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Cocky Love: Emma Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 11)

Page 13

by Faleena Hopkins

  He guides me to a ticket counter’s VIP line and I glance to him. Since I’m stunned, I stay quiet and soon learn that this is the airline he has frequent flyer miles with and is a member of their program. “We want to go somewhere warm,” he says, sliding his credit card with their logo on it, across the counter.

  Bearing the name-tag Paulette, the uniformed ticket agent takes the card with glamorously long nails. It’s her one way of standing out from her co-workers since she’s forced to wear that conservative and sexless wardrobe. “Yes, Mr. Hamilton.” She scans us and peeks over the desk. “Eloping?”

  I beat him to the answer. “No, we just want to get away and we’re being spontaneous about it. That’s why we don’t have suitcases.”

  A smile twitches on Tanner as he informs Paulette, “We’re going to get clothes when we arrive. I’m very rich.”

  I lift an eyebrow. “You’re not supposed to say that.”

  “Why not?”

  Paulette rolls her head, “Yeah, why not? People are always talking about how poor they are. You think that helps them? I don’t! Let’s see what we’ve got. Two flights leave in an hour. One for Alaska, one for the Bahamas.”

  In unison we answer, “Bahamas.”

  While taking our IDs she informs us, “You’re lucky they stopped requiring passports for U.S. residents to go to Nassau airport a few years back. Can’t remember when. Before my time here.” She rolls her eyes. “I mean I was born, I just wasn’t working for the airline.”

  Tanner loops an arm around me and privately murmurs, “Did I mention I love this dress?”

  “I’ve been waiting for a compliment,” I joke. We both know that’s not been the case at all.

  He kisses my nose. “You’re beautiful.”

  Closing my eyes I get closer to him and pray this won’t be the end of me and my family. It can’t be. I know my mom will always be there. Ethan and Eric, too, will get over this in time. But Dad?

  Atlanta is still the largest airport hub in America which means the security line is ridiculously long. When we have to take our shoes off, Tanner winks at me and lays his in a grey, scratched bin.

  “Nice socks.”

  He wiggles his toes. “Like these?”

  “Makes you look more human.”

  He laughs and wags a finger at my toe-ring. “You trying to kill me with that?”

  “You like?” I extend my foot, lifting my hem.

  His mouth makes a whistle shape but only a low breath comes out.

  The TSA agents barely see us, they’re so tired and jaded. We get through without incident.

  Tanner glances to the signs, searching for our gate, as my clutch bag vibrates. I unzip it and feel my heart start to race. Slipping the bag under my arm, my free hand clasps Tanner’s as we walk, the other holding the phone to my ear. “Hi Mom.”

  “How are you, Emma? Where are you?”

  “I’m getting on a plane to the Bahamas.”

  A gasp sends guilt into my bloodstream. “What? You’re not eloping, are you? I want to be there when you get married! Don’t you run off and steal that chance from me!”

  “Mom, we’re not eloping. Tanner and I need to get away from it all for a while. Did you hear I’m not working for Cora anymore?”

  “Yes, after you left Rachel demanded details while everyone stood around. You can only imagine how red Cora was! Your father now understands Tanner never hit on me, but he’s furious anyway. You don’t know what it’s like to be a parent yet. You will always be our daughter and it’s very hard not to protect you.”

  Sighing I blindly let Tanner lead the way, our fingers gripped. “I’ve never given you any reason to worry, have I? Can you trust me? He’s a good man, Mom. And he cares about me.”

  “Well, I’ve got eyes haven’t I?” she mutters. “It’s just…Tanner isn’t the naïve young jock or the equivalent that Jake pictured you with. A man knows more than a boy in the bedroom, and your father has images dancing through his mind that he wishes weren’t.”

  I wince, “Mom!”

  “I’m sorry Emma, but that’s what bothers him most about this. Tanner is very successful so he’s not worried you’re going to want for anything. He just can’t picture you being with such a…stud.”

  “Oh God, please stop.”

