SEAL'd Legacy (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts)

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SEAL'd Legacy (Brotherhood of SEAL'd Hearts) Page 6

by Gabi Moore

  “Where… where did you hear that word from, Ben? That’s not a good word to call people.” Alex stopped scratching around inside the tent as though he was suddenly listening.

  “Nowhere. I don’t know. I’m sorry,” said Ben. I didn’t do too well in my interrogation training but with a kid this bad at lying, I couldn’t help but pry a little more.

  “Go on, you can tell me, who taught you that word? Your mom?”

  The only thing worse than hearing some idiotic slur on this child’s lips was the thought that it somehow came from a woman I had spent all morning fantasizing about.

  “No, not mom,” he said, then cast a furtive glance at Alex, who had quickly jumped out the tent and was giving him a serious shut-your-mouth glare.

  “Then who?”

  Alex jumped in quickly with a strange little smile.

  “Nobody, David. Maybe it’s a little bit like …top secret,” he said and they both ran back inside the tent to unroll the sleeping bags.

  It definitely seemed odd, but I shrugged it off. I made a note to ask Ally about it, and soon my mind galloped off to the thought of seeing her again. Just as I was ready to duck into the tent with the kids and try my hardest not to daydream about the picture she had texted me last night, she called. I waved to the boys to carry on playing inside the tent and stepped aside to answer.

  “Ally! Hey what’s up,” I said, trying to sound cool.

  “Hey David. I’m good, just checking in and making sure the boys haven’t set you on fire or anything yet,” she said with a lighthearted little laugh. Fuck she had a sexy voice.

  “All good, boss. We had some lunch at McDonald’s and we’ve just set up the tent. I think I’ll have to crack out my best scary stories for later this evening.”

  I could hear her sighing and laughing over the line.

  “Aw, that’s great. I’m so glad. They’ve really taken a shine to you, you know. God knows I wouldn’t be able to even put the tent the right way up. The school didn’t give you any trouble?”

  “Nope. I picked them up at around four. No problem.”


  From the shade of a tree at the edge of the garden, I watched the two boys messing around with a flashlight in the tent. They really were cute kids. The silence on the phone was heavy.

  “Um, Ally? Sorry for disappearing on you last night,” I said quietly.

  “What? Disappearing? Oh yeah, don’t worry about that, no big deal, I didn’t mind,” she said in the same breezy tone of voice. But she was almost as bad at lying as Ben was.

  “You didn’t?” I imagined her right now, that gorgeous body of hers hidden away under her hospital scrubs. I wanted to know what else she was hiding. I wanted to see all of her. The line was silent again.

  “Ok, actually, it was a little… unusual,” she said at last, lowering her own voice to a husky whisper.

  “Unusual? Come on, it was flat out weird,” I said. She was laughing now. I think I was in love with her voice. Rough and silky at the same time, like velvet. It was a little girl’s voice but glazed over with huskiness. I had never been turned on by the sound of a woman before but just hearing her breath over the line was enough to make me slightly hard.

  “No, no it wasn’t weird!” she laughed. “It was actually …kind of charming. I don’t know. I’m glad you sent it to me.”

  “Really? You weren’t …weirded out by it?”

  “Well, to be honest…I have a confession to make. Actually, it’s more like a compliment. When I first met you, uh, I don’t know how to put this …I thought you were ...a bit of an idiot.”

  It was my turn to laugh.

  “What? I hope that’s not your idea of giving me a compliment,” I said.

  “No, listen. I think I had you all wrong. I don’t know, I guess I was just thinking of you as this big serious tough guy, and then to see that you’re just human like the rest of us…”

  “Wait, was that supposed to be the compliment?” I said and she burst into giggles again.

  “Oh god, David, I’m sorry. That all made more sense in my head.”

