Mistress Blackheart
Page 18
“So, the leather-arsed bitch has gone!” He leered menacingly as he swaggered towards her. “Too much trouble were you, Sweetheart? So, it’s just you and me now, and this time there’ll be no one to step in and take you away from me. See, they’ve all gone, Nina, Terence, Errol - even that nice little nurse that comes in three days a week.”
Stopping in front of her, he fixed his lecherously hostile regard on the patch of red hair, sprouting tantalizingly between her legs.
The first he knew of Ali’s presence was when her body pressed up against his back and her small hands closed over the front of his trousers. She gave his cock a squeeze.
“I must say,” he glanced over his shoulder and gave her a smutty grin that leeched unsavoury intentions, “this is most unexpected!”
Ali unzipped his fly and slipped her hand down the front of his boxer shorts. Taking his balls in her palms, with a satin, “what about this?” she gave them a vicious squeeze, followed by a sharp half-twist that brought a cry to his throat and tears to his eyes.
“Now that I’ve got your attention, Dr. Brand, you’ll do exactly as I say. Firstly, when I remove my hands, you’ll back up away from the girl. Got it?”
Not sure what to make of it, his uncertain “yes” brought another sharp twist to his balls.
“Ok, yes!”
Ali removed her hands and stepped aside to give him room to back up. “Now pay attention. We’re here to discuss the future arrangements concerning her.” She jerked her head in Leigh’s direction. “So I’ll tell you how it’s going to be. You won’t ever threaten her again. If any ugly rumours come to my ears,” she stepped forward and gave his balls another twist for the sheer hell of it, “I’ll cut these off and stuff them for Christmas! From now on, I don’t want you to even speak to her again, let alone fuck her, without my say-so.”
He’d seen the evidence of what this cruel woman was capable of and, realizing he was in no position to bargain, he said weakly, “and how will you stop me? Besides, the speaking part is a bit difficult since she works at the surgery.”
“Not for much longer. You can expect her resignation by the end of the month. In the meantime, your relationship with her will be on a professional basis only. I might allow you limited access. “
“You’ve got a nerve! What makes you so sure I’d touch the little trollop now?”
Even then, Ali had no idea how prophetic her words would turn out to be when she told him, “because there’s something about her that brings out the darker side of one’s nature, something so erotic that everyone wants to posses her. If it amuses me, I might decide to hand her over from time to time, on a temporary basis you understand, to someone of my choosing so that I can enjoy the pleasures of seeing her abused by someone else’s hand. But I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep her in my possession.”
“So what happens now? We just say goodbye and go home?”
“No, not just yet. I’ve got something else in mind, so shall we get on with it?”
“Get on with what?”
“Eat dirt, Doctor Brand.” She put as much venom as possible into the pronunciation of his name.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I can hardly be more explicit!”
Once again she stepped backward, until she was level with an abandoned supermarket trolley which contained a cardboard box. She rooted around inside it for a moment, and to his surprise produced a curled, wicked looking, one thonged whip. She raised her black eyebrow mockingly.
“What’s the matter? Perhaps you should see a doctor - you’ve gone very white! Tell me, have you noticed your hands trembling before?”
She unfurled the whip and cracked it once in the air. “Eat dirt, or get some of the treatment I was saving for the slut.”
Immediately, he fell to his knees. Then, on all fours with his flies flapping open, he stuck out his tongue and gingerly touched it to the ground.
“I told you to eat it,” Ali moved closer and rested her foot on the back of his head, grinding his mouth against the gritty, stony dirt, “not lick it.”
There was a slightly muffled Crack! as the whip made contact with the ill-fitting trousers that covered his buttocks.
“I think we’ll remove these,” she tugged at the belted waistband, “push them down and let me see your bare arse.”
Not daring to stand up, it was with an ungainly struggle that he pushed both his boxer shorts and trousers down in one go, lifting his knees off the ground so he could push them down his legs.
The familiar thrills and quivers in her loins, which broadcast Ali’s lust for power to the rest of her body, set her clitoris twitching; power over women or power over men... both had their advantages. Though to have a man at her feet like this, on all fours with trousers round his ankles was especially potent, and resulted in her blood raging through her veins so loudly she could hear it in her own ears, like thunder in the distance.
“Get on with it, toe-rag!”
His yowl when she brought the whip down sharply across his buttocks was enough to disturb the inhabitants of the church graveyard some half mile away.
Again she brought the whip down and as his buttocks quivered as they absorbed the pain, Owen’s outcry sounded as if someone had strangled the local Tom.
“Are you going to do what I tell you or do I have to beat you again?”
“N... no, please... I’ll do anything you say.”
“Then eat fucking dirt!”
Without further protest Owen stuck out his tongue, flicking his eyes upward as Ali came round to stand in front of him. With her leather-clad legs slightly apart and the whip dangling between them, there was little point in disobeying.
A trail of ants seemed intent on crossing the very spot he’d had his eye on, where several small stones clustered together; if he’d have carried out the manoeuvre quickly, he could have dipped his tongue between the crevices and merely pretended to eat dirt. But thanks to the ants, his plan had been scuppered.
