Book Read Free

Wilde Times

Page 6

by Savannah Young

  “This is about you, Harley. It’s always been about you and it always will be about you. Jake’s just too stupid to realize it.”

  And with that the conversation is over. Tucker grabs a rag from under the bar, wets it under the sink and hands it to me. “Thanks for calling the twins. Now wipe down the tables before Chuck and Nancy get here. You know they can’t stand it when their table is sticky.”

  They are two of the regulars. Jake once told me they have been coming to Haymakers for lunch twice a week for nearly fifty years. I definitely don’t want them to have a sticky table.


  When there’s a lull between the lunch and dinner crowd Gracie takes a seat at one of the empty tables near the back of the bar.

  I head over and join her at the table.

  “Doing okay?” I ask.

  She nods. “Do you mind if I put my feet up? They’re getting a little swollen.”

  “Is this something I have to look forward to someday?”

  When she doesn’t reply, but gives me a sad look instead, I add, “I mean someday if I ever find someone to have a baby with.”

  “You will,” she assures me. “You’re gorgeous.”

  That hasn’t helped me much so far, I want to say, but just thank her instead. I have to admit that Gracie does bring out what little niceness I have inside.

  “Jake can be a jerk,” she whispers. He’s been called a lot worse than that, but Gracie’s so nice she has a difficult time even saying that about him.

  “Yes he can,” I agree.

  “He doesn’t seem to have any idea how lucky he is to have you.”

  I nod.

  Then she leans in close and says, “I know what it’s like to love someone who doesn’t love you back.”

  My chest tightens. Is it that obvious to everyone that I love Jake and that I’m a huge fool because it’s obvious that he doesn’t love me back? Even naïve Gracie seems to have caught on to that pretty quickly.

  “People could see that I was being abused by my ex-boyfriend,” she says. “I wore the marks of his abuse on my body. People can be emotionally abused too. That’s not as easy to see.”

  Gracie’s words hit me like a blast of cold air in the face. Does she think Jake is being emotionally abusive? I’ve never considered his womanizing to be abusive. I’ve just always thought it was the way he is. It’s not like he didn’t make it clear from the very first time we were together that our arrangement wasn’t exclusive.

  “He’s never lied to me,” I tell her. “It’s my choice to be with him even though I know he’s going to be with other girls.”

  “That doesn’t mean it’s right or that it doesn’t hurt.”

  Maybe Gracie is much less innocent than I’ve given her credit for. She seems to have hit the nail on the head with me and Jake.

  “I can’t help how I feel about him. I keep hoping one day he’ll feel the same way about me.”

  “What if he doesn’t?”

  I heave a sigh. I guess I was the one who was naïve not to consider that a possibility. But it’s becoming more real to me on a daily basis. “For right now I’m choosing to believe that’s not an option.”

  “Okay.” She gives me a small smile.

  We sit in silence for a few moments, both lost in our own thoughts until Gracie says, “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Riley and Cooper want to share their wedding reception with us, which is more than I ever dreamed of. We’ve decided to do a small civil ceremony right after Riley and Cooper’s wedding at the church, but before the reception. I was wondering if you would consider being my maid of honor.”

  She looks so unsure of herself. Almost like she’s going to cry at any moment.

  Before I even have a chance to respond she says, “You don’t have to. I just thought since you were already going to be in Riley’s wedding, and you’d already have a dress, that you wouldn’t mind.”

  I know it isn’t funny because it looks like Gracie is going to burst into tears at any moment, but I can’t help but laugh. I’m the last person on Earth anyone should want to have as a bridesmaid and now I’m being asked to be someone’s maid of honor. I’d think I was in one of those practical joke videos if she didn’t look so serious and utterly stressed out right now.

  “I didn’t mean to laugh,” I say as I grab her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t need to have a maid of honor.”

  “I would be honored to be your maid of honor,” I tell her. “The reason I laughed is because I can’t believe anyone would ever ask.”


  I nod. “Yes, seriously. I was a total bitch to you when we first met. I’m a bitch to everyone. I’m not sure why you even like me.”

  “Because I know you have a good heart. And I know you really care about people. Even if you are a little hard on the outside. You’re like Tucker that way.”

  There are a lot of ways that Tucker and I are alike. We both appear to be tough as nails and guarded with armor on the outside. But we’re also both soft on the inside when you really get to know us.

  “You’ll really be my maid of honor?”

  “Of course. It’s not like you have anyone else to ask anyway.”

  That makes her smile. “I wasn’t going to say that.”

  “But it’s true. You can’t deny it. It’s like winning first place in a race in which you’re the only runner.”

  “Thank you, Harley. I really do consider you my best friend.”

  I stand. “I don’t do female friends, but if I did, you’d be my best friend too.” Then I hurry away before things with Gracie get any more sappy.



  I’m driving. It’s what I do when I’m upset. I drive. It gives me time and space to think. Something you can definitely use when you live your whole life with your three brothers.

