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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

Page 47

by Lashell Collins

  “You could pick me up from Lucas’ when you’re finished,” she says softly, and her voice sounds hopeful. “I mean … if you wanted to.”

  “Yes, I want to,” I tell her definitively, and she nods her agreement. Then a thought occurs to me. “Sam, does your brother know about us?” She silently shakes her head. “Well, we’re going to have to tell him.”

  “Guy?” I look up and Lucas is shaking hands with the building manager who then exits the apartment, and Conner is looking at me expectantly.

  “Yeah, okay.” I glance back at Sam and then back up at Conner and Lucas. “Can you just give me a couple of minutes, Dave? I’ll be right down.” He looks at me for a long minute and, I get the feeling he knows what’s up. He glances at Lucas and at Sam and then back to me.

  “Yep. I’ll just leave with the uni and get the ball rolling. I’ll see you back at the station. Miss Colby,” he says turning to Samantha.

  “Thank you, Detective Conner,” she says softly, and he nods and then turns and walks out the door.

  “Was there something else, Detective?” Lucas Colby says, turning to me. I look back at Sam and take a deep breath as I stand.

  “Yes, there is.”

  “Lucas,” Samantha says quietly, standing up beside me. “I’m going to go pack a bag so that I can go with you.”

  “Yes, of course, Sam. You go ahead,” he says.

  “I’m going to go with you,” Samantha continues, “but I’m not going to stay with you.”

  He frowns at her, as if she’s not speaking English. “But your door is going to take a day or two to fix, Sam. You heard what Mr. Nelson said … ”

  “Yes, I know all about the door,” she sighs. “But Josh is going to pick me up from your place once he’s finished working.”

  Lucas’ frown gets deeper and he looks totally confused. “Josh? Who the hell is Josh?”

  I take another deep breath as I take Samantha’s hand, looking him in the eye. “I am.”

  He looks at me for a moment and I can see that it takes him a few seconds to comprehend what we’re saying. But once he does, the look on his face is difficult to read. He says nothing and just stares, looking from me to Sam and down at our clasped hands. Then he shakes his head slightly.

  “Say something, Lucas,” Sam says softly.

  “What do you expect me to say, Sam?” he fires off in an agitated tone. “This is a hell of a way to find out you’re seeing someone!” He looks from her to me, placing his hands on his hips in a bewildered move. Then he looks up at me. “Aren’t there rules or something about this sort of thing?”

  “Not really, no.” I tell him. “I could be reprimanded or written up for it. In fact … I expect to be.”

  “Is that why you sent the other Detective out of here?” he asks with an attitude, and I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Actually, no. My partner is aware of the situation. But I sent him out of here because this is a private conversation and I thought Sam might feel more comfortable if it were just the three of us.” At my words he looks slightly embarrassed, and I continue. “This ‘sort of thing’ is frowned upon, for all of the obvious reasons. But there are no real rules against it.”

  He sighs heavily and nods his head at me. Then he smirks and looks at Sam. “I don’t suppose Mom knows about this?” he asks her.

  “No, she doesn’t, Lucas,” Sam says with a big, tired sigh. She looks completely worn out and I just want to pick her up and carry her to bed. “Now will you stop being an ass. Who’s side are you on anyway?”

  His head snaps up in surprise and he looks as if she’s hurt his feelings. “That is the most asinine question you have ever asked me,” he says in an exasperated tone, and he’s clearly upset. “I am always on your side, Samantha. You know that!”

  Her shoulders slump and she looks defeated. “I know, I’m sorry,” she says softly. “Does that mean you’re okay with this?”

  “Does it matter if I’m not?”

  She tilts her head to one side as she looks at him. “Well, I’m not going to stop seeing Josh, if that’s what you mean. But yes, it matters.” They look at each other for a beat and Lucas’ eyes soften as he smiles at her.

  “Sam, all I have ever been concerned about is that you are safe and happy. Detective Pierce has obviously seen to your safety today. And for that, I am eternally grateful to you,” he says turning to me. “I won’t forget it.” Then he turns back to Sam and says, “But as long as you are happy, Samantha, and he is good to you … you two will have no problem from me.”