  By now I had jacked off to that picture of her so many times the image was burnt into my brain. I could recall every last curve of her body, in black lace, leaning forward so she seemed as though she was almost pouring herself into her lingerie, cupping a full breast in one hand and smiling coyly at the camera with a look that was half innocent, half diabolical, her hair tossed loosely in her face as though she had already endured all the dirty things I had imagined doing to her since the day we met…

  “Yeah, I know. I don’t tell anybody about it usually. I don’t know what possessed me to tell you. I know everyone expects the butch Navy bro to have way more interesting scars, but-”

  “But yours are more interesting. That’s what so cool about it. It’s so unique.”


  I wondered what she was thinking about. If she pitied me. I certainly had never been called unique before. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who had been making snap judgments.

  “Hey, Ally? I uh… I’m sorry for being such an asshole and about pestering you for ice cream and all that. I guess it’s part of the tough guy spiel or something. I come on too strong sometimes, I know.”

  “Tell me about it,” she said and laughed again, as light and cheerful as the afternoon breeze on my face. I watched the kids carefully as they tore around the tent and unpacked their camp fire marshmallows. But my attention was 100% on her silky, delicious voice.

  “But credit where it’s due, I was the one who started it all, right?”

  Fuck. Her image instantly popped straight into my mind again, dripping with sexiness, spilling out from tight black lace, with a molten look in her eyes.

  “Right…” I said, slowly. “Now it’s time for me to give you a compliment.”

  “Ooh, go on.”

  “Well, when I first met you… well let’s just say I didn’t think you were the type that would, you know… wear something like that.”

  This time her laugh had a cute little edge of offense in it.

  “Oh? Well just what type did I look like then?”

  “Oh you know. Sensible. Practical. A proper mom,” I teased.

  She was silent for a moment.

  “Well, I am all those things,” she said, a little more seriously.

  “A proper mom? Oh no, going on what I saw last night, you’re pretty improper…”

  “Ok, ok, why is it that whenever we talk the conversation always goes this way?”

  “It’s probably your fault,” I said.

  “I’m, uh… I’m coming home in a few hours, I might be a bit delayed if that’s not too much of a pain in the ass.”

  “No problem. I’ll try get the guys to sleep and then see you whenever.”

  “Thank you. God, I really appreciate it. I don’t think the big brother rules allow for so many visits in such a short space of time but…”

  “That’s OK. I kind of like breaking the rules with you.”

  For a full, deep moment there was silence, and we both just listened, feeling everything change and realizing with a thrill that we were both madly, stupidly, inexplicably on the same page. This was actually happening. Whatever crazy thing I was doing with this woman, this woman who was a stranger and yet felt so, so familiar …well, whatever it was, we were both doing it together. It was happening.

  She laughed nervously and made some more small talk before ending the call. I was buzzing. I raced over to the kids’ tent and roared and flapped my hands against the outside of the tent, sending them into peals of terrified squealing as they raced out and proceeded to attack me with their plastic swords.

  “Aargh! Who lives in this pitiful dwelling? Raaaawr! I must feast on some human children!” I yelled, my face in a snarl and my hands in pretend claws. The kids roared with laughter and ran circles around the tent.

  It was ridiculous.

  And it was the most fun I’d had in years.

nbsp; Chapter 7 - Ally

  It wasn’t unusual to have to squeeze in two more hours on the end of an already long shift at the clinic. But the minutes crept by even more slowly when I knew that someone was waiting at home for me. By the time I had signed off and was driving home, I was already succumbing to that familiar high I got when I was alone and could daydream about him for a moment.

  Should I have just given him a house key so he could let himself and the kids into the house? It felt weird that he was essentially squatting on the front lawn with them right now, but it would feel even more weird to let him into my house. Alone. At night. I didn’t like to think of what it meant, but as I drove on in silence, I realized I couldn’t avoid inviting him inside forever. I had shown him an outrageously slutty picture of me, true, but that didn’t seem quite as real as the prospect of him and his larger-than-life abs just there, in my living room. I was the uh, responsible adult in this situation, and I still wasn’t quite sure if I was willing to play the part of wanton MILF. I’d never dated anyone younger than me. And I had certainly never seduced anyone before, either.

