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Where There's Smoke

Page 4

by B L Morticia

  Attempting to hide my oversight, I smiled at her and nodded. “Right. I believe we have reservations at his favorite restaurant, Toureg Café?”

  “Yes, at one p.m. Do you want me to call and…”

  Diana seemed to detect my apprehension about this meeting. “Oh, no, that won’t be necessary. Little of what Jarvis said would make me unhappy.”

  I changed the subject. “Did you know Macy started rolling?” I leaned over her desk, still in disbelief.

  Diane gasped. “Really? Congrats on that. She’s such a doll. When are you bringing her back so we could swoon over her more?”

  “Soon. No worries there. I love bringing her in and making Garrett do most of the work,” I chuckled. “I’ll show you the video before we leave for the day, because it is truly precious.” I slapped her desk and walked towards my office just down the hall.

  Turning the knob, I waltzed in to my office, taking in the amazing view of the downtown area. Someday we would expand and move closer in the loop to take one of those high rises, but I was in no rush because I truly loved this building.

  “Hey, Myles.”

  I looked up from my desk and nodded at my business partner. “Hey. Did you sleep well after that meal for two?”

  Garrett walked in with a huge grin. “Sure did. You missed a good one. And the wine tasting was great too.”

  “Sorry. I wasn’t in the mood for socializing last night. I’m better today, but I’d much rather go home to my little niece than be around a bunch of stuffy people.”

  “Listen to you being all fatherly and stuff. One thing I will say, little Macy has grounded you a lot. You’re less of an arrogant prick and more caring. No offense.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “None taken. Tell me how you really feel, Garrett. Don’t hold back. It’s only your best friend you’re talking about.”

  “Aw, Myles, you know I’m right. When you lost Pierre, you were pretty miserable. Then Santiago made you somewhat happy again. When he left, you went back to becoming Jekyll and Hyde. At least now, with Macy, you keep your bipolar tendencies in check a little more. When she’s not around though, ooh boy. I’m just glad I’m not your man.”

  I turned up my lips and leaned back in my chair, crossing both arms over my chest. “And you claim to be my bestie.”

  “Man, I am. If I didn’t love you like a brother, we wouldn’t be running this firm together. Remember what you always tell me. Your best friends are honest with you no matter how bad it hurts.”

  “That’s true. While we’re at it, let me get a list together to tell you about yourself.”

  “Haha. That’s okay. I can be hard to live with. Sherri tells me that all the time. You both love me regardless, so…”

  “Yeah. I suppose that’s true too. Anyway, did you need something or just to tell me what an insufferable bastard I am.”

  “There is that, and I wanted to invite you out on Saturday.”

  “Where to this time? Another wine tasting with queer professionals?” I asked with a cocked brow.

  Garrett sighed and shook his head. “For the record, it wasn’t that. It was for professionals to mix and mingle and it said all people were welcome. We took it to mean for gays and straights to network and drink.”

  “Uh, huh. Anyway, what is it you’re talking about Saturday? I’m pretty sure this will be nothing I’m interested in.”

  “See? Look at you acting like a douche.”

  “Well, according to you that isn’t hard for me,” I answered with a smirk.

  “Nope it isn’t. Again, before I was so rudely interrupted, this is a gathering for financial professionals. Lewis Dempsey is the speaker and I know how fond you are of him.”

  “I’m about as fond of him as I am of cancer.”

  “Yeah, but you gotta admit he knows his stuff. And since he’s gay too, I thought it good for you to meet other gay professionals and find a new partner.”

  “Mhmm. And I suppose you’re sending me to this place alone.”

  “No, no. I’m going too for moral support, but the minute you make a connection, I’ll make myself scarce. I’ll hang out by the punch bowl or something. Shoot the shit, make golf games. Hey, I got no problem with making myself fit in with any crowd.”

  Garrett was right. He didn’t have all those hang-ups about queer people some other straight men of color seemed to have. He was one of a kind, which was why we’ve been friends for ten out of my thirty-eight years.

