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USSR Hoax (Hoax Trilogy Book 3)

Page 9

by Paul Gillebaard

  “Hello, I’m Connie.”

  No one seemed to be paying attention. So Tom reached for her small delicate hand and brought it to his lips. Her scent was intoxicating as he lightly kissed her soft skin. “Nice to meet you, Connie. I’m Tom.” He saw a twinkle in her eye. But there was something behind her smile. He couldn’t tell if it was mischief or that she was laughing on the inside at what he thought had been a suave move. Regardless, he enjoyed the attention. To have the prettiest girl in the bar focused on him was good for his ego, and all astronauts needed their ego stroked occasionally. Tom just had to stay in control. He didn’t want to do anything that could get him into trouble.

  Connie set her small yellow purse down by his drink. “You’re pretty groovy, rocket man. So what was it like in outer space?”

  He looked into her dark blue eyes and spoke in a playful whisper. “I guess you could say it was outta sight.”

  She smiled, her cute dimples becoming more pronounced.

  Tom was interrupted by a firm hand on his back. He turned to see Chris.

  “Hey, Tom, how about you help me get a round of drinks from the bar?”

  Not being a fan of Riddick, Tom preferred not to. He looked around to see if anyone was going to step up, but no one did. He had no choice. “Sure.”

  As Chris checked with the table on what everyone wanted, Tom moved closer to Connie and asked, “Would you like a drink?”

  She put her hand on his. “That would be groovy. I’ll have a champagne cocktail, please.”

  He winked. “Got it. I’ll be right back.”

  As he and Chris walked over to the bar, Chris’s voice had a righteous tone to it. “So, looks like you have a hot one.”

  Tom spoke matter of factly. “Yes she is hot. But as you know, I’m happily married. Nothing’s going to happen.”

  Chris mashed his lips together. “Of course.”

  “No, really, I’m just enjoying her company.”

  Chris looked back at Connie. “I guess it doesn’t hurt she looks like a Playboy bunny.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Tom said with a smirk.

  Chris carelessly bumped into a barrel-chested man, causing him to spill his beer.

  The brute, standing well over six feet tall with Herculean arms bulging out of his tight tee-shirt, turned with an enraged look. “Watch where you’re going, asshole.”

  This was the wrong guy to knock, and his buddy was an even more intimidating character. Tom couldn’t believe it as Chris practically ignored the man, simply throwing up his hand as he kept walking. “Hey, it was an accident. Get over it.”

  Tom leaned over to Chris and whispered, “Maybe you should apologize to the guy.”

  Chris shook his head as he continued toward the bar. “I barely touched him. He’s fine.”

  After they reached the bar, Tom turned around and saw the brutes approaching, and they didn’t look happy. This isn’t going to be good. Keeping his eyes on the men, he nudged Chris with his elbow. “I think we’re going to have company.”

  Chris turned, irritation in his voice. “What do these guys want?”

  “An apology,” Tom spat out.

  “Screw them.” Chris assumed an air of invincibility as he casually turned back around and called for the bartender.

  A deep burly voice cut through the crowd noise. “Hey you! Scrawny little man!”

  Chris turned with a surprising smirk. “That’s the best you can come up with? What’s your problem?”

  “You astronauts are my problem. You come in here and think you own the place, stealing our girls.”

  Chris arrogantly held a hand out in the direction of the crowd. “I can’t help it if the local ladies know a real man when they see one.”

  Tom couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Either Chris had a death wish, or he was just acting like an idiot. Though Tom wouldn’t mind seeing Chris taught a lesson, NASA couldn’t afford any bad press before a launch. Tom had no choice but to step in. He cut the men off. “Hey, we’re sorry. We didn’t mean to cause any trouble. Tell you what, how about we buy you guys a drink?”

  The husky man placed his hand hard on Tom’s chest, easily pushing him aside. “Back off, spaceman. I want a piece of your friend.”

  Now Tom was ticked, especially since Chris wasn’t his friend. He gathered himself and stepped right back in front of the man. “Let’s be adults about this.”

