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Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Book 2)

Page 10

by L A Cotton

  Pain exploded through my knuckles as my fist connected with his jaw. His body slumped down and he grunted, landing with a thud. Shocked that I had knocked him clean out, I fumbled in his pocket before I found what I was looking for. I threw his wallet down beside him after I removed the card and stuffed it in my pocket.

  Seconds later, a blood-curdling scream ripped through the whole place and the white door burst open. Braiden came hurtling through it, yelling, "We leave. NOW."

  The place started to empty out and the sound of tires screeching filled the air. Knowing there was no time to hang around before the cops arrived, I waited until we were outside of Reibeckitt.

  "What the fuck was that back there?" I gritted through my teeth, trying to keep it down. This wasn't a conversation for the inner circle, but it couldn’t wait, either.

  "He got what was coming."

  "How bad was it?"

  Braiden's lip curled up to one side as he wiped his blood-smeared hand across his brow. He all but laughed, "Let’s just say every time he looks in the mirror, he will be reminded that you don't fuck with Donohue business."

  Chapter 13


  I kissed Paul.

  And felt nothing.

  The moment my lips had collided with his, guilt had risen up through me, catapulting me into a nauseous panic. Paul was so understanding, which only added to the shame. He was too sweet for his own good and I made a promise to myself there and then not to hurt him again. He deserved better.

  Paul was the perfect gentleman and we slept in his bed; me under the comforter, him lying on top. He talked to me until I fell asleep, where reality and dreams swirled together in one jumbled mess. Being too drunk to consider the consequences of the kiss, I might have expected the morning after to be awkward or downright uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. Paul made some smart-mouthed comment about the state of the nest residing on top of my head and then left me to get washed up before heading downstairs.

  And just like that, I knew we had turned a corner—for real this time. Paul knew my heart belonged to Jackson.

  That it always would.


  “So what’s up with Paul? He’s less puppy dog and more big brother? It’s weird.” Elena cocked her eyebrow before taking a long slurp of her shake.

  I stifled my laughter, glancing over at Paul as he and Tyson argued over their game. “We have officially moved into the friend zone.” I picked at the bowl of chips, dipping one into the nacho cheese. “I may have accidentally kissed him.”

  “WHAT?” Elena’s eyes almost bugged out of her head.

  “Shh, it’s no big deal.”

  “When did this happen? After movie night at the SC?”

  I was still waiting for Elena’s third degree about that night, but when Paul and I finally made it downstairs that morning, everyone had cleared out, and I had only seen her a couple of times since.

  “Mmmhmm,” I mumbled, licking the cheese off my fingers.

  “Okay, so spill. I’m waiting.”

  “That was all there was to it. I was drunk and kissed him, realized what a mistake I was making, and stopped. I think he kind of realized, too.” I met Elena’s eyes with my own and smiled, but I knew it was more like a half-smile.

  She hesitated for a moment, studying me, and then returned my sad smile. “Because you’re in love with him.”

  The force of the tears that overwhelmed me was shocking, and Elena quickly wrapped me into her arms, shielding me from the guys, and them from the sound of my sobs.

  “I love him so much,” I cried into her shirt, and she hugged me closer, whispering unfamiliar musical words into my hair.

  Somewhere between all the tears, Elena must have told the guys to go because when I finally left the comfort of her shirt, they were gone.

  “I told them we needed girl time. Don’t worry, they get it. Hmm—” Elena opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again and I sat a little straighter, rubbing at my sore eyes. “You have that look, what is it?”

  If she was finding it hard to say the words, then it was nothing good. I knew Elena too well now.

  “Hmm, so, hmm, ahh, Dios mio, I don’t know why I’m finding this so hard to say. Not after what he did to you. But there was an incident down in Reibeckitt. No one is officially pointing the finger at Braiden, but no surprise there. You know that guy, Calder, the one who kn- hurt Jackson? Well, he was messed up pretty bad, and apparently, his local hangout was totally trashed. Like thousands of dollars’ worth of damage trashed.”