  I’m still beating myself up for not realizing Harley was a virgin and that she’s never been with anyone but me ever since. As impossible as it still seems it all makes sense.

  At least I know now why she’s so enthralled with me. She’s has no basis for comparison. She has yet to realize that she could do better than me. Probably any guy out there would be better for her than me. Even my brothers are better than me.

  Whenever I go for a long drive to clear my head I usually find myself parked outside the football field at Old Town High School. Playing on that field, being the captain of a state championship winning team, was the last time I felt really good about myself. I felt like I was on top of the world and I could achieve anything.

  That was ten years ago and I’ve achieved nothing since. My brother, Cooper, is an Ivy League graduate. He’s a hot shot on Wall Street with a beautiful fiancée who absolutely adores him. My brother, Hunter, worked his ass off to get into the police academy and became a cop. He’s also dating one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. Tucker served his country in Iraq and is a decorated veteran. He also saved the life of the woman he loves. He’s a true hero in more ways than one. What did I ever do but run around on a field with a ball in my hands? I’m the manager of my family’s bar. It’s a great job, but it was given to me, it’s not something I earned.

  I’m so lost in my own thoughts that I don’t see that Coach Stanley has approached my truck until he knocks on the driver’s side window.

  “Jake Wilde,” he says as I open the window and he sticks his big head into my truck. “Long time no see.”

  Coach Stanley is the type of guy who never seems to age. He was in his thirties when I was in high school. Back then he looked like he had just stepped out of high school himself. Even ten years later he still has the good looks and charm of his youth. People still say that about me too, although it’s getting more difficult to believe with each passing year.

  “Coach. How’s the team looking this year?” Even though it’s summer break, Coach Stanley always runs a football camp for guys who want to pl
ay in the upcoming season.

  He shrugs. “We’ve got a few promising prospects. Nothing like the talent when you guys were playing though.”

  Old Town High hasn’t sent a team to the state championships since I graduated.

  “Still over at Haymakers?” he asks. Coach Stanley is a very religious man. He doesn’t drink and doesn’t frequent the bar in town.

  “I’m running the place.”

  “I always imagined you’d go to college. Get out of Old Town.”

  “I didn’t exactly have the grades for that,” I admit. I spent a lot more time worrying about football and cheerleaders than I did about hitting the books.

  “Not married yet?” Coach has always made it clear that he doesn’t condone premarital sex. He knows I’m not married, but this is his way of letting me know that I shouldn’t be taking the milk for free if I’m not buying the cow.

  I shake my head. “Haven’t found the right girl yet.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “I’m sure you meet lots of great gals at the bar.”

  “I do.”

  “Don’t wait too long to settle down. I married my high school sweetheart as soon as we graduated from college. Best decision I ever made. We’ve got two beautiful kids. My boy will be playing for me in a few years. You really want to have kids while you’re still young enough to enjoy them.”

  I nod. “Thanks for the advice.”

  He pats my shoulder. “Great seeing you, Jake. Maybe when the season starts you can stop by and give the team a pep talk. I think they’d love that. You’re still a celebrity here at Old Town High.”

  “Sure. Just let me know when.”

  Coach Stanley turns and heads back toward the football field, but turns back to give me a quick wave before I leave.

  I know Coach Stanley is right. I never wanted to wait this long to settle down and start a family. And I never in a million years thought that one of my younger brothers would be having a kid before me.

  But I know the only way I’m ever going to be able to find someone other than Harley is for Harley to get out of Old Town for good.

  Before I know it I’m parked outside of Sidewinders.

  This is just the place to accelerate Harley’s realization process. If things go as well as I think they might she’ll be packing her bags to get the hell out of Old Town in no time.

  It’s still fairly early so I don’t expect the bar to be packed. I’m not a big drinker, but I can sure use a cold beer right now. And it’s not like I can have a drink at Haymakers. I know I’m just trying to find ways to justify what I’m about to do. I’ll be the first to admit all the shitty things I’ve done to women, but this will be by far the shittiest.

  I know that once I go down this path, there’s no turning back. I take a deep breath, hop out of my car and head into Sidewinders.

  There’s only one other patron at the bar when I take a seat.

  “What can I get you?” a familiar female voice says.

  When I look up I see Regina Masters staring at me. She truly is a gorgeous blonde and she has the most stunning blue eyes I’ve ever seen after Harley’s. I can understand why Harley hates her. They’re too much alike in every way. They’re both the best looking girl in the room no matter where they go. They’re both smart as hell. And they both say exactly what’s on their minds.

  “And what brings Jake Wilde to Sidewinders?” Regina is already leaning over the counter giving me a great view of her rack. And she does have what looks like nearly perfect knockers.

  “Just sat down for a beer.”

  “Did you run out of beer at Haymakers?” she jokes.

  “I’ll take a pint of Guinness.”

  She gives me a sexy little smile that tells me everything I need to know. She’s ready and willing whenever I’d like. “Let me get you that beer.”