  A sly grin appeared on the brute’s face. Tom felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to briefly look over his shoulder back at Chris, which was a mistake. When Tom turned back around a massive fist was fast approaching his face. With only a split second to react, he quickly turned his head, insuring his nose wasn’t hit. The punch landed squarely on Tom’s jaw, snapping his head back hard, making him wobble on his feet for a moment. A flash of dull pain shot through his face and he briefly saw stars. Disoriented, he did his best to hold his ground. After a second he straightened up slowly. The thug’s face was red with anger, his eyes bulging out. All movement around them had stopped. Tom suspected all eyes were probably on him, everyone wondering what his next move was going to be. He couldn’t lose his cool and risk his career. Not for Chris, and certainly not for this bastard in front of him.

  Tom rubbed his chin and was about to crack a joke when a loud voice broke the stillness.

  “Knock it off, Donald!”

  All turned to see a tiny, balding man push right through the crowd and jump between the two. With his back to Tom, the small man shoved both hands up against the burly man’s chest. “What the hell are you doing? I’ve told you no more fighting in here.” He pointed to the exit. “Get out!”

  The giant wilted from the words. He threw up his hands in frustration. “Those guys started it.”

  “I don’t care who started it. I told you no more fighting, and if it happened again you’ll be banned. Now get out of here!”

  As the beast retreated, he pointed at Chris. “You’re one lucky cat.”

  Chris flashed a cocky grin as he gave a condescending wave.

  The small man kept pointing toward the exit until the brutes were gone. He then removed his glasses and said, “I’m so sorry about that, gentlemen.” He put his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  Tom’s head was still reeling. “I should be okay. I might be a little sore tomorrow.”

  The bar began to come back to life.

  “Believe it or not, those men mean well. I’ve known them since they were little boys.” The little man turned to confirm the men were gone, then turned back around. “I’m the manager here, and the rest of your drinks are on the house. I’ll send a waitress over to your table.”

  Tom rubbed his chin again. “Thanks. We appreciate that.”

  As the two walked back to their friends, Chris said, in an apologetic tone, “Sorry about that, Tom. Especially for that blindside punch. When I put my hand on your shoulder, I was trying to move you over. That should have been my fight.”

  Irritated, Tom stopped in his tracks and angrily turned. “Chris that should have been no one’s fight. I’m not sure if you care about your career, but I care about mine, and the last thing I need is to be arrested. You need to be smarter on how to act in public.”

  Chris lost his smug grin. “You’re right. Sometimes I lose focus if I’m challenged. Thanks for stepping in.”

  Chris’s problem was his obnoxious, cocky attitude, which Tom knew would never change. Tom simply shook his head in frustration as he headed back to his seat.

  Everyone at the table was staring at Tom as the two men approached.

  David was the first to speak. “What the hell was all that about?”

  Without hesitating, Chris said, “Couple of brutes tried to pick a fight, but Tom stepped in and saved the day.”

  Sitting in Tom’s seat, smoking a cigarette, Connie looked concerned as she offered up the barstool with a knowing smile.

  He signaled for her to stay as he rubbed his jaw. “Yeah, and I paid the price

  Chris excitedly announced the prize for Tom getting punched. “The drinks are on the house. A waitress will be over in a second.”

  Putting a hand on Tom’s arm, Connie said softly with care in her voice. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. One of your local boys decided to test out his fist with my chin.”

  “I’m so sorry. They can be absolute asses.”

  “They say we’re stealing their girls.”

  Her coy grin returned. “Are you?”

  Tom smiled.

  After a few more rounds of drinks, all were feeling loose. Some of the group had paired off and were kissing, including David, who was all over the brunette.

  Tom was enjoying Connie’s company but still being a complete gentleman. He suspected the blonde was getting frustrated. She had been dropping hints over the last hour, trying to get Tom to make a pass, but he wasn’t biting. He was about to call it a night when, surprisingly, she snatched her purse and jumped off the barstool.

  “I need to step out and get some fresh air.” Without waiting for a response, Connie turned and headed for the patio.

  Enticed by the aggressive maneuver, Tom couldn’t fold in his tent quite yet, not as he watched the beauty walk away. He turned to David, who was in a tight embrace. “I’m stepping out to the patio with Connie.”

  Continuing his assault on the brunette, David raised his hand, signaling he understood.

  Tom chugged the last bit of his scotch, slammed down the glass and hustled to catch up.

  The nighttime temperature was perfect as the two sat side-by-side on a comfortable padded bench. Whenever Connie leaned back to stare into the clear night sky, Tom couldn’t help himself from stealing discreet glances at the curvature of her perky breasts.

  The night stars seemed to inspire Connie. She started quizzing Tom on his space mission. He was happy to share the experience, leaving out the mishap when he flew the jet pack.

  After fifteen minutes outside, David stumbled over with his arm draped around the brunette. Obviously intoxicated, David informed Tom that everyone at the table was calling it a night, which he suspected meant most were taking their companions to their rooms. Tom reminded his friend they were scheduled to meet the VIPs for breakfast at 8:30. David acknowledged the appointment before escorting the young beauty from the patio.

  All of a sudden pain returned to Tom’s jaw. To relieve the pressure, he opened and closed his mouth. Connie noticed. “Does your jaw still hurt?”

  “Yeah, I think my buzz is wearing off.”

  “I have some nursing background. If you like, we can go up to your room and I can work my magic.”

  Tom knew what that “magic” would be, and he knew he should say goodnight. But something prevented him. Convinced he could stay in control, he decided to have a little fun and tease himself. “I have a bottle of scotch in my room.”

  She licked her lips provocatively. “Far out.”

  Tom escorted the head-turner through the hotel, but once they reached the doorway of his room he started to question his decision. Connie had pressed her body up against him during their elevator ride, and he did nothing to stop her. As he fiddled with the key in the door lock, Connie again pressed up against him. After opening the door, she playfully ran her soft hand along his arm as she entered, keeping her eyes locked on his for the whole time. Tom cautiously followed close behind before turning to close the door. He was surprised to see Chris across the hallway poking his head and arm out of his room hanging a Do Not Disturb sign. Chris flashed a mischievous wink before closing his door.

  Shoot! Not him.

  The frustration of Chris seeing Tom with Connie was instantly washed away when he saw the blonde comfortably propped up against the pillows on the king-sized bed. Her dress had conveniently slipped high up her tan legs, the boots crossed at the ankles. Her arms were up with her fingers interlocked behind her head, causing her breasts to protrude. She purred, “So where’s that drink, honey?”

  Tom held onto the doorknob, like a struggling swimmer clutching a life preserver. He had to make a decision. If he took another step into the room, there was no turning back. He either had to end the evening right then, or make a couple of drinks and enjoy an intimate encounter with this lovely creature. He took a long hard look at the enticing sight lying in front of him while debating the pros and cons in his head. This time no angels appeared to guide him. Finally, he shook his head. Damn it. I can’t.

  Not moving, he said discouragingly, “Sweetheart, I hate to do this, but I have to call it a night. I’m so sorry to have dragged you up here, but to be honest, I was confused. Other than my wife, I have never been in the company of such a beautiful lady. Bottom line, I’m happily married with a wonderful family.”

  Connie acted as if it was no big deal, swinging her legs over the side of the bed before letting them drop to the floor. She stood up, straightening her dress. “That’s groovy, honey. No hard feelings. And thanks for the far out compliment.” She crossed over to him and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. “You’re a gentleman. Your wife is lucky.”

  As she left, sashaying down the hallway, Tom took one final look at his one-night-stand that could have been. And I’m one lucky-frustrated-husband.



  Intensity was evident in the chiseled lines and creases of Dick’s face. Tom slowly took a seat across from his boss. He had no idea why he was called to the office, especially while the Apollo 10 mission was still going on. Before he could say hi, Dick rose abruptly and walked past him without saying a word.

  Curious, Tom turned and saw Dick locking the door, something he rarely did. As his boss circled back to his desk Tom broke the silence. “So what’s up?”

  Falling heavily down into his chair, Dick placed both elbows on his desk, clasping his hands tightly together. Small beads of sweat materialized on the director’s forehead.

  Tom tapped his fingers nervously on the armrest.

  Dick leaned forward, piercing Tom with a cold, calculating stare. Dick spoke in a soft, yet intense, tone, “What I’m about to tell you can never leave this room. This is serious top-secret shit.”

  Tom pushed back in his seat, preparing himself for whatever might come. “Got it.”

  “Apparently we made a secret deal with the Soviets. They supplied us with a part for the F-1 engine and in return we promised them lunar core samples from two missions to be passed on in secret.”

  The words hit Tom like a blast of cold air, pushing him even deeper into his chair. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. We’re working with the Communists? With his mouth slightly agape, he shook his head. “Are you serious?”

  Intently, never blinking, Dick answered, “Yes, I couldn’t believe it myself.”

  Tom immediately thought of the markings he saw on the F-1 engine, convinced they were somehow relevant. He looked out the window, wondering why his boss was telling him this.

  Dick’s voice stayed intense. “The Soviets insisted on getting material from the first mission. Apparently they’re having problems returning a Luna craft with samples from the moon. If we’re successful with Apollo 11, the material we pass on will be used by the Soviets to pull off a hoax involving a future Luna mission. They will allege that it landed safely on the lunar surface, successfully drilled out a core sample and returned it to earth.”

  The Soviets had been trying to upstage the Americans with unmanned spacecraft over the last few years, even trying to be the first to return lunar samples to Earth. Now Americans were going to pass on some of their precious cargo so the Soviets could fool the world and claim a minor victory? “Why in the world would we promise them any of the lunar material we bring back?”

  “Good question, and I wish I had an answer. All I know is we were having stability issues with the Saturn V during development and apparently the Soviets have the technology to solve the problem. Somehow a deal was made.”

  Tom nodded his head, giving the imp
ression he knew something.

  Dick jumped in before Tom could speak. “I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I agree. What you saw at Michoud is probably somehow related. If I were you, I would forget about that. This is so top-secret, it can be dangerous to know too much. I’m not even sure who is aware of the agreement. I’m told it goes high up, but not to the top. If this information ever leaked out, it could ruin America’s credibility and probably end funding for the space program. With so much at stake, I feel the powers that be would go to great lengths to ensure the truth never got out.”

  “So why are you telling me this?”

  “You’ve always been my ace-in-the-hole. After I passed along the pictures you took at Michoud, I started to get wind of a covert operation linked to the Soviets and the need for one of our astronauts to be involved. With your experience and the fact that you already knew about the markings in the F-1 engine, I immediately considered you. That’s why I never assigned you to a mission. I wanted you available.” With an amused glint, Dick’s eyes widened. “How would you like to command Apollo 16?”

  Tom was now baffled. Why was his boss offering him the commander’s seat on 16? “What are you talking about?”

  “I only want one astronaut involved in this operation. He will steal an Apollo 11 lunar sample from the LRL vault and pass it on to the Russians. Since the deal includes material from Apollo 11 and a future mission, I need a veteran astronaut I can place in command of a future moon flight so he can embezzle a soil sample during one of his moonwalks.”

  Tom sat up. “You’re kidding me. You want me to steal a lunar sample from the LRL vault and the moon?” The Lunar Receiving Laboratory was a top security-building that would house the lunar material in storage vaults as well as research laboratories and quarantine quarters. The world was concerned about a deadly organism possibly being brought back from the moon, and the LRL building was designed to safeguard against such a possibility. Stealing anything from that building would be like taking gold from Fort Knox.

  Dick shook his head. “I know. It all sounds crazy. I don’t have the details yet on how it will all go down. I’ve heard there is someone in the know who works in the LRL building who will make it possible for you to snag a premeasured sample from the vault.”


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