Resentfully, he scooped up a little of the crumbly, arid soil that lay between two rough-edged, apple sized stones, and held it on the tip of his tongue for her to see.
Still the bitch wasn’t satisfied, and his edginess grew when her spike-heeled boot began to tap impatiently under his nose. Who the hell did she think she was? How dare she make a fool of him! He’d make her pay for this, her and that stupid little tart he’d been fool enough to get involved with.
“Stop huffing and puffing!” There was an edge to her voice like a surgeon’s knife. “Quit stalling for time and do as you’re told.”
It wasn’t too bad taking it into his mouth, it was the actual swallowing he found difficult and he briefly considered spitting it out. Reason reminded him there were people, notably the pregnant woman who’d come to his surgery last year about her craving to eat garden soil, who’d eaten small amounts of earth without long-term ill effects.
With his eyes bulging, he held the soil in his mouth while trying to produce enough saliva to help it along. Finally, and with a great deal of effort, he managed to gulp down the first small portion, coughing as he did so.
“You see how good it is? I guess you must be enjoying it, seeing as how your dick’s as rigid as a plaster cast!”
It was true. In some crazy, mixed-up way, his body had reacted to the humiliation by becoming so turned-on that his eager phallus was positively begging for action. Quiveringly alive, it pulsed painfully as it reared like a stallion. He wanted to fuck the hard-faced whore more than anyone he’d ever met. When he got his chance, he’d make a lunge at her and show her what kind of stud she was dealing with. He’d give her a taste of her own medicine. He’d just taken delivery of a new gynaecological chair. Now, if he could just get her on that, he’d tie her down and...
“Come on
, be a good boy and eat up. If you finish the main course, you can something from the sweet trolley.”
All thoughts of revenge faded as, trembling visibly, Owen poked out his tongue again and lapped up another meagre amount. He caught her movement from the corner of his eye and heard her rummaging in the box. Not daring to risk her wrath, he scooped up another small amount of dirt.
He heard the click! and lifted his head at the same moment as Ali lowered the camera.
“This will make an interesting addition to my collection. Of course, I’ll only pass it on to the press if I think it absolutely necessary. If I find out that you’ve mentioned this to anyone, and I will find out, this photo will be on tabloid front pages before you have time to pee. You see, I have some very influential friends.”
It was almost more than he could stand. “Ok, you fucking, supercilious bitch, you’ve had your fun!”
However, if he believed his ordeal was over, he was very much mistaken. Before he had time to get his wits about him, Ali placed something over his eyes and tied it at the back of his head. Immediately he raised himself up and his hand shot up to claw at it.
But her reflexes were the quicker. In a flash she grabbed his hands and tied them behind his back. Then she yanked him to his feet and spun him round a few times until he was completely disorientated. She gave him a shove, sending him crashing down onto all fours once again. Working quickly, she fitted a bridle over his head and a bit between his teeth. Then she took her place sitting on his back, bringing her knees up and folding back her legs so that her feet didn’t touch the ground.
With a whoop! of joy and simultaneous jabs from her spiked heels into his fleshy thighs, they set off on a couple of circuits of the waste ground.
Still propped up against the wall, Leigh smiled. To see Owen brought low was worth everything she’d gone through, and there was a sticky trickle of honeydew dampening the ground between her legs to prove it.
Leigh settled into her new life easier than she’d thought possible. Kept naked apart from her collar, she was always on hand for anything Ali demanded, be it tender nights of love spent in her bed or horrendously-sweet lashes that kept her skin almost permanently marked.
Much of her time between shifts at the surgery was spent sharing household chores with Jurgen. The two worked side by side, silently and obediently, with nothing more than flirtatious smiles passing between them.
Sometimes there’d be copious amounts of spilt sperm to clear up after a visit from one of Ali’s growing list of clients. And there were always wine stains or cigar ash to remove. Whips or crops had to be returned to their rack, and spreader bars, dildos and leather harnesses had to be put away.
Thanks to her vigorous training, often in the company of Cindy, Leigh had changed from being a flirtatious, chatty individual to a demure young woman who knew her place and kept her eyes submissively lowered. She walked slowly and gracefully and obeyed every command without question, and was therefore only rarely sent to the playroom.
Owen never paid her any attention at work other than that demanded by her job. Terence seemed to have his mind on other things - not surprising, since Leigh now knew he was one of Ali’s clients - and went about his business quietly and efficiently. On the other hand, Errol was positively cold and rude when speaking to her.
However, the relationship between herself and Nina had grown to one of real friendship that bordered on affection. On one occasion Nina had gently brushed Leigh’s hair back from her face, and another time she’d kissed her, just a friendly greeting on the cheek when she’d arrived for work.
Sometimes, Ali popped by the surgery, either to see Terence or Nina. On those occasions, while Nina and Ali would chat and laugh together, to guard her relationship with Leigh, Ali would virtually snub her altogether.
“Five minutes to go,” Nina closed the appointments book, “then we can close the place up until this evening. Tell me to mind my own business, but is everything alright, Leigh? You’ve seemed a bit down this morning.”