  I pulled up and parked the car, spying the dull green of the new tent in the yard. How had I ever juggled these ridiculous shifts and my horde of flaky babysitters before David came along?

  It was quiet outside and the chill night air picked up and played with a few strands of my hair as I crept over to the tent. I could feel the cold dew seeping through my nurse shoes as I crouched down at the entrance, quietly pulled the zip and peeped inside. In the darkness, my eyes adjusted to see a lump of indistinct shapes – they were sleeping soundly. I zipped back up again, satisfied that I had thankfully made it through another day without winning the worst mother of the year award.

  Something brushed against my hip and I shrieked. In a heartbeat, a heavy hand came to my mouth and squeezed it shut. My entire body jolted in fear but in the next moment I was spun around and saw his handsome, goofy face smiling back at me. I slapped his chest, hard.

  “You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!” I whispered loudly. He smiled at me in the semi-darkness.

  “Sorry! I didn’t want you to wake them up”

  Fuck he had a gorgeous voice.

  “You’re like, a ninja, sneaking up on me like that!”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he said, still grinning. “They used to call me twinkle toes.” He was like the world’s sexiest Cheshire cat.

  “Jesus, I can see why,” I said, and turned towards the house. He followed behind me, stealthy as a panther. “I’m sorry I’m late by the way.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Actually, I was really enjoying the stars. It’s kinda beautiful out here.”

  I looked up and for a split second, realized that he was staring at my collarbones. Our eyes glanced against one another and then quickly away again. In the darkness, he seemed more perfectly in his element. He was wearing a bulky utility jacket and big boots and an army green knit cap that made me think of guerilla warfare in some tropical jungle. He was hot as hell.

  “Let’s …go inside,” I said, and he followed after me as I fished my keys from my bag. I still felt electrified on the place he had touched me. It had been only the tiniest touch to the side of my waist, only a few split seconds long, but it was so distracting he might as well have branded me with a hot iron. He was… surprisingly strong. It took my breath away how swiftly he took charge of my body, held closed my mouth and all before I had even realized he was there. It was impressive. A little scary, but impressive.

  We walked into the house, my mind carried away with wondering what other transferrable Navy skills he had. I don’t know how he could look so calm and collected when I was being eaten alive from the inside by the butterflies in my stomach, but he smiled sweetly and nodded when I offered him a mug of cocoa. God, I was such a mom, wasn’t I? I decided not to spoil the mood by offering him tiny colored marshmallows to sprinkle on top. I handed him his mug as he perched on the arm of the sofa, long legs outstretched, looking too large for my house altogether.

  “Thank you so much for doing this, David, I owe you one, really,” I said, and proceeded to nervously burn my lips on the hot brown liquid. He smiled warmly at me.

  “You know, Ally, you don’t have to keep thanking me over and over. I told you I’m happy to do this. It’s all part of the program.”

  I perched on the opposite arm of the couch, leaving the soft, cushioned area in the middle completely free. I think I’d lose my mind if I had to sit up close to him right now. But sitting chaste and distant like this …that only seemed make the moment feel even more dangerously sexy.

  “Yeah, you’re right, sorry. It’s just that most men get pretty uncomfortable taking care of kids…”

  “Well, I’m not most men,” he said and gave me a big cheesy wink that instantly melted the tension in the room. God, he was smooth. I felt so tightly wound next to him, like one glance of his sizzling gaze just melted me from the inside out. I was exhausted from my shift, but having him so close made me forget all about that…

  “Just kidding,” he laughed. “It’s probably just because I’m a big kid myself. Maybe that’s why I get on so well with them.”

  I thought about this for a moment. The kids really did seem to like him. A lot. Why did they have to latch onto a guy that was so disturbingly young and immature though? Our polite laughter petered out and it was soon silent again, and we both stared down casually at the empty space between us, steaming mugs in hand.

  “It’s late,” I said, just to relieve myself of the tension of the moment.