  “He is easy on the eyes.”

  I flick a look to Tanner. “He is very handsome.”

  “Your mother thinks I’m hot?” he smirks, and leans to say in the phone, “Don’t hit on me Drew. Pretty sure that’s a no no.”

  She laughs and my shoulders lose a bit of their tension. “You’re not mad at me, Mom?”

  “No, sweetie, I’m not. I wish things had been less…explosive and public.” She sighs and I can see her face as she searches for the right words. “When are you coming home? We have a Family BBQ soon because Gabriel wants to introduce his girlfriend, officially, to us. You’ll be there, right?”

  The thought of one of our BBQs after my father and all his brothers were set on beating Tanner up tonight makes everything shrivel. “I think I’m going to let Gabriel shine on his own this time, Mom.”

  After a pause she whispers, “I was afraid you were going to say that. It’ll be the first one you’ve missed.”

  “And the first one I haven’t looked forward to, so I guess that’s okay.”

  Tanner holds out our boarding passes to the scanning agent. With the security line so long, and boarding having begun a half hour before the flight takes off, everyone is already in the tunnel.

  “We’re getting on the plane now.”

  “Can I call you just to see how things are going? I want to be a part of this. My baby is falling in love for the first time.” Under her breath she adds, “That boy in college didn’t count.”

  “Of course you can call. I love you, Mom.” Pausing for courage I add, “And please tell Daddy I’ll talk to him when I’m ready.”

  Solemn, she agrees and hangs up.

  Tanner bought First Class tickets since they were available.

  I take the seat by the window, he the aisle.

  While the cabin settles down around us, everyone getting comfortable with their pillows, playlists and everything they personally need, Tanner calls Dan, asking him to research the best places to stay with the least hassle.

  An attendant smiles, asking, “Would you like something to drink?”

  Tanner and I say a very loud, “Yes!”

  Chapter 32


  “When I travel there is usually more time. I would have everything planned perfectly. Nothing would have gone unconsidered.”

  She eyes me with an amused gleam. “You mean Dan would plan everything.”

  “How do you think he knows what to plan? He fell out of the womb knowing everything I need?”

  Emma brushes her fingers across my sharp jawline. “No…I did.”

  Sliding the armrest out of our way, I close the gap to kiss her, telling her privately, “When I stood in the parking lot, watching you, seeing you, for the first time since our fight, and not able to talk to you but knowing I would soon, it was torture and triumph at the same time. You are so beautiful.” If my family, employees or colleagues saw the way I look at this woman, nobody would recognize me. When Emma gazes into my eyes she melts everything I am. “Every day since you kicked me out of Atlanta I’ve been empty. That’s never happened before.” She kisses me like no one is watching and as the plane starts to lift off the ground, we separate. But she presses one more kiss to my nose.

  I lay the blanket she moved to sit down, over her lap as she faces forward and exhales.

  When we’re in the air, I check email over WiFi and find that Dan has chosen One and Only Ocean Club, a five-star resort on Nassau Island where this plane will land. I told him not to ferry us to another island—it’s late. My chest lightens as I read the he’s secured one of the private residences for us. There was a cancellation he was able to take advantage of, our very own house and private b
each. He goes on to tell me that because Nassau is a hub for the islands, there will be plenty of shops for us to buy clothes. Scrolling through the photos of where we’ll be staying, I’m pleased and tuck my phone away to keep it all a surprise.

  The cab drops us off at a one-story house rather than a hotel. “I thought we were going to a resort.”

  Tapping in the key code I smirk, “What do you think this is?”

  Her tired expression says I’m making no sense as we walk into a three bedroom, British-Colombian villa with an infinity pool romantically lit just beyond the sliding glass doors up ahead. Past that, landscape lighting illuminates our private beach, low waves licking the shore under a star-filled sky.

  Emma gasps, covering her mouth as she ventures in for a better look. I grin, happy it’s having the effect I knew it would. In a trance, she sets her clutch bag on the mahogany accent table. I stay where I am, hands in my suit pockets while she explores, finally walking back into the room to ask in wonder, “Three bedrooms? Why do we need this?”