  My eyes land on her perfect little ass that’s just screaming to be grabbed in her skin tight jeans. As she’s pouring my beer she takes a quick look back at me. I know it’s just to make sure that she’s still got my full attention.

  And that she has, at least for the moment.

  When she hands me the beer I notice she’s not wearing her engagement ring. “Where’s your diamond?” I ask.

  She leans over the bar again, giving me another long look at her ample cleavage. Then she lifts a hand as if she’s going to tell me a secret. “I make a lot more in tips when I leave the ring at home.”

  I nod. “And what does your fiancé think about that?”

  “My fiancé is out of town a lot. And he doesn’t see what I wear, or don’t wear, to work.”

  “Is your fiancé out of town tonight?”

  She gives me another one of her suggestive smiles. “He’s out of town all week.”

  One night will be more than enough for what I want. “Good to know.”

  I take a sip of the beer.

  “So what’s the deal with you and Harley Davis?”

  “There is no deal. I’m a free agent.”

  She nods. “Good to know.”

  “What do you like to do when your fiancé is out of town?”

  She raises an eyebrow. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I can think of a lot of ways to keep you entertained.” I give her a charismatic grin.

  She looks me up and down. “I’m sure you could.”

  “What time do you get off?”

  “That depends on how long it takes to get back to your place. My shift is over in about thirty minutes. Just enough time to finish your beer.”

  “And it’s about thirty minutes to my house. Can you wait that long to be entertained?”

  “I’ve heard that you can be very entertaining so I’m sure it’ll be well worth the wait.”

  “Good,” I give her one of my winning smiles.

  I wouldn’t normally go after a girl who’s engaged to someone else. I’m not that big of a dick, but just this once I’m willing to make an exception. Regina Masters is Harley’s biggest enemy. Harley’s seen me hook up with hundreds of girls, but Regina is the only one who Harley ever told me to stay away from.

  As sorry as I feel for the poor sap who is going to marry Regina I have to bang her. It’s the one thing that I have no doubt will finally push Harley away for good.


  “You’ve got an awesome house,” Regina says as she pulls a cigarette out of her purse.

  We’re both lying in my bed still naked and sweaty from sex.

  “You can’t smoke in here.”

  She pouts. Like that’s going to impress me one bit. There’s only one person on the planet who can influence me with her pout and that’s the person I’m trying to push away by hooking up with Regina.

  The more I get to know Regina the less I like her. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy being inside of her, but that’s quickly becoming the only appealing thing about her. She’s entertaining in bed—but there isn’t much else to like.

  On the outside, everything about her is nearly perfect.

  But that’s also the problem. She’s nearly perfect. All I could think about was the all ways in which she isn’t as good as Harley. Not the least of which is that Harley would never cheat on anyone she made a commitment to. Regina doesn’t seem to give a shit about her fiancé at all. It seems like the only reason she wants to marry him is so she can get out of Old Town and he can buy her a house closer to the city.

  She’s a rotten person on the inside.

  She didn’t hesitate one second to spread her legs for me. And all I was offering was one quick ride. Granted I’ve been told that I know how to give a fantastic ride, but my rides are always one-way tickets to paradise. No return tickets allowed.

  Now that I’ve started down this road, I have to finish to its completion. That means telling her I can’t wait to see her again, even if she makes me sick, and I never want to lay eyes on her again. She needs to think things between us are more than they are so that she’ll rub it in Harley’s face.

sp; I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Just imagining the look on Harley’s face when she finds out I was with Regina is nearly killing me. I have no idea how I’m going to handle seeing her face when she actually hears the news.

  For a split second I feel like I just may have made the worst decision in my entire life. I know when she finds out that I was with Regina she’ll never want to be with me again. I also know she’ll never forgive me because I told her I wouldn’t. I promised her and I broke that promise.

  I just broke the heart of the only girl I’ve ever loved.



  “What do you think of this one?” Gracie asks. She holds up what is probably the thirtieth wedding dress we’ve looked at today. They’re all starting to look the same. The obvious problem is that Gracie is pregnant and really starting to show, so it limits what she can wear, and even more limiting is what she’ll be able to fit into another few weeks from now.

  It’s clear to me now why so many people elope. Weddings require too much shopping. And I love to shop. So that tells you something.

  “I don’t want to have to wear a tent.” Gracie sounds like she might cry.

  “Do you think there’s a maternity shop that specializes in wedding gowns?”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “Most people get married first and then have a baby. Maybe Tucker and I should forget about trying to have a ceremony and reception.”

  Now I feel bad that I’m getting frustrated with the process. I’m the maid of honor. I’m supposed to be supporting the bride no matter how irritated I may be getting. “I’m sure we can find a dress that will work.”

  “Do you really think so?” When Gracie’s voice cracks I know I have to do something exceptional if I don’t want this shopping excursion to deteriorate into a cry-fest.

  “I know so,” I assure her. “Let’s see if we can get a salesperson to help us. You can’t be the only woman who’s ever been in this particular situation. Half the movie stars in Hollywood seem to be getting pregnant before they get married.”


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