  “So…” Garrett stood in one spot, regarding me and awaiting my response.

  I supposed I could humor him and have a night out on the town with my best friend.

  “Yeah, I guess. I’m really not interested in hooking up with anyone. However, it would be good for networking. And even though he’s a blowhard, Lewis knows financial strategies.”

  “Now you’re talking.” Garrett clapped his hands then rubbed them together. “So, it’s a night then. I’m picking you up at seven, just in case you go home with anybody. And Sherri said she’ll watch Macy to give Sarah a night off.”

  “I’m sure Sarah would like that. Still, I don’t intend to go home with anyone. I will allow you to be my designated driver though in case I overdo it.” I told him, then looked at my phone that pinged with a message.

  That was so great. You must come down here so I can play with her very soon!

  Noticing Santiago’s reaction, I smiled to myself, knowing I would be making that trip, a lot sooner than later.

  Chapter Six


  “Baby, I’m home,” I yelled out for Jonas the minute my feet crossed the threshold. After a long day’s work, there was nothing I looked forward to more than seeing his face.

  “In the kitchen. I’m grilling chicken and steak for fajitas,” Jonas responded.

  “Mmm. That sounds great.” I licked my lips anticipating another delicious, home cooked meal. The smells of green peppers and onions along with the meat, waffled through my nostrils, making my mouth water. I loved when Jonas cooked because between the two of us, he was the ace in that department.

  Walking through our living room, I made my way to the kitchen, following the mouthwatering scents. Once I arrived, I strode over to him and leaned my head on his bulky shoulder. He stopped cutting, then turned around, giving me a swift kiss on the lips and a bear hug.

  “Hello, sexy. What’cha been doing all day?”

  “Shopping, cooking. A little straightening up in the yard. Ms. Laury couldn’t get in touch with her regular landscaper so I cut the grass and trimmed the hedges for her. She said she’d give us a little break on our rent for this month, but I declined it. I told her it was no biggie.”

  “No, it isn’t. She’s been good to us. It’s the least we can do since she lost her husband two months ago.”

  Jonas pressed his lips to my forehead. “I agree. Listen, I’ve been thinking about taking some time off for a vacation. What’dya say?”

  “That’ll be great. Where should we go?”

  “I thought about a romantic getaway to Galena.”

  “Ooh.” I kissed him hard and wrapped both arms around his shoulders. “I’m looking forward to that. Can we take two or three days?”

  “I’ve got three days’ flex time. I haven’t used it yet because we’ve been so busy. How does the end of August sound?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Hurry up end of August. Some say it’s beautiful, with lush trees, grass, beautiful homes. I’ll check and see if they have any antique shows going on while we’re there.”

  Jonas guffawed and slapped my behind, making me yelp. “You and your antiques. What am I gonna do with you? We already have enough in this tiny apartment.”

  “I know, I know. There’s a show on Sunday in Charlestown I’m dying to get to. Pamela is taking me since you have to work. She isn’t into it, but it’s fun dragging her along for company.”

  Jonas harrumphed. “And there goes some of our monthly savings.” He cleared his throat. “Sold to the man who wanted
the rocking chair built during the civil war.”

  “Oh, how did you know? I’ve been dying to find some antique chairs for the sun porch. Then when we buy our place, we could put them on the back to watch the sun rise and set.”

  “Hahha, yeah. Anyway, back to our trip. Just make sure you request the same days off. How about the 28th through the 30th?”

  “Love it. I’ll talk with Ms. Agnes in the morning. She needs extra notice so she can cover my shifts. Hopefully Mrs. Langley will be back by then.”

  “That’s good news. I hope she comes back to work less hateful,” Jonas snickered.

  “I’m not sure about that. Perhaps it will give her more perspective. When is dinner gonna be done? I’m starving. I only had cheese and crackers for lunch.”