  “Would you like me to find something smaller?”

  A wicked smile is thrown over her shoulder as she heads to the back deck. “Has any woman ever preferred small?”

  I laugh, follow her outside and with the soothing sounds of water calming us, I glance to her from the corner of my eyes. She’s staring at the sky, enamored and breathless. “Rings are small.”

  A frown flickers over her face, but she gives me a smile, also from profile. “Don’t even go there. We’re just here to date.”

  “Date?” I lift an eyebrow and pull her close, then closer, and watch her eyelashes grow heavy as I’m about to kiss her. “This is more than a date. I’ll stay down here as long as you want.”

  “Don’t you have work?”

  “It’s not a start-up that I just got off its feet. My company is a well-oiled machine. Everyone knows what to do and Dan can put out the minor fires. He’ll call if anything big needs my attention. And I can do most of it online or with phone calls.”

  Her fingers slip into my hair, tightening my arms around her. “We’re alone, Tanner, and you’re not running.”

  I kiss her and murmur against her soft lips, “I’m not going to run from you again. But I am going to suggest we sleep.”

  Whiskey eyes go wide for a heartbeat then settle with confidence. “You think tonight was too emotional and we should take it down a notch, huh?”

  “Something like that.”

  “You’re wonderful, Tanner,” she murmurs, completely undoing me.

  My cock is aching, but I’m arguing with it, that to make love to her after the fight she had with her father with everyone as an audience, it’s best to take this slow. “When we arrived you could barely keep your eyes open. Tomorrow you’ll be more yourself.”

  “Mmmm,” she murmurs, giving me a light peck and gently pulling us apart. “You’re right, thank you.” Walking inside and stretching on a yawn, Emma casts the sexiest look over her shoulder before tugging one spaghetti strap down. “I’m so tired even this dress feels heavy.”

  My mouth has started watering, something that’s never happened. Aroused but stubborn, I cross my arms. “Oh really.”

  “Mmmhmm,” she smirks, sliding the other down and holding the fabric over her breasts. One foot falls at a snail’s pace in front of the other as she lets it slide to her waist, revealing a black lace bustier. I inhale sharply, as my length extends and throbs even harder. She peeks at me as she steps into the villa, and drops the dress. A damn matching black thong comes into view and my beauty stops in the doorframe and leans on the jamb, posing with her ass and chest out, chin down, eyes hugely innocent. And those five-inch-heels.

  I groan, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “So fucking beautiful, Tanner? How would you know that?” Her eyebrows lift.

  I drop my arms and make quick strides to her. “I’m going to find out.”

  She gasps with excited suspense and waits for me.

  Chapter 33


  The sexual, hoarse quality in his voice inspires shivers of anticipation. “Did you wear this lingerie for me, Emma? Were you hoping I’d be there?”

  His eyes are locked on my body as he traces the tops of his knuckles slowly down my neck, over my collarbone, and across the soft skin where my breasts begin.

  “Did you?”

  I nod, heavy with desire. He continues caressing me, traveling crossways over my chest and down my bustier.

  Goosebumps spring under his touch as I hold my breath. He dips into the sensitive spot right beneath my earlobe, nipping and massaging with his teeth.

  His hands slip over and under the top of the bustier to take hold of me, fingers rubbing my nipples into painfully sharp points as I suck in air on a hungry gasp.

  His fevered kisses devour me.

  I tangle my hands in his hair, arching my back, pressing my chest harder into his mouth.

  Firm hands crawl around my torso and he unclips one button at a time, deliberately torturing me with slowness.





  Everything burns.

  I whisper, “Oh God,” and Tanner captures my mouth in a kiss, molding my lips, and growling as his heat presses into my middle.

  I want to experience what he feels like now, not later.

  But I don’t dare rush him.

  Not when everything feels this good.

