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The Three

Page 24

by Meghan O'Brien

  The threesome walked their bikes off the highway and across gravel and grass toward the trees. This would be their first full night together. Anna hoped that Kael would warm up to Matt.

  “You know, I could catch dinner.” Matt gave Kael an eager smile. “I’m a good hunter, I swear.”

  Kael hesitated, and for a moment, Anna thought she would turn down Matt’s well-intentioned offer. Instead she thanked him, adding, “That’d be great.”

  Anna bumped Kael with her hip. “Hey, maybe we could take a bath in the river.” It had been at least two weeks since she’d had the time and the means to give herself more than a cursory cleaning, and despite the slightly chilly air, the idea of a swim was intoxicating.

  Kael bit her lip, and Anna could see how her eyes darted nervously to Matt. “I don’t know—”

  Matt interrupted, eager to please. “I’ll totally give you guys some privacy. You can bathe, and I’ll catch and clean dinner. I’ll even cook, if you want.”

  Kael chuckled. “You know, kid, maybe I could get used to having you around.”

  Matt’s beaming grin cut through the darkness. “Yeah?” His voice, as it often did, broke in excitement.

  “Sure.” Kael bumped Anna back. “Anna really does need a bath, after all.”

  Anna laughed in surprise at the unexpected return of Kael’s humor. Like her unbridled rage, it came in flashes, unpredictable and usually short-lived. Anna’s chest grew heavy with pleasure at the prospect of spending time with Kael during this moment of respite.

  “Shut up,” Anna scolded. “Dickhead.”

  Matt giggled, a surprisingly childlike sound. He stopped abruptly when Kael shot him a look of admonishment. “Sorry,” he muttered.

  “I’m not that used to you yet,” Kael said.

  Despite the tone, Anna knew that Kael was being playful, and that brought a smile to her face. Things were looking up.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It took Anna a day and a half to work up the nerve to say the words. When she did, they came out as tense as she felt. “Matt, I want to talk to you about something.”

  He looked up from peering at the side of the road and squinted into the setting sun. “Yeah? What’s up?”

  Anna flushed as she contemplated how to actually start this conversation. She glanced at Kael, who wheeled her bike ahead of them, out of earshot, studying the road. They had decided to walk for a while because they had to be drawing closer to their quarry. Kael was far enough away from them to encourage a private conversation, but close enough to react in case something happened. Anna suspected that this proximity was intentional.

  “Is everything okay?” Matt asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Of course not.” Anna took a step closer to the middle of the road and the boy she was really beginning to like. Her stomach flip-flopped in uneasy anticipation.

  “I’m sorry dinner was a little dry last night.”

  Anna held up her hand in protest. “Seriously, dinner was great. If you think that was dry, you should taste Kael’s cooking.”

  “I don’t know. I’m sure Kael’s great at cooking. He seems like the kind of guy who’s pretty much great at everything he does.”

  Anna suppressed a giggle at that. Still, Matt’s hero worship was strangely endearing. “Cooking isn’t one of his biggest talents.”

  Matt gave her a shy smile. “But you love him, anyway.”

  “I do.”

  “I hope that one day I can find a woman who looks at me like you look at him.”

  Anna took in the wistful expression on Matt’s face. “You will. You’re a good guy, Matt. I knew that as soon as I met you.

  Some lucky girl is going to see it, too.”

  He gave a dubious snort. “Yeah, well…” Obviously embarrassed, he moved the conversation along. “You wanted to talk to me about something?”

  Anna blinked as she remembered why she was speaking to Matt in the first place. She stared down at the broken yellow line at the center of the highway. “I wanted to talk to you about Elin. And Kael. And me.”

  “Yeah?” Matt sounded curious.

  “It’s just that, before I knew you, when we met you and Robby on the road that first time—”

  “What is it?” Matt’s expression grew more earnest. “Anna, you can tell me anything. We’re friends, right?”

  Anna smiled at his attempt to put her at ease. “Yeah, we are. I’m just…nervous because now that we are friends, I want to be honest with you. But I need you to know I trust you, and I never wanted to mislead you.”

