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Cocky Love: Emma Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 11)

Page 8

by Faleena Hopkins

  “I don’t mind. Another thing men like to do is protect women.”

  She looks grim. “If you’re saying you’re protecting me, that’s ironic.”

  “Very.” We ride in silence for a while. “I’m not going to fuck you, Emma.”

  Her head swings to me and she stares without knowing how to respond. “I’m just showing you houses.”

  “Come now,” I chuckle. “I thought we weren’t going to lie to each other anymore. Or at least I wasn’t going to. How ‘bout you join me? Ah ah ah. Don’t do it! You’re about to deny you’re lying, which is a lie again.” Her soft lips clamp shut and she glares out the windshield. “That’s better. I’d prefer angry silence to lying.”

  “Fine,” she mutters. “If we’re going to be honest, why not?”

  “Why won’t I fuck you?” I cock an eyebrow at her. She instantly mirrors me, but looks far prettier. “I told you before. And now it’s compacted with the simple fact that I like you.”

  She challenges me, “What if I tried to seduce you?”

  “You couldn’t.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “I have too much self control.”

  “Hmmm…” She faces forward again, wheels grinding in that stubborn mind of hers. Right now she resembles Jake Cocker more than she ever has.

  We have lunch at Meehans in Buckhead, sitting on the patio since the weather is perfect. She has the ahi tuna steak sandwich. I, the farmstead burger, medium rare. We keep the talk impersonal after I answer her question about where I call home. We spend most of the time comfortably discussing which television shows we think are worth streaming. She’s very passionate about this subject while I rarely have time for ‘brain candy’ as she calls it, so I have less to offer, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

  I wait and wait and wait for her to make her move. Flash a little cleavage. Giggle and bob her high heel after suggestively crossing her legs. Play with her hair. Smile flirtatiously and too much. But Emma does none of the predictable tricks. In fact, she does nothing differently at all. Which makes me suspicious.

  The bill comes and I’m relieved when I hand the server my Amex Platinum card without a fight. As I leave my normal hefty tip, Emma checks her phone and says, “Oh, Tanner, I’m so sorry.”

  From underneath my brows while signing my name I ask, “For?”

  “I have to push our other showings for today, back. Something has come up.”

  Frowning I lay the pen down. “Everything alright?”

  “Family thing,” she frowns at her phone, before sliding it away. “Thank you for lunch. That was delicious.” We rise and I motion for her to lead the way. She smiles, “I’d love to hear more about San Francisco some time. I’ve never been.”

  I’m trying to figure her out. Where is this seduction she seemed to be planning? Everything Emma’s doing is normal and easy-going. None of it overtly sexy in any way, other than the fact that she’s tasty, no doubt about that. I caught several men sneaking glances at her face while we ate. Maybe the challenge is dropped and I can relax. “When are you free?”

  “I’ll check my work calendar and get back to you,” she says as she waits at her passenger door for me to open it. I do and she glides in without argument. I love it when a woman listens to what I need. It’s rare and welcomed beyond my ability to explain. Strolling to the other side I say, “Of course. I’ll give you my number.” I slide in and the seat belts engage. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think it’s best to go through your assistant, don’t you?”

  Blinking at her I’m unable to argue. I can’t really insist she call me. That would be a bizarre thing to do. “Yes, of course you’re right. Call Dan. Set it up.”

  She smiles and relaxes, tying her hair up and facing front to reach into the glove compartment and take out a pair of sunglasses. I notice they’re not the ones she wore that day. I’m sure those are scratched beyond appeal. She doesn’t point out the pink elephant. Instead, she gives no sign that there ever was anything thrown at my car.

  Frowning I drive us back and see my vehicle silently waiting to take me to yet another solitary night of no activity. When I park I feel unsure of what to do with myself. She sits where she is and after an awkward moment I jump out and go to open her door. She takes my hand and allows me to help her out. “Thank you, Tanner.”