  Sam lets go of my hand and steps toward her brother, giving him a big hug. “Thank you, Lucas,” she says softly.

  He smiles and pats her affectionately on the back. “I swear, you are such a pain in the ass sometimes,” he tells her, and I can’t help but smile slightly at the two of them.

  Sam pulls away then and says softly, “I’m going to go pack a bag.” She starts to walk off but, I gently take her arm and she stops and turns to face me.

  “I have to go, Sam,” I say quietly, looking her in the eye, “I have to get back to the station.” I can see the dread and the disappointment written all over her face. It surprises me and it makes me want to stay and hold her.


  She looks so crestfallen that I can’t help myself. I take a step toward her and envelop her in my arms, holding her to me closely. She starts to cry softly as she clings to me, and I tighten my arms around her, pulling her even closer. “Hush now, baby,” I whisper to her, closing my eyes and kissing the top of her head. “You’re safe now, Sam. I promise you … I will never let him hurt you again, baby.”

  I open my eyes and kiss the top of her head once more, and I can see Lucas out of the corner of my eye watching us closely. I have no idea what he’s thinking but, right now, I couldn’t care less. All that matters to me is Samantha. It kills me that I have to leave her like this but, I know that the sooner I leave, the sooner I can get back to her.

  I pull away from our embrace and take her face in my hands, looking her in the eye. “Hey, I will be back as soon as I can, okay? But you call me if you need me.” She nods her head and bats her tear-filled eyes at me, and I lean in and lightly kiss her forehead.

  She takes a step back and then turns to head for the bedroom. But she stops after two steps and stands there for a second, and I wonder what’s going on. Then she turns suddenly and rushes back to me, crying harder. Startled, I wrap my arms around her again and hold her tightly. “Sam?”

  “Thank you, Josh,” she sobs, crying into my shirt.

  I shake my head slightly. “What for?” I softly ask, looking down at her.

  “For saving me,” she replies through a strangled sob, and I close my eyes as I gently squeeze her to me. Thinking about what could have happened to her if we had gotten here just a couple of minutes later. Or if I had listened to Conner and gone looking for Echols at the pool hall first. A small shudder runs through me at the thought and I actually feel a lump in my throat. Shit!

  “Hush, baby,” I say softly as I let go of her and take her lovely face in my hands once more. “Hey, none of this, okay?” Gently, I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. “It’s over, Sam. It’s all right. Everything is going to be all right now, baby. I promise you.”

  I kiss her forehead once more and look into her eyes for a second. Then gently, I kiss her lips chastely. “You go on now. Go pack your bag. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  She nods silently and turns and heads into her bedroom. And I stand for a moment watching after her and trying like hell to appear more macho than I feel right now. Fuck! I glance off to my left, avoiding Lucas Colby’s gaze as I take a deep anxious breath, letting it out slowly. And then I turn towards him.

  “Mr. Colby, I … ”

  “Lucas.” I blink at him for a second and he continues. “You’re obviously fucking my sister; I think you can call me Lucas,” he offers evenly. And his expression is as icy as his voice.

  I’m stunned
by his bluntness and I clear my throat reflexively. “Lucas. I want you to know that my relationship with Samantha didn’t hinder our investigation of this case in any way. But you should also know that, if this case goes to trial … our relationship could become a big issue. I was just ordered to stay away from Sam until we see which way this case is going to go.”

  “I understand, Detective.”

  “Josh.” He says nothing as he stares at me, and I swallow and continue. “Samantha going home with me, needs to be kept…”

  “I understand the situation, Josh,” he snaps, looking me in the eye as he cuts me off. “And I want you to know that I am only agreeing to Sam going home with you because I realize that she’s in no condition for another fight right now. Not to mention the fact that I do know my sister is a grown woman who can make her own decisions, whether I like it or not.”