  “I get it.” Matt pushed shaggy blond hair back with a casual hand. “You didn’t know us, and it’s not like Robby made a good first impression. There are a lot of bad guys out there, and you didn’t know that I wasn’t one of them. I understand, I swear. But you know me now.”

  “I do,” Anna agreed. She took a deep breath. “Elin isn’t my sister.” That was the easy part. “It was easier to tell you that she was, but she’s not.”

  “Oh.” Matt regarded her with innocent blue eyes. “Who is she, then?”

  “She’s my best friend.” Anna held Matt’s gaze. “Our best friend.” Glancing ahead at Kael, who still plodded along, she murmured, “And she…she’s Kael’s lover.”

  It seemed easiest to start with that admission. She’d work up to the rest.

  Matt’s eyes grew wide. He gaped at Kael, then looked back to Anna, mouth still hanging open. “Kael has two girlfriends?”

  Anna couldn’t help smiling at Matt’s awestruck reaction. Encouraged by his apparent lack of negativity about the idea, she pressed on. “He does. Does that…bother you?”

  Matt stared at Kael, confusion written plainly on his face. He shook his head. “No, but…does it bother you?

  You don’t get jealous? I mean, are you both…you and Elin, are you…do you both—”

  Anna honed in on Matt’s question, sensing that she had the opportunity to get out the rest of what she needed to say. “I have no reason to be jealous of Elin. It’s not like—” She cleared her throat, heat rising in her face. “Elin and I both love Kael, but we love each other just as much. She’s…she’s my lover, too.”

  Matt came to a sudden stop, practically stumbling over his bike. Anna also stopped walking and waited for the reaction she couldn’t quite predict. Matt opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, then looked at her in complete shock.


  “We’re a family.” Anna squinted to see Kael cresting a hill some distance in front of them. “Come on, Matt, we’ve got to catch up.”

  “You love…” Matt shook his head vigorously from side to side. “What do you mean?”

  “I have a relationship with Kael,” Anna said, watching her lover disappear over the hill. “And I have a relationship with Elin. They have a relationship with one another, and together, we’re a family. I know it’s different. I just hope you can try to understand.”

  Matt remained unmoving. “So you…sleep with both of them?” He wrinkled his nose as he said the words, and Anna felt her heart rate increase at his expression.

  He’s disgusted, Anna worried, but she forced her confidence to the front. I can’t act like I’m ashamed or embarrassed about this. If I act like there’s something wrong about our love, why should Matt think any different? Anna stepped over to the boy and placed a gentle hand on his arm. Matt didn’t flinch.

  “I do.” Anna gestured at the road ahead. “We’ll talk about this while we walk, okay? I don’t want to let Kael get too far ahead of us.”

  Matt stared at her for a moment longer, then started walking again. “I really wasn’t expecting that,” he said in a shaky voice.

  “I’m sure you weren’t.” Anna squeezed his arm, pleased that he didn’t recoil. “I wasn’t either, for the record.

  When I met them, I mean. We all just…clicked.”

  “Did Kael want you to be with Elin?” Matt asked. He didn’t meet her eyes. “I mean…is that why

  “I love women. I always have.” She gazed at him until he returned her look. “Kael came as a surprise to me. Elin didn’t.”

  Matt blushed and looked away. “But why? I mean, you’re so beautiful. I know you could find a man who would love you. Only you.”

  Anna flushed at the boy’s compliment. “I have two people who love me. And I love those two people with all my heart. It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world, and there’s nothing I want more than what I have with them.”

  “This is a really fucked up thing to hear. You know that, right?”

  “I know. But I’m still the same person I was a half hour ago.”

  Matt frowned. “I’m sorry, I’m just not used to the idea of…two women being together. My father and Robby always said that it was wrong for two people of the same sex to…do that. Even women.”

  “Wrong for us to love one another?” Anna gave Matt a careful smile. “You seem like a romantic to me. Do you really think that love could ever be wrong? We’re all adults, and nobody is doing anything they don’t want to do.”

