Twilight of Empire
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The collected writings and papers of Crown Prince Rudolf are held in the twenty-two boxes of Nachlass Kronprinz-Rudolf-Selekt, deposited as part of the Archiv des Kaiserlichen Hauses (Archive of the Imperial House) in the Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv in Vienna. Relevant citations to these materials are listed using the abbreviation HHS followed by the box number. In addition, through the generosity of Paul Slatin, we have been fortunate to utilize his grandfather Dr. Heinrich Slatin’s unpublished manuscript of May 21, 1929, detailing his experiences with the Mayerling tragedy (cited in the notes as Slatin, Abschrift).
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Neues Wiener Tagblatt, Vienna.
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Der Spiegel, Berlin.
Der Standard, Vienna.
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