  My chest aches and I don’t know why. Then I realize. “That’s the first time you called me that without sarcasm.”

  Without guile her eyebrows lift slightly. “Is it? Yes, I guess it is. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Well, I have to go. Have a good evening.”

  I watch her walk around to her side, and my hands dip into my pockets as I stroll to my rental and she climbs in the driver’s seat to drive away.

  I glance back. “Emma!”

  Her eyes meet mine. “Yes?”

  “My sister’s name is Jennifer. She’s my only sibling.”

  Emma’s lips part and a grateful smile appears. “Jennifer’s a beautiful name.”

  I wave and stand by my car as the convertible drives away. For the first time in my life a woman has utterly confused me.

  Chapter 19


  “You had a fight with Gabriel?” I frown while typing at my work desk.

  Hannah’s voice comes through the speaker stressed and tight. “Yeah, after the concert Friday. Where were you?”

  Wishing I could tell her about Andy and how our fight had distracted me, and the next night I just stayed home and hermitted, I confess part of the truth, “I totally forgot about it.”

  “Well, I told my brother it was his fault so few of us were there. That he’s distanced from the rest of us and his traveling the world as a fucking rockstar doesn’t help.”

  “Ugh, Hannah. You’re too hard on the twins.”

  “Am I?” Surprised is exactly what I would expect from her on this subject. I’m definitely the more empathetic of the two of us, always have been. Hannah was a lone wolf in her heart, coming into the family under such strange circumstances. And her twin brothers are about seven years younger than she is, boys, too, so that didn’t really help them bond. Plus, Elijah and Gabriel always stuck together as twins of one mind and matching faces often do.

  “Yes, at some point you’re going to have to allow them to be men, Hann. Give them a little respect.”

  “Tobias hinted at the same thing but not so bluntly as you just did.”

  “What’d he say?”

  “He grunted.”

  I laugh, and she joins me before calling out to her man, “I know you said actual words! Stop eavesdropping! You know I’m crazy about you.” Quieter, she says while laughing, “I’m going to have to blow him tonight to make up for that, but you know I don’t mind.”

  “Spare me the visual, Hannah, I’ve got another call coming in.”

  “Call me later. I want to hear about how things are going with Tanner.”

  Smiling to myself I switch over and sweetly say, “Hi Dan, can I help you with something?”

  There’s a short pause while Tanner’s assistant decides how to take my question. “I’m calling to set up more appointments for Mr. Hamilton.”

  “I told him yesterday I would call him when I knew my calendar.”

  Another pause.

  Nobody makes Tanner wait.

  “Yes, well it’s the end of the workday and we haven’t heard from you.”

  “I was terribly busy today,” I smile into a quiet office where nothing has happened all day except for my studying the most recent tax laws with real estate. When it’s slow like this and my boss doesn’t come in, I spend my time learning so I can keep my competitive edge.

  Dan clears his throat. I can just imagine how badly he doesn’t want to give Tanner a vague answer. “Do you know when you have free time?”

  “I have a small window Wednesday at the end of the day. I’m sorry but that’s the best I can do. Will six o’clock work for Mr. Hamilton?

  “Two days from now? He’s staying in town for this…”

  Heart pounding I stick to my plan. “Why don’t you get back to me? But please hurry before my calendar fills up. If he needs to find another realtor, I understand.”

  “We’ll take it!” He coughs and regains his composure. “Pen him in.”

  “Thank you, Dan. Have a wonderful evening.”

  He mumbles a confused goodbye and the line goes dead.

  Laughter bubbles up and I have to stand up to pace around a minute. It was a gamble to not call him today. Tanner Hamilton gets what he wants and I’m sure women have dropped their dresses at his feet his entire life, just like they do to my male cousins and two brothers. I’ve learned from watching how things go down. Act too interested and lose the guy. Give him a run for his money and watch his ears perk up, and his actions change. That is, if some real spark is there. You can’t just manipulate someone and expect it to last.

  Revving their engines however, when they are truly interested? It drives them wild.