  Both his expression and his tone are a clear mixture of disapproval and anger, and I would give just about anything to know what he’s thinking right now. But I don’t have time to play this game; I have to get back to the station. I reach out my hand to shake his.

  “I’ll pick Sam up as soon as I can,” I say, holding his gaze. He takes my offered hand and we shake, never breaking eye contact. Then he says something that takes me by surprise.

  “We’ll be at my penthouse downtown. Not at my house in Bellevue.”

  Lucas Colby is obviously a shrewd operator. There is no doubt in my mind that his words were chosen very carefully in order to elicit some sort of reaction from me. I don’t give him the satisfaction. “Okay,” I nod, and then turn to leave. As I walk to the elevator, I shake my head thinking about my mother’s warning that the Colbys wouldn’t be happy about me being with Sam. I sigh as I push that thought out of my head and make my way back to the station.


  I enter the bullpen and head for my desk and Conner looks up at me. “How’s she doing, Guy?”

  I sigh heavily, shaking my head. “She’s just barely holding it together, Dave. How’s our newest guest?”

  “Enjoying the city’s accommodations. I had him booked on charges of aggravated burglary, attempted rape, kidnapping, stalking, menacing, assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. As well as the original assault, theft and auto theft. Anything you’d like to add?”

  “Yeah. Being an asshole.”

  “That’s not a felony at this time.”

  “Yeah, well, it should be.” Conner chuckles and I take a deep breath and sigh. Then I motion toward the Lieutenant’s door with my chin. “What’s Marcos’ mood like?”

  “Just as shitty as it was when he left Miss Colby’s apartment. We should get it over with.”


  “Yeah,” Conner shrugs at me. “I’m going with you.”

  I shake my head at him. “You don’t have to do that, Dave. I got myself into this.” I stand up and head to Marcos’ office and Conner is right behind me. I stop halfway at the door and look back at him. “You don’t listen,” I smirk at him.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I smile at him and he shakes his head at me. “How many times have you had my back over the last four years, Guy? It’s not always easy being the partner of ‘Top Cop,’ you know? If I don’t want to look bad in comparison, I got no choice but to bust my ass just to keep up with you. So, in that sense you’ve made me a better cop, okay. But today, I get to have your back for a change, so … let’s go.”

  He looks determined and my grin gets bigger. I turn and proceed to the Lieutenant’s closed door and knock.

  “Come on!” Marcos’ voice is stern and agitated, and I take another deep breath before opening the door and heading inside. He looks up as we enter and immediately frowns. “You can go back to your desk, Conner,” he says to Dave, but his eyes never waver from mine.

  “With all due respect, Lieu, I feel that I have something to contribute to this discussion,” Conner says.

  Marcos looks at him for a beat and finally says, “Fine. Close the door.”

  I swallow as we both walk over and sit in the chairs across from Marcos’ desk. Conner called me Top Cop a second ago. It’s a friendly, smartass moniker that I know some of the guys have used to describe me over my ten years at the PD, but I know what they’re getting at. I have spent my entire career working hard, putting forth the extra effort, clearing a lot of cases. I don’t do it for the recognition or to try and climb the ladder. I do it because I love police work, plain and simple. I truly enjoy my job and I take pride in it, every single day.

  And I suddenly frown as a realization hits me. That’s what Lee meant. When he said that I’d make a good supervisor and that I’d be a good example and mentor for the young guys just joining the ranks. Conner said I make him a better cop because he has to hustle to keep up with me. Is that true? Could I instill that love and pride for the job into the rookies just starting out?

  Not if Marcos is about to hand you your ass on a silver platter, Pierce. I smirk to myself. I may have been Top Cop once upon a time but, I’m sure as hell not right now. I can’t believe it’s actually come to this over a woman! Over the course of my career, I have been reprimanded a total of zero times. I have never been written up for any reason. But then … I’ve never done anything this out of character before. Getting involved with the victim in a case? Not like me at all.

