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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance )

Page 16

by Briers, M L

  Jake turned and snarled- his fangs bared to the den mother as she held her palms out in front of her- her chest heaving as she tried to reach him- through the red haze of anguish that filled him with its energy- with its hatred- with its fear.

  “Let me help her Jake-“ Maria didn’t move from the spot- he was so close to shifting that she couldn’t dare force his hand- his need to protect his mate the most powerful drug in his veins.

  ‘ Let me help Shay-‘ Maria needed to reach him on any level she could- she scented the amount of blood coming from his mates wounds and the gentle pulse within her and knew she didn’t have long left- he would lose his mate forever if she couldn’t make him stand down.

  Ryan stalked through the door alone- His mate still outside the cabin drawing the energy she would need from the earth around her- he didn’t know how long it would take- she was still weak from healing Darcy and from what Ryan could see- this was so much more desperate.

  “Jake stand down-“ Ryan took a step towards Jake and Maria reached for his arm- Jakes skin was literally rippling with the power of the shift to his wolf that he was trying to contain within him- his mind racing with a myriad of emotions.

  Ryan drew on the power of his own wolf within him- Jake was his Beta and the only way to reach him now- if ever would be to through their beasts.

  ‘Stand down and move away from your mate or she will die.’ Ryan growled out every word with enough force to reach his best friend- Jake’s eyes dropped to the floor at Ryan’s feet as he slumped backwards away from the bed and Maria rushed past him to her side- her fingers quickly assessing the depth of the wounds at her throat.

  The low growl that rolled through Jakes chest at having Maria so close to his mate made Ryan nervous- not half as nervous as when Nicole rushed into the room and Jake sprang up on his knees- his lips pulled back in a snarl as his dark eyes warned her away.

  ‘Stand down-‘ Ryan roared at his Beta- Jakes eyes still fixed on Nicole.

  “Jake I can heal her or you can keep me away and let her die.” Nicole reached out to him with everything she possessed- her humanity- her Fae spirit- her compassion and her authority as the Alpha’s mate- a long moment past with Jake frozen to the spot before he spun away- embedding his fist into the panelled wall.

  “Help her please.” He growled out into the silence of the room as Nicole flew past him- drawing her energy first into herself and then with a steadying breath she raised her palms over the young Lycan’s throat and pushed with all of her will.

  Nicole could see the pure white light that radiated from her hands- waves of colour- like tiny specks of dust floated down over the wounds that started to knit together- there had been too much damage done even for the Lycan system to be able to take care of by itself- Nicole hoped she was strong enough after using so much magic already that she would be able to heal her completely.

  Maria marvelled with wonder at the power from her new daughter, with her Fae magic she was able to heal this kind of wound- she reached out and slipped her hand over Jakes shoulder, tugging him to come see how his mate was healing.

  Jakes eyes took in the scene- the skin beginning to knit over the wounds that were no longer oozing his mates blood- the colour returning to her cheeks as her heart started a steady thud within her chest- his heart rose in happiness with every beat of his mates as Nicole continued to work- the weariness pushed to the back of her mind as she closed the final wound.

  “Nicole- my god- I can’t-“ Jakes eyes filled with tears as Nicole turned briefly to offer him a tired smile- moving down his mates body until she summoned everything that she had left to seal the deep gashes across her stomach.

  Ryan watched his mate work, the pride in his heart for her act for one of their pack was overwhelming- he practically shone with the love he felt for her.

  Nicole swayed in place- her arms grew heavy and the room grew dim around her but she held firm- working slowly and steadily as Jake took a step towards her, “Nic-?” His arms shot out just as her legs gave way beneath her, Ryan at their side in an instant as Jake past her over to her mate. “What happened is she ok?” Jake asked caught between concern for his mate and the woman who had saved her life.

  “Last time she did this she was damn tired- I think she’s just wiped out-“ Ryan bit out- he wanted to be angry that she had pushed herself this far to the point of total exhaustion and yet she had done it selflessly to save one of the pack.

  Her head lolled against his chest and she dragged in a long breath.

  ‘ I’m fine Ryan- just tired.’ Ryan stared down at her as her eyes closed and she slept cradled against his chest.

  “What are you smiling at?” Maria asked Ryan as her eyes took in the sight of Jake dropping to his knees beside his mate- his hand reaching for hers.

  “She just connected with me telepathically- did you not hear her?” Maria shook her head, a smile beamed over her face.

  “She’s a blessing my son- go take care of your mate.”

  Ryan hesitated only briefly as Shay stirred on the bed and Jake all but jumped out of his skin- his fingertips running over the bloodied skin of her cheek.

  “I was dead- the spirits were calling to me-“ Shay whispered up at her mate and Jake bit back on the cry of anguish mixed with happiness that rolled through him.

  So close- too close. Never again.

  “Nicole saved you- she’s a healer- go figure.” Maria chuckled as Jake seemed so totally lost for words- Shay’s eyes flicked to Ryan before dropping on Nicole.

