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The Sextet Presents... Small, Medium, and Large [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 5

by Cheryl Brooks

  “What is it?” Toby asked. “What’s wrong?”

  Lance could hear the concern in his friend’s voice, but knew that any further discussion was pointless. “Better let her up, Toby. She’s done.”

  * * * *

  Renee realized her mistake almost immediately. Without the corset to define her role, she quickly lost her grip on the character she was attempting to portray and let her own self intrude. Her bossy, controlling, interfering little self. Their unabashed appreciation of her body had made her feel too naked, too exposed, perhaps enabling them to see things that were best left hidden. They wouldn’t think she was such hot shit if they knew everything. Especially the fact that she’d never been able to let go of her business persona in her private life, and every man she’d tried to love had ended up hating her for it.

  It was the whole dumb blonde thing in reverse. Her determination to avoid being thought of as a bimbo had caused her to do a full one-eighty only to become the heartless bitch everyone accused her of being. She could protest all she liked to herself and others, but it was true, at least, on the surface. Sagging against Lance’s strong arms, tears welled up in her eyes and fell directly on his chest. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “Believe me, it’s not your fault. It’s all mine.”

  Lance let her down carefully and wrapped his arms around her. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. It’s not like the two of us don’t have any issues.”

  Toby withdrew slightly, letting his cock slip out of her, but never relaxed his hold on her hips. “Are we too kinky for you? Is that it?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m simply not nice enough for a couple of sweet guys like you. You just don’t know it yet.”

  “But you said you weren’t a heartless bitch,” Toby reminded her. “And I don’t think you are.”

  “But I am,” she said, sobbing. “I wasn’t always like that. Not inside anyway. It’s become second nature to me now. Sooner or later, I’ll piss you guys off, and you’ll hate me.”

  “Yes, and sooner or later, we’ll freak you out and you’ll hate us,” Toby said frankly. “But we could have an awful lot of fun together in the meantime.”

  “No, you won’t. I’ll try to run your lives. Guys hate that.”

  “Not all guys,” Lance said. “And, you know, I kinda get turned on by the whole hard-assed woman routine.” He squeezed her tightly. “You wield a mean whip, Renee. If you followed me around switching my tail every time you told me to do something, I’d be your love slave forever.”

  Renee couldn’t help laughing, but sobered quickly. “Too bad nobody I work with feels that way. I’ve been called a slave driver before.” She tried to imagine the kind of life Lance had described and wound up shaking her head. “No. It would never work. You’d get sick of it eventually.”

  Lance’s sigh raised his chest—and Renee—a good three inches. “Would you mind letting me find that out for myself? I mean, I know you like to be the boss, but isn’t that for me to decide?”

  They weren’t giving up. Good sign… “But I can’t wear that corset all the time, and I think I’d need it.” I know I’d need…something.

  Lance shrugged. “I do love the leather, but you could wear anything as long as you had the whip.”

  “Ooh, and you could still wear the strap-on!” Toby exclaimed. “You’d have such a boner in your jeans.” He wiggled his dick against her butt. “And you could fuck me whenever you felt like it.” He poked her again, his cockhead seeking her anus. “We’d both be naked, of course, and you’d be dressed. You could even wear the sort of clothes you wear to work. Think of it, Renee. You could be the bitchy boss lady for us, too.” Letting out a groan, his cock slid back inside her tight hole. “That would be so fuckin’ hot!”

  Renee had never heard of anyone who thought bitchy boss ladies were hot. But then, she’d never been laid by two guys at once, either. Especially not guys as sweet as these two. Maintaining an aura of domination around them would be difficult. Toby had told her that Lance was a nice guy, but in truth, they were both nice. Too nice for anyone to ever be mean to them. Of course, if they liked that sort of treatment, being nasty to them would be the same as being nice—as long as she was only pretending to be bitchy.

  This is could get very confusing…

  Toby gripped her thighs and slammed into her ass with lusty enthusiasm. “If I’m good, you’ll fuck me, and if Lance is bad, he gets whipped.”

