,” he breathed. “I’m sorry, but I gave you a chance to get away. You have one more opportunity, if you still want to leave.” He watched her lips form the words that were so shocking he couldn’t even believe that he’d heard her right.

  “I don’t want to leave. I want it hot. Dirty. However you think it should be. However it has to be.”

  “Lord,” he groaned, an oath that didn’t often fall from his lips. Even when he was cursing, he tended to leave god out of it. His father brought enough of that shit into his life to last him for a lifetime.

  He dropped Laura’s hair and gripped her by the hips. He backed her up, as rough as before. He slammed his mouth over hers, burning them both. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and stroked hers while his hands worked at her pants. They were soft cotton leggings, not that yoga shit that girls loved so much because it rode up their cracks and made them think their asses look hot.

  He ripped them down and groaned into her mouth when he realized that it was just the leggings. No panties. Nothing. He stroked cupped her pussy with his hand, and fuck, she was warm. So fucking warm and shaved and wet. He nearly shot his load in his damn jeans when he ran his finger over her folds and it came away drenched.

  Ryder tore his mouth away and thrust his finger between his lips. He licked off her wetness, savoring the honey sweet taste of her, and the fact that she was watching him. She mewled and grabbed for him. She was shorter, but she had no trouble reaching up and tangling her hands in his hair. She brought his face furiously back to hers. She licked his lips, whimpering when she tasted herself on them. She bit down hard on his bottom lip and her moan of pleasure mingled with his when he realized she’d drawn a drop of blood.

  She licked at that too, the metallic tang mixing with the more exotic taste of her on his tongue, on her tongue. He licked at her tongue, her lips, her mouth, until fuck… he wished he could take his time, but he couldn’t. He wanted her. He knew he wasn’t worthy of her. But Laura, with her wide, painful eyes and her innocent face and her guileless full lips, told him that she wanted him. She told him that she wanted him hard and fast and dirty.

  So fuck him, he wasn’t going to be able to stop himself.

  Not even the fact that he didn’t have a damn rubber was going to stop him.

  “I’m clean,” he rasped right next to her ear. She shuddered as his breath hit her skin.

  “So am I. I- you have to- just don’t…”

  “I won’t,” he promised. There was no misunderstanding what she was asking, and even if he had to cut his fucking balls off himself, he was going to respect her wishes. “This pussy,” he growled. “It’s mine. For tonight, right now… it’s mine. You’re mine.”

  Laura leaned into his neck and this time it was her breath t
ickling him, just below his earlobe. Instead of submitting to him, she whispered wickedly. “And you’re mine.”

  He lost it. He’d never been the kind of guy that had a lot of control unless it came to fucking something or someone up or over. Then he had all the patience in the world. Revenge was a dish best served immaculately calculated.

  One minute they were kind of leaning away from the wall, the next Laura was trapped between the rough brick. She’d kicked her shoes off and worked her leggings off and they were just- gone, and his jeans were open and he was fisting his cock, which was so hard that it was literally throbbing and pulsing in his hand. The tip was an angry red, swollen and dripping for her.

  He hesitated, just once, but her eyes, though they’d gone completely wide, closed and she turned her face up to him. Her hands scrabbled blindly at the base of his neck and she buried her hands in his short dark hair, gripping the strands firmly, tugging on them until pain bloomed over his scalp. She was already hanging on, and fuck, she was going to need to.

  He didn’t temp her with a finger first. Didn’t taunt himself with how warm and tight she was. He already fucking knew she was tight and warm. There was no foreplay other than the way they’d attacked each other’s mouths and he was still dripping wet and she was slick, with beads of moisture running down her thighs and shimmering in the light pollution that never seemed to leave the night sky. It was always there, like a ghostly halo of a moon they couldn’t see because the clouds obscured it.

  Laura dug her nails into his scalp as he gripped her ass. Fuck, she had the most perfect ass. Firm. Round. Glorious. He sunk his fingers into the hips. They were hard, muscular, but womanly, with delicate slopes and curves that made him see stars that weren’t actually there either. He pinned her against the wall again, because he was a beast, an asshole, because they had nowhere else to go, and because she writhed against him like it was exactly what she wanted.

  He supported her easily with his weight and one hand while the other hand guided his aching cock to her entrance. He closed his eyes and leaned in to her neck. He inhaled her sweet scent.

  “Please,” she begged, voice echoing right next to his ear.

  He didn’t think. He just reacted.

  To her plea. To the need roaring inside of him, eating him up.

  He seated himself inside of her and filled her in a single hard thrust.

  Except… it didn’t feel right. It felt- too tight- too… there was some sort of resistance and when a pain filled cry was torn from Laura’s throat, he realized what the fuck it was.

  Laura, his Laura, was a virgin.

  Chapter 8


  She knew the minute he knew, because he stopped moving. His eyes flew open and he stared at her half in accusation, half in shock.

  “You’re a damn virgin?” he hissed.

  Definitely astounded. All shock. Maybe a twinge of anger.

  She couldn’t bear to hear regret in his voice. She didn’t want him to regret what he’d just done, especially when the pain was fading and she was so full, so full of him, his cock throbbing and straining inside of her, his raspy breaths hot on her face, her body charged and laced with so much pent up longing that she knew she’d die if he chose to leave her there in the alley like that.

  “Y-yes.” She closed her eyes and forced her voice to be stronger. “I- so what? I haven’t exactly lived a normal life. I didn’t go to normal schools. My dad- my family- they did bad shit. They were at the top of the chain. I would have been an easy target. Most of my life has been carefully managed. I’m so sick of it. Of being powerless. Of not getting a choice. Of being nothing. I- I don’t want to be nothing. I don’t want to be powerless. I want to choose this. I want everything about this. I want you. I want you and me and I want you to make me come. Because I have before, just not with- uh…” god, I am so terrible at this and now he’s going to leave.