  My face scrunched with confusion. So Braiden had sought revenge, after all. I was hardly surprised.

  “Chica.” Elena clicked her fingers in front of my eyes. “Braiden didn’t do it alone. I heard from Talia, who heard from Jarrod and some other guys from Reibeckitt, that most of the team were there, too.”

  Somewhere in the recess of my mind, it clicked.

  “Jackson was there.”

  And my heart stalled.

  “Ana, perhaps you didn’t really know him as well as you thought you did?”

  “Did he- is he- okay? Is he okay?” The words strangled my throat. Even though we were no longer together, the thought of something happening to him terrified me.

  "Kind of missing the point, chica."

  "Says the queen of gossip and all things CFA. You had known the rumors about the Donohues before you came here, right? So why are you so surprised?" I narrowed my eyes at her and she shrugged. "It's just that first he chooses them then we saw him leave that party with the skank, and now this. Maybe you’re letting yourself pine after a guy who doesn't exist."

  "I am not pining," I whined, trying to shut out the image of Jackson with the brunette and avoiding Elena's point.

  Because she was right.

  Perhaps I never actually knew the real Jackson Pierce.


  Poetry rolled around, but I refused to let myself get worked up. Jackson and I needed to find a way to be around each other. Even if all I could think about was him cozied up next to the leggy brunette…and being a part of whatever happened at Reibeckitt.

  "Ana, over here," Allie called, and I smiled, surprised that she remembered my name, let alone wanted to sit with me.

  "I saved you a seat." Her lips curled into a huge smile as I sank into the seat next to her. "Thanks."

  "So, how're things? They weren't kidding when they said sophomore year kicks ass, huh? I already feel like I'm drowning in papers."

  I pursed my lips and nodded, wondering who in the hell they were.

  "So I have this one paper, from my feminism class..." Allie's eyes tracked something over my shoulder, and her eyes lit up. And I became invisible to her, apparently, as she became totally unaware of my presence.

  Jackson had that effect on people. Braiden, too. Whenever they walked into a room, eyes followed and heads turned.

  Snapping my fingers in front of Allie's face a little too aggressively, I said, "You were saying?"

  She shook her head as if she was breaking out of a trance, and I smiled to myself. Although her making googly eyes at Jackson did piss me off a little, I couldn't blame her. And then I remembered I was supposed to be angry with him.

  "I, hmm, what? Umm, yeah."

  Rolling my eyes at her, I straightened in my seat, turning away from her slightly. He had left her a mumbling mess, and that was before he even reached our cluster of desks and sat down.

  I avoided making eye contact, too focused on soothing the storm sweeping through me. My body still craved him, remembering how he made me feel. Even my heart betrayed me, picking up speed, and I silently chastised myself. How was I supposed to move on when his simple proximity left me breathless? How could I hate him the way I should?

  "Allie, Ana, what'd I miss?"

  Even his voice was like a drug to me, but I kept quiet. Allie, however, was all too willing to respond. "Nothing yet. I was just telling Ana about this paper I have, it's totally kicking my ass..."

  "And wha
t did Ana have to say about that?"

  Folding my arms over my chest, I stared ahead and refused to let him lure me into his game. Jackson could read me like an open book. He would have only needed one look at my traitorous face to know something was up.

  Allie faltered, clearly confused by Jackson's question. "She, umm, she didn't respond yet."

  I didn't respond because you were too busy eye-fucking Jackson.

  "So what do you think, Ana?”

  Aware that both of them were watching me, I muttered something under my breath that I hoped would pacify him. And give me a chance to catch my breath. Jackson could be draining when he wanted to be, and he seemed to be set on getting a rise out of me today.

  The silence dragged on and I could sense Allie looking back and forth between us, probably wondering what in the hell was going on.

  "Good morning, people. Let’s get started, shall we?" Peterson barreled into the room and my whole body sagged. I could finally breathe again.