  Through the glass I see Cora walking up. I hurry to my desk to look busy so she doesn’t try to engage me in conversation. Sometimes she floats around here and acts like she’s alone and while that’s very rude, today it would be welcome.

  I’m not that lucky.

  “Have you heard from Mr. Hamilton?”

  Glancing up I feign a blasé attitude. “No, why?”

  Her smile is smug and secretive as she flips through a stack of mail. “He was very sad when I said we couldn’t help him.”

  Playing detective I casually ask, “Why did you turn him away? Too busy lately or…”

  Her shuffling pauses and resumes. “I’d forgotten that your father had a problem with Mr. Hamilton. Rachel reminded me. You know she’s my best friend.”

  That feeling isn’t mutual. I know that Silvia will always be Aunt Rachel’s best friend, after my Uncle Jaxson that is. “I’m sure she was relieved.”

  Clucking her tongue in a mysterious way, Cora says, “Glad to be of service,” with a sly smile.

  I don’t realize I’m staring at her until she catches me, cocking one of her threaded eyebrows, the mail frozen in her hands.

  I blurt, “What if you could still keep the commission?”

  Her head tilts. “How would I do that?”

  “What if I did the sale?”

  Narrowing, her eyes drink me in like a predator does prey. “You want to work with Tanner, do you? He got his claws into you that quickly, Emma?”

  Sitting back with an unusual confidence I rarely have around my boss, I shrug, “Claws into me? He’s much too old for me, don’t you agree?”

  “Mmm,” she hums suspiciously.

  “Don’t give his appeal that much credit,” I add for good measure, “You’ve seen the men in my family right? I’m used to good looks and arrogance.”

  Cora laughs and goes back to choosing which envelopes are heading to the recycle bin. “I appreciate the thought but I don’t want Tanner’s money. Someone else can have his commission.”

  Biting my bottom lip I go back to reading this year’s tax laws. She doesn’t mean me when she thinks of ‘someone else.’ This is a dangerous risk I’m taking. On many levels. But there’s no turning back now, is there?

  Chapter 20


  Finally it’s six o’clock, Wednesday evening. I thought this hour would never come. I’ve never been so irritated at anyone I’ve hired before. Dan told me I was shouting when I heard the news that she wasn’t available until three full days after I saw her on Sunday afternoon. These had better be some incredible properties we’re seeing or I will lose my temper and fire her on the spot.

  Cutting an angry glance to the incredible property beside me I snarl at the perfect lawn and flawless modern exterior, just as her convertible drives up.

  Fire smashes through my veins as I cross my arms and widen my stance, waiting for her to untie her soft fucking hair and glide out of the car. When I see what she’s wearing my heart hammers in my chest and my cock twitches to attention. “Is this what you wore to the office today?” I growl, not recognizing my own voice.

  Emma’s whiskey eyes are as clear as the sunny sky above her sweet face. She glances down to a stunningly tight yet elegant black dress and five-inch-heels, then comes back up and gives me the most casual of apologies. “Oh, I’m so sorry, but I’ve got an engagement after this. Dan told you I only have an hour, didn’t he?” She steps back and holds up her hand. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to explode. I’m not late, am I?”

  My face has contorted with shock, disbelief and rage that I cannot seem to get ahold of. Clearing my throat I loosen my tie and look away from her. She’s too damn sexy in that thing and she has a date?! Engagement my ass! Who is this guy? I want to wring his neck!

  “You’re right on time,” I grate, motioning to the house. “Since we have so little of it we should begin at once.”

  “I agree,” she smiles as if I’m not turning crimson and my neck doesn’t itch like crazy.

  Her passing perfume wafts into my flaring nostrils as I follow her to my doom. She remotely unlocks the door and steps back for me to open it, the first time she’s done that for any of the previous houses. I told her about it being a sign of respect, and she’s letting me know she listened. Mildly gratified I oblige and she smiles politely, eyes sparkling with gratitude before they flash to business and she begins the tour.

