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Medusa the Mean (Goddess Girls)

Page 1

by Holub, Joan



  MEDUSA GORGON IS DEFINITELY NOT PART of the popular crowd. With snakes for hair and an even snakier personality, no one at Mount Olympus Academy is clamoring to be BFFs with her.

  But deep down, Medusa just wants to fit in. And she thinks the key to all her problems is immortality—something that most of her classmates and her own sisters have. The Immortalizer necklace promises to make that dream come true. But at what price?

  Authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams put a modern spin on classic myths with the Goddess Girls series. Follow the ins and outs of divine social life at Mount Olympus Academy, where the most privileged godboys and goddessgirls in the Greek pantheon hone their mythical skills.



  Aladdin / Simon & Schuster, New York

  Cover designed by Karin Paprocki

  Cover illustration copyright © 2012 by Glen Hanson

  Ages 8–12 / 0412

  Meet the author, watch videos, and get extras at

  JOAN HOLUB is the award-winning author of more than one hundred and twenty-five books for young readers, including Wagons Ho!, Who Was Marco Polo?, Groundhog Weather School, Vincent van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars, and the Doll Hospital chapter book series. Of the four goddessgirls, she’s probably most like Athena because she loves to think up new ideas for books. But she’s very glad her dad was never the principal of her school! Visit her at

  SUZANNE WILLIAMS is the award-winning author of more than thirty books for young readers, including Library Lil, Mommy Doesn’t Know My Name, My Dog Never Says Please, and the Princess Power and Fairy Blossoms series. Her husband says she’s the Goddess of Annoying Questions. (Most having to do with why her computer misbehaves.) That makes her kind of like Pandora, except that Pandora never had to deal with computers. Suzanne lives near Seattle in Washington State. Visit her at



  Athena the Brain

  Persephone the Phony

  Aphrodite the Beauty

  Artemis the Brave

  Athena the Wise

  Aphrodite the Diva

  Artemis the Loyal


  Goddess Girls Super Special:

  The Girl Games

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

  First Aladdin paperback edition April 2012

  Text copyright © 2012 by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  ALADDIN is a trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc., and related logo is a registered trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  Designed by Karin Paprocki

  The text of this book was set in Baskerville Handcut Regular.

  Library of Congress Control Number 2012930494

  ISBN 978-1-4424-3379-3 (Print)

  ISBN 978-1-4424-3380-9 (eBook)

  For our fantastic fans:

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  —J. H. and S. W.















  THE KIDS IN SIX-YEAR-OLD MEDUSA GORGON’S first grade class at Aegean Elementary School in Greece had made fun of her again today. They’d called her Gorgonzola Head. They’d pinched their noses and said she smelled like stinky cheese. But now that school was over and Medusa was home in her bedroom, she pulled out her favorite green crayon and a sheet of papyrus to draw on. At the top, she wrote:

  The Queen of Mean:

  A hilarious and very exactly true

  comic strip about me, Medusa!

  “In today’s episode,” little Medusa began as she started drawing stick figures with big round heads, “those doo-doo-nose kids who teased me at school get clobbered by me and my magic—for I am the Queen of Mean! Yayyyy! And nobody messes with me and gets away with it.”

  Tucking her tongue to one side of her mouth, Medusa concentrated on drawing herself yelling at the other kids. “It’s payback time, losers! Because you teased me, now I’m going to bonk you all on the head.”

  Then she drew herself bonking them with her secret weapon, a big yellow magic cheese. In a speech bubble by her mouth, she wrote her magic word: Gorgonzola! In the next frame, all the kids who’d made fun of her had been turned into cheese. Ha-ha-ha!

  “Next, I—the Queen of Mean—run home to my mom and dad,” Medusa said under her breath. “And guess what. They have been magically turned into smiley parents who hug me.”

  Medusa drew the scene with quick strokes of her crayon. There was her mom and now her dad, looking at her with big, happy grins. Beside them she drew two girls who looked just like her, because they were triplets.

  “And then the Queen’s sisters, who didn’t help when these kids made fun of her, find out they’ve got cooties,” she continued. “So now they are banished to the doghouse forever, and the Queen gets to have their big, beautiful room all to herself. Awesome!”

  Then she wrote: The end.

  Medusa gazed happily at her finished comic strip. If only things in her real life could turn out so perfectly!