  “I’ve been cooking the last two hours so it should be about finished.” Jonas pecked me again and turned around with my arms still clinging to him. I moved them down to his waist and lay my head against his back. I planted light kisses around the nape of his neck and between his shoulder blades.

  Jonas shivered, giggling from my displays of affection. “Oooh baby, that tickles. Save some for afterwards, huh? I need to concentrate so I won’t cut my fingers.”

  I stopped pecking, but continued to rub his sides under his shirt. I made lazy circles with my fingers over his hard abs.

  Jonas dropped the knife and leaned back into me. My chest was flush with his back. I could feel him breathing, the pulse quickening with each one of my touches.

  Distracted, he turned to me and pressed a chaste kiss against my lips. “You’re hungry, right?”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “You keep distracting me. I can’t cut these tomatoes with you caressing my stomach.”

  “I think you can, babe. You’re skilled like that.”

  “Not without injuring myself,” he complained.

  “Ah, all right.” I pecked him again and backed off.

  “No worries, I got you after dinner. I’ve been keeping busy so I wouldn’t miss you so much. Let me finish and I’m all yours.” Jonas crushed his lips to mine then shifted back around going to work.

  “M’kay. I’ll hold you to that.” And I would because just as much as I desired food, I wanted my man in my arms for the rest of the night, enjoying him well into the morning on his last day off.

  After finishing the superb meal Jonas cooked, we cleared the dishes. I didn’t want to do them now, though. Being clean was the last thing on my mind.

  “Dessert?” Jonas asked, handing me the silverware.

  Instead of answering, I leaned against the sink and took both his hands into mine. When our eyes met, I brought them to my lips. When I kissed each knuckle, I could hear his breath being interrupted with each peck.

  “Oh. You have an appetite for something else?” Those blue eyes regarded me and I melted.

  “Yep. And anyway, you promised me.” I let go of his hands and pulled him close. I ran both my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat spiking.

  Jonas kissed the side of my head and cradled me in his strong arms. His left, fully covered in ink, relaxed on my shoulder, while the other was on my back. I loved these moments of snuggling together almost as much as having sex.

  “I sure did and I gotta make good on that. Wanna do the dishes first, or…”

  “Uh uh. They’ll keep until the morning. I’m the neat freak, but I need you now, baby. Need your arms around me, holding me like this.”

  “You okay? Did something happen at work?”

  “No, no, everything’s fine. I want to cuddle that’s all. Besides, I’m sure it’ll progress to much more, later on.”

  Jonas laughed and pecked me again. “I’m sure it will too, and I’ll be more than happy to oblige. You are taking tomorrow off, right?”

  “Yep. No working for me.” I straightened and took him by the hand, leading him out of our tiny kitchen to the living room to sit on the sofa. When we arrived, we both sat gently, and I returned to my place, lying against his strong chest. I dragged one finger over his tattooed sleeve.

  “Good. I wanted to sleep late, then make you breakfast in bed.”

  “Or even better, I could be the breakfast,” I chuckled.

  “Listen to you, ya horn dog. Even though I couldn’t agree more, man cannot live on just sex alone.”

  “Says who?” I squeezed his arm. “I’d be a happy camper not doing much else. I mean, especially on our days off together. When we go to Galena, we should have one day where stay in bed. We should ask them for room service throughout the day and draw the curtains. Remember we used to do that when we first got together?”

  “I do. But how are we gonna fit an antique show and a twenty-four-hour sex marathon in on the same trip?”

  “Well, if I don’t have time for the antique show, I won’t die. I’d much rather be in bed with you.”

  “Aw. So, I am more important than your fetish for old things. How wonderful.”

  “Of course, you are,” I chided him.

  Jonas roared. “I’m messin’ with ya’. We could always take four days then. I mean it would be a stretch for me to get it, but I could always ask. Things might slow down then so I may be able to squeeze in another day.”