  He checked his watch and I did the same.

  “Oh… it’s… ten,” I said, and all at once remembered our text chat the day before. He caught my eye and seemed to read my mind.

  “Looks like we missed the 9pm deadline,” I said with a nervous giggle. His eyes flashed like there was fire in them. Maybe he’d go home now and we’d both forget the whole thing.

  “Well…” he said slowly. “I’m here in person now, so maybe there’s no need for a picture anymore?”

  I heard myself gulp.

  I had spent the last few years detached from everything that happened from my neck down. I was a trained nurse, but my specialty was other people’s bodies… when it came to my own, I was completely at a loss to describe the strange feelings washing over me just then. I wasn’t just turned on. The warmth glowing somewhere deep inside me was heavily tinged with …fear. A delicious fear. Like the dreadful excitement you feel when you’re hiding away and the person looking for you is just inches from discovering you. Like the wonderfully stomach-churning sensation of reaching the highest point on a rollercoaster and knowing full well what’s coming. Like flying so high up on a swing you feel for just a few sweet seconds that you’re weightless and will never come back to earth again...

  I couldn’t avoid his gaze this time, and when our eyes made contact again I let them. I searched his face. In that second he had stepped forward, clinked his mug onto the side table and moved in close towards me. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine, and they tasted as sweet and warm as chocolate and I couldn’t help but gasp and open my mouth to his.

  It only took one moment of submission for a whole sexy string of dominoes to fall, one after the other. I didn’t know how I landed with my back on the sofa, I didn’t know how he ended up on top of me, but we soon tumbled into one another, nothing but hands and lips and desperate gasping.

  “David… David, I…”

  “Shhh…” he said and buried his warm breath into my neck, kissing me ferociously all down onto my shoulder blades, my chest… He was heavy and strong and completely overwhelming, and when I felt the stiffness in his pants press mercilessly into my thigh, something blotted out in my mind and all I wanted to do was release and let him do what he wanted with me…

  “How can your skin be this soft…” he breathed hot against my belly now as he peeled the hem of my shirt up and began planting heavy kisses there. A
deep, almost painful kick of pleasure radiated out from my pussy and made me utterly limp underneath his hard body. I writhed and tilted my hips upwards, turned my face to hide in my hair and let my hands wander where they wanted… it didn’t matter, since every part of him they touched was taut with muscles. The scent of his skin was driving me wild.

  Oh fuck. This was it. It was actually happening and it was faster and sexier and …messier than I had imagined it.

  He finally pulled his lips from their job of devouring by belly and when he came upright for a moment to peel off his shirt, I nearly gasped out loud at the sight of his chest. He was built like a wrestler from a Roman fresco, young and hard and, to my delight, prickled up with a wash of goosebumps over his tanned, tattooed skin. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. With his powerful thighs straddling me, and with me crumpled between his knees, flopped on the sofa like I was under a spell, we took a moment to catch our breath and look at one another.

  I reached out my hand and touched his knee, and then carefully, slowly dragged it higher until it was just touching the obvious bulge in his pants. I saw him swallow and clench his jaw as he held eye contact with me. Here was a hot, virile stud with a body that looked positively built for fighting and fucking, and by some miracle I had him all to myself.

  Eyes still locked together, my trembling hands stroked the thick hard rod under the fabric of his pants. The tight V on his abdomen disappeared into those pants like they were showing me precisely where to go. Matching my slowness, he leaned back, abs tightening, and began to unbutton them. His eyes fluttered closed as I stroked him and he zoned out. I could feel him twitch against my hand as he grew stiffer.

  A hot, sticky pool of anticipation was growing inside me. I had soaked right through my panties. It felt like he’d only need to gently graze the edge of his thumb against that soaked scrap of fabric to make me lose my fucking mind. I was so desperate for that touch, in fact, that I was involuntarily writhing my hips up towards him, wanting the naked bulge of his cock to touch me where I wanted it most…


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