  He slowly slides the bustier out from between us, lets it fall to the ground, ravenous eyes locked with mine. “When I’m done, you’ll never want another man again.”

  I smirk, “You’re never going to be done with me, Mr. Hamilton.”

  He murmurs between kisses, “Look at you, my Cocky Little Love.”

  I chuckle, “Twisting my childhood nickname, huh?”

  “Making you my own,” he rasps, digging his fingers into my hips and holding my look.

  I whisper, fisting his hair, “I’m yours.”

  A sharp line pierces his forehead, and he devours me in the most passionate kiss we’ve had.

  Our hands roam and search until he tears away, panting, “Can’t believe I’m finally kissing you. I couldn’t stop thinking of your lips.”

  I fist his hair a little tighter so it’s almost painful, opening my mouth and waiting for his. He gazes at my lips, dips down and almost swallows me whole.

  Thick fingers dip under my thong and his low groan vibrates everything. “You’re dripping, Emma.” They slide up the inside of my folds and I shiver. “So slick,” he murmurs, closing his eyes as he masterfully plays my pussy, circling my clit with his ring finger.

  I want him to insert it.

  It’s so hard not to bend my knees.

  Satisfy this ache.

  It hurts to wait.

  My bottom lip gets sucked on, my tongue teased, lips crushed, as he fondles and caresses me, moving faster and slower, controlling my moans.

  Tanner pauses, eyes me and hovers his mouth so near mine I can feel the breeze of his panting.

  His tongue reaches out and I suck on it for a hot second until he smashes a kiss into me and increases his flicks until my hardened clit pulses to a point of no return.

  I start to shake, heat building.

  My knees turn to water.

  My torso locks up as I gasp.

  Orgasmic waves slam through me.

  He’s tearing me down.

  Rebuilding everything.

  Emotion pulls at my core.

  Locked up uncertainty releasing.

  All that I’d held onto while I waited for his call.






  He groans, “Mine, Emma, all mine.”

  The worry that I wouldn’t find this.

  That my younger brother…

  My luckier cousins…

  But it would never be me.

  It wash
es away.

  Shadows running from light.

  Tanner gathers me close while the aftershocks ricochet. He kisses my wet cheeks, my nose, nips my jaw and molds my lips with tenderness before bending at the knees to remove my soaked thong. Sliding it down my legs, he kisses as he goes.

  I step out of the fabric, watching my mysterious man kiss his way back up to my mouth.

  He stops and hovers in front of my pussy and I hold my breath again, expecting him to dive in but he doesn’t.

  Instead he gazes at it for a long time.

  It makes me vulnerable and confused, but as the moments pass I relax and allow him to just look, even separating my legs a little bit when I feel more daring.

  He fingers the folds and gazes at me, appreciatively.

  It’s the most intimate thing I’ve ever done, this learning of my body.

  Tanner finally presses one kiss against my mound, holding there while his hands caress their way up my thighs before wrapping around my hips and digging in just a little.

  He’s branding me with this kiss.

  Signing his name on my soul.

  He lifts me up, carries me to the master bedroom while I stare at his gorgeous face, dazed and completely in love.

  Tanner lays me down like a precious object he now owns. I’m naked and he’s still in his suit.

  “Part your legs for me,” he thickly says.

  I do, pussy beginning to throb. I run my palm down my stomach and he shakes his head. I stop, brows lifting.

  “Only I can touch you tonight,” he rasps.

  A thrill shoots into my blood as I lay my hands at my sides and watch him undress. He drops his jacket and tie on the chair and traces a hungry gaze up and down my body as he unbuttons his shirt. The perfect amount of chest hair peeks out. Tugging the shirt free he pulls it down over broad shoulders so corded with muscle I ache to touch them. His chest and abs are equally impressive and I’m startled when I hear him speak, “You’re looking at me like you want to eat me.”

  “Am I?” I smile. “You’re gorgeous, Tanner.”

  He chuckles, pleased, and loosens his belt, sliding the leather out, wrapping it around his hands and snapping it.


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