  “You know, positive reinforcement for him, negative for me?” Lance’s softening cock had actually fit her better, but it was now swelling up inside her, rapidly regaining its full size. Apparently this discussion appealed to him.

  Toby was still pumping away when Lance began to move, slowly at first, then with increasing vigor. Sandwiched between them, Renee didn’t have a lot of room to maneuver, but there was no point in trying to be an active participant anyway. With the corset gone, she could at least breathe, and simply lay sprawled out over Lance while they fucked her into a stupor.

  She had almost attained that level of consciousness when Toby let out a yell. “Holy shit, Renee! I’m—ohmygod.” Plunging forward in his deepest penetration yet, he shot his load into her ass, grinding his cock inside her.

  The delightful feel of his creamy cock sweeping her inner walls detonated Renee’s orgasm, wrenching an ecstatic cry from deep within her. Her mind went blank as her body began spinning beyond her control, lost in the throes of her climax. As aftershocks reverberated through her, the only thing Renee knew for certain was that she had never felt anything even remotely like it before. Moments later, Lance’s dick spewed forth, filling her with his hot cum and, though it didn’t seem possible, further intensifying her pleasure.

  Silence fell, broken only by their panting breaths. And I was a heartbeat away from getting up and running out of here. Think what I would’ve missed…

  Toby rolled off her and collapsed next to Lance. “I may have to sleep for days after that one.”

  “Might want to wash your dick first,” Renee said with a chuckle. “We all know where it’s been.”

  “Now, Renee,” Toby said firmly. “You didn’t say that right. You should have said, ‘Toby, get off your ass and go wash your dick.’ And you should tell me to bring you a towel and dry you off, too.”

  “Aw, do I have to be bossy all the time?”

  “Well, we might boss you around once in a while,” he admitted. “But not often. I promise.”

  Actually, that had been the bone of contention in every relationship Renee had attempted. She could dish it out, but having a man tell her what to do drove her straight up the wall. On the other hand, Toby telling her what to say didn’t bother her a bit. Interesting…

  “Okay then, Toby, get up off your ass and go wash your dick. And bring me a towel. You got lube all over my butt and you need to dry it off.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, hopping off the bed. She couldn’t see him from where she lay, but she could hear his footsteps as he jogged into the bathroom. Bet his bare buns look really cute when he runs…

  She made a move to rise, but Lance held her still against his chest. “Please, don’t get up yet. I want you to stay right where you are until my dick gets soft and slips out of you.”

  That sounded odd. Renee raised her head to find him gazing up at the ceiling, blinking as though he had tears in his eyes. “Is that something you particularly like?”

  “Nope. It’s something I’ve never done before—never been given the opportunity to do before. You don’t know what it’s like being this big, Renee. Women have never let me linger. They always want it over and done with and me out of there.” He sighed deeply. “This is so nice.”

  “No need for whips and leather?”

  He shook his head. “No. Not right now.”

  “Good, ’cause I don’t think I have the energy to do any ass whipping at the moment.”

  “Mmm. Maybe later.” He took a breath as though about to say more, hesitating before he spoke
. “Do me another favor?”

  She’d already done some pretty outrageous stuff. What other weird things would he ask her to do? “I don’t know for sure, but I’ll try. What is it?”

  “Spend the rest of the weekend with us?”

  Her first inclination was to say no. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d spent the night with a man. But two men? Never. Then she remembered what she would’ve missed if she’d followed her last impulse. “I suppose I could do that.”

  “I think we need some time to get to know each other better. We won’t learn everything that quick, but after this…” He gave her a hug that didn’t quite break her ribs. “We can’t let you walk away.” He smiled sheepishly. “Especially after you made me suck Toby’s dick.”

  Renee had a feeling he’d get around to that eventually. “To tell you the truth, I didn’t think you’d do it. I was just giving you an order I knew you wouldn’t follow so I could have an excuse to use the whip. I never dreamed Toby would want you to suck him.”

  “What’s even stranger is that I wanted to do it.”

  “And did you like it?”