  “As you can see this is the most contemporary of the homes we’ve visited and as such it has modern amenities. There is a wonderful movie screening room with a hologram control pad. A pool with a waterslide that begins on the second floor balcony. The kitchen has the finest appliances money can by. Each bathroom has a Jacuzzi bathtub and each bedroom a gas fireplace. And I know you’ll love this.” She leads me through a spectacular kitchen to the hallway of the staff-housing. As we walk to one enormous room after another she waves her pretty wrist and happily announces, “Even the staff’s bedrooms have fireplaces and each their own en suite bathroom.”

  Inhaling her scent I mutter, “Impressive. Why are they leaving?”

  “The current owners have moved to Maine because they miss the snow.”

  Frowning I ask, “Don’t you get snowfall in winter here?”

  “Sometimes, but it rarely sticks. Of course there’s the odd year where we have more, but mostly ice. You don’t want to deal with traffic when that happens.” She rolls her eyes in the cutest way. I’m staring at her and she pauses, caught off guard when I reach out and lift a stray hair from her bare shoulder. “Um…anyway, they are such good employers they’re hoping whoever takes over the space will be able to keep their staff on. They’ve prepared glowing references and detailed reasons to support why they should remain. But of course that’s up to you, Mr. Hamilton.”

  “Send me the papers and I’ll have a look.”

  Emma’s eyebrows go up. “Does that mean you’re interested in the house.”

  “Very,” I murmur with a double meaning as I hold her gaze. “I’m very interested.”

  Emma’s lips part and her hand floats up and almost rests on my chest. Lightning bolts hit me as I gaze into her eyes, no one around to stop me from kissing her.

  “Would you care to see the pool?”

  I can’t keep my eyes off her body as I follow her outside into a backyard that’s just as fantastic as the home itself. There are three areas paved with pretty stones, flowering bushes separating them. In each is a patio set that beckons one to rest a while over lunch with good conversation.

  I pause at the door and take it all in, as Emma’s five-inch-stunners carry her to the middle of the grounds. She turns and holds out her arms. “What do you think?”

  Sliding my hands in my pockets I raise my voice loud enough to travel the distance. “I think you should cancel your date.”

  Emma’s arms drop. “Why?”

  “Because I’d like to take you to dinner.”

  She’s smiles like she’s about to say yes and I feel my chest expand with a deep intake of relief. “I’m sorry, Tanner but I can’t do that.”

  The air goes stale in my lungs. “Whoever this guy is, Emma, he isn’t me.”

  She gently laughs. Not a mocking laugh, but one of friendliness and patience. “No, he isn’t you. Because if he were then you would know why I was wearing this. So, let’s not state the obvious.”

  “I meant he does not have the experience I have.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  Trying to contain my jealousy I say, “Few men do.”

  Rolling her eyes she walks back to me. “So cocky, just like my dad.”

  Fists curl. “I’m not like Jake.”

  Not hiding how much she’s dying to know, she asks, “What happened between you two?”

  “Who are you dining with that you should wear that dress?”

  She regards me for a moment and then passes me into the mansion.

  I follow her and sneer as she says, “It’s really none of your business.”

  Spinning around she approaches me with all of the cold confidence of a runway model. Lifting the edge of my tie with two red fingernails, Emma holds my eyes. “Mr. Hamilton, you called me a child.” Touching my cheek, her eyes become hooded like she might kiss me. I am struck, frozen where I stand, blood throbbing with need for her. “I hope you understand that our relationship is purely professional from here on out. Do not lose your temper with me again or I will stop working with you altogether.” Her lips come dangerously close to mine and just as I move in to kiss her, she walks away, not looking back. “It’s seven o’clock. I don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  Chapter 21


  Dan called me three times last night, sounding more agitated each call. Unlike Tanner who is like a caged animal when he’s upset, Dan stutters and says the word, ‘uh’ too much. He booked time with me today, Thursday, and then he confirmed twice.


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