  Seven Years Later

  FROM HER SEAT HIGH AT THE BACK OF THE stone bleachers in the outdoor amphitheater at Mount Olymp
us Academy, thirteen-year-old Medusa stared in fascination at a full-page ad in her new Teen Scrollazine. It showed a picture of a sparkly necklace with a goldenwinged white horse charm dangling from its chain. Her pale green eyes eagerly devoured the sales pitch:








  At the bottom of the page was an order form.

  Becoming immortal had been Medusa’s dearest wish since—well, since forever. It wasn’t fair that her two sisters were immortal while she’d been born a mere mortal.

  She studied the ad again. She wanted to believe it, but did she dare trust its claims? What if it was a trick? Could a flying-horse necklace really be the key to immortality? “Doubt it!” she muttered aloud.

  A godboy sitting nearby overheard and gave her a sideways glance. She shot him a quick glare that widened his eyes and made him nervously look away.

  It was Friday, last period, and the amphitheater was filled with immortal students—all of them beautiful, powerful, and awesome, with softly glittering skin. How she longed to be like them!

  Sure, she went to MOA too. She was one of the few lucky mortals allowed to attend the Academy. Yet she had no true magical powers, like those of a goddess. Still, with a glance she could turn a mortal to stone. That was something, at least. And she was the only student with snakes instead of hair growing from the top of her head! Glancing around, she idly reached up and twirled one of the snakes around her finger.

  Usually school dramas were performed in the amphitheater, but today the entire student body had gathered here because of Career-ology Week. (Or Job-ology Week, as the students called it.) All week long various speakers had come to MOA to talk about their jobs. Yesterday the god Hermes had told them all about his chariot delivery service.

  Today the goddess Hera was here speaking about her wedding shop in the Immortal Marketplace. The regallooking goddess had thick blond hair styled high upon her head and a no-nonsense look in her eye. Although she wasn’t unusually tall, something about her made her seem statuesque. Probably her confidence.

  As Hera explained how she went about planning a wedding at Hera’s Happy Endings, Medusa only half-listened. She shifted behind some other MOA students sitting in front of her, so she was better hidden from Hera’s view.

  Sneakily she re-read the ad. It was maddeningly short on details about how the Immortalizer worked—if it worked at all. She’d almost be willing to risk disappointment if only it didn’t cost so much. Thirty drachmas was a lot of money! Her weekly allowance was just three obeloi, which was half a drachma. At the moment she only had eight drachmas saved up.

  “Any questions?” Hera asked the crowd.

  Medusa jolted to attention and peered around the godboy in front of her. Seeing that the talk was nearly over, she set her scrollazine on the bench. Although the bleachers were packed with students, there was an empty space on either side of her. No one ever got too close to a girl with snake hair.

  Since class participation counted for a third of her Job-ology grade, she quickly tried to think up a question. But how could she when she hadn’t heard a word Hera had said!

  Medusa rolled her eyes when Athena raised her hand. What a Goody Two-sandals! She was always the first to ask questions in class. Athena was not only the brainiest girl at MOA, she was also Principal Zeus’s daughter. And soon she’d be Hera’s stepdaughter too, because Zeus and Hera were getting married in nine days—just a week from Sunday.

  Medusa craned her neck to look at Zeus. He was in the audience, sitting front row center, gazing adoringly at Hera. They’d announced their engagement not long ago during the boys’ Olympic Games. Now the whole school was abuzz with the news of their upcoming marriage.

  “Who will your bridesmaids be?” Athena asked when she was called on.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Hera replied. “Since we’ve decided to follow tradition, Zeus will be choosing seven boys as groomsmen, and they will in turn choose seven bridesmaids. Any other questions?”

  Athena’s shoulders drooped, and her long brown hair swayed in an annoyingly cute, curly way as she slowly shook her head. She had to be less than thrilled with this answer. She’d probably thought she had a clear shot at becoming a bridesmaid.

  Another goddessgirl asked a question. Then pale, mysterious Persephone asked about the flowers for the wedding. Apparently her mom’s flower shop would be providing them.

  Next Aphrodite—the most beautiful goddessgirl at MOA—waved her hand in the air. Even from high up in the bleachers, Medusa could see that Aphrodite’s perfectly manicured fingernails were polished a sparkly robin’s-egg-blue that matched the chiton she wore. As Medusa squinted at the goddessgirl’s fingernails, the color of the polish changed, first to turquoise, then pink, then back to blue. Must be nice to possess magic that makes your nail polish change colors, she thought sourly. Goddessgirls took that kind of thing for granted.

  “What will your gown look like?” Aphrodite asked when called on.