  Peterson's class was grueling, but it meant he kept everyone focused on the constant slides. Including Jackson. I risked glancing over at him a couple of times, finding no evidence of fresh bruises. And I presumed he escaped Reibeckitt unharmed...this time.

  "So I'll see you Wednesday, Ana. Save you a seat?" Allie watched me expectantly while the rest of the students around us collected their things.

  She was a nice enough girl, a bit too shiny and bright for me, but I managed to force a smile and accept her offer.

  "Hey, what's that?" she said, glancing down at my desk as she headed for the door.

  The folded white note was like a knife to the heart, and my eyes immediately scanned the room for him. But Jackson was already gone.

  My hand grabbed the note and I stuffed it into my pocket. My voice cracked as I answered Allie. "Just my shopping list."

  I walked out with Allie, all the while the note burning a hole in the lining of my jacket. Jackson was supposed to be making things easier on me. Not harder. But I couldn't deny that part of me wanted to open the note and find an apology or explanation. And the other part cursed myself for even thinking it. Because I already knew life didn't work that way.


  "Hi Sarah, how are you doing?" I weaved my way around the rows of desks to the counter.

  Noticing my approach, Sarah looked up and smiled, pushing the thick-rimmed glasses up her nose. "Hey, Ana. Good to see you. The back room is free; just let me know when you're done."

  "Sure thing."

  Once inside the small study room, I logged onto the laptop and organized the contents of the manila folder.

  Since returning to Chastity Falls, I had been coming to the library to dig up everything I could find on the Donohues. Police reports and news stories, the Donohue name came up in everything. It was like opening a bottomless can of worms. And yet, I still hadn't managed to uncover much about the incident which led to Michael Pierce's death.

  My fingers rubbed at the bracelet looping my right wrist. Another habit I developed over the summer and something I only noticed myself doing when the skin was raw. But in a strange way, the sensation grounded me. Dousing some of the urges streaming through me.

  Since Paul had found me in my dorm on the edge of losing it, I had better control of things. But it was always there. A dormant monster waiting to awaken and rip through me. I needed to keep myself busy. Occupied. And I had the perfect focus—I was determined to get to the bottom of what happened to Michael Pierce. Because if what I suspected turned out to be true, it could change everything.

  An hour later, I had made no progress. Every time I found something that looked like it could reveal a clue about the incident, the report would be missing or a dead end. My eyes were tired from staring at the screen, and I decided to call it a night. Gathering up my things off the table, I stuffed them into my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and slipping my hand into my pocket. And I felt it. The note Jackson had left me in Peterson’s class. My fingers clutched at it and I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply.

  Remember what I said about taking no risks. If you see anything strange, call me immediately. Stay safe.


  J x

  I stared down at Jackson’s familiar handwriting. Of course, I read the note as soon as I had left the class and escaped Allie. Something about it bothered me. Jackson had already warned me about watching my back, but the note, the trying to engage me in conversation during class, indicated to me that Jackson was on edge. And that was never a good thing.

  “Bye, Sarah. Same time again tomorrow,” I called out as I exited the library and made my way to the path leading back to McGinley.

  It was quiet for a Thursday; only a couple of students were out walking to their destinations. But it was miserable out, the fine rain creating a mist that made it difficult to see, and I hunched my jacket collar up to try and protect my face from the cool air. Rounding the student center, my mind was busy replaying Jackson’s warning. Nothing had really changed. We were still in danger; I was in danger, only now, we were apart.

  A low whistle came from somewhere to the side of me, slowing me in my tracks, and my eyes strained to see through the damp haze. All I could make out in the dim light was the foliage lining the path. I listened for a few seconds before continuing on, but I picked up my pace. I didn’t see anyone and knew my mind was probably just playing tricks on me after Jackson’s warning. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched or followed.

  The few minutes’ walk seemed to take a lifetime. And although I risked glancing back more than once, only empty space greeted me. No one was there. But irrational thoughts flooded my mind, sending adrenaline pulsing through me and my heart into a frenzy. And I almost burst through the door to McGinley, relieved to be in the safety of my dorm.