  “Well,” Marcos says, looking at me expectantly. “Let’s hear it. What the hell has been going on, Guy? When you asked me for permission to escort Miss Colby to and from work each day, I was thought it was a great idea. Lucas Colby was happy to hear that we were making his sister’s safety such a priority. Now, I’m feeling like a fucking idiot here! Were you just playing me?”

  His voice is raised and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry. At least, not at me. I look at him in a sort of daze. What the fuck am I supposed to tell him? “No, sir! My priority was always keeping Samantha safe! But I’m not really sure what to say, Lieutenant,” I shrug at him. “When this case began, I tried to ignore what I knew was going on between Samantha and me. I tried to stay away from her and just do my job! But once she started getting phone calls from this creep it became more difficult. She reached out to me, and I wanted to protect her! And then it just … happened.”

  “Well when you saw where things were headed, why didn’t you try just taking yourself off the damn case?” He sounds pissed. I’m at a loss of what to say. I look down at the floor and Conner speaks up.

  “If I can jump in, Lieu?”

  “What is it, Conner?” Marcos barks at him.

  “Sir, I know you’re worried that this relationship may have compromised our investigation in some way but, I have to tell you that is not the case,” Conner says. “In fact, it’s been just the opposite. Guy’s work on this case has been exemplary. His closeness to the victim made it possible for us to wind up catching this dirtbag today. If he had listened to me this afternoon, instead of listening to his own instincts – which were screaming at him to go and check on his girl – not only would we have missed Echols altogether, but Miss Colby would surely have ended up raped as well. Possibly even killed. And there would be no words for how upset the Colby family would be with this department right now.”

  Marcos is quiet for several seconds as he mulls over Dave’s words, and I know that what he just said is true. I can’t imagine the frenzy this department would be in now if things had gone differently earlier today. And Marcos knows that too.

  He looks at me and says quietly, “How far have things gone with you two?”

  It’s an extremely personal question. One that I have no intention of answering directly. I look him in the eye and say nothing, and my stoic expression tells him what he wants to know. He sighs heavily.

  “Are there feelings involved here, Guy, or was it just sex?” He is looking at me as if he’s trying to find a way to justify overlooking my indiscretion, and I swallow anxiously as I answer him as honestly as I can.

  “I care very deepl
y about her, Lieutenant,” I tell him earnestly, and he studies my face for a moment.

  “Who knows about it?”

  I hesitate a second as I remember our conversation with Lee Parson at The Slammer. But Lieu doesn’t need to know about that. “Just Conner.”

  He smirks at me. “And Parson?” I feel my face flush as I look down at the floor. I don’t answer his question but, I don’t need to. Marcos is well aware of the bond Lee and I share. He and Lee are close friends; they used to be partners back in the day. “Anyone else” he asks me.

  “No, sir.”

  “Well, let’s keep it that way until we see what happens with this case,” Marcos says. “And I mean it, Guy. You stay away from her until then. You got it!” I say nothing and nod at him. “All right. Get out of here.”

  We stand to leave and he calls after us. “By the way, there will be a press conference in 45 minutes with Captain Skinner. I expect you both to be there.” Conner opens up the door and we turn to leave. “And Pierce?” We are halted in our tracks for a second as we look back at him. “Despite your minor lapse in judgment, you did good work out there today. You both did. You should be commended.”

  He turns his attention back to the paperwork on his desk, effectively dismissing us, and Conner and I leave his office. I am dumbstruck. I expected him to read me the riot act and instead, he’s commending me on a job well done. I turn to Conner as we reach our desks. “Hey, thanks for what you said in there, Dave. I appreciate it.”

  He shrugs at me. “I didn’t say anything but the truth, Guy. And I owed you one, for being such a jerk to you and Samantha at the bar the other night. If I get the chance … I’d like to apologize to her too.” I smile at him and pat his shoulder. As I’m taking a seat behind my desk and make to get started on the paperwork over Echols’ arrest, Conner sits across from me and says, “Hey, Guy. Why don’t you let me take care of the paperwork? That way, you can slide out right after the press conference.”

  I look at him and frown. “That’s a lot of paperwork, Conner. You sure you don’t want to at least split it or something?”


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