  “Mhmm. I already put in three but maybe I could get someone to cover my shift. Oh, babes. I meant to ask if you were still cool with Pamela coming to stay if she needed to. We had a good long talk today and I think I might’ve finally gotten her to come out to her folks.”

  “Sure. She’s more than welcome here. Pam’s a nice girl. She shouldn’t have to continue hiding.”

  I was glad to hear that and hugged him tighter against me. “I hope she does it, then. I swear, what good is it to make your kids miserable just because they don’t do what you want them to do? I mean, I didn’t have that issue because mom was too busy partying and my dad was never around to care. My grandmother was a Catholic and had no problem with me being gay.”

  “Mine hated it, but they realized they had no say in the matter. When I came back from the service, I was fully ready to live out on my own.”

  “Is that when you figured it out? In the service I mean.”

  “Yeah, that kinda solidified it. I’d always known, but I didn’t act on it until I found other guys in my platoon that were gay too. Repealing DADT made it a bit easier for a guy still in the closet to be himself. I learned a lot from those guys. They taught me how to fight for myself and for others.”

  “I wish I had someone to teach me too, but…” I nibbled on my lip, thinking back to that time I wished I’d known some kind of self-defense. I did now, but I hadn’t had to use it here.

  Jonas pushed me back so we could face each other. “Hey. Look at me. I hope you don’t ever feel alone. At least now you can protect yourself, right?” He gently ran his hand over the side of my face.

  “I know I − fuck! If only I could’ve fought those fools off. If only I hadn’t gotten so wasted.” When I finished the sentence, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Right then, I had a flashback of that terrible moment in time and it caused me to shiver uncontrollably like a leaf in the wind.

  Oh God.

  Drunk and high, surrounded by those men. I couldn’t stop them. I couldn’t… Conversations like this triggered the most horrific memories, and I struggled to pull myself back to the present. My eyes teared and I shivered uncontrollably. I reached out, needing Jonas’s strong arms around me. Needing him to ground me here, with him.

  Safe. I’m safe.

  It was hard talking about the past, but the therapist said it was helpful to discuss it with someone you loved.

  “Shh, it’s okay.” Jonas gently pulled my body into his until we were flush against each other. I leaned on his shoulder, crying because the pain of being assaulted reared its ugly head yet again.

  I was lucky to have a supportive man to get me through these tough times and help me realize it wasn’t my fault. In all honesty, Myles ha
d been too, but he had his own issues to contend with. And though I understood, I couldn’t stay in Chicago anymore. Not even for Myles. Not while my attackers were still on the loose.

  Chapter Seven


  “Myles, are you sure it’s okay for me to go out? I mean, I could stay home so you can get some work done.” Sarah walked in, dressed nice for the evening.

  “Yes, dear. Macy and I will be just fine. Aren’t we pretty girl?” I tickled Macy again and she squealed in delight.

  “Really, Sarah, you deserve it. You’re always here with her during the day. You need to get out and date, don’t you?”

  Sarah slid her purse on her shoulder. “Yeah, but I love taking care of Macy. I gotta admit my friends were surprised I could hang with them tonight. We used to go out for drinks every other Thursday and I hadn’t joined them in quite a while.”

  “Well, see, there you go. Macy and I will be fine. The more we play, the more we’ll tire each other out and go to sleep. Isn’t that right, girl?”

  Macy made noises again and grasped my finger tight in her little hand.

  “All right, then I won’t worry, but I’ll keep my phone nearby just in case you need me to come back or answer a question, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I promise you, that won’t happen.” I rose from the couch, then placed Macy in her bassinet. “Now go on. It’s almost nine. I’m sure they’re waiting on you.” I pushed her towards the door.

  Sarah chuckled as I moved her. “Okay, okay, Myles. I’ll get going. Just remember, I’m only a phone call away.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “All the milk is in the fridge. You only have to heat it for like two minutes in the bottle warmer.”

  “Aye aye, captain.” I chided her and opened the door so she could leave.


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