  “Hell, yes, I liked it. That’s what’s freaking me out.” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “And he loves me. I never thought of us as lovers, but when I went down on him, it was like, wow.”

  “And the feeling is mutual?”

  “I think so. I guess I need a little time to wrap my head around it. When you’ve been looking for the right woman all your life, it’s hard to come to grips with the fact that the right man has been living with you for years.”

  Renee could relate to that. She’d been looking for the right man for a long time. Thankfully, she hadn’t wound up finding the right woman.

  But perhaps she had found the right men.

  Chapter Seven

  When Toby came bouncing in with a towel and began to dry off Renee’s butt, Lance couldn’t take his eyes off him. He was adorable. Why had he never seen that before? People had been assuming they were a gay couple for ages. How could they not know it themselves?

  Lance might never discover the answer to that, but he did know one thing. Renee was the most perfect woman he’d ever met. She was beautiful, had a great sense of humor, and was one hot babe with a whip. And a darn good sport, too. Not many women would’ve stuck around after seeing what he had hanging in his closet. He knew that for a fact, because he’d watched a lot of them run.

  Well, maybe they hadn’t run, precisely, but they certainly hadn’t wasted any time scooting out the door. And they never came back, either. Renee not only hadn’t run, she was going to spend the night.

  Toby tossed the towel in the general direction of the bathroom and climbed onto the bed. He seemed uncertain about where to go until Lance held out a beckoning hand. Toby grinned and crawled up beside him. Snuggling in as he dragged a blanket up over all three of them, he settled his head in the hollow of Lance’s shoulder. Lance wrapped his arm around him and pulled him close. Renee still hadn’t made a move to get off him, and with this kind of intimacy, he had a feeling his dick was never going to get soft enough to break the connection.

  He gave Toby a kiss on the forehead. “So, you love me, huh?”

  “Yep,” Toby said. “Just never realized it until that moment.”

  “Neither did I. Guess we’ve got Renee to thank for that.”

  Renee’s laughter was muffled against Lance’s chest. “Are you sure thanks are in order? I was just telling Lance I didn’t think he’d do it.”

  “I know,” Toby said. “And I know he probably wishes you’d kept right on whipping him, but the thought of him sucking my dick, well, it got to me.”

  Lance sighed. “It was pretty hot for me, too, Toby. And you can help yourself to mine anytime you like.”

  “Does that mean you love me?” Toby asked.

  “Yes. I believe it does.”

  Renee touched Toby’s cheek in a gesture so tender it took Lance’s breath away. Heartless bitch? Not likely… “Should I leave you two alone?”

  Lance shook his head and Toby seconded it. “No way, Renee. Just because I love Lance doesn’t mean I can’t love you.” He sighed, trailing his fingertips along the curve of her hip. “Did Lance ask you to spend the night?”

  Renee nodded. “I’ll have to go home tomorrow night, though. Gotta go to work on Monday. You know, crack that whip and drive those slaves and all that jazz.”

  “There’s always next weekend to look forward to,” Toby said. “But I’m glad you’re staying tonight. This is so perfect.” He was silent for a moment and then chuckled softly. “And in the mornin’, I’m makin’ waffles!”

  Renee dissolved into helpless giggles. “Oh, God. If you’re Donkey, does that mean Lance is Shrek, and I’m Princess Fiona?”

  “Hey, if the shoe fits…” Toby replied.

  “Lance is not an ogre!” she protested. “Though I did suspect he might be a troll. But that was before I’d actually met him.”

  Lance stared at her, not quite believing his ears. “You thought I was a troll?”

  “Well, it crossed my mind, especially since I’d already heard about the whips and chains thing. Toby said you were a nice guy, but he was hesitant to fill in the details, and when you came in from the other room, I could tell you were big just from the sound of your footsteps. Then I saw you were more of a giant than a troll.”

  “A hunky Swedish giant,” Toby added. “Don’t forget that part.”