  Ye gods, thought Medusa. Not that she cared, but what did these questions have to do with Job-ology, anyway? They were all personal questions! Tuning out Hera’s answer, she realized that almost all the girls seemed mesmerized by this froufrou marriage stuff. It made sense for Aphrodite, since she was the goddessgirl of love. But why were the others so interested? She didn’t get it.

  She watched the sun catch in Aphrodite’s long golden hair as the goddessgirl tucked a curl behind one ear. It was a trademark Aphrodite move that drew boys’ eyes like a magnet. Although Medusa had tried to do it with her snake hair once, it just didn’t have the same effect.

  At least dark-haired Artemis, who sat one row below Medusa, seemed a little bored. She had dumped some arrows out of her quiver and was checking their tips for wear. Medusa could relate. This whole marriage thing was a big yawn. She’d be glad when it was over.

  Medusa had carefully chosen her spot on the bleachers today. Studying Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Artemis—the most popular goddessgirls in school—was practically her full-time job, though she made sure no one ever noticed. And although she’d never admit it, she was green with envy when it came to those four. Literally. Her skin, eyes, and hair were all green.

  Besides immortality, there were just two other things she wanted in life: to be as effortlessly popular as the four goddessgirls and to have her supercrush suddenly decide he liked her. Unfortunately, both seemed way out of reach. She didn’t trust anyone enough to let down her guard with them and become friends. And how can you be popular without friends? As far as her crush went, well . . .

  “My turn!” a nearby godboy said to his friends in an excited but muted tone. She’d know that voice anywhere. Poseidon. Oh-so-casually she looked his way. He was sitting three rows down from her with two other godboys—Dionysus and Ares. Weddings obviously didn’t interest them either, since they were secretly playing a game of Javelin Thump.

  Poseidon was carefully aiming a piece of papyrus that had been folded into a fat triangle about two inches on its long side. As she watched, he flicked it across the seat with his middle finger. “Score!” he exclaimed in a whisper as the triangle slid between Dionysus’s two fingers, which marked the goalposts. His flick had been so strong, however, that the little triangle javelin kept on going. There was a mad scramble to grab it before it slid off the edge of the boys’ bench, but they weren’t fast enough. It dropped onto the ground by their feet.

  Before the boys could catch her watching them, Medusa made herself look away. Still, if she could’ve gotten away with it, she would’ve stared at blond, turquoise-eyed Poseidon all day long. Feeling someone’s gaze, she glanced up into a pair of violet eyes. For some reason, Dionysus was looking at her now. Assuming the worst, she p
eeked down, checking to be sure her underwear wasn’t showing.

  “If there are no further questions . . .” said Hera, snagging Medusa’s attention once more.

  Uh-oh! She still hadn’t spoken up. Quickly she raised her hand.

  “Yes?” Hera had to crane her neck to look up at her.

  “Why do goddesses need jobs?” Medusa asked. “They’re goddesses, after all. They don’t need to work; they can do whatever they want!”

  Hera smiled, her blond hair gleaming in the afternoon sun. “Whether you’re a goddess or a shopkeeper, being happy is all about finding your personal strengths and using them to do what you enjoy—be it work or not.”

  Without waiting to be called on again, Medusa blurted, “But what happens when a goddess weds? Surely Principal Zeus won’t want you to continue to run Hera’s Happy Endings once you’re married. How would you have time?”

  Students nearby gasped at her bluntness. She felt Athena glare at her. But she was used to being on the receiving end of glares. She’d never been exactly popular. Far from it, in fact. Stirring up trouble and making others uncomfortable were abilities that came naturally to her. They were her strengths. She wondered what kind of job Hera would suggest she use that talent for!

  Seeming unfazed, Hera answered her, polite as always. “That’s a goddess’s choice, but I do plan to continue working in my shop.”

  At her reply Zeus frowned darkly and crossed his arms. Wide gold bands flashed at his wrists. After taking a few more questions, Hera left the stage. Zeus joined her, gesturing like he was trying to convince her of something as they headed off. At seven feet tall with bulging muscles, wild red hair, piercing blue eyes, and a fearsome temper, he usually got his way in any argument. Medusa wondered if he would succeed this time.

  Now that the lecture was over, students began to exit the bleachers. Medusa dawdled, waiting for the others below her to leave before she stood. Stepping down two rows of seats, she pretended to accidentally drop her Teen Scrollazine under the bench where Poseidon had sat. She stooped and reached for the papyrus javelin that he and his friends had left behind. Tucking it in the pocket of her chiton, she then picked up her scrollazine and straightened—only to find Aphrodite standing in front of her.


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