Before she could answer the door opened and right on time, Ali entered. Dressed in her leather trousers and jacket, for the first time that Leigh could recall, Ali had a bag with her, a roomy, black leather shoulder bag.
“Hi!” Nina smiled a greeting. “We’re just finishing up here if you want to see me. It’ll have to be quick though, I’ve got a hair appointment in half an hour.” She turned to Leigh. “Will you pop down to Owen’s consulting room and see if he’s finished with that X-ray? I’ve got to return it to the hospital by special courier. He’ll be here in a minute.”
Leigh flicked her eyes towards Ali for permission.
“I’m just going down there myself,” Ali told Nina with a conspiratorial look, then said smilingly to Leigh, “I’ll walk with you.”
Nina laughed. “He still hasn’t mentioned you to me! I’ll leave you to it and get on home when this courier guy’s been.” Mistakenly believing that Leigh was an innocent party who knew nothing of their secret, Nina bit her lip as she tried to convey a message without giving the game away. “I’ll want all the gory details.”
“Call me.” Ali jerked her head towards Leigh. “Don’t worry about her - she can bring the X-ray back and give it to the guy when he comes. You go on home.”
Not waiting for a reply, Ali set off down the corridor with Leigh obediently walking a couple of steps behind. On reaching Owen’s room, Ali threw open the door and strode inside. Once again, Leigh followed.
Owen jumped up from his seat in shock.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“It’s Leigh’s last day, you’ll find her resignation letter before evening surgery, so we’re going to give you a little leaving present.” Ali took a couple of steps towards him. “Leigh, close the door.” Grabbing his arm, she pulled him into the centre of the room, then stood in front of him. “Open wide.”
Fearing to do anything other than obey her, Owen opened his mouth. Before he had time to realize what was happening, Ali had stuffed a ball gag in his mouth and fastened it behind his head.
Owen’s eyes bulged in terror- and his cock bulged in his boxer shorts.
“Leigh, get his cock out.”
Leigh undid his zip, letting his trousers fall around his ankles. Then she dropped to her knees and, with her hands gripping either side of the elastic at his waist, she tugged his boxer shorts down over his knees.
“Get up!” Ali’s command was a terrifying bark. “You’ll kneel to no one but me!”
“But I...”
“Silence!” Ali delivered a stinging blow to Leigh’s cheek. “On your feet, now.”
Leigh’s hand flew to her cheek to soothe the stinging sensation. Slowly, she rose to her feet. Not knowing what else to do, she stood with her head bowed and hands behind her back.
“Here,” Ali rummaged in her bag, “do something useful, Slut. Cuff him!” triumphantly she held up the metal handcuffs.
Once she’d carried out the order, Leigh came round to stand as before, while Ali rummaged in her bag a second time. She extracted a short tube with a clear plastic container at one end and held it up for Owen’s inspection. Again she delved in her bag, and this time withdrew a clear, lidded jug that contained some kind of blue liquid. With infinite care, she transferred the contents from the jug to the container.
Owen’s wide eyes were bulging so much it looked as if they were about to fall from their sockets as Ali’s wicked intentions began to dawn on him. He shook his head wildly and began to make noises of protestation into his gag.
“It’s time for your enema, Doctor.”
From her bag she took a metal lid with what was clearly a plunger attached, and screwed it onto the container. Standing behind him, with the precision of an expert, which indeed she was, she inserted the narrow tube into his rectum, then pushed down
the plunger. Drawing it up again, she pushed it down and continued the pumping action for several seconds, knowing it wouldn’t take long to work. With a sadistic, twisted smile, she watched the blue liquid travel along the clear tube, where it was injected into Owen’s rectum.
His face contorted in agony, engendered by a burning sensation as the liquid filled him up, more and more of it until he could hardly stand still. His whole insides were on fire! He only hoped the sadistic bitch knew what she was doing.
One look at her face supplied the answer - she knew, all right!
It took mere seconds for the liquid to complete its journey. When the canister was empty, she quickly removed the tube from his anus and inserted an anal plug.
“We wouldn’t want it to leak out, now would we? You probably feel as if your entire innards are on fire... it must be agony. It’s harmless of course, but its effect will stay with you for days - your insides will be raw. Now, stand on your chair.”
Ali held the arms of it to stop it swivelling as he clambered up, kicking off his trousers and boxer shorts first. Once he was in position, she made him turn round to face the door.
“It’s time to earn your keep, bitch. Suck him off.”
Remembering Ali’s earlier reprimand Leigh didn’t dare to kneel. She bent her knees and stuck out her bum, which brought her mouth level with his cock. She parted her soft, pliant lips to admit the velvety crown, then closed her lips around the shaft.
“Come on, you can do it better than that! Hell, you’ve had his cock down your throat so often that it thinks your gullet’s its second home!”
Nina looked at herself in the mirror before going down to breakfast. She was rather pleased with her new image. One thing was certain, she didn’t look like the average doctor’s receptionist any more. And after the fiasco last night, she wasn’t sure she wanted to work there at all.
When she’d for arrived to open up for evening surgery she’d found an envelope containing a letter from Leigh, though curiously not in her hand writing.