  Matt’s cheeks turned light pink. “No, I don’t think love is wrong.”

  “Hey, Matt.” Anna reached out to take the boy’s arm. “We’re still friends, right? What I told you doesn’t change that, does it?”

  Matt shrugged, pulling away from Anna’s touch with a sad smile. “We’re still friends. I just…need a chance to get used to the idea. Is that okay?”

  Anna nodded. You can’t expect him to accept it just like that. “That’s more than okay, Matt. I understand.

  Take all the time you need.”

  When they reached the top of the hill, Anna stopped and stared at the sight that greeted them. Kael stood ten feet in front of them, her bike propped against a highway sign, her hands on her hips. She stared at a smattering of glittering lights that shone in the distance.

  “The lights.” Anna squinted, puzzled by what she was seeing. The source of such a display eluded her.

  “What are the lights?”

  “I think that’s what some might call progress. Unless I’m mistaken,” Kael said, “this city has inhabitants.

  And electricity.”

  Kael walked them around the perimeter of town, staying close to the trees as they passed dark storefronts, abandoned gas stations, and dilapidated homes. Electricity wasn’t evident in that part of the city, and Kael led them on a cautious route between those buildings and along deserted streets until they saw a light over the front door of a large brick house. At Kael’s signal, they left their bikes behind the fence of an adjoining property. They were sidling along the decayed wood screen this provided, when a figure stepped out from the side of the house and knelt down next to a well-tended garden.

  After a few minutes, the figure rose with a fistful of something in one hand, and they were looking at a relatively short woman with a rounded frame. The bright light shining at the front of the house illuminated her face, and Anna was struck by the beauty of her skin. It was dark brown, even darker than her own, and the woman walked with an air of casual confidence.

  Anna felt bad that they would probably scare this poor woman to death with their approach. If she was an innocent, unaffiliated with the Procreationists, she didn’t deserve even a moment of uncertainty about their intentions. But if she was with the men who had taken Elin, Anna didn’t want her to have the slightest opportunity to raise an alarm before they could question her.

  Anna saw Kael’s approach long before the woman did. Her lover stepped out of the shadows and loped up behind the woman in a stealthy, silent run. She held her new sword in one hand, and with the other she reached around the dark-skinned woman’s face and clapped her palm over her mouth, stifling a panicked yelp. Pulling the woman back against her, Kael whispered into her ear. The woman nodded and stared wide-eyed at the far edge of the property. Anna’s chest tightened. She could almost feel the thoughts racing through the woman’s mind. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the trees, hoping that the sight of her might prove reassuring.

  “We’re not going to hurt you,” Anna said. “We just want to ask you a few questions, but we don’t want you to panic and get the whole town running here until we know that they’re not going to want to hurt us.”

  The woman, suddenly calm and still, stared at Anna with compassionate eyes. She was significantly older, perhaps in her fifties. Her dark hair was streaked with gray, lending her a quiet dignity that remained intact even as Kael restrained her from behind. Anna fought the uneasy notion that her most intimate thoughts and emotions were being carefully examined and evaluated by this woman.

  “If I uncover your mouth, you’ll keep quiet. Right?” Kael murmured. Without hesitation, the woman nodded.

  Kael’s eyes met Anna’s, then she removed her hand.

  The woman raised a dark eyebrow at Anna. “Well, that was certainly dramatic,” she said. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Anna found herself smiling with relief at the woman’s dry humor. “We’re normally more civilized than that.”

  The woman’s attention seemed to shift, and following her gaze, Anna saw Matt standing a few feet away wearing an expression of childlike sheepishness.

  “I’m sorry, too,” he piped up.

  The woman chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t you worry, son. The minute you stepped out I knew everything was okay.

  You looked far more nervous than I felt.” She offered Anna her hand. “Let’s do this right. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Kate Woodard.”

  Anna introduced herself, then said, “Dr. Woodard? Like a medical doctor?” She raised hopeful eyes to the healing gash on Kael’s head. This could be too good to be true.