  "Ana, wait up," a voice called out just as I was about to close the door behind me, and I turned to see Paul half-jogging, panting like he'd just run a marathon.

  "Paul, what the hell?" I opened the door wider to let him in. "What are you doing here?"

  He took a few deep breaths, the rapid rise and fall of his chest suggesting he had exerted himself. "Just give me a minute."

  I laughed at the sight of him standing in the doorway, and then realized something. "Hey, were you following me?"

  Paul was leaning forward, his hands using his knees for leverage. "What? No! I just saw you like five seconds ago. I was, umm, leavingmyfriendsatAdkins." His cheeks flushed with color.

  "You were what?" I was pushing him, but he made it too easy by standing there all embarrassed.

  His straightened and raked a hand through his messy blond hair. "I, umm, I had a date. Okay? No big deal."

  I punched him in the chest playfully. "Way to go, big guy. This is good news." As soon as I said the words, I realized it sounded all wrong. But if he noticed, he didn't let on.

  "Yeah, well. Gotta get back in the game. It's junior year and I'm not getting any younger. I have wild oats to so—"

  "Enough, enough with the wild oats. I get the picture."

  We stood, Paul half in the doorway and me just inside the hallway, and I was relieved. Paul was trying to move on, which meant he really did want to be just friends. This was a good thing.

  "Hey, want to come up and watch a movie? You can tell me all about your date."

  "Yeah, sure. Why not? That wouldn't be totally weird at all. Lead the way, Parry."

  Chapter 14


  I watched them disappear into the building and leaned my head back on the wall. Were they together now? I never really considered myself a jealous person, but Ana had changed everything. Another guy only had to look at her and I wanted to go to war. In the time we spent together last year, she had buried herself deep—become a part of my soul—and I just watched her enter her dorm with another guy. When it should have been me.

  "Fuck." I slammed my fist into the wall and welcomed the jolt of pain. It was better than the mental image runn
ing through my mind of the two of them in her room. In her bed, the same bed I spent hours making her feel.

  My loyalty to the family had ruined us. But even walking away wasn't enough. Calder and his friend—Landon Smith according to the driver’s license I had pulled from his wallet—were out for blood. And I refused to let it be Ana's. Which was why I stayed rooted to the spot instead of bailing to my room to pound the shit of something.

  I needed to know she was safe. I had to know.

  By the time Cormack exited McGinley, my ass was numb from sitting against the wall. He didn't notice me, paying no attention to my spot directly opposite the entrance to the dorm. So when I jumped up and sprang out at him, his eyes almost bugged out of his head.

  "Pierce?" Even his voice showed his shock.

  "Listen, this is awkward, and fuck, I don't want to be standing here, but I need to ask you something."

  Silence hung between us like an ocean while Paul just stood there gaping at me like I was the damn president.

  "Dude, you're starting to freak me out a little."

  He blinked and muttered something before nodding his head.

  "Okay, I think." I hesitated, unsure if I really wanted to do this. Whether I wanted to hand responsibility for Ana to him. "Fuck. I need you to keep an eye out on Ana. I can't go into the details, but she might be in danger and she needs people looking out for her. And well, now that you're with her, you should know so that you can keep her safe." As safe as he could when it came to Calder and his crazy.

  Paul's eyes grew wider. "Back up a second. You think I'm with Ana. Me?"

  Wasn't he?

  "Are you saying that you're not?"

  The dude actually laughed, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Geez, how I wish you were right. But I can never compete with the likes of Jackson Pierce."

  My head whipped up and I met his eyes with my own. "Wait, what are you saying?"

  He blew out a long breath and narrowed his eyes at me. "That girl is so completely and utterly in love with you, she can't see straight. Can't see that I am the better choice, because I am, you know. Sure, you two might have a connection or whatever, but she could have been happy with me. And fuck knows she would be safer."


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