  Ryder stared at her, his eyes still wide with shock. “But- do you have any idea how- how much I just hurt you?”

  “Uh- yeah. I think that I do,” she affirmed dryly.

  His cock flexed inside of her, as if to punctuate the point. Ryder shook his head. “There are gentler ways-”

  “I don’t want gentle.” She let her hand fall away from his hair to his shoulder and she gripped him so hard that her nails bit into his skin, even right through the cotton hoodie. “This was mine to give to who I wanted and when- when I wanted and- and- I want you.”

  “I could have-”

  “It’s over now. That part. I just want the rest. I want the bliss. I want you to make me come. I want to scream your name and lose myself completely.”

  “For someone who hasn’t done this before, you seem to know an awful lot about it.”

  Laura flushed, half with pleasure and half in embarrassment. “I read a lot, okay? It’s one of my only escapes.”

  “And you said you use your hand.” Ryder flexed his hips, probably on instinct.

  “Of course I’ve touched myself. I’m a virgin, not a saint.”

  “Was a virgin.” His cock throbbed inside of her again. She closed her eyes, savoring the intense feeling. God, he was so big. So huge, so thick, and somehow, she’d taken all of him inside of her. “When you touched yourself before, did it feel anything like this?” He flexed his hips, pulling out just a little, before he thrust back in.

  She let out a hiss of air between her teeth. “No.”

  He smiled at her, a dark smile, full of animal satisfaction. It filled her with an even greater want. He bent his head and trailed hot kisses along her neck while he slowly began to move inside of her. She couldn’t contain her little whimpers as the foreign feeling sparked tendrils of pleasure that unfurled inside of her. His tongue was erotic and hot at her neck as he kissed and licked her sensitive skin. He nipped her earlobe and a shiver of pain rocketed through her veins, mixing with the pleasure as he rocked his hips harder, filling her fuller, deeper.

  “I’d ask you what you like,” he said thickly in her ear, “but you probably don’t even know.”

  Laura’s cheeks heated. Of all the things she’d already done, it was probably sinful that those words should be the ones that made her blush.

  “I- I like this,” she panted. “I like having you inside of me.”

  As if in response, Ryder’s hips flexed harder and he surged deeper, hitting sensitive spots that Laura didn’t even know existed. She let out a hiss of pleasure. He pushed in harder before he withdrew, and she whimpered at the emptiness. He didn’t give her long to wait, as he filled her again. He repeated the pattern, setting a series of thrusts that stoked the flames inside of her. She knew what it was to climax. She’d done it before, like she said, to her own touch, but the climb she was on, the dangerous trek upwards… she’d never experienced anything like it.

  Ryder claimed her lips again, the kiss no less punishing and furious than their first ones had been. He stroked her tongue erotically, in time with the rhythm of his hips, his thrusts. The night was surprisingly quiet around them and the sounds of their joining, slick and wet, should have been intimidating or embarrassing, but they weren’t. It was sexy, hearing the way he was filling her, pleasuring her, even though she couldn’t exactly see it.

  Ryder’s lips were devastating. He kissed her like he was never going to kiss anyone again. The thought was dark and heavy inside her heart. She could never lay claim on him. And he could never have her. This moment, this stolen moment, was just that. Illicit pleasure that could have no repeat.

  They both knew it and it drove them harder. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, gripping his hoodie, the warmth of his skin leaching into her palms from below.

  Ryder tore his mouth from hers and panted near her ear. “I’ve never- done anything that- feels- so right.”

  “Me- me neither,” she forced out, wishing she could be more eloquent. She was a little amazed that words were even possible at all.

  “You have no idea,” Ryder said darkly, rig
ht before he pushed his hand between them. He found her clit effortlessly and swirled his index finger over it, creating an eruption of hot, hard sparks. “This will be the most perfect thing you’ve ever felt in your life,” he promised her. His hips went wild, his thrusts hard and furious, the hot pattern and the wicked pressure he was applying to her clit, pushing her higher and higher, sending her over the edge.

  The force of her climax was like an explosion and there was nothing tender or gentle about it. Her body clenched hard and the delicious, erotic waves swept over her. They held her captive, wrung her out, tore silent screams from her throat. Her hands balled into fists as the shudders started, brutal tremors that racked her entire body. Her legs went numb, her thighs trembled, her stomach muscles contracted, her arms vibrated. The sharp pleasure consumed every bit of her.

  She wasn’t getting off easy, since Ryder’s thrusts only intensified. She couldn’t open her eyes, but she knew if she did, she’d find his closed, the muscles in his neck probably straining, as he worked her hard. The slapping sound their skin made as his thrust intensified, becoming harder and more violent, was so erotic, she tumbled back into another climax, so close on the heels of the first that she almost didn’t know if they were separate or if it was just an extension of the amazing pleasure.

  “God… you’re so- tight,” Ryder ground out. His fingers dug into her ass as he titled her hips up and slammed harder into her. He hit spots that she didn’t even know she had. He was so deep inside of her- so impossibly, wonderfully deep.

  He groaned viciously when he pulled out. Laura tore her eyes open and glanced down. She watched him take his massive cock in his hand. Watched in shock and fascination as it kicked and hot white spurts jetted onto her bare thigh. It should have been dirty and entirely wrong, something to be ashamed of, but that wasn’t at all what Laura felt watching Ryder climax.


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