  “Call me Kate. And yes, a medical doctor.” She gave her hand to Kael. “You look like you could use some help. Maybe after you ask me your questions?”

  “It’s nothing. Thank you for offering, though.” Kael scowled, but shook her hand politely, adding, “I’m sorry for grabbing you like that. My name’s Kael, and he’s Matt.”

  Kate shook Matt’s hand, then said, “So, these urgent questions?”

  “We’re looking for a friend,” Anna said. “She was traveling with us, and—”

  “Our friend was taken,” Kael said, picking up the story. “She and I were approached by a man and a woman who wanted us to join their community. Luckily, Anna was separated from us at the time. After we refused, about twenty men showed up and…I couldn’t stop them.”

  “I understand,” Kate murmured. “Do you know who these men were?”

  “There’s a group up in Pennsylvania, and they believe—”

  “The Procreationists,” Kate interrupted. “Tell me, what does your friend look like?”

  Anna’s heart began to pound. “Red hair. Pale skin. Beautiful. Her name is Elin.”

  Kate’s eyes darted to the trees and shadows that surrounded them. She seemed anxious, all of a sudden, and grabbed Anna’s arm, urging, “Come on inside.”

  “Is everything okay?” Kael gestured Matt forward. “Is there someone out there?”

  “Not now, I don’t think,” Kate whispered. “We just need to get inside. We need to talk and not be overheard.

  I know who took your friend.”

  “You know where she is?” Kael gripped Kate’s arm.

  “I’ve been to their camp. It’s not more than two miles outside of town.” Kate locked the front door and ushered them into the cozy interior of her house. In her left hand, Anna noticed for the first time, she clutched various herbs.

  Kael pressed her fingers to her temple, wincing in that familiar way that told Anna that her head was pounding. “Please tell us, have you seen her?”

  “She’s okay. I examined her myself. She had a rather nasty bear bite, or so she told me, on one calf. And a healing burn on her hand.”

  “That’s her.” Kael sagged against the wall. “We found her.”

  Anna stepped forward into
her waiting arms. “We found her,” she repeated. “Baby, she’s going to be okay.

  We found her.”

  Kael turned to Kate. “Why you? Why did you examine her?”

  Anna flinched at the slight accusation in Kael’s voice. Still, she was interested in the answer. “I think what he means, Kate, is just how are you involved with the Procreationists?”

  Kate nodded at the sword Kael still clutched in her hand. “Why don’t you put that thing away and come sit down so we can talk?” She gestured to a door farther inside the house, which Anna assumed led to the kitchen. Matt leaned on the doorframe, watching them in silence.

  “I’m sorry.” Kael sheathed her sword. “We’ve been going on so little for so long, I’m just overwhelmed that you know where she is.”

  “I understand.” Kate pushed the kitchen door open and beckoned them. “Who wants water?”

  There was a large white refrigerator and freezer. Anna could hear the slight hum that emanated from them, which confused her for a few moments before she realized what it meant. The kitchen also contained a full-sized oven, a microwave oven, and various appliances that looked familiar, but that she couldn’t name.

  Kate took a glass to the refrigerator and pressed it against something that made a low, grinding noise.

  Anna hurried over to see the refrigerator spit something into the first glass.

  “Ice?” she murmured, awestruck.

  Kate smiled. “A luxury I’m afraid I take for granted again.”

  Anna blinked as Kate filled another glass with ice. “Wow.”

  “So about Elin,” Kael said from a seat at the kitchen table. Her leg bobbed up and down, impatient. Matt sat next to her, leaning away from her nervous energy. “Did you talk to her?”

  Anna took the chair next to Kael’s and held her hand. It was cold and trembling, betraying her turbulent emotion.

  “I wasn’t able to talk to her alone,” Kate said. “Trey—one of their leaders—told me she was too dangerous for me to see without a guard.”

  “Too dangerous?” Kael asked in an incredulous voice.

  Kate shrugged and handed out glasses of water. “He said she resisted them. That she knew how to fight.


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