  “Third generation American giant,” Lance said with a chuckle. “But I have to admit, I’ve got a lot in common with the ogre. Never been driven off with axes and pitchforks, but I do feel like a freak sometimes.” Actually, he felt that way more often than not, starting with the first grade when he was already a head taller than any of his classmates.

  “Yeah, well, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger,” Toby said. “I still get funny looks from being so little, and I got pounded when I was a kid.”

  Rather than making the comment that little guys were much less conspicuous, Lance gave Toby a hug, taking note of exactly how good it felt to be able to do that. “Wish I’d been there to beat the shit out of those guys.”

  “Guys?” Toby snorted a laugh. “Some of them were girls.”

  Renee planted a kiss on Lance’s chest, sending a wave of warmth rushing over him as she tousled Toby’s hair. “And now you boys have me hanging around with whips and strap-ons. I guess some things never change.”

  “True,” Toby agreed. “There’s got to be something Freudian in all that.” He let out a loud yawn. “But right now, I don’t give a damn.” He gave Renee a nudge. “You gonna sleep up there?”

  Renee copied his yawn. “He wants to wait until his dick slides out on its own.”


  “It hasn’t yet.” She wiggled her hips. “Not sure it’s going to.”

  “Maybe it’s stuck,” Toby suggested.

  “I dunno,” Lance said. “But if you keep wiggling your ass like that, it’s never gonna get soft.”

  “Well, be that as it may, right now I’ve got to pee, so we’ll have to give up on that for tonight. We can try again tomorrow.”

  “Oh, all right,” Lance grumbled. “But it’s your fault for wiggling.”

  “Point made.” She wiggled again and with one push of her pelvic muscles, he was out. Damn. Then she tried to dismount. Unsuccessfully. “Um, Toby. Could you give me a hand here?”

  Toby sat up. “Sure thing, Renee. What do you want me to do?”

  “Get me off him.” She tried to move again and winced. “My hip joints are locked up. Guess I’m not as limber as I thought.”

  “Riding a big hunk isn’t quite like working out in a gym, is it?” Toby commented as he took her by the waist and pulled. Sliding off in a jumble of arms and legs, she landed between them.

  Renee grasped her knee and pulled it up to her chest. “More like riding a big horse,” she replied. Switching to the other leg, she let out a yelp. �
�I’m definitely going to be walking funny tomorrow.”

  Toby snickered. “What makes you think you’ll need to walk?”

  “I’ll have to,” she said. “I’m taking you two back to the toy shop. Gotta outfit my new slave boys with collars and cock straps.”

  “Holy shit.” Toby’s eyes were round as saucers. “You mean it?”

  Renee nodded. “Yes. I’m thinking steel studs for you, and sparkly stuff for the ogre. Gotta pretty him up a little, don’t you think?”

  Lance laughed until tears streamed from his eyes. “Oh, Renee. Where have you been all our lives?”

  “Working my ass off,” she said bluntly. “But that’s about to change. I’m ready for some fun.”

  * * * *

  Toby had really hit the jackpot when he got up the nerve to speak to Renee, winding up with Lance and Renee as lovers in one fell swoop. He rolled off the bed and held out a hand. “Fun is good, and we’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can.” His first thought was to lick the cum out of her pussy, but thought he’d save that for later.

  After helping her to her feet, he watched her walk toward the bathroom and then shut the door behind her. What a gorgeous ass. Nodding toward the door, he aimed a smirk at Lance. “Did I do good or what?”

  “You did very good, my man,” Lance said with a firm nod. “Excellent choice.”

  Toby drew in a ragged breath. It was time to face the music. “So… how was the whole cocksucking thing for you?”

  Lance actually blushed. “Loved it.”

  A warm, fuzzy feeling engulfed him, and Toby was pretty sure he was blushing, too. “Enough to do it again?”


  Toby sighed with relief. He’d been afraid that without Renee there to beat him into submission, Lance might not want to repeat the performance. It was one thing for him to do it under duress. Doing it because he liked it was something else. “So, did my cum taste okay?”

  “Slightly sweet,” Lance replied with a wicked glint in his eyes. “Made my tongue tingle.”


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