  “Is she?-“

  “She’s fine Shay- tired out- but fine.” Ryan offered and Shay tried to push herself up on her elbows- but still weak from her ordeal.

  “Why would she save me when I wanted to kill her?”

  “She’s your pack- I assume the same reason you tried to stop the rogue-?” Ryan fixed her with his eyes- he wanted the truth of it and he wouldn’t settle for any less.

  “He came for the Fae- for Nicole- I tried to reason with him but he was too far gone- I stood against him-“ She dropped her eyes to her blood covered body- shame touched her voice, “I wasn’t strong enough to stop him.”

  Jake squeezed her hand and she turned her eyes to her mate- the love for her that burned there warmed her.

  “He was rogue- it took an Alpha to bring him down?” Jake shot Ryan a look- Ryan nodded. Jake acknowledged the kill- he would have preferred to rip the rogue apart with his own bare hands for what he had done to his mate but Ryan’s mate had also been in danger and it was a righteous kill that the Alpha took him out for the sake of the pack and his mate.

  “Get some rest Shay- Jake look after your mate- Mama- you and the others head back home- I’ll carry Nicole back-“

  “Take my jeep-“ Jake motioned to Ryan’s lack of attire- “Put a pair of sweats on first or at least a towel on the seat.” Jake teased- feeling more like his old self again- even though he knew that a part of him would never be totally healed- he had nearly lost Shay and that fear would remain with him through his days.

  Ryan shot him a sarcastic look as he strolled from the room with Nicole in his strong arms.

  “Will you please for the love of the goddess get out of my damned way!” Darcy’s high pitch shrill echoed through the house. Ryan tried to stifle a chuckle as Nicole’s eyes popped open and she groaned into Ryan’s chest- the scent of him all soapy and masculine filled her with thoughts that maybe she shouldn’t be having in her weakened state.

  “Now Darcy- I’ve told you honey-“ Gabe’s reason was silence by Darcy’s tirade.

  “You?- You’ve told me? And who are you to tell me anything you overgrown mutt- you – you- dog with fleas. You will get out of my way or I swear-“

  Nicole winced more from Darcy’s words than from the effort it took her to hitch herself up on her elbow as Ryan tried to coax her back in place.

  “You’re tired you need to rest.” He gently growled at her in the semi darkness of the room and she shook her head pointing her
index finger at the closed bedroom door- she raised her brows in a warning.

  “That sound- you should get used to that sound when you hear it. That my Alpha is the sound of Darcy on the warpath and she won’t stop until she’s gone through him and this house like a twister taking out verbally and otherwise everything and anything in her path.” Ryan chuckled at her words. Darcy the twister- the thought amused him.

  “Did you not see her take a swing at that damn rogue with the tree branch? I tell you that is one firecracker ready to detonate.” Ryan’s smile faded as the frown brought his dark brows down- his eyes flicking from his mate to the closed door and back again.

  “Move!” Darcy’s voice boomed out- the loud thud two seconds later had Ryan scooping Nicole up against him and carrying her to the door- depositing her on her feet on the floor, he pulled open the door only to find Gabe on his backside with Darcy- hands on her hips glaring down at him.

  “Told you to move dumbass.” Darcy spat out as Nicole spluttered behind her hands- her eyes wide as the big Lycan huffed and puffed as he pulled himself up to his feet.

  “Darcy- be nice-“ Nicole berated as her friend turned her annoyance towards her.

  “Nice? Really? This- this-“ She motioned towards Gabe as he shifted on his feet uneasily in front of his Alpha, his embarrassment mixed with annoyance running through him.

  “Gabe remember what I said about going easy and giving her some time because she’s human-“ Ryan sighed as Gabe held up his hands- palms in front of him.

  “I’m trying- but she’s just so- unreasonable.” Gabe spat out and Darcy gasped open mouthed at her mate.

  “Yeah. I can see that- so new mandate- pick your mate up- take her to her bedroom and kiss her senseless until she begs you to mate her-“

  Gabe beamed- Darcy squealed and Nicole spat out a chuckle as Gabe swept her up into his arms- Darcy was just a mass of arms and legs and cursed words as he carried off down the corridor away from them as Nicole went to take a step out the door after her friend- unsure what she should do as Darcy continued to give little yelps all the way down the corridor.

  Ryan’s fingers wrapped around Nicole’s wrist as he pulled her back to him.

  “She’ll be fine- he’s not going to hurt her- she’s he’s mate.” Ryan reminded her and Nicole slipped into his arms and rested her head against his chest- strong arms scooped her up, carried her back to their bed and he laid her down before lying beside her- pulling her back against his chest.

  “As for you- little Fae- you need to rest.” He growled down lamely and she stifled her chuckle.

  “Actually my Alpha I was thinking- what you said about kissing until she begs you to mate sounded really good.” One long fingernail ran down the length of his muscled chest and this time he growled in earnest.

  “On one condition-“

  “Name it.”

  “You just lie back and let me love you.” Ryan rolled her onto her back and she grinned up at him.

  “Oh I think I can manage that just this once.”

  “That’s back here again.” Layla gave a mock shiver as she stood beside Maria on the porch and the pair of them looked down at the back of the truck and Nicole’s grandmother’s wardrobe that sat surrounded by tarpaulin.

  “By goddess Nicole you really are lacking in taste-“ Jake groaned eyeing the thing from the ground as Ryan leaned against the damn thing standing beside it in the truck.

  “It was my grandmother’s and it’s the one piece I remember the most-“

  “Because it’s so damned ugly- but then it matches your mate.” Jake mused as Nicole frowned up at him- nudging him in the chest as he groaned at her having such a bony elbow.

  “No- and help me up tough guy.” She held out her hand for him to help her climb up- but he grabbed her around the waist and just swung her through the air- stabilising her when her feet hit the flat bed.

  She pushed against Ryan’s chest moving him backwards away from the drobe as her fingers ran over the polished wood. “Because it does this.” There was a gentle click, a small panel lifted up and she reached inside for the firestone that she knew would still be inside.

  Fishing it out she held it aloft, her face beaming as she held the stone in her fingers. Jake frowned up at her, his eyes locking on the stone in confusion.

  “That’s-“ He muttered as Maria started down the stairs her eyes locked on the firestone as Ryan put his hands on her waist and spun her in place.

  “Where did your grandmother get that?” He asked not entirely sure he wanted the answer- Fates couldn’t have been so bold.

  “The story goes she got it from a great king as part of a bargain- both she and the king had to relinquish something dear-“ Nicole retold as best she could remember.

  “And what did she relinquish?” Ryan asked and Nicole shrugged her shoulders.

  “Not a clue she wouldn’t tell me- she would always let me play with it- she said it was really mine to return one day when the bargain was complete and peace would be sealed for generations to come.” Nicole eyed the stone and then grinned. “But then granny did like a drop of the old gin- if you get my meaning.”

  Ryan’s eyes were caught by his mother coming to stand in front of the flatbed- her eyes crying silent tears as her hands covered her mouth and an excitement washed through her.

  “Your grandmother was the High Priestess of the planes coven- Catherine Bellows.” Ryan didn’t need an answer he already knew the truth- but Nicole stopped eyeing the stone with fondest memories and frowned up at him- now she needed answers.

  “She was- did you know her?”

  “She was the High Priestess that’s sealed a bargain with my father for peace between our sects- the coven and the pack would not go to war and the stone was something precious to the pack that my father had to relinquish to seal the bargain- it’s the Heartstone of our pack. Kept safe it keeps us strong- lets us thrive.” Nicole followed Ryan’s eyes from the stone to his mother and Nicole turned in place as Maria brushed away her tears.

  “It came home.” She looked in awe at the stone as Nicole bent her knees and offered the stone towards Maria.

  “I think this belongs to you Mama.” Maria hesitated for the longest time before she reached for the stone- words spoken under her breath, a silent blessing offered to the goddess for bringing it back to her.

  “Thank you Nicole- your grandmother was a formidable woman- but she always kept her word- always honoured her bargains.”

  “So what did she give you in return?” Nicole asked and Maria brushed her hand over Nicole’s cheek.

  “A blessing.”

  Nicole squealed as Ryan’s hands wrapped around her waist and he hoisted her to her feet turning her in his arms he grinned down at her.

  “You little Fae- you were the precious thing that she wanted us to take care of and keep safe and together build a peace that will last.” His lips came down on hers giving her no time to dwell on his words as Jake chuckled from beside Maria.

  “Does that mean we can chop that ugly wardrobe up for firewood now it’s done its job, although I’d much prefer to look at it than at Ryan’s ugly face.” He mused grinning broadly as Maria shook her head- berating him without words.

  Nicole pulled away from Ryan and turned to face Jake- hands on her hips she glared down at him, “Now you listen here Jake-“ She started but Ryan wrapped and arm around her waist and moved her beside him.

  “I have this sweetheart.” Ryan said before launching himself off the truck at Ryan taking him down to the ground as they rolled together, fists flying as Maria groaned and Layla balked.

  “For pity sake- could we please have a bit of decorum around here.” Stomping her foot and strolling off into the house as Shay took in Nicole on the flatbed.

  “I’ll give you ten to one that Jake draws first blood.” She called out and Nicole chuckled beside herself.

  “You’re on.”

  The End.

  Nicole gets up trips over ryans shoe
s on floor, lands with a hud, ryan rushes in- Nicole fit to kill- ryan sarcastic- Nicole goes for him- he catches her arms kisses her- sex !! yea finally! @are you still drunk? No but your still stupid- shoes

  I think I just made an